Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    1/02/15: 187.3
    1/09/15: 186.1
    1/16/15: 184.8
    1/23/15: 183.3
    1/30/15: 182.0
    2/06/15: 181.0
    2/13/15: 180.1
    2/20/15: 179.1
    2/27/15: 178.4
    3/06/15: 178.8
    3/13/15: 177.6
    3/20/15: 177.3
    4/03/15: 177.3
    Hi Guys. 10 pounds lost this challenge, less than hoped but good to continue in the right direction. Excited to have a new challenge starting today, need to bolster my resolve and a new challenge might just be the ticket!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Ok, a partial recap of what I have so far. Nancy lost 3.2 during this challenge (the right direction!), Charlie lost 3.00 (the right direction), I lost 10. Winter is hard but spring brings more moving around outside and lightened spirits (at least for me). 16.2 pounds lost by this group during this challenge, and still need to hear from Marney and Mary.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Please post your goals for the next 13 weeks, April 3rd through July 3rd by tomorrow night, if you can. I want to lose a pound a week and add more exercise. I will post more specific goals by tomorrow night. I teach a success strategies class to new college students. I teach them (or try) to us SMART goals. That means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time limited. We have the Measurable (for the weight with our scales), and the 13 weeks already makes it Time limited. You just need to list your Specific, Attainable Realistic goals.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Ok, a partial recap of what I have so far. Nancy lost 3.2 during this challenge (the right direction!), Charlie lost 3.00 (the right direction), I lost 10. Winter is hard but spring brings more moving around outside and lightened spirits (at least for me). 16.2 pounds lost by this group during this challenge, and still need to hear from Marney and Mary.

    I lost 2 lbs this week,a total of 8 lbs for the challenge.I also have posted .
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Mary, forgive me, I saw your post but had a senior moment I guess. Good for you! With your 8 pounds Wow! (but without Marney's numbers as of yet) we have 24.2 lost as a group--fantastic! Be thinking about your goal(s) for the next 13 weeks, but think we all need to allow for a holiday weekend. Think this challenge gets serious for me on Monday. For some reason tired and stressing out today and want to eat everything. I will log but not weigh in until Monday. Tomorrow I'm going to be careful but Sunday will eat a nice meal.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I think Marney is still traveling, isn't she? She hasn't even been on MFP for 6 days now. Probably no access. BTW: You guys all have done great! Congrats!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hope you guys are having a wonderful Easter weekend! Got my walk in today although I ate twice as much cashew chicken as I budgeted for. A really beautiful day here!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Where is everyone? OK, I'll start. I've been struggling a bit for the last month or so with little weight lost and a few days of eating everything in sight. Today was the first day in a while where I am starting to feel like I'm back in control. This week I just hope to get close to my recorded low. Goals: In the following 12 weeks I hope to lose a pound a week. I also want to walk at least three times per week. Still haven't bought a step counter but hope to when I get paid again on Friday. Then I will decide on a reasonable number of steps to shoot for each day. Any suggestions?
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm here! Present!

    I think struggle is the unfortunate word for March! I am going to do better in this challenge, but I have to re-lose 5 pounds! Here are my goals for this challenge:

    Starting weight: 152
    Low recorded weight: 147
    Goal: 140

    So that is about 13 weeks and 12 pounds! Pretty close to you, Gayle.

    I will also:
    • Continue to use the rowing machine most days (my gym has tons of equipment, but only one rowing machine!).
    • Continue Tai Chi twice a week.
    • Try to get more sleep (I'm doing better at that).
    • Start back up on outdoor walking -- weather permitting
    • Continue meditation.
    • Try, try, try to at least do strength/resistance training once in a while!

    I also had "keep to 1200 calories," but I'm going to try to change that. Since I have been so hungry lately, I'm just going to say that I will try to keep a 500-700 calorie deficit most days based on my fitbit numbers. That still would be 1 pound a week, but I could eat more as I need it. I think that I just need more fuel to keep from getting hungry, keep up my metabolism, and to thwart off the achiness I've had in my legs lately. So...
    • Keep deficit in 500-700 calorie a day range.

    @gaylebodine: If you are looking to spend less and not get a fitbit or other linkable computerized tracker, I will tell you I really liked my OMRON HJ-321 pedometer. It is very accurate. You put in your stats (remember to change the weight as you lose). Put in the length of your stride and it not only tells you your steps and how many miles and calories you burned, but it has a separate reading for actual cardio/aerobic steps etc. (So before I would take an exercise walk, I would note the number of calories burned and when I finished, subtract that from the calorie total to see how much I burned doing a cardio walk.) It clips to your waistband. Just clip it on and go! It was only $17! You can find it on-line. OMRON is an excellent brand and a little more than a simple pedometer.

    Let's Go, Ladies!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, so glad you are here! I have been struggling with the 1200 for the last month and intend to eat most of the exercise calories I earn each day. I have not, as a rule, since I started on mfp, recorded exercise but think I need to record and eat my steps, if you know what I mean. I've eaten almost the same food daily since I started last July and think that March was a indicator that I need to change things up. I will order an OMRON HJ-321 pedometer on Friday! Excited. So how many steps do people like me usually strive for? No idea where to start in terms of goals.

    My starting weight: 177.3
    My last recorded low: 176.2
    My goal weight, this challenge: 165.0
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Oh, and I am going to try to walk daily, but at least 4 times per week. I already have a routine: drop my son off at work/school, walk around webster lake, twice; walk the local labyrinth. About 45 minutes to do the lake and the labyrinth. Eat my exercise calories. Vary my menu.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, they say everyone should walk 10,000 steps a day for health and fitness. Frankly that is a lot. It is 5 miles. Now they say for weight loss, it should be at least 12,000, but I disagree. If you are only walking 2500 steps now, then 3000 will help. Then 4000, etc. Record only the steps that show as aerobic from you pedometer. They will be the steps you have taken that were more than 2 MPH and for at least 10 minutes. (The Pedometer will show 0 until you hit those parameters for the "aerobic" steps and then suddenly it will record them).

    Here is an explanation I wrote on another forum of how trackers work and how trackers and MFP figure mgh and calories burned.

    When MFP or pedometers, trackers, etc. figure how many miles you walk, they base it on the number of steps you take. 2000 = 1 mile (this is based on the average stride). So, most good trackers or pedometers will ask for the length of your stride to give you a determination of distance.

    MFP also bases calories burned on a 2000 step formula. Me, my stride is 10" shorter than the "average" stride so I burn more calories in a physical mile. However, I burn the same calories as someone really tall at 2000 steps. So when figuring miles per hour and how fast you walked for MFP, how long did it take you to walk 2000 steps?

    30 minutes=2 MPH.; 25 minutes=2.5 MPH.; 20 minutes=3 MPH; a little over 17 minutes=3.5; and 15 minutes=4 MPH.; 13 minutes, 20 seconds=4.5 MPH; and 12 minutes=5 MPH.

    The idea of moderate, brisk, etc. is not something most people can determine accurately without counting steps. When I was just starting and could only do 2000 steps in 30 minutes (2 MPG) it seemed much "brisker" to me than 2000 steps in 15 minutes (4 MPG) feels now. I have on occasion done 4.5 MPG, but I am almost jogging.

    I see so many people who aren't tracking really straining to take long strides on the indoor track because they want to hurry to make that 10 laps or 1-mile walk as fast as they can. If it were me, I would have such painful shin splints. I avoid the shin splints and knee pain by taking a comfortable step for the length of my stubby, little legs. Keeping my knees always slightly bent (rather than extending), my step mostly under me, and behind me. It takes some getting used to, but you will walk faster, longer, and no shin or knee pain! After all, it is the number and speed of the steps, not the physical distance that counts!

    To get real "exercise" or "aerobic" exercise, you must walk at least 10 minutes (that gets your heart rate up) at a pace that would give you 2000 steps in 30 minutes (2 mph).

    So, I would say, first see how much you walk now. Wear the pedometer for a couple of days and see how many steps you take in a day. If in a day, you normally walk 5000 steps total, add at least 2000 to that of Aerobic exercise. Those are what you will log as cardio. So, if you walk 3000 steps in that 45 minute walk around the lake and the labyrinth, you will have walked 1 1/2 "step" miles at 2 MPH. At your lowest weight, 176 lbs. @ 45 min. @ 2mph = 150 calories burned.

    The pedometer will MAKE you do 3 things: 1. walk more at any pace. You'll park farther away, find reasons to walk. 2. walk more at an aerobic pace and really get into enjoying nature and deciding to go for a walk all of a sudden. 3. to keep increasing those goals! I have done this on the indoor track by finding faster and faster music to listen to increase my speed. Outdoor walking is slower as I look around, avoid branches, etc.

    I am tracker addicted and have had to try not to be obsessive with it. They can be real fun and self-challenging. Hope this helped.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, that was so helpful! And I know I will look back to reference it a lot. I have a smart phone but it is a windows phone and I've already returned one pedometer because it could only sync with apple or android. So I am not going to worry about syncing for now. Makes sense to buy a pedometer, then watch for a few days to see how many steps I usually take in a day. Then decide how I want to challenge myself. Right now it is a big deal that I have gotten myself in motion again. It does feel good. I think that the 150 calories is about what mfp gave me for 45 minutes of walking. Man, felt so great to have a few extra calories to play with!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I have never eaten back my exercise calories, but right now I need to just to get rid of this hunger. In case you are wondering, I haven't gained and have even lost a little even with the increased calorie intake. What we have to be careful of is that we use the extra calories for healthy stuff -- not so much for that bottle of Angry Orchard Hard Cider I had last night! ;)

    I'm using my fitbit to determine deficit, not the number of exercise calories, so just be careful with that. (This is where the pedometer will come in handy because it will keep you motivated to move more!). For example, I burn 48 calories an hour just sitting and reading, computer, etc. That's 1152. Now, if I only exercise and earn 300 calories, but sit on my butt the rest of the day, that is only 1452 that I will burn. So, if I normally have a 1200 calorie goal and eat 1500 because of the exercise, I will actually gain weight! But, if I make sure that say for 10 hours of a day I sleep or sit, exercise for one hour to get that 300 calories, and then stay active just moving around the house, shopping, etc. (or for you standing and moving as you lecture or as you create you art) even at a very slow pace I can increase my
    hourly burn to 100 calories/hr. for the remaining 13 hours and now, my total burned is 1910 giving me almost a 500 calories deficit each day while eating back my exercise. That's a pound loss a week.

    I will say, the pedometer keeps you moving. Have fun with it! You'll be increasing your movement more and more.

    Oh, since you will be walking outside, you might want to use MapMyWalk on your cell phone. It syncs with MFP and it will also consider hills as you burn more calories. Whenever I walk outdoors, I use MapMyWalk. I think you can add that app to a Windows phone. I have an Android so I sync my Fitbit, MFP, and MapMyWalk all together. MapMyWalk is GPS based so it doesn't work indoors well.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    There are things I like about my Windows phone (can't think of any at the moment) but one thing that is bad is that things build for android or apple phones usually are not available for Windows. Just search twice in the apps store, no dice. I got this phone because they said it was good in direct sun. Not so much.

    I think I want to keep it simple. You are about 200 days ahead of me, or is it three, and think of things more mathematically. Hippie girl here just wants to watch the ducks as she's walking around the lake, maybe counting steps. But glad that I will be able to look back on your detailed information and use it when I'm ready. And please do not stop giving me expert advice! I know some of it will stick to my old brain.

    I'm at a new low and really excited! Thought I would forever be at 176/177. Man, the 170's have been tough. But changing up food and adding some exercise seems like it is doing the trick. So far.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, Thanks! I just ordered the OMRON HJ-321. Hope they get it to me quickly.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Upping my calories drastically has not seemed to hurt. I have been eating about 400-500 more than usual. It has helped stave off hunger.

    Starting weight: 152
    Current weight: 151
    Low recorded weight: 147
    Goal: 140

    Lost one pound!

    Other goals:
    Continue to use the rowing machine most days (my gym has tons of equipment, but only one rowing machine!). Only once. It has been in use.
    Continue Tai Chi twice a week. Done
    Try to get more sleep (I'm doing better at that). A little more, but not significant.
    Start back up on outdoor walking -- weather permitting Twice between rain drops!
    Continue meditation.
    Try, try, try to at least do strength/resistance training once in a while! Yeah, right. No.
    Keep deficit in 500-700 calorie a day range. Yes!

    Gotta run!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Challenge Goal: 164
    4/03/15: 177.3
    4/10/15: 174.7

    lost 2.6!

    Moving more is making a difference! Also changed up what I'm eating a bit in terms of food selection. Think all of me was rebelling against the predictable dieting grind. Get a few more calories because of walking and that feels like a real luxury.

    Other Goals
    Moving: daily walk and beginning to challenge myself with steps
    Mindfulness: daily walk of the labyrinth as walking meditation
    More Order: daily 15 minutes declutter challenge

    More Productivity: working effectively on my project goals
    More Financial Responsibility: making my money work

    More Education: complete the Soul Collage Facilitator's Training in May

    Feels good to "declare" my Spring 2015 goals! Thanks for being here and be assured that I am supporting your goals as well.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Guy! Hope everyone is well. Having a good week in terms of food management and daily exercise. Beautiful weather here.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Got my walk in today but feeling pretty tired tonight. Sounds like we might have snow here mid-week so might miss a few days.