Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    It has been nice to get outside to walk a little. I try to do it at lunchtime and maybe again after work when possible. Everything is blooming and smells so good! I think our snow is done for, but we have had a lot of rain.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    We usually do not have severe winters (except in the mountains) in Colorado although we do have snow in October and in April. We have what are called "big snows" but then it's all melted pretty quickly. Yes, the fruit trees are blooming and buds are popping. Love this time of year. I am really enjoying the extra calories I'm getting to eat now that I'm walking.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Just needed to say, "Hi!" Was hoping there would be some messages to read. I'm very restless today. One of those days where I have a lot to do but am waiting for everyone else to return calls or send me info I need. I'm at a standstill.

    Where is everyone? Mary? Marney? Nancy? Gayle, I know you are lurking out there being busy and losing pounds!

    Went shopping last night. Need to get some clothes for summer. Last year at this time I was still in plus sizes. And even those were all new because I had lost weight. I have asked for a gift certificate for my upcoming birthday. Although I did run into TJMaxx last night and ended up buying a top and a pair of white capris that were just too good to pass up. (Shouldn't have spent the money really. Just had to buy new sneakers as mine are literally falling apart!) I am trying to come up with a new style, but realize that I pretty much like my old style. It just looks better being thinner and I have more interest and choices. For plus sizes I was limited as to places to shop that had plus petites. (Why do they tend to make plus sized clothing so "decorated?" Sparkle, ruffles, etc? They are beautiful, but just not me.) I have never bought LandsEnd, but think it is close to what I want to look like. (I tried some on in Sears to determine fit, but will buy on-line as there is a much larger petite selection.)

    I am also growing out my bangs! That is a tough one. My hair has thinned so much. I am using Nioxin products and they seem to make my hair look thicker, but they are expensive. Guess I am trying to change "me!" I keep thinking about retiring in a year (earlier than I had planned, but if I do, I will need to find at least a PT job. Want to be able to start to look my best if I have to job hunt next year).

  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    It's hard for me to come on here and admit my failure but here goes.The week of Easter was stressful and not good for healthy eating.I really bombed.I had company that week ,4 grandchildren,ages 3,5& two 7 yr.olds.No parents and the fun began.It rained about everyday so not much outdoor activity.At night there was crying from one 7 year old because he missed his mother.My 5 year old wanted everything her way.I ended up eating everything not healthy.
    This is really hard to admit.And really hard to get back on track.First I had to admit my failure and accept I could have done better.I have to hold myself accountable.So here's the thing i got to do.
    1-get back on here and be accountable.
    2-start exercising again.
    3-write down my food intake again.
    4-get back down to my low weight.157.5
    I'm up to 163.5 and not proud of it.This will be day 1.
    My goal will be 1 lb.a week and exercise 3 days a week.
    See you ladies here tomorrow.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Mary, I'm right with you and trying to lose the 5 pounds I gained in March during my March Madness. We have all been there, understand, and know it will happen to us sometime in the future. That is why we are here. To stick together and be here as a confessional. It is always harder to move on when you are feeling guilty. Now, you can drop the guilt and enjoy getting back to trying to do the best you can. We've missed you!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Mary! So glad to see you, missed you! When your focus is on the little ones hard to focus on yourself! Great goals and welcome back. I have been struggling a LOT in the 170's. Make progress, then go backwards. Have had more trouble with going off the rails/emotional eating. But each new day is a clean slate.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Charlie, I am getting used to this retirement thing (retired November 2014), somewhat, although it is a big change, in terms of my self-perception. I too feel like I am engaged in re-creating myself. Right now many of my clothes are too big for me but not really ready for the size 14 I aspire to. So baggy 16's it is. Want to get new glasses, want to get my teeth fixed and whitened. Can't decide if I want to lighten my hair to my old (younger) color or just get more streaks or? I will always have to work but haven't really gotten to where I need to be and doing what I want to do. This year seems like a time of big changes. At 63 (64 in July) I'm finally moving from mother (my son graduates from high school in May) to crone. Seems like everyone else started that process in their 50's, but since my son was born when I was 45 my process has been different. Hope to have a good weigh in tomorrow but I have not really had a "good" week in terms of staying in calories. But still on the path to health!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, I got my step counter (the one you recommended) but can't figure out how to zero it out in the morning to count steps for the new day. Hey, I'm cheating a bit, we have LOTS of potholes in our parking lot and think those give me extra steps, lol.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Gayle, if the time is set correctly it will zero itself.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member

    Jan 23rd-160.5
    Feb 6th -161.0
    Feb 20th-162.0
    Feb 27th-159.5
    March 6th-159.0
    March 20th-159.0
    April 3rd-157.5
    April 10th-164.5
    April 17th-161.5
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Challenge Goal: 164
    4/03/15: 177.3
    4/10/15: 174.7
    4/17/15: 173.9

    This week has been a wild ride, in terms of the ups and downs of the scale but glad to be moving in the right direction today. Cold and snowy here (supposed to be back to the 50's tomorrow) so not motivated to do my walk but back to it soon. Go Team!!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Mary, see you had a great weight loss week from the 10th to 17th! Good for you! Welcome back!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Challenge Goal: 140
    4/3/15: 152
    4/10/15: 151
    4/17/15 150
    Low recorded weight: 147

    Lost another pound and closer to the 147. I really have upped my calories, too. I've gone from 1200 to about 1500-1700 a day. It is working so far and I'm not feeling hungry. In fact, some days it is tough to eat that much.

    Other goals:
    Continue to use the rowing machine most days (my gym has tons of equipment, but only one rowing machine!). 1x
    Continue Tai Chi twice a week. Done
    Try to get more sleep (I'm doing better at that). Meh
    Start back up on outdoor walking -- weather permitting: Have gotten in some good outdoor walks. 5X
    Continue meditation. Meh
    Try, try, try to at least do strength/resistance training once in a while! None.
    Keep deficit in 500-700 calorie a day range. Yes!

    It is tough trying to limit myself to a one pound loss a week when I still haven't gotten back to my low. But, I need to control the hunger and this is working so, I will probably take a few more weeks just to see 147 again. I have some celebrations in there, too, that will be a challenge.

    I am impressed with both of your losses this week. What is making this Spring so hard for us? I noticed that my car doesn't seem to be getting as good gas mileage either!

    @gaylebodine : Did the pedometer reset automatically? How do you like it? Remember to keep changing your weight as you lose for accuracy. I always liked my OMRON.

    Good luck. Hope this week brings on good things for everyone!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, I think I just don't understand how to work it. Unfortunately I need someone to tell me how to do it. Would you consider a coaching call at some point this weekend? It just keeps on telling me my cumulative steps, since I started. When we talk you need to just tell me how to start. I will understand the aerobic stepping, etc. later, hopefully. Just need to start with being more aware of steps.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Sure. I need to get a battery for mine as I just pulled it out and the battery is dead. It lasted over a year. And I will Private Message you.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Charlie. You can wait until you get a new battery so we can go through the steps together. I'm doing OK. Had a good day with calories and my art journaling group came over this morning and that is always great. New low today.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'll try to get it tomorrow. I have to get one of those eyeglass screwdrivers, too, if you notice the size of the screw on the battery compartment! :o
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Mine came with a tiny screwdriver. I will have to try not to lose it. ;) Whenever you have the time to get one, no hurry. I've been feeling tired this weekend and not that motivated to step out.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    How did everyone do this weekend? I was not that active this weekend in terms of real exercise but did stay in my calories. So tired this weekend, but blamed my slow motion on the weather.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    We had beautiful weather Friday and yesterday so got a lot of extra walking outdoors. Not today. Yesterday along with work I burned a total of 2500 calories, today only 1900 because of no work and rain. So yesterday I ate almost 2000 and today 1400. Upping my calories has really helped and I'm losing a pound a week, too. Yet at 1200 calories as day, I would plateau. Go figure. Oh well, I'll see if this lasts.

    Of course, my weekend is really today and tomorrow. Tomorrow morning is with grandkids. I think we will make the old "tin can stilts." I already have coffee cans, rope, pvc pipe for handles, and my drill and sawzall in the car. They will get a kick out of this craft. Unfortunately it is going to rain so probably will be stuck using them in the playroom.

    If you ever want to make a fun craft and game for kids: A couple of years ago I printed out large numbers from 1 to 6. I printed out drawings of kids being active (jumping, touching toes, etc.). Bought 5" cube size boxes and we glued the pictures on one and numbers on the other like dice. Covered them to protect with packing tape. We toss them both to see what exercise we have to do and how many times! My granddaughter loved it and still plays with them. My younger one is learning to like the game, too. We do a lot of crafts, but it is fun when you can incorporate play/fitness in with them, too.