Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, what a fun granny you are! I love your idea of creating activity dice!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    How is everyone doing? Seems like the week is whizzing by! Got a walk in today so feeling happy about that and the exercise calories that allowed me to eat two tortillas and 1/2 a plate of chicken fajitas. Felt like eating like a normal person, if you know what I mean. Hope to "see" you guys on Friday, for sure.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Guys! I've had a salty week but have gotten my walk in a number of days (not saying what number). Hope to hold steady this week. I'll see you on Friday!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Challenge Goal: 140
    4/3/15: 152
    4/10/15: 151
    4/17/15 150
    4/24/15: 149
    Low recorded weight: 147

    A little closer to 147. Two more weeks hopefully.

    Other goals:
    Continue to use the rowing machine most days (my gym has tons of equipment, but only one rowing machine!). Not available once! In fact, one day, I went to grab it as someone was getting off and they were "saving" it. I had been there 2 hours trying to grab it as someone got off. I wasn't happy!
    Continue Tai Chi twice a week. Done
    Try to get more sleep (I'm doing better at that). Not so much!
    Start back up on outdoor walking -- weather permitting: 5X. Weather hasn't been so good latter part of the week though.
    Continue meditation. None.
    Try, try, try to at least do strength/resistance training once in a while! None.
    Keep deficit in 500-700 calorie a day range. Done.

    We are having a birthday brunch on Sunday so I'm not holding out to do too well there. Just too nice a buffet and a Bloody Mary Bar or Mimosas!

    Has been an exceptionally busy week. (I will get to you this weekend, Gayle, I promise.) I have been on my feet most days all day and then Tai Chi and the gym. I'm awfully tired today and am thinking of taking Tuesday off.

    Tomorrow is our annual Earth Day Public E-Waste Drive. Unfortunately, it is supposed to be chilly and raining in the morning. I am not looking forward to that, but as it is my "baby", I have to be there. We usually do about 8 tons of stuff, but if it is rainy, we probably won't get a big turnout.

    Still wondering about Marney. It has now been 26 days since she has been on MFP. Is it because she is traveling? I sent her a message, but if she doesn't open MFP, she won't see it. Anyway, I hope she is having so much fun on the golf course, she just doesn't have time for us.

    Hope everyone else has a great week! Onward and Downward!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member

    Jan 23rd-160.5
    Feb 6th -161.0
    Feb 20th-162.0
    Feb 27th-159.5
    March 6th-159.0
    March 20th-159.0
    April 3rd-157.5
    April 10th-164.5
    April 17th-161.5
    April 24th-166
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Challenge Goal: 164
    4/03/15: 177.3
    4/10/15: 174.7
    4/17/15: 173.9
    4/24/15: 174.1

    Up this week but just barely. Need to keep on watching my salt, walk most days, really get my water in. It has been a hard week for some reason, off with my sleep, eating, tired and achy. But think I feel a little better today.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Mary! Thanks for staying with it despite set-backs! Hang in there girl! What is your weight goal for this challenge? Do you have other goals in terms of health (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)? Here you are so far, so glad you are here and telling it like it is. You have the first part right: telling it how it is. The second part, that sets of a powerful dynamic, is to set your goal. It should look like this:

    Challenge Goal:
    April 3rd-157.5
    April 10th-164.5
    April 17th-161.5
    April 24th-166
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Mary! Just looking at your stats and wish they were mine!! My goal weight is 164 so I would be almost "home".
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie! You are doing so well! This week has been a struggle for me but hope to feel more in control in the new week. How did your earth day project go? Just get to me about the stepper when you have a chance. I think I have the time set wrong because it is zeroing out but not each morning. Ate a ton of nachos today (YUM!) but will have to be really on my toes all weekend to make up for it.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Mary, you have had two weeks recently with about a 5 pound gain. I have to believe that is water. I doubt that you are eating that much. So, the question would be why? Are any of these gains almost overnight? Do you have problems with high BP? Do you have heart problems? Kidney problems?

    For me, such a rapid gain is a sign that my heart isn't functioning as well as it should and I have to really make some adjustments to meds, etc. I don't know how often you weigh yourself, but if you weigh yourself daily and find that you are gaining a few pounds virtually overnight, I would see my doctor. My rule as set forth by my doctor is that I must weigh myself every day and if I gain 3 pounds overnight or 5 pounds in a week I have to start my diuretics. However, at first it was something that I was urged to report to him. (Now he lets me handle it myself, but water weight gain is often a symptom of something not quite right).
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Yesterday was good and so far today.I need to get on here everyday regardless if I want to or not.Reading over these posts helps alot.
    Good job Charlie,almost down to your low recorded weight.
    Gayle,thanks for the encouraging words.My goal was to lose a lb. a week.Instead i'm gaining. :( New week and i'm really going to try harder.Yesterday I did a 5 mile walk tape and later I push mowed my yard for 3 hrs.Plum wore me out!.I was too tired to eat supper.We went out for supper and I ordered a good meal and brought it home.My husband had it for lunch today.
    Ok everyone,let's pull our big girl pants up and get with the program.I AM going to lose this week ,along we you gals.Talk to you tomorrow.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    OK, big girl pants on! Charlie, I ended up stress eating on Friday night (basically doubled my calorie intake for the day) and was us 3 - 4 pounds the next day. Mostly salt and shear bulk. Very good yesterday and I'm back down to about 1.5 above my Friday weigh in. So, guess I'm saying, in my experience, weight (my weight) can fluctuate up very quickly. Slower down, of course. Helped us survive as a species, I understand, but still darn frustrating! I think it is easy to gain quickly. 10 pounds in a week--no prob. Down, not so easy, for sure. The big things I MUST do each day to get the downward trend is move, get all of my water in, keep my salt below the recommended, and just eat my 300 or less calorie meals and 300 calories or less of snacks. Easy Peasy except in practice. My worst thing is just feeling like I need to munch and being mad that I can't eat like a "normal" person. Getting enough exercise in to eat more "normally" seems to be key in this final phase of my weight loss. Course know that maintenance will be a whole new game.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Mary, so great that you are doing all that exercise and staying with it! And that you let your hubby eat your dinner for lunch! July 3rd, here we come!!!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Guys, how are you going? I'm almost back to my Friday morning weight, after my Friday evening excess. Cold and rainy here. No walk today.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I have had a busy long weekend. Was my birthday yesterday so with all the dinners and a brunch and cocktails, too, this weekend, I don't even want to know. Back to work tomorrow and back to normal routine. Got gift cards so got summer clothes and found a swimsuit sold by cup sizes. Not perfect, but only one size off. Since it isn't low cut. It contains me okay. Ended celebrating with a massage!

    Hope 64 is a good one! I have a year to decide if I want to retire at 65. It is looking more and more appealing.

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Happy Birthday Charlie!! I'll be 64 in July, so right behind you. As you know I retired last year and no regrets except I have to wait one more year for the senior insurance. I think I will work a bit as long as I am able, but so nice to leave the rat race! Nice to be able to structure my life around what I want to do, for the most part, rather than a daily work schedule.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    How you guys doing? I was at my "low" weight this morning but just ate a big dinner. Fingers crossed for a good weigh in tomorrow. man, I've been so emotional lately!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Morning, ate a big and salty dinner last night so going to opt to do my weekly weigh in tomorrow morning. Hope you guys are doing well! I'm feeling stressed and excited because my son graduates from high school in two weeks and a day after I am doing a workshop, over a long weekend, that I've been waiting for for years. Prepping for both.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Challenge Goal: 140
    4/3/15: 152
    4/10/15: 151
    4/17/15 150
    4/24/15: 149
    5/1/15: 150
    Low recorded weight: 147

    Oops! Up again. I am having a heck of a time. Too much celebrating this past week, but should almost be over. I still have one dinner out with friends and a cookout tonight. Oh well, weight loss is not linear!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Yes, birthday week, understandable. Life is meant to be enjoyed and holiday celebration, in moderation is a good idea, I think.