Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member

    Challenge Goal: 157.6
    April 3rd-157.5
    April 10th-164.5
    April 17th-161.5
    April 24th-166
    May 2nd-164.0
    May 8th-164.0
    May 15th-165.0
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Not happy at all,but I had to own it.
    I did a 5K saturday and came in 3rd place.Timed at 41.27.I received a bronze medal and a free month at Anytime Fitness.with 2 personal training sessions.The weight my weight gain is going I need to take advantage of it.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Woo-hoo! Mary, that's wonderful! No way could I do that! Remember, we are here as much for the fitness as for the weight loss! I am really impressed!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Not happy at all,but I had to own it.
    I did a 5K saturday and came in 3rd place.Timed at 41.27.I received a bronze medal and a free month at Anytime Fitness.with 2 personal training sessions.The weight my weight gain is going I need to take advantage of it.

    Mary, so great to have you back here!! SOOOO impressed with the 5K and coming in third! Fantastic. I'm currently up from my "low", 2.2 pounds and trying to get back to where I once belonged. It's a bumpy road, I tell you!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, it is mostly Indian curries. The best chai tea I ever had. And the mango lassie (a smoothie). Here is the menu: http://www.theyakandyeti.com/menu/ I had the salmon curry and the "butter chicken" and something else wonderful. Basmati rice.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    @gaylebodine: I love the name of the restaurant. The Yak and Yeti! Too funny. Cute logo, too. I looked and we do have a Himalayan/Nepali restaurant. Didn't get very good reviews though. Of course, some of the items on the menu are in Indian restaurants, but some differences. Next weekend is the Asian festival. I might check out the food vendors (that is why I go to eat although I could join the Tai Chi demo, too). See if there are any Nepali. They have cuisine from every Asian culture.

    As for the bumps in the road, they happen. But in the end, we go downward.

    I have invited someone to join our little group. She goes by MapDancer and I don't know her real name. She has been around since the end of 2013. She has lost slowly and is dedicated to her treadmill (I'll tell you, it is what she does on the treadmill that brought us together as MFP friends). I thought of her because she is very, very close to maintenance. I think that maintenance is tough and she could use the support from us and we can use her as a great example of stick-to-it-ness! I have a ways to go, but I want to learn maintenance tricks before I get there.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Hi all! Thanks Charlie for the invite! Iooked in Groups and found my invitation link there.

    My name is Pam, I'm 61 yo. Started on MFP on 11/12/13 at 178 lbs. and logged in continuously since that date. I had been at a normal BMI all of my life until my forties and then I started putting it on.

    At 5'2" I set my goal for 130 lbs. - for my age I thought that was reasonable, though some research would put it higher. Besides weekly folk dancing (40+ years) and housecleaning (3 dogs!) I use the treadmill everyday at 2.5-3 mph. What Charlie is referring to is my addiction to Korean dramas. I can cruise along for 60+ minutes they are so compelling. This has also lead DH and myself to start taking Korean language classes and making kimchi.

    Now after 1.5 years I am closing in on my goal - I weight 131.6 and wondering how maintenance will proceed.
    I look forward to meeting all of you!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Pam isn't the only one hooked on Korean dramas. It is my guilty pleasure and I watch them while on the stationary bike! There was a post one time on the message boards about "What is your guilty pleasure?" I wrote that a K-drama addiction was mine and she messaged me. They do make the workout so much easier! :)

    Also, if you like a little spicy and haven't tried kimchi, do. It is very low cal and delicious! You don't have to make it. They sell it in most stores now.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    They tell me all of Korea smells like Kimchi, fermented cabbage? I know that such fermented foods are good for one's digestion. I have kind of boring midwestern tastes though, but living in Colorado my son, who loves spicy foods, is helping me to expand a bit. Pam, I am 10 - 20 pounds short of maintenance but, like Charlie, already thinking about it and needing strategies. Glad you will be the trailblazer here.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Welcome Pam!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    I've just invited a fb friend, DarinPyatt. She will introduce herself when she accepts the invite.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    @gaylebodine We have several good Korean restaurants here in Columbus. I need to try more, but I like bibimbap, seafood and kimchi pancakes, and bulgogi (basically a grilled marinated meat). What I love about Korean cuisine is that your main dish comes with banchan which are little side dishes. Only a couple of spoonfuls in each dish. The dishes are usually in multiples of 3 except some are 7. Restaurants in Columbus all seem to be 9. Cabbage kimchi is always one. But there are other kimchis and I also love the cucumber and the radish kimchis (the radish kimchi is daikon, not our red radishes). But there are other items in the banchan and now I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    Howdy Folks. Thanks for the invite Gayle, took me forever to find it!

    My name is Cheryl, I'm 55 yo. I saw a post on fb from Gayle and in the spur of the moment, here I am. Apparently I just needed a kick in the pants as I had already been thinking about getting back on the wagon. I had a version of the gastric bypass in 2012, didn't take much weight off, but did lose inches and about 5 pant sizes. Due to several health issues, I am limited in what I can eat which is just as well as I seem to have a one note palate anyway. The cool thing is that my liver enzymes went to normal; I also lost my gallbladder in that surgery.

    My goals right now are just simple ones as I have to wean myself off of sweet tea first! Then embrace water against my will...
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    @drags59: Welcome, Cheryl. Glad you could join us. You must have lost some weight to lose 5 pant sizes! Good for you! Very often getting health issues under better control and also help facilitate weight loss. Weight isn't always a cause of health problems, but can also be a symptom of health problems. I learned to like tea without any sweetner. Quenches the thirst better, too.

    Well, we who have been here try to check-in on Fridays to report how we are doing in our individual challenges. We are mid-challenge right now. The challenge started Easter and ends July 3! These are self-challenges. We don't compete, but we do report. For me, that helps by keeping me accountable. If you want to join in, just make your goal from here. You goal doesn't have to be weight loss either. It can be anything you want it to be. I always find that a goal is better if you can quantify though. Like: I will work out 3 days a week, or I will cut out sweet tea three dinners a week. Something like that.

    So, here is my report:

    Challenge Goal: 140 by July 3rd
    4/3/15: 152
    4/10/15: 151
    4/17/15 150
    4/24/15: 149
    5/1/15: 150
    5/8/15: 150
    5/15/15: 145.5
    5/22/15: 146

    Continue to use the rowing machine most days. Did 1x in past 7 days. (Isn't often available).
    Continue Tai Chi twice a week. - 4X in past 7 days. Two classes and two practices. (I am going to be part of a demo at the Asian Festival this weekend. I said I would do it, but only if I can be in the back row.
    Try to get more sleep. Not done.
    Start back up on outdoor walking -- weather permitting. - Did 5X in past 7 days.
    Continue meditation - Learned a great new meditation. 3X in past 7 days.
    Try, try, try to at least do strength/resistance training once in a while. Drumroll, please - 2x strength training with dumbbells.

    So, I'm happy with my results. 1/2 lb. up is nothing considering the way I fluctuate. I don't dislike the dumbbells as much as the resistance bands so I might just do them 2x a week as I want to do. This is upper body, but with all the walking I do and the stationary bike and the rowing, I don't think my legs need it too much.

    Hope you all have a good holiday weekend and a good week. We have some new motivation in the way of new members. So let's get busy!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Welcome Cheryl! I like my hot and iced tea sweet but I use Splenda/sucralose. Not willing to give that up anytime soon. When I think of all the horrible artificial sweeteners I've used over the years sucralose is golden. Glad they are beginning to get aspartame out of things, that stuff gives me issues (headache, memory issues). Sucralose does not have that sweet and low aftertaste. Use coconut sugar and agave sometimes too.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Challenge Goal: 164
    4/03/15: 177.3
    4/10/15: 174.7
    4/17/15: 173.9
    4/24/15: 174.1
    5/02/15: 174.7
    5/08/15: 172.4
    5/15/15: 175.2
    5/22/15: 173.6
    Still 1.4 above my check-in low but moving in the right direction!
    Have the goal of walking most days for at least 30 min. No walking this last week except at supermarts
    Have the goal of meditating most days. I'm counting my art trances (contemplative state making art)
    Have the goal of drinking more green tea than black tea. Making some progress here.
    Have the goal of addressing my health issues. Have an appointment with the doc next Thursday.
    Have the goal of addressing my money issues. Slow but sure is going to win this one. Talked to an irs agent this week (private joke).
    Have the goal of developing online classes. Slow but sure in this area too.

    Big win for me this last weekend: got my son graduated from high school :) and got certified as a SoulCollage Facilitator. Yes!!!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cheryl, Weight Watchers counts liquid in any form as "water". You might want to start that way. I do find that water, straight up is what helps my weight loss. Just have a cup of tea and a glass of ice water near me all the time.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    @gaylebodine Those health issues I mentioned...I have Ulcerative Colitis which at the moment is thankfully in remission, knock on wood. But this stupid auto immune disease wreaks havoc with my diet. Some days I can eat one thing and the next it creates a public spectacle for me. I cannot eat anything sugar free if they then sweeten it with artificial stuff, Splenda especially will have me running for the throne. I also cannot eat loads of the good carbs, especially fruits and veggies as they too will have me on a first name basis with the throne. Then when you throw in the bypass and my tiny stomach...what usually gets eaten first is protein. And that is why I eat the Kind bars and greek yogurt and the protein drink for that matter. My biggest issue is that I allowed myself to become addicted to the sweet tea again and stopped drinking water.

    Yeah, any liquid is not "water", otherwise I might be guzzling Kaluha and cream!!!
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    @Charlie Well right now I am working on my addiction to sweet tea and adding water back into my life. I know the water will help me to feel full and speed up the weight loss. But for now, I have to get through the withdrawal of the caffeine. Thankfully I am not a soda pop, coke, pepsi anything else drinker.

    I also committed to three 30 minute walks a week. Course at this rate it may be from one end of the ark to the other end of the ark, either that, or I am walking in flippers! I walk fast as well as I usually have 3 dogs pulling me; they have learned to sniff fast as we don't stop!

    Right now, I am recovering from a ruptured disc and I go back to work on the 29th.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    It's 10:30 and I still have to do my homework - so I will chime in tomorrow when I have thought of some personal challenges. I like this!!