Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    @drags 59: Cheryl: We are grownups and have the ability to make our own choices. We are also not infallible. Enjoy the indulgence, sounds like you have earned it. Not only is tomorrow another day, but so is the next second!

    That is how I quit smoking 16 or so years ago. I had smoked for 35 years. Chain smoked. Would get up at least once a night to smoke. I quit cold turkey, but I always gave myself permission to have a cigarette when I wanted one. Just not THAT one. Never having a cigarette again was overwhelming, but I would deal with each craving at the time, giving myself permission to smoke, just not to smoke at this craving. Maybe the next one. Those cravings were about every 1-10 minutes at first. I never had THAT one. I still sometimes have to remind myself of it as I will get a nicotine craving out of the blue.

    So, I try to keep my food for the day the same way. I crave a snack. I try to say, not THIS one. I eat a large breakfast, then I readjust the rest of my day. You will often find my diary filled out for the day in advance for that reason. I had to readjust and plan to keep within.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    @drags59 It is tough as parents age. I warn my kids to put me out on an ice-flow now, but kids will be kids and they don't listen. :)

    My sister and I went through it. But, we were lucky. We agreed, discussed, and included our parents in the discussions and decisions as we went. In fact, near the end it was my mom who said she needed to go to a nursing home because it was getting to much for us!

    Remember, too, that all that stress will make weight loss harder. Our bodies love to release that cortisol which then tells our bodies to hold on to the fat stores because we are in crisis. After a day like you had, a hot bath, some candles, some silence, and a good book seem to be in order!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited May 2015
    For our new members, I copied a post I did before because it is a trick I use almost daily. (Gayle and Mary, you have suffered through this post once so you can skip this!) People say you can't lose weight if you eat out. I eat out almost every day. But it takes planning and I have a system that makes it even easier!

    First: It is always easier if you find restaurants that have their calories on-line -- so many do. I never go to a restaurant that I haven't at least looked at the menu and figured out what I'm going to eat first if I want something new. But that can get time consuming over and over again and sometimes you just want to make that decision fast, so how I do that will be following the next paragraph.

    I also keep consistent. I always ask for a salad with no cheese. No croutons. And dressing on the side. I never eat more than half the dressing. Sometimes less. I just dip the fork tines in the dressing. But, that is still not my trick.

    Okay here is where I change it up: After I log the meal at a restaurant, I use quick tools and save it as a "Meal." When I save it, I save it first with the total calories, then the name of the restaurant, and then what the meal was. That way, at a glance I know the calorie count without having to open up the entry.

    I might save a meal as: 348 Bob Evans potato crusted flounder, salad, ranch, beans. The next time I go and have that meal, I go to the meals tab. (Okay, so "Meals" isn't my idea, but a lot of people don't use it even though it makes things easier and they don't know the number of calories at a glance). Also, the problem is that it isn't in order so even if you have the calorie count, you have to scroll through all your listings to find those that fit.

    So, I take it a step further to make it easier to plan your meals and then log. I highlight and copy all those meals periodically. I then paste them into an excel spreadsheet. I sort them numerically (lowest calorie to highest), tidy it up so it looks nice, and then email the list to myself and save it on my smartphone. So, if I leave work, and I have 660 calories left to eat, I look on my phone and have 52 or so meals to choose from less than 660 calories at a variety of restaurants and cuisines all in order by calories. I go all the way up to over 1000 calories. Once I eat that meal, I can go into the "meals" tab on MFP, find the meal and upload it easily. You can then add or subtract any changes you made. Like remove one veggie and add another, etc. If I change it, I save the change as a new, different meal, with the adjusted calories.

    The second advantage is that since I know how many calories I have left to eat and the number of calories in the meals, I don't tempt myself by looking at higher calorie choices so that I get hungry for something I shouldn't have. Also, if I know I want a dish of ice cream later, I adjust my dinner choices to eat less to allow for that snack.

    Like many people, I might enter all of this in the morning and add or subtract from there. Always good to plan your day in advance.

    You can do the same thing with the foods you make all the time at home. It saves so much time and you don't have to keep starting from scratch and figuring it out. I update my excel list about every month to 6 weeks.

    It sounds way more complicated than it is. If you save your meal every time as a meal in the calorie number format, the cutting and pasting is really very fast to create a list you carry with you. Oh, if you don't have a smart phone, you can carry a paper copy.

    My friends who aren't dieting also like this. They may call me up and say, let's have dinner, where do you want to go. I can quickly look at how many calories I have left for that day and say, "I can go here, here, or here! You pick!" That way they are spared my diet drama and discussions.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Such great advice Charlie! And when I don't do the research and stick to my guns the scale reminds me of the error of my ways.

    I've been learning to maintain this last few weeks--not losing from Friday to Friday although downs and ups during the week. Have discovered, so far, that maintenance may be almost the same, just more bumps and corrections over the week. No, wasn't really a research project, just having that sort of month. Here's to a successful June in terms of weight loss goals.

    Today I taught my students about SMART goals. I always use my 47 pound weight loss over the year to illustrate Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time limited goal setting, in comparison to just saying "I want to lose weight" and trying a fad diet for a week after New Years. So now I need to listen to my own advice and reach for the bootstraps.

    Challenge Goal: 164
    4/03/15: 177.3
    4/10/15: 174.7
    4/17/15: 173.9
    4/24/15: 174.1
    5/02/15: 174.7
    5/08/15: 172.4
    5/15/15: 175.2
    5/22/15: 173.6
    5/30/15: 174.2
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, that is so true about stress and weight loss!

    Cheryl, I live 1000 miles away from my mom and two sisters and most days that is just about the right distance. My two sisters take care of my mom but don't really speak to each other, and only one of them speaks to me. I do talk to my mom once a week or more but it is getting harder to understand her. She is 89 now but one of her catchphrases is "10 more years"! My sisters do take good care of her and are more financially able to do so than I am. My son says the ice flow sounds like a good idea, but not quite ready yet. lol. She who laughs, lasts, I always try to say.

    Mary, good loss! Cheryl, your consistent exercise has been impressive! Thanks for your honesty and determination. Charlie, you are holding study and that's great! Pam, great meal management!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    lol! Charlie, I meant "holding steady". Pam, any thoughts about maintenance along the way would be welcome. I know you are closer to the M word than I am but like to look down the road.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    everything I just wrote disappeared when I went back a page to check my goals ;(
    My sister wants to start our kdrama - so I'll have to check back tomorrow
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    @Charlie I also quit smoking after 30 years and right after that I married my fork! No really, I tried 3 times, twice with the patch and then I was doing EMDR for something else and thinking about quitting smoking and I just stopped. The biggest thing that helped me was every time I wanted a smoke, I took a deep breath and let it out like I was smoking. It took the edge off the craving and I still do it to this day although it is usually for other things. I like the smell of a freshly lit cigarette for about 2 seconds, then I have to walk away.

    The two biggest hurdles for me back then was that I had to learn how to deal with frustration and anger, especially anger. I used to tell myself that smoking calmed me down and it may have for all I know, but it also hindered my ability to constructively deal with anger as well as breathe. I also had to find something to do with my hands and for a long time eating sunflower seeds took care of that.

    There have been a couple times since then that I have really wanted a smoke...but deep breath...I haven't lit up in about 14 years. And honestly I don't even think about it anymore.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    @Charlie & Gayle Yeah I know stress creates the perfect places to gather all your weight around you and hang on to for comfort. The key for me was to be aware of the trigger and to make a conscious decision as to how I was going to deal with it. So when I say I gave myself permission; I knew exactly what I was doing and why and I was okay with it. Otherwise it is just mindless eating and that among other things is what got me here.

    The issue with my sister is kinda comical now. Basically I finally said enough is enough and hung up on her as I was tired of being judged for my decisions about my own life, tired of being belittled, just tired of it all. I had already done the soul searching and arrived at a decision I would live with without compromising how I felt. So when Mom requested my presence at the meeting she had with everyone; my sister wanted to know why I had to be there and then when I did appear, she was all huffy and stated she was really angry with me. She said and I quote, we haven't spoken since Feb like really? Ya know the phone works both ways.

    But the reason I say all this is because if you do not do your work, then issues ride around on your shoulders like the albatross in Coleridge's poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. If I am constantly eat the donuts that dance before my eyes and then come in here and tell you guys what a terrible thing I did; then my question has to be, Why am I doing this? Once I know why, then I can make adjustments to whatever part of myself clings to those donuts.

    For the most part, the only stress I have a hard time dumping is what is heaped on me at work. I sense another hard decision that will need to be made in a year or so, either that or I need to carve some time out of my life for the hobbies I used to enjoy.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks Charlie, I already use "Meals" as the nutrition information can change depending on how it is listed in the search box and I'd like it to stay consistent. I do not eat out much at all as for me there doesn't seem to be a point to it as I literally eat 4 bites and I'm full and there is this thing called money. Since I have evil digestive issues, I mostly eat organic or farm to table and I cook against my will.

    I am so looking forward to fresh tomato season as I plan on doing a crap load of canning. I musta burned myself out on canning in 2013 as I haven't touched a thing to do with canning since then, except cookbooks. But salsa's, pickles, relish, and lots and lots of diced tomatoes and tom sauce!
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Charlie - I like the way you think! That is a great way to use Meals. I've treated tracking in MFP as a game and enjoy "trying on" food to see what fits. I'm mostly a home cook person but I can see how that would work for me too. I've also become a fan of grams- so much more accurate. I use my Escala scale that weights volume everyday, it really cuts down on measuring cups.

    My sister and I are staying in the dog kennel. No danger of sleeping late - they start "talking" at 5:30am! Yesterday my friend made breakfast for my sister and me when we got to her house. A plate of two eggs benedict with 2 slices of bacon and fruit was placed in front of me. One would have been more than enough. What could I say? Well I hardly ate any lunch. Then Italian restaurant last night. I divided my plate of ravioli in half and I brought it back for lunch today. My sister has lost 40lbs. due to her competitive nature. We brought a bathroom scale along (silly huh!). I don't appear to have gained anything.

    My other goal was to continue my language studies, but that isn't happening this week. We are both having a struggle staying awake through one Korean drama episode at night! We did start "Falling in Love with Soon Jung" and like it!

    Gayle, I don't have any insights yet on maintenance - but there was an interesting moment last night. My sis and I went to the local supermarket. They loaded up on Polar seltzers on sale for $1/each - same as back home. But they had a huge assortment of flavors, even some limited edition! We wandered down the ice cream aisle and stopped in front of Dove and Magnum bars etc. We stood there talking about them. I could see my reflection in the glass. I liked what I saw! Then we just walked away.

    Cheryl, I notice you have three dogs. Me too! I have two goldens (one is taking part in the Morris Animal Foundation Golden Retriever Lifetime Study) and a beagle.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Pam, so great that you sister is in this with you! Even if it is that she can't stand for you to show her up! I could never compete with my sisters. One teaches Zumba and the other thinks it's fun to compete in triathlons and do Xtreme spinning classes. The one that is the triathlete has been riding her bike to the next town since high school. She's 61 now. The Zumba teacher is 56. I love your story of looking at the Dove bars and then walking away.

    I always liked to walk and swim but that is the extent of my athleticism, I'm afraid. Got a nice walk in today, walking around Boulder with an old friend and her husband visiting from Oregon. Her husband could not believe how "great" I looked, and kept on commenting on it. Fun to have someone treat me like an attractive woman. I do feel more attractive than I did a year ago.

    I quit smoking in 1986. I was a chain smoker too. When I started smoking cigarettes were .30 a pack (gas was .30 too). Remember? Everyone smoked everywhere--at work, in elevators, on airplanes, in college classrooms. Times have changed for the better in that way for sure. I think I have always been an oral personality. A thumb sucker, then finger nail biter, then cigarette smoker, and started eating more when I quit smoking. Now I pretty much drink water or tea all the time, at least that's actually good for me.

    Pamjust have to joke about the fact that you and your sister are in "the dog house" :)

    Cheryl, I just saw a vintage poster that said "Yes I Can!" and had a woman with her arms full of mason jars. I'll think of you next time I see it. My gram used to can tomatoes and no better spaghetti sauce was ever made than sauce made with my grams tomatoes.

  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    @Pam I couldn't figure out who Pam was...I saw mapdancer...finally someone tied them together. My dogs are all rescues: Austin is a Cockapoo we think and is about 13 years old. He was a very abused and neglected little boy who my Mom got for herself and then he bonded with me. He is now a cuddle bug and eats all my popcorn! Then there is Mhiya, she is a Papillon and is 8 years old. She is my baby girl and the alpha of the dogs. The baby is Scout, a Pomeranian and about 5 years old. The fact that he made it through his puppy years is a testament to my refusal to give up on him. He was an owner release after his daddy died, he had some issues and thought he should pee in the house. I finally took him to dog counseling and nipped that in the butt. I tell folks I got a third dog because my biological clock was ticking... He was the perfect addition as he has taught Austin how to play.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    @Gayle In 2013, I canned over 250 jars of everything under the sun. Strawberry jam, raspberry jam, monkey butter, apple butter, salsa, relish, pickles, mango this, papaya that, compote, conserve, etc...I burned myself out.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited June 2015
    @drags59 Wow, all that canning! That is really living the sustainable food and healthy lifestyles! I have never canned and I would be worried about it not ever having anyone teach me how. Recently in a nearby town one person died and many others were critical with botulism from someone's canned potatoes that they put in a potato salad for a church potluck. Canning is great when you know what you are doing though.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    @MapDancer: I have started A Divorce Lawyer in Love. It is Korean and really cute so far. I couldn't get into that one with No Min Woo. I just don't like him for some reason. Goes back to The Greatest Marriage. The Chinese movie was really pretty good. I still can't figure it out whether it was "Chinese." Or indy Chinese/American. All scenes are in the USA and the subject matter seemed odd if it were from China.

    I know the rest of you must think we are nuts to watch TV where we have to read subtitles, but for some reason, the Korean TV and movies become addictive if your first experience is a good one. This is my guilty pleasure and how I keep motivated to sit on the stationary bike for 30 minutes as I want to know what will happen next. (Most shows are about 16-20 hour-long episodes.)

    As for motivation, I hit my 500 day anniversary on MFP. I am so glad I found this place and am still plugging along!

    I leave for vacation on Saturday with the family. We are renting a cabin in the mountains of West Virginia. We will be hiking a lot and the grandkids will be there, too, so they will keep us busy. On the other hand, it is vacation and I do plan on sitting on the porch or in the hot tub and relaxing some, too. We will cook, so I have been making my menu and grocery lists. Might not stick to 1200 calories, but will try to keep it at a maintenance level so I don't go too crazy.

    I'm glad we have a couple new members. It has given me a boost and a new perspective. I will have one other long-time MFP member whom I will invite after mid-June.

    I will get one more weigh-in report on Friday before I leave so I want to have a good week. I'm not going to take a scale with me (or should I?). Nah...

    Hope you all have a great week! <3

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cheryl, impressive, that canning! What the heck is monkey butter? Charlie, that sounds like a wonderful vacation! Happy 500! You have been at this twice as long as I have, less 3 weeks. I will have to check out Korean soaps one of these days. I don't mind reading subtitles. I think you don't really even notice them after a short time. Stayed in calories today but high in salt. Have had a friend visiting from out of town and a great excuse to eat out.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    @Gayle Monkey Butter - banana/pineapple/coconut jam. The funny thing is Gayle, when I had a vegetable garden, I grew all kinds of things I didn't like, I did the same thing with the canning. I didn't keep any jars for myself and really had no desire to eat any of it either. And even weirder, I like to cook, but typically I do things I don't like and they go over real well...who knew?
    @Charlie Leave the scale at home, that way you may be pleasantly surprised when you get home! I wear one hearing aid and read subtitles all the time, otherwise with background noise (barking dogs) I wouldn't hear a thing. I taught myself to can, you have to pay attention to the acidity of what you are canning as well as the altitude as the canning methods change. Like green beans have to be pressure canned as well as potatoes...otherwise you get botulism and who knows what else. And anyone that still does the old way with paraffin and who knows what else is just asking for trouble as the ingredients we use nowadays are no where what they used to be...round-up, etc. My goal was to get through a canning session without sticking to the floor...I don't know how I did it, but there was always something sticky on the floor!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    @ Cheryl:
    drags59 wrote: »
    My goal was to get through a canning session without sticking to the floor...I don't know how I did it, but there was always something sticky on the floor!

    I am picturing all those little dogs stuck to the floor with their little paws and you getting stuck trying to save them! ;)