Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    So what is the next challenge going to be? Same as this one? I wondered where everyone was as well, so I took my twisted pointed head elsewhere to bounce off the walls.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    I've been self-employed for over 25 years so I'm use to slow/hectic times - but lately it has been crazy hectic, but in a good way. I have been so active the past few weeks I can't believe that the scales, because it really is their fault ;) , won't budge a few more tenths of a pound so I can see my goal of 130.0
    There are still a couple more weeks in this challenge.

    I haven't had any time to do my Korean homework :(
    and watching dramas doesn't really count!

    Gayle: I totally support your plan to weigh and record everything. I have logged everyday since I started on 11/12/13 and it has been more game than chore. It does make you think before you eat, and I find it helpful to "try on" items and see how they fit into the day. I can't imagine drinking 9 cups of water a day though, I'd be peeing all the time! Are you counting the water in your food too? like soup, watermelon etc.

    A quick question to all:
    How many people have been inspired to lose weight after watching your progress?
    Two county employees that I work with, one of my artsy girlfriends, and my sister (who noted that only twice in our life have I weighed less than her - once when I got divorced and now; currently she is closing in and is 10 lbs. more than me)

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hey Cheryl, the next senior challenge period is from July 3rd until September 4th, 9 weeks. Start thinking about what kind of weight loss and holistic health goals you want to set. And yes, you can have Korean language goals as well, lol. Of course, we still have 3 weeks left in this challenge, so keep at it!

    My current students have 4 "big" self development goals due next week. Their goals have to be SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-limited. OK, you may get sick of me talking about SMART goals at some point, but too bad, because they really work. The time-limited is built in, with the 9 weeks. The rest is up to you. My students have to write out why they want to attain each goal, what steps they need to take, and what challenges they might face for each of their 4 goals. They need to write this all out on a spreadsheet and sign and date it.

    If you think this would help you go for it! I am going to do it because I've been slipping lately and need to recommit to my health goals before I lose much more ground. Hey, I've also gotten really excited about personality tests like the Meyers Briggs, True Colors, and the Enneagram. Here is a fun site (if you think self discovery is fun) that links personality type to diet type. http://www.dietnosis.com/
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Pam, I have been using my weight loss success as an example of a SMART goal for my students. Today I found out that the three students are going to lose weight as one of their goals! One of my best friends, Lill, has joined us after seeing "less of me" a couple weekends ago. I pulled Cheryl in, I think, and her mom might be coming too. It helps me keep going, for sure.

    In the last weeks I have just noticed me becoming looser about my logging. Sure doesn't work, for me at least. So getting more determined, clear about my goals and here we go. I think what happened, to tell the truth, is that I had few wrinkles before I started dieting and now I have a LOT. Anyone else dealing with that?
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited June 2015
    Had a great vacation! Had to have MFP reset my streak though as we had times with absolutely no connectivity. Was so spotty that at times I thought I was connected and then -- gone!

    Didn't get as much hiking in as I would have liked because of the granddaughters. They move slowly and can't go too far. But they enjoy the outdoors as much as the rest of us, so it was a great time. Lots of wildlife, but no bears or mountain lions. Saw otters, deer galore, turtles, turkeys, and a lot of new birds.

    Went totally rogue eating a few days. I think I am up a couple of pounds. I will weigh on Tuesday.

    Looks like everyone is doing well.

    @gaylebodine I will post how I make guac on the recipe page.

    @MapDancer I loved Coffee Prince, but the subject matter is a little different. Don't know if everyone would like it. What about Pinocchio? That was a great recent one?

    As far as being an inspiration, I find those at maintenance my inspiration. I think maintaining will be the real challenge. I know I have inspired a few people to "move" more at work. A couple have joined MFP, but they really hate logging their food and, I agree, logging is imperative, I think.

    I'm not looking beyond July 3rd yet. I will be happy if I could hit 140. I doubt it though.

    Hope you all have a good week. Gayle, I'll keep you company on these slow days when you feel lonely here!


  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Beautiful Charlie! Colorado looks like this some days and in some places. Glad to have the company! I just realized how to attached pictures. Fantastic! :)
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    My house guest just left so no more excuses. Said I would get serious in June, and here I go. BTW, Lill, just left my house but she has joined mfp and this group! Goodbye Lill! Welcome Lill!
    Need to state (again) my new goal for this challenge: get into the 160's!!

  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Im not sure if i found right place to post this (complicated route to get here ) but here goes.
    Goal 150
    First weigh in 6/14/15, 195 lbs
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    edited June 2015
    Welcome Cclill, you found the right place! Let the fun begin! At the moment, my goal is to actually drink water...the pounds come later.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    drags59 wrote: »
    Welcome Cclill, you found the right place! Let the fun begin! At the moment, my goal is to actually drink water...the pounds come later.
    I think that is a great goal! Very tied to the pounds, I've found.

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    Im not sure if i found right place to post this (complicated route to get here ) but here goes.
    Goal 150
    First weigh in 6/14/15, 195 lbs

    Perfect Lill! Did you set up your ticker yet?
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Welcome, Lill! Glad you found us. I will be inviting one more person -- Claudine -- after the 19th. That will be a nice little group here in Senior Challenge land!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I go back to work tomorrow. Have been on vacation since the evening of June 5th! Today, I didn't exercise at all. Parked myself under a big shade tree(s) at the park and read my kindle. Did do a little Tai Chi, but I didn't log it! Tomorrow, back to reality! :/
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for warm welcome folks! It is apparent i need a tutorial, but need tutorial to find one. :-)
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    @Gayle Yeah I know drinking water will help to slough off the pounds. When I was sick in November, I craved water and lost 12 pounds...so I know it has much to do with the weight loss. It also speeds up your metabolism and makes you feel full. And yet knowing all that, doesn't get it down my throat...

    @Lill I agree the site is a bit difficult to navigate. The only suggestion I can make is to keep clicking on things to learn how to get around and ask questions if you get lost or want to do something that doesn't seem possible.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Cheryl: I'm with you about water. It isn't easy to drink that much!

    Lill: you will get the hang of it.

    Everyone: Okay, I didn't do too well on vacation. Back up 5 pounds! 150! Yikes! Here we go again! Oh well, I had fun!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Confession time and it's not a good one.Still struggling after my downfall at Easter.I had no idea it would be so hard,for me,to get back on track.I had reached a high of 170.5!!!Today is 168.5.I went 2weeks without exercising and that long without getting my water quota in.I did exercise yesterday so that's a plus.
    I went to the grocery and didn't buy any junk food.I've got to stay away from any junk food because that's my downfall.
    You know what was really hard for me was ,with a gain,I'm losing confidence in myself.Going from my low of 154 to 170.5 makes me feel awful.Nothing seems to look good on me anymore,tighter fit in my clothes.This is day one for me.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited June 2015
    Mary, you are so good to stick with it! I agree, it is so disheartening when we gain and so much harder to lose it than the first time. I wish I had some words of wisdom but I seem to be doing the same thing. I just keep allowing myself that "just this once" which turns into "just this once again...and again...and again!" It only takes a couple of days for me to screw up and there is five pounds!

    I think you might have hit on something with the loss of confidence, too. I do so much better when I'm feeling on top of my game. It is harder to be good to myself (and let's face it, eating right is being good to ourselves) when we screw up.

    I don't have a problem working out, I love it, but I have a problem with MEALS. Not as happy with the smaller portions as I was. For you, snacking and working out.

    So folks, what do we do? We have new blood here. Some who are in the throws of that loosing for the first time and really gung-ho! What is keeping you motivated? Mary and I are tired of losing the same 5-10 pounds! Especially since we were going so hot before.

    In the meantime, Mary, this is day one for me, too! I had a decent breakfast and will have soup for lunch and something light for dinner. I'm getting ready to take a lunchtime walk. I have Tai Chi tonight and hopefully, I can get a short workout in after (although the gym closes earlier now). So, here we go -- day one!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Darn internet/smartphone weather apps. Mine said that it was cloudy with 0% chance of rain for a few hours. Went to take a walk and it was pouring. :s Shut my office door and did two miles with Leslie Sansone instead!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Re water problem, i finally found solution for myself - a water bottle carrier so it is always on my body. Seeing it reminds me to drink. I didnt buy anything, just repurposed a small lightweight shoulderbag, just big enough for a sixteen ounce water bottle. Now it is with me where ever i am, exept in bed.