Morning Coffee and Gratitude List

DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
During one of the most stressful times of my life, the last six months of a job that was wonderful for many years and horrible for the last six months (no fault of their own really financial crisis, etc), I developed the habit of saving my sanity by reviewing my gratitude list on my long drive to work. The job is long gone, the habit stuck. I just think its a very balancing way of starting the day to pick a few things each morning:

1) I am grateful to be retired. I worked for many, years and quit in February. At the moment, this time of getting to know my new area and my new house is very special.

2) I am grateful for, as long last, having the time to actually focus on cooking and eating healthy meals, exercising, and spending time working on health habits

2) the joy of tea

3) my new house

4) the yoga DVDs I found!! I also do reiki and its so amazing.


  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    A fabulous positive post!

    1. Me too...I love being retired and having good health and enough money to enjoy myself so much.

    2. Good friends, so important! I have my lovely husband but we have different interests and that is where my friends come in. I am very lucky!

    3. My son is the light of my life.......

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Have to add....morning coffee.....every morning I walk a mile or so to town and meet friends for morning coffee and a natter........different people on different days...sometimes I am by myself but there are always people to chat to in my small town.....and I take my Kindle or a book or a crossword in case it's quiet! And most of my friends there are older than I am so I am the youngster among that group ....... our oldest guy is 87 ... we have fun!

  • Switzer12
    Switzer12 Posts: 34 Member
    This is sounds wonderful. I was retired for 15 months, but then asked if I would cover a maternity leave, which has now stretched into a permanent part time job. I go three days a week and am enjoying the social aspect of this and the extra money, for sure. I will know when I am done though, as I did enjoy those few months at home with hubby, just got a little bored. Sounds like you have it down pat - good for you!!
  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    What a wonderful daily habit to have -coffee & gratitude! I'm always grateful for my morning coffee, which really enjoy waking-up to with a bit of real whipping cream, my daily treat.

    So much to be grateful for, but especially my health and children's good health. I feel very blessed for that.

    Dream'.....congratulations on your new house :flowerforyou:
    Jean...that sounds like fun.
  • ustillcan
    Nice post, hope we keep it going.
    Grateful for a wonderful family and everyone's good health, my dear H of 43 years, two kids and two granddaughters.

    Still working long hours but starting my countdown _ aiming for 2016! Boy that morning coffee routine with friends sounds heavenly right now, enjoy!

    Grateful for my good life and that I am privileged. Actually enjoying the fact that I have my eating back under control and that I am following an exercise routine better than I have in years.

    Looking forward to a wonderful, healthy, retirement

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    This morning I am grateful for:

    1) I gave up wine completely for a month to see if it helps my weight loss because I know that in addition to the calories, it slows the metabolism. So, I have replaced it with a journey into teas, herbs,and essential oils (I have a diffuser). It is proving to be a lovely journey and these people have a truly lovely selection of herbs and teas

    2) My telephone. Being new here, I do not have any friends yet. My DH and my dog are my local companions and I have five friends who I talk with frequently from as long ago as the girl who moved in next door to me when we were nine years old!!! Old friends are wonderful and I know, being retired, its going to be challenging to make new ones in my new world, but it will happen.

    3) My computer game. Its another avenue for friendship. I have a few friends that I meet with daily to spend an hour after my DH goes to work and not only is it s lovely fantasy world, its pretty challenging to its probably good for keeping the mind and the hand/eye coordination nimble!

    Jean I envy you the little town you can walk down town in - that will not happen here. I have told myself that I will lay low and rest and work on this house until 10/1 and then I am going to start adventuring a bit. My first challenge is going to be finding the closest place to go to a bit of beach I like walking on!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am grateful:

    1) that my DH has decided to join in improving our health status and has been getting up early to work out this week

    2) that my in-laws (who we are going to see today) offer me continuing oppportunities to work on my interpersonal skills and my tolerance for other (world) and unique viewpoints

    3) that I have discovered a new state park to explore!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Great idea. I'm grateful everyday for my family and the doctors who have given me a new lease on life.
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Over the last couple of days, I've been thinking about what I'm most grateful for and I keep coming back to this: I'm grateful for my health. I feel better at 65 than I've ever felt in my life.

  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    OP if that is your photograph and it is a recent one you should be grateful for you looks. You are a very pretty lady and do not look anywhere near old enough to retire (of course you may not be and may have retired early). But you should still be grateful for that beautiful face. Hope you don't mind my saying.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    dentist.gifI am determine to be thankful for the high level of dental care available matter how much cottage cheese, oatmeal, and split-pea soup I've been eating for the last few weeks and will eat for the next two!!!!!

    Have a Blessed Sunday everyone ;)
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    1) actual morning coffee!

    2) lazy Sundays

    3) the computer game I share with my DH because we have so much fun with it

    RLF that is a wonderful thing to be able to say!!! I am feeling so much better at this point in time than I have for the past couple of years. Having these months off from work has given me time to work on my health, and its finally starting to pay off!
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Dreamon145 - I love your "number 2 comment" above re your inlaws!!

    1 - morning coffee - love the fact that one of the partners brought in a pod coffee machine, for his own use, but doesn't mind who uses it as long as you bring your own coffee. (The firm supply coffee etc generally but only instant). so I make a cup first thing when I get to work and another after lunch.

    2 - the freedom to be able to go the gym after work without worrying about going home first to see to the dog, as OH will be around to see to her.

    3- to be in ridiculously good health and have all my own teeth!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    1) We are having those normal gulf coast thunderstorms this morning which caused my husband to have to run off to work early (the storms always cause emergencies at his work place) I am grateful that I do not have those work "emergencies" anymore lol

    2) I am grateful for my bed! We have a king sized bed with a firm mattress topped with one of those very thick toppers that makes you feel like you are resting on a cloud! I love it lol

    3) I am grateful for the TV in the bedroom in front of that bed! So that while my husband is running back and forth between the computer and the TV while he is obsessing over his fantasy football league like he was last night, the dog and I can relax in peace and quiet in the bedroom
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am grateful for the fact that having led a pretty crazy life, I am good at finding alternative solutions. I STILL am not able to get the fitbit to synch to the computer, but I am wearing it like a pedometer and recording my steps on my calendar. I also have a friend who has challenged me this week and having it back in my life is definitely increasing my steps

    I am grateful for my silly husband who, in spite of having a twisted ankle, came out and leaned on his truck and chatted with me while I insisted on getting in that last thousand steps this evening! lol

    and I am grateful that after both of those things I have such a lovely king sized bed with amazingly soft sheets to go crash in with my kindle as soon as I get off here!
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    I am grateful for the ability to walk, read, hear beautiful music, being able to eat and taste great healthy foods! Kiss my husband and family every day!!

    I have cared for so many patients that have lost those gifts for many different reasons~~~ It makes you think and see how fragile health and life really are~~~~~ God Bless You all!!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am grateful that this Florida weather, which I am not yet used to (does one ever really get used to it?) has cooled off to the point where walking is comfortable! And the walking feels so good that I believe I will become a mall walker on the days when the weather is not comfortable.

    I am grateful that the mall is only 2.5 miles away and that here in Panama City I do not have to deal with that horrible traffic that I fought with in Raleigh every day (ok, I thought it was horrible, if people in here are form D.C. or Atlanta I know they will laugh at that one!)

    I am grateful that the walking seems to be spurring me on to other things. I am launching a search for my yoga DVDs today. I know they are packed somewhere!
  • sweetconcern
    sweetconcern Posts: 26 Member
    Enjoy my cup of JOE every morning. I thank God for all the beautiful plants and flowers and smells here in Florida, I am grateful for my health and my life. I love all my family and am happy they are all in good health too. I love all my friends and the fun times we all have together. I have many things too I am thankful for. God is Good all the time....
  • marise1113
    marise1113 Posts: 82 Member
    I am truly grateful to have my morning cup of coffee, in my own kitchen, in my own home, in my safe neighborhood. We tend to forget when we are so comfortable in our own homes that there are so many who are not. God has been good to me.
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    What a great post! I am greatful for a good cup of coffee first thing in the morning and for a husband who gets up first to get it made! After a recent journey into the world of Alzheimer's with my Mom, I am truly greatful for my mental health. I am greatful for a wonderful job and great co-workers but more than greatful that I get to retire July 1st, 2015. I have wonderful healthy kids and family - I thank God every day for them.

    Have a great week everyone!