Morning Coffee and Gratitude List



  • IndianaPapaw
    IndianaPapaw Posts: 31 Member
    I'm grateful to have arrived home safely after an uneventful 7.5 hour trip. So good to visit with family and especially all four grand kids but it sure is good to be home too. Now I'm ready to double down and get under 200 but 2-1-15!! Darrell
  • keyauwee
    keyauwee Posts: 22 Member
    I'm grateful for family, friends and a supportive community like MFP and this group to help me achieve my quest for a healthy lifestyle. My one New Year's resolution for 2015 is to climb more mountains ... and I mean that both literally and figuratively!
  • Othermama7
    Hi. I am starting over on tracking my food and fitness. I dropped 63 pounds in 2012-2013 and 20 of them managed to find their way back in 2014. I need to lose those and 25 more. This is a great discussion thread to start out with.
    I am grateful for:
    1. Five beautiful granddaughters, ranging in age from 13 to 3 months
    2. A supportive husband, who loves my body no matter the size
    3. Being able to be a "snowbird" in the winter, now that we are both retired.
    4. Having great places to go online to get support, such as MFP and Daily Challenge (meyouhealth).
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    I am grateful for MFP and the supportive friends here. I am really grateful that I have been able to lose weight and know I can keep losing. Today I have lost 29 pounds, just 1 away from a 30 pound mini-goal. I know I can do this with the help of the Lord and my friends on MFP.
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    I'm feeling particularly grateful for the peace I've been able to experience for the past few days after being in a very stressful family situation on top of the holiday season. Time to BREATHE!! Aaaahhhh.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    keyauwee wrote: »
    I'm grateful for family, friends and a supportive community like MFP and this group to help me achieve my quest for a healthy lifestyle. My one New Year's resolution for 2015 is to climb more mountains ... and I mean that both literally and figuratively!

    If you get to Colorado, I'd love to walk a mountain with you (*) . Feel free to send me a friend request, I checked your profile and you don't currently have any MPFriends.

    Joan it is lovely when all the holidays are in full swing, but gee it is great when the quiet returns too.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Grateful today with the help of the winds, our temps will be in the low 50's. I can get outside and move my body! Woot,woot.
  • Othermama7
    Today I am grateful for the Y, for the sun, and for a warm house to live in!
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Today I'm grateful for this reminder to think about gratitude and all the blessings in my life. It's a great stress reliever. :)
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    I'm grateful today for my husband tackling ALL the laundry after our trip ... while I work at the computer on my studio billing. :D
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    I'm grateful this morning that I have a free rec center membership and will be attending my weight room orientation later today. My mom has made me realize just how important it is as you age to have strength training. She never did anything and is paying the price now, when she falls and that is becoming more and more frequent, she can't push nor pull herself off the floor anymore. Her muscles just don't work and she is very over weight, which doesn't help her situation either.

    I guess I can be grateful to her for showing me how not to age as well.
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    I am grateful I found this group. The optimism I read in every posting is motivating.
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks retirehappy and strongersue for posting and reminding me that starting my day with thoughts of gratitude really helps set the tone.

    Grateful to YOU and to my sister and son who yesterday supported me in making a very difficult decision.
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    I'm glad you have found support here. Keep coming back!
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    edited January 2015
    It IS a great place, isn't it, strongersue!

    Today, since it's breakfast time, I'm thinking with gratitude about the chicken farm nearby where the birds run free, perching and clucking on stacked up truck tires, ramps and buckets, all colorfully painted; and where they are farmed for eggs only and live to a ripe old age even after their egg-laying days are over.

    What's more, it is run by a couple who are very, very poor, but rich in spirit and love. Driving by, always gives us a chuckle, a warm feeling, a shot of optimism, and appreciation.

  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Retirehappy - A few weeks ago, my mom spent quite a few hours on the floor of her bedroom after falling in the middle of the night. Now there's a firm rule that she MUST carry her cellphone with her at all times. I hope your mom's okay!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    edited January 2015
    Joan, she is in a nursing home. She is monitored very well. Of course she complains because she wants to go back to Texas and her apartment there. It just isn't going to happen. Does your mom has a life alert device, my mom did and that is why she was found quickly when she fell living alone. They are a great help for fallers.

    That chicken farm sounds like a fun place if your a hen :)

    Grateful the temp will get to around 60 even if there will be some wind. I am looking forward to my visit to the rec center this AM.

    Make it a wonderful day, everyone.
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    I agree retirehappy, Life Alert is a great thing. Unfortunately it won't work in her home due to some kind of reception problems. The cell works though.

    I feel for these moms - and dads - especially when they can no longer drive and lose that kind of independence. I guess the fact that I'm not there yet is another cause for gratitude. :)
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    Joan - your picture of the chicken farm is making me smile- my grandfather raised chickens for eggs and rabbits for meat. I collected eggs when I was 5&6 and some of those old hens were MEAN, but thoughts of my grandpa, his chicken house, his rooster crowing and his garden and of my grandma's cooking still make me smile, and they've been gone for years.

    I am retired now but I worked with the elderly and disabled for most of my career. I know a little about what is coming and it makes me appreciate what I have now and hopefully plan for what may come. I had to laugh- I read that the Pope stated he is not afraid of dying- only dying painfully. Isn't that what everyone wants? But I have seen people be joyful to wake up everyday even when they are in pain. I have seen people in pain treat others with compassion and understanding. I have seen the staff in nursing homes give to their patients and their friends without a thought for what is left for them. I want to be those people and pray everyday for the strength. One thing I did learn is the happiest people I cared for were those that never stopped thinking of others first. They were flexible, when they couldn't walk they looked around for another way to get around. They didn't feel sorry for themselves, they asked what they could do for someone worse off then they were. I know there will come a time that I can't walk, and/or drive, when I may be incontinent, and dependent on others. My prayer is that I can live gracefully, no matter what, until I die. My biggest worry is that I may be a burden on my husband or children.

    And what am I thankful for today??- that I can go shopping and make turkey soup and dream of kayaking and biking next week!! Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.( I checked in after dinner instead of breakfast-sorry) I read once that instead of worrying about tomorrow we need to check in with ourselves each morning and see how we are- can we manage today- our we ok today???- then get on with the day and don't waste a great or even good day worrying about tomorrow.

    Take care y'all!
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    I'm grateful that I love so many kinds of vegetables. I have a few friends who do not. And some people just seem to shut down at the mention of them, when (maybe?) they could find ways to make them taste quite delicious. Anyway -- lucky me -- when I'm in healthy eating mode, I love what I eat.