January 2015 Due Dates



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I pretty much have everything... just need to sort/organize and such. There's a few things like a baby bag and rock n' play on my xmas list, but other than that I'm pretty much good to go. Baby will be going in our room for at least the first 8 weeks. Then we'll have to rethink the rooming situation, since she'll have to share with my other daughter. I'll cross that bridge when I get there, lol.

    I'm pretty much just in survival mode right now, haha. So much chaos going on right now!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    36wks!! Had my group b test today and did a cervical check. I'm at 2cm and 80% effaced. I'm like Ummm, baby before Christmas Maybe?!? I'm due Jan 5th and curious if this will be a January baby or December baby. Eeek. I've been feeling a lot of pressure and contractions lately. Also got my Tdap shot yesterday and my arm is so sore today. Ugh.
  • xelor23
    xelor23 Posts: 44 Member
    I am so far behind for getting his stuff ready! Haha. And I am starting to notice that I get sore way more easily as I am doing things so getting the rest of what I want done, actually done, might take more work than I thought. I want to deep clean my kitchen and reorganize everything! We have no space right now for bottles and/or baby supplies in our kitchen but we will make it work. I wonder if you will have a December baby! That would be cool, but so would a January baby! haha. I am 33 weeks and have a growth scan today. They are worried about him getting too big due to GD so fingers crossed! She mentioned induction at the last appointment, so I will ask her today about that and if we are too early to talk about dates or if we just will wait and see.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    AwMyLoLo wrote: »
    I had my daughter at 35 weeks & didn't have my bags packed yet! I'm 32 weeks & packed everything today! I packed 2 outfits for the baby, & got the diaper bag put together. For myself, I'll bring an outfit. No flat iron or makeup needed lol. I could barely get the strength to get up to use the bathroom. I need to pack my daughter's stuff since she will be staying with family while we're at the hospital.

    With your daughter, was there any indication that you would go early? Any reasoning behind it, or did it just happen naturally?

    I made quite a list of things I want to bring with me to the hospital. I got some it of it packed, still working on it. I actually had to order a pack of newborn onesies because I only had ONE newborn outfit , and one newborn sleeper. I'm giving her my baby blanket that I still sleep with, so I want her to have that in the hospital. o:) And, stupid stuff like I want blow pops while I'm in labor, the ipad for music, fuzzy socks because they make me comfy, a robe, a head band, etc. We're an hour from the hospital so I want to bring anything I think I might want since it won't be like someone can just run home and grab the headband I want. lol

    So, I think I was right last week when I said that I thought she was turning to go head-down. I just felt a kick right up under my boobs, which I've never felt any movement up there until now. I go to the doctor tomorrow, so she'll be able to tell me if that's the case or not!

    Yes, I had surgery at 5 months pregnant to remove my gallbladder. I was in the hospital in April for a few weeks & was back home for less than a week before my water broke in May. I should've gotten stuff ready then, but I was so preoccupied with my finals.

    I only have 1 newborn outfit & size 1 diapers. I need to grab a pack of newborn sleepers & newborn diapers! We live about 45mins from the hospital so I better pack more stuff!

    Looks like you are getting everything ready! :)
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Let the countdown begin! I'm nervous about having my tubal ligation the day after I deliver. I'm scared of the pain! But i had my gallbladder removed at 5 months pregnant with my 1st & my appendix removed 2 weeks post partum. I don't know why I'm being a baby about the pain! I just know how much delivery hurts & I'm dreading it. I was much happier the first time around! Lol
  • xelor23
    xelor23 Posts: 44 Member
    I think no matter how many times you have surgery, it is still scary! Good luck! I hope we all stay friends on here after babies arrive. I can't believe how quickly it is coming up!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    That's very true! And yes, I'd love the mommy support! Everyone send me a friend request if we aren't already friends!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Sooo I go to walmart today for super Kotex for after delivery. I'm standing there for a while trying to decide what to buy, and I hear some teenage boys messing around and asking random people for help finding random items. So, they come up to me as I'm looking at all the pads and they say, "excuse me ma'am, do you know where the cotton balls are?" And I go, "umm, I'm sure they're around here somewhere, but while you're here could you help me pick out some gigantic pads?? I need super long, gigantic pads cuz I'm about to have a baby and some nasty stuff happens after that." :# They ran off laughing. Hahaha. Silly boys thought I'd be embarrassed cuz I was shopping for pads. Hahahahaha

    I was in rare form today. I think my hormones are revving up! I have like 4 zits this evening that weren't there this morning, and I was burning up at work when usually I have a heater running all day. I put people from corporate in their place on two totally separate conference calls when normally I don't say anything on calls because I really don't give a crap. I have 6 work days left!!

    Overall, it was a good day. Lol
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    AwMyLoLo wrote: »
    Sooo I go to walmart today for super Kotex for after delivery. I'm standing there for a while trying to decide what to buy, and I hear some teenage boys messing around and asking random people for help finding random items. So, they come up to me as I'm looking at all the pads and they say, "excuse me ma'am, do you know where the cotton balls are?" And I go, "umm, I'm sure they're around here somewhere, but while you're here could you help me pick out some gigantic pads?? I need super long, gigantic pads cuz I'm about to have a baby and some nasty stuff happens after that." :# They ran off laughing. Hahaha. Silly boys thought I'd be embarrassed cuz I was shopping for pads. Hahahahaha

    I was in rare form today. I think my hormones are revving up! I have like 4 zits this evening that weren't there this morning, and I was burning up at work when usually I have a heater running all day. I put people from corporate in their place on two totally separate conference calls when normally I don't say anything on calls because I really don't give a crap. I have 6 work days left!!

    Overall, it was a good day. Lol

    LOL, that's awesome.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    AwMyLoLo wrote: »
    Sooo I go to walmart today for super Kotex for after delivery. I'm standing there for a while trying to decide what to buy, and I hear some teenage boys messing around and asking random people for help finding random items. So, they come up to me as I'm looking at all the pads and they say, "excuse me ma'am, do you know where the cotton balls are?" And I go, "umm, I'm sure they're around here somewhere, but while you're here could you help me pick out some gigantic pads?? I need super long, gigantic pads cuz I'm about to have a baby and some nasty stuff happens after that." :# They ran off laughing. Hahaha. Silly boys thought I'd be embarrassed cuz I was shopping for pads. Hahahahaha

    I was in rare form today. I think my hormones are revving up! I have like 4 zits this evening that weren't there this morning, and I was burning up at work when usually I have a heater running all day. I put people from corporate in their place on two totally separate conference calls when normally I don't say anything on calls because I really don't give a crap. I have 6 work days left!!

    Overall, it was a good day. Lol

    ^i agree with above. Awesome!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Welp I lied when I said I was ready! I'm dilated to 1+cm & lost my mucus plug. I'm in labor & delivery. My blood pressure is high & I'm having contractions. Luckily baby looks good. 2 of my veins blew so my arms are ridiculously sore. I'm getting meds to stop the contractions & steroid shots for baby's lungs. They gave me the meds with my last pregnancy which delayed delivery for about a week. And I didn't even bring my bag of stuff! Gotta make hubby bring me my toothbrush tomorrow. Lol. Can't shower or do my hair with this IV in so that's less to worry about. I forgot how much being hooked up to a thousand different things sucks lol. I'll keep y'all updated!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Oh no!! I hope everything turns out ok! Try to get some rest!
  • xelor23
    xelor23 Posts: 44 Member
    AwMyLoLo wrote: »
    Sooo I go to walmart today for super Kotex for after delivery. I'm standing there for a while trying to decide what to buy, and I hear some teenage boys messing around and asking random people for help finding random items. So, they come up to me as I'm looking at all the pads and they say, "excuse me ma'am, do you know where the cotton balls are?" And I go, "umm, I'm sure they're around here somewhere, but while you're here could you help me pick out some gigantic pads?? I need super long, gigantic pads cuz I'm about to have a baby and some nasty stuff happens after that." :# They ran off laughing. Hahaha. Silly boys thought I'd be embarrassed cuz I was shopping for pads. Hahahahaha

    I was in rare form today. I think my hormones are revving up! I have like 4 zits this evening that weren't there this morning, and I was burning up at work when usually I have a heater running all day. I put people from corporate in their place on two totally separate conference calls when normally I don't say anything on calls because I really don't give a crap. I have 6 work days left!!

    Overall, it was a good day. Lol

    You just made my day! Today is my last day at work...! Ahhhh! This is getting real!!!
  • xelor23
    xelor23 Posts: 44 Member
    @alex, stay safe! I hope all turns out well.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Thanks ladies! I'm home now resting. I'm dilated to 2cm & have mild preeclampsia. Luckily I see the high risk dr on Tuesday. If my water doesn't break, I'll be delivering around Christmas. Baby Ben got his steroid shots for his lungs & is good to go. I'm super swollen. I gained over 10lbs in the hospital, but I think it's all water weight. I feel like a squishy tomato! Lol.

    You ladies stay fabulous & keep up good work :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Thanks ladies! I'm home now resting. I'm dilated to 2cm & have mild preeclampsia. Luckily I see the high risk dr on Tuesday. If my water doesn't break, I'll be delivering around Christmas. Baby Ben got his steroid shots for his lungs & is good to go. I'm super swollen. I gained over 10lbs in the hospital, but I think it's all water weight. I feel like a squishy tomato! Lol.

    You ladies stay fabulous & keep up good work :)

    Yeah, that's probably from the IV fluids. I would just not count that weight, lol. It'll probably go down too now that you're not in the hospital.

  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Thanks ladies! I'm home now resting. I'm dilated to 2cm & have mild preeclampsia. Luckily I see the high risk dr on Tuesday. If my water doesn't break, I'll be delivering around Christmas. Baby Ben got his steroid shots for his lungs & is good to go. I'm super swollen. I gained over 10lbs in the hospital, but I think it's all water weight. I feel like a squishy tomato! Lol.

    You ladies stay fabulous & keep up good work :)

    You really are a trooper-so upbeat! Glad you're home. Get lots of rest!

    35 weeks today!

    I spent a lot of time in the nursery today. :) I'm using the bassinet my sister had for my niece 9 years ago, so I took it apart and washed everything. I also have a gently used pack n play I wiped down, and I sorted through and washed all the bottles, binkies, breast milk storage containers, rattles, teethers, and anything else I could run through the dishwasher, along with some other cleaning and organizing.

    Yesterday I was a little worried. Not too bad, my instinct didn't say something was wrong, but I barely felt the baby move from 1pm Friday when she was kicking the crap out of me, until 6pm Saturday. Even after eating a snack and laying down, she wasn't moving much. Finally when we were driving home from my parents she started moving around and pretty much hasn't stopped all day today. I feel like she's shifted positions again and is kinda laying across me again. What are you guys feeling at this point? Does it ever seem like baby takes rest days? Lol.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    AwMyLoLo wrote: »
    What are you guys feeling at this point? Does it ever seem like baby takes rest days? Lol.

    I think what you feel depends on where your placenta is positioned. I had an ultrasound last Thursday and the tech told me I have an anterior placenta and that I probably wasn't even feeling all of her movements. I'm pretty sure it was the same with my older daughter too.

    I mostly get jabs and shifting movements. Her head is already down and she's descended into my pelvis last weekend.

    There's definite quiet moments, which sometimes scare me. But then she'll do some kind of movement to set me back at ease. I guess those are her sleeping cycles.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    I'm still feeling the baby's movement…quite a bit actually. I think I'm feeling hands and feet. It's a very strange sensation. The baby still has the same movement patterns. Busy in the morning and busy before bed.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    She's been very active since Sunday. Right now I can feel a limb in my right side, I can push on it and she pushes back. So cool.

    I feel like I've really ballooned up the past few days. Ughhh