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  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I wouldn't change anything unless you stall or start gaining. Your body may need the extra calories from not exercising just to heal. I wish you a speedy recovery!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hey all, I'm Henia, 33 mother of 4. I'm 5'6 228lbs. Stumbled pon JUDDD and thought I check it out. Seems to make sense. Tomorrow will be my first low day. I know this is a lifetime way of eating ... but curous what if you want to take off some time, a few weeks or prehaps cut back on your low days (meaning one less low day per week) ...
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Hi Henia, welcome!

    If you want to take some time off - just do so - if that fits your goals and lifestyle.

    Keep in mind that you won't lose weight if you are not in a calorie deficit (one way or another). But neither will you gain weight unless you eat more than you need to maintain. (Some of the suggested hormonal changes, etc might revert over time - but they'll come back when you get back to it.)

    But you won't gain 10 lbs overnight or anything or have to re-enter any sort of metabolic state like sometimes happens with low-carb/ketogenic diets.

    The "Fast Diet" (aka 5:2) is like JUDDD, but you only take 2 down days a week. Some people also do 4:3 which is 3 down days (like monday/wednesday/friday) each week. And some people do 6:1 (a single down day per week) for long term maintenance.

    I usually try to stay on plan - but I do sometimes do a "change step" and switch my days around or take a couple "medium days" in a row to fit my life better. Because your diet/way of eating/whatever ultimately has to fit your life.
  • melham1
    melham1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, My name is Melissa and I giving the JUDDD a go. This is day 3 for me and so far I really like it. My Day 1 was and UD because I needed to manipulate it to where Saturday is an UP so ....Anyway, I'm excite about this! We shall see...

    Starting Weight: 164.6
    Current Weight: 164.6
    Goal Weight: 135
  • WildPlace
    WildPlace Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Melissa and welcome! Good luck with JUDDD, it's just the best!
  • RunswithFred
    RunswithFred Posts: 14 Member
    Good Morning,

    My name is Anne and I am planning to start JUDDD just after the New Year. I have been on MFP for over a year. In total, with the help of WW and MFP, so far I have lost 40 lbs. I still have 20 to 25 I would like to lose. I haven't lost much over the past year on MFP, but I have been able to maintain my weight which I consider a victory in itself. I am going to try JUDDD just to shake up the routine and to break my plateau. I am also hoping that it helps curb my cravings which have been increasing over the past 6 months, probably due to my age. I turned 50 last year and hormones are now in play. LOL I also have an underactive thyroid for which I have been taking meds for since I was 30. I do exercise 6 days a week, usually elliptical or bike. I intend to continue the aerobic exercise on my UP days, but I was wondering if it would be wise to ease back a bit on my DOWN days. I have been wanted to start weight training with free weights over this winter. I was wondering if it might be a good idea to do my aerobic on the UP days and do weights on the DOWN days.

    I would love to know what you think of that plan and if you have any tips or suggestions. I am looking forward to starting.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Good Morning,

    My name is Anne and I am planning to start JUDDD just after the New Year. I have been on MFP for over a year. In total, with the help of WW and MFP, so far I have lost 40 lbs. I still have 20 to 25 I would like to lose. I haven't lost much over the past year on MFP, but I have been able to maintain my weight which I consider a victory in itself. I am going to try JUDDD just to shake up the routine and to break my plateau. I am also hoping that it helps curb my cravings which have been increasing over the past 6 months, probably due to my age. I turned 50 last year and hormones are now in play. LOL I also have an underactive thyroid for which I have been taking meds for since I was 30. I do exercise 6 days a week, usually elliptical or bike. I intend to continue the aerobic exercise on my UP days, but I was wondering if it would be wise to ease back a bit on my DOWN days. I have been wanted to start weight training with free weights over this winter. I was wondering if it might be a good idea to do my aerobic on the UP days and do weights on the DOWN days.

    I would love to know what you think of that plan and if you have any tips or suggestions. I am looking forward to starting.

    Welcome! JUDDD is awesome, even for those of us with a few years and wonky thyroids!

    Regarding exercise, it's totally up to you. Some find they have more energy on DDs and choose to do aerobic exercise then. Others choose to only exercise on UDs. Others (like me) are really bad about incorporating ANY formal exercise. Shh, don't tell anyone. Though I used to roller skate with my daughter regularly, and loved doing it on a DD. I would not eat back my calories and felt great all day.

    There has been good research regarding exercising in a fasted state. I've seen where it's good to lift, and also where it's good to do cardio fasted. Just know the first couple of weeks might be hard. After that, I think you'll be surprised. I honestly don't notice any diminished energy on DDs at all.

    If you follow the premise that you need a certain amount of protein on lifting days, you might want to do UDs those days just so you can get that extra protein without having to shift all your calories around.
  • RunswithFred
    RunswithFred Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Keiras_Mom! That's great advice.
  • zoodocgirl
    zoodocgirl Posts: 163 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm starting-ish JUDDD today. I know I won't be able to do a full set of rotations over Christmas week with family in town, but I figure there's no reason that means I have to keep overeating until then.

    MFP alone has worked for me in the past, but I've started a new job with a LOT of travel and a fair amount of food-based entertaining. I've had a hard time sticking to MFP because I'm eating out of the house so often and it can be hard to keep up an exercise routine, especially while traveling. Like most of us, I'm extremely busy. This alternate day thing kind of seems like it will fit my work schedule perfectly - the days that I am home, I can easily do DDs, and so the days when I am at the mercy of Panera Bread won't be quite as detrimental.

    I started out with a DD yesterday and then realized I had a holiday party in the evening, so it was a DD until 5pm and then.... not.
    Today is going well.... I am a little headachey but I actually woke up with it so it's not caused by the fasting.
    I have had a super busy day of cleaning and grocery shopping for the holidays.... and I'm in a weird state of tired/sleepy but also super energetic/focused/efficient. I'm not really sure how that's happening but I guess I'll go with it!

    Both days so far I've eaten some combination of oatmeal/greek yogurt/fruit for breakfast, and 1/2 can of tuna mixed with a teeny bit of reduced fat mayo and veggies for lunch +/- egg. dinner will be a salmon filet with soy-sauteed cabbage.
    So far I like that when I am peckish and want a snack, I reach for water/coffee/tea instead and it actually satisfies me. Fun teas especially seems like a little indulgence, although I've never been a huge tea person.

    I'm hosting a big holiday brunch tomorrow so it is extremely motivating to stick to this DD today. So far, so good I think!
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Hi Zoodocgirl and welcome!

    JUDDD does work pretty well for traveling and if you get a per diem when you travel, you'll make a little extra cash. :D

    When I travel, I try to align my travel days with fasting days and avoid eating in airports, on planes, etc. I usually go out Sunday and back Thursday so it works pretty well.

    The headaches go away after a week or so - and you can probably move around your down day calories and increase fluids to help keep them at bay. But they aren't a permanent situation.

    One of the things I like the most with JUDDD is the lack of guilt when a down day goes bad - unlike some diets, I don't feel like a failure - it was one day. I can move on - either keeping my normal schedule or do a down day the next day - guilt free. None of that, "Well, I've failed this diet - might as well wait until next week/month/year and try again" thinking. :D

    I drink a LOT of tea too. Usually basic black iced tea, but my indulgences are "Bengal Spice" (chai tea bags), various chocolate and vanilla teas from Whole foods and mint "tea" (dried mint leaves - no actual tea) from a local tea shop.

    Anyway, welcome to JUDDD! And good luck in the new job and the new year!
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Over the last 30 years I've tried numerous diets and always yo-yoed. I have just started on this way of eating. My 3rd DD and for the first time I am feeling hungry. Any tips etc on meals and sustaining it are welcome; especially how do you manage Sunday lunch or celebrations on DDs?
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    The beauty of Juddd is you can schedule fast around these occasions. I personally do not feel you have to be THAT consistent with alternating. Yes it produces better results but results will come regardless.

    I personally try to eat mostly protein on my fast DD's and drink tons of water or other fluid. Staying busy helps as well. It might be easier to do the protein drinks. Either way, you can do this!
  • clearca
    clearca Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I am very excited to begin JUDDD! I have tried many, MANY diets over the years. The only true success I had was with the Ultrametabolism plan, but it was expensive and time consuming. The best part of the program is that I learned about whole foods and what my body could do. After taking an antidepressant in 2010, I gained over 50lbs and have never been able to get back to my previous size. As a super busy school teacher, I haven't had time to go back to the Ultrametabolism days of buying, cooking, and 'enjoying' the whole foods journey. As a Mastercleanse lover, I enjoy the way I feel when I have a somewhat empty body due to fasting, but the length of mosts fasts is downright depressing. I know I can do one day, jeez, I did the Hcg diet twice and didn't cheat for 30 days! (Btw, for me, Hcg was gimmicky, gained it all back in 3 months)

    I think this is going to be great for me; not just as a gimmick, but as a lifestyle. I juice regularly, and am slowly moving back into a modified whole foods lifestyle. I have tons of recipes and ideas for my 'down' days. Reading this board has been supportive and inspirational; I can't wait to get started!

  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    I just thought I'd let you know that I stuck with it.

    Week 1 - 10lb loss
    Week 2 - 4lb loss

    Im happy with that.

    A few struggles to stay within my cals on DDS otherwise as STONE in a fortnight with pudding and cream every Up day. YAH this works for me.
  • jenhartzog77
    What are thoughts on keeping the up days the amount the calculator says? I'm trying it but I'm scared it's too much!
  • TheMrsCole
    TheMrsCole Posts: 114 Member
    Hello! I am Holly/ I am 25, a mother, and I work full time as a Safety Specialist. In 2011 I saw a picture of myself that made me realize that I had gained WAYYYY too much weight! I was up to 225, only being 5'7" with an average build. In January of 2012 I lost 30 lbs, by March I found out I was pregnant and took time off until December when I was released to begin working out again. After my pregnancy I was back up to 225 and knew I had to make a change. Last year I lost 45 lbs. I am now averaging out around 180 and have been since August. I started a new workout regime and go as often as possible.

    I came across IF on here and then found JUDD which I believe is more suited for what I am looking into. Today is my second DD and I am actually excited. Yesterday I ate foods I hadn't had in years! I have a wedding to be in come the beginning of June and I want to get down to a comfortable weight by then. Of course when you are a bridesmaid is almost always seems like the others who are chosen are skinny minnies!

    Feel free to add me! I am looking for friends who do not criticize diary entrys because I leave mine open. It helps to keep me accountable.
  • jenhartzog77
    Congrats on your losses! And welcome to the life of JUDDD. lol I am new to this, but I am finally getting the hang of this. Today is a up day for me and I LOVE up Ive been experimenting with this for about a week and today is the first day I am beginning to notice a difference. So if first you don't see much change keep with it. It may just be your body catching up to what your doing. Feel free to chat with me, I love having friends to discuss this with. I'm super excited to finally lose this weight. I am 5'6 and 3/4. lol and my highest weight was 216 and lowest has been 150. But that was for a nano I am right now 160.
  • jenhartzog77
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I just thought I'd let you know that I stuck with it.

    Week 1 - 10lb loss
    Week 2 - 4lb loss

    Im happy with that.

    A few struggles to stay within my cals on DDS otherwise as STONE in a fortnight with pudding and cream every Up day. YAH this works for me.

    Well done!

    Fair warning - This will possibly slow a little more - I was able to sustain 2 pounds a week for months and months though.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    What are thoughts on keeping the up days the amount the calculator says? I'm trying it but I'm scared it's too much!

    Give it a fair try and then adjust from there after a week or two.

    I did the up day calories for sedentary and tried for 500 (planned - 600 often in reality) for down days. Then since I was set for sedentary I sometimes eat some exercise calories on up days.

    It should mostly be a matter of how fast you are losing weight - and not a matter of losing versus gaining.