Check in and intros



  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    Hello, my name is maureen and i'm a food-a-holic!. I eat the seefood diet, but it's got me into trouble. Lots. Between the eating, the wine and several months on prednisone (I have lupus) i'm now 113.00. so a wee tad to loose.

    I found this site, a friend uses a similar one and I like it - so easy to use. Started tracking yesterday.

    got all my summer clothes down out of the loft yesterday and started washing them. hmmmmmmmmpppph... not that many will fit, but it has motivated me.

    My bug bear is when entering my data I got it wrong and put 111.3 instead of 113. I tried to change the inital weight but couldn't. if anyone knows how I can do this would appreciated it.

    thanks and hope everyone has a productive weight loss day:)

    You go to "edit previous entries" under check-in, =). And welcome to the NZ group, =).
  • lizzyscupcakes
    lizzyscupcakes Posts: 45 Member
    Hey Lizzy, welcome! My (official) starting weight was 92kg too, now down to 75kg (as of this morning), hoping to get to 70kg by Christmas, goal is 55kg for now.
    How tall are you out of curiosity?

    im 153cm :)
  • msmariah86
    Hello fellow Palmy person!

    Just thought I'd stop by and say hey. Weight loss is always easier when you have friends to help :)

    Sounds like you've lost heaps - well done!

    I recently got engaged and have a LOT of weight to lose before the wedding - any tips/advice you can give? :)
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    Hey Lizzy, welcome! My (official) starting weight was 92kg too, now down to 75kg (as of this morning), hoping to get to 70kg by Christmas, goal is 55kg for now.
    How tall are you out of curiosity?

    im 153cm :)

    Oh wow, I'm 152cm, =).
  • Toninz
    Toninz Posts: 29
    Hi all,
    I'm Toni (35) - Full-time working Mumma to Miss 6 and Mr 3. We live in New Lynn, West Auckland and I would LOVE to have an MFP buddy in my area to help me back into exercising.

    I was last weighed at my Specialist's rooms 2 weeks ago and was 82.5kg, this is the heaviest I have ever been!! The worst part is that back in March, I was the lightest I have ever been, 65kg (I lost 10kg from Oct '11 to March '12 due to a very busy & stressful period at work). THEN... I discovered baking and a shameful lack of will power :(

    I'm 164cm and my goal weight is 60kg, hopefully before my 36th birthday in July

    I started MFP yesterday and plan to lose weight by diet alone for the first while as I am due to have surgery this coming Monday - so they'll be no exercising at all for at least 2 weeks. I'm doing pretty good on the calorie counting for a first timer :)

    Anyways...that's enough about me
    T x
  • moarlunges
    moarlunges Posts: 2 Member
    Hi team, I'm 23 years old and originally from the Waikato. I lived in Wellington for two years up to March 2012 and am now based in New South Wales.

    Age: 23
    Height: 170cm

    SW: 74.8kg with 30%BF (October 2012)
    CW: 70-70.5kg
    GW: 65-68kg with 25%BF

    Goals are to get fit and strong. I have been running all year (completed City2Surf, a 10km race and 9km race) and didn't see a lot of difference in my weight, in fact, I gained. Now I'm cleaning up my diet and getting back to the weight I'm supposed to be. Learning a whole lot about the nutritional value of food and how much I actually need to eat along the way.

    No more big packets of M&Ms for me!

    I'd love to be able to carry a 10kg backpack all the way around Europe. Hoping my kettle bell swings and all sorted other weights exercises will help me do it!
  • nakigirl79
    Hi all, I'm Trudi from New Plymouth.
    I've been on and off here for a while and have managed to lose a few kgs. I was at my heaviest earlier this year at 84.3kgs and with that was feeling depressed, constantly tired and moody and was starting to have issues with my joints. Since I've started exercising and eating healthier the pain I've experienced in my ankles has improved greatly and I've got heaps more energy.

    I'm a mum to two girls 10 & 6 and I want to be a positive role model for them. Someone who they can see makes healthy choices and can get out there and enjoy life.

    One of my biggest inspirations has been my Dad, he has never been hugely overweight. But he was pre-diabetic, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Through diet and exercise at the age of 63 he's fitter and healthier than 20years ago.

    My long term goal is to reach 60kg and to be able to run a half marathon. My current short term goal is to hit 75kg and to run 5k. The support, encouragement and inspiration here on MFP has been wonderful and I hope I can be an inspiration to others.
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    Im Hanna, preschool teacher in Pukekohe
    Start weight: 88 current weight: 83.5 height 166cm age 26 Goal weight 70kg at this point....
    Add me if you like always looking for more support!
  • BecsBennett
    BecsBennett Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I've just sent a request to join the FB page :) But truth be told I'm more addicted to MFP these days! I'm Becs, I'm 32 years old, living in Auckland and battling the bulge. I'm a real foodie - I love eating and I have a pretty large appetite. MPF has helped me reduce my portion sizes and be accountable for the calories I eat. My stats are:

    Height - 165cm
    Body type - Apple
    Before weight: 82.5kgs
    Current weight - 79.0kgs
    Goal weight 1 - 70.0kgs
    Goal weight 2 - 67.0kgs
    Ultimate goal weight - 63kgs

    I really want to lose the weight this time. And I want to really feel good about myself in the process :)
  • PipBnz
    PipBnz Posts: 49 Member
    Hi I'm Pip,
    24 in Chch, looking for other Kiwi pals for support and food tips.....
    I work with boys so tend to eat like them, but am seriously over crap food!
    I love good food (hence why i'm here) but despise cooking. Have been overweight my whole life and its time to change for good.
    Feel free to add me if u wish :)

  • Pepper_Pea
    Hi there, Waikati girl in need of supportive and motivating friends to help me shift my Christmas spread :) I will encourage and motivate and I will have an diary :feel free to add me ....explode: :explode: :explode:
  • parkera1703
    Hey Im Arron 36ys single dad from Auckland, and cant belive I have not posted here yet! Loving the MFP site and all the great folk I have met these last 3 days! Lets get together and help each other out!
  • Mslibb
    Mslibb Posts: 69 Member
    Hiya Kiwis :flowerforyou: I'm Libby, 39yo, Waikato gal - I just stumbled across this group, so thought I'd join up.

    This is my second time on MFP - the first time I fell off the wagon quite spectacularly after 4 weeks (lost a little then gained it all back, plus some!) I came back at the end of October, and have lost just over 5kg since then. I'll be honest and say it's a constant battle - I love me some food!

    SW 82.5kg
    CW 77.35kg (yes, I track to two decimal places - every gram lost is a victory! :laugh: )
    GW 60kg (and then reassess)
    Height 155cm

    I have the support of a fantastic partner, but it would be great to connect with people going through a similar journey.

    Happy New Year to you all - I hope 2013 is good to you!
  • kimmiedix
    hi there,

    im kim in 26 and i have 3 kids. i have 20-25kgs to loose and still be as fabulous as i am now!lol

    mean just found the facebook page!
  • LingLingNZ
    hi guys , my names christina and im 22 years of age. ive just moved to australia but im kiwi at heart (: obviously having all year round summer here its a total killer when your not in shape so with the new year arriving its a god time to start re-inventing myself again! (even though i had all te time in the world before) so im curently 95.3kg but would lik to get bak down to 75 - 70kg again , im here not only to get encouragment and motivation for my self but to help encourage others as well so yea KIA ORA - in it to win it (TOGETHER) happy new year every one xox
  • LingLingNZ
    holy crackers , congratulations babe ! hopefully il be doin the same in the near future , proud and inspired c:
  • hadlam83
    hadlam83 Posts: 140
    Hi Guys,

    I'm Helen, 29 from Rotorua. I'm really keen on getting some more NZ friends to get people in my time zone so communication is easier.

    I'm currently 106kgs and my goal is 80 kgs. My biggest goal though is to complete the Taupo half marathon on August 4th which I'm working towards now.

    I have two kiddies - a 12 week old and a 3 year old so am currently on maternity leave but due to return to my part time job in Oct.

    Helen :)
  • kiwisara
    kiwisara Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all
    I joined MFP 2 days ago and am loving it so far. I live in rural nor-west Auckland, and have 3 kids aged 11, 6 and 4. My goal is to shed 33kg, and it seems like a huge ask but I'm very encouraged by the success stories I've seen. This is my absolute worst time of night for overeating - I sit on the laptop or in front of the TV and all I want to do is snack. My husband is the same, in fact he's eating Spicy Broad Beans (yummier than they sound) right now and I would love some but don't need them (neither does he but I'm his wife not his mother).
    I'm keen for friends to share this journey with.
    Sara :happy:
  • cbear_
    cbear_ Posts: 10 Member

    I'm from Auckland and am slightly recovering from ana. I'm on the fence and I know I should be going at this 'recovery' whole heartedly but its hard:/
    I'm 170cm , 50kg

    If anyone in nz has similar goals please add me , I would love support and can be a helping hand(:

  • XmiloX
    XmiloX Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys,

    Im Hana, 21, from Greytown (Wairarapa)

    Im currently 173cm, 142.5kg and looking to halve my weight :)
    I am open to new friends anytime, it would be good to have some support (and give some aswell) in the same country!