Graduation Announcements!



  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    I graduated Last week and ran my first 5K yesterday. I did the Color Run and had a blast. I ran the whole time. I felt great. I loved it so much I'm doing another 5K in September.
  • mandync5497
    mandync5497 Posts: 56 Member
    I finished on the 8th. Didn't go as great as I hoped but I did not give up and finished. I still jog quite slow so usually only do 2 miles but i'm happy with that. I am starting a 5k to 10k app tomorrow in hopes of increasing my endurance and distance.
  • tslawson3
    tslawson3 Posts: 41 Member
    It's official! I graduated last night (8/10/15). I'm excited and I look forward to running my first 5k at the beginning of next month. In between now and then, I plan to keep running to work on increasing my distance and I'm contemplating moving on to the 5k to 10k app.
  • Edjeep
    Edjeep Posts: 65 Member
    tslawson3 wrote: »
    It's official! I graduated last night (8/10/15). I'm excited and I look forward to running my first 5k at the beginning of next month. In between now and then, I plan to keep running to work on increasing my distance and I'm contemplating moving on to the 5k to 10k app.
    Great job, I "finished" last night too. I plan to keep running and find a 5K to do before too long, but I have a few backpacking trips and a hunting season to deal with first. This program challenged me at every step and really has left me with a sense of accomplishment and opened doors in my mind.
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Finished this morning! It definitely wasn't my best run, but I got through it.
    I am signed up for a 5K in October and am thinking about doing one in September. I also plan to keep increasing the time I'm running (in a similar manner to the last few weeks of C25K) as I am definitely not running a full 5K in a half hour right now.
    I trusted in the program and now I'm here at the end. Feels great to know that I've accomplished great things.
  • Syleyna
    Syleyna Posts: 86 Member
    Finished C25K on the treadmill about an hour ago. I was so excited that I did 5min warm up, 40mins of running and then 5min cooldown. My numbers are all over the place though, my treadmill says I did 4.52km, my fitbit steps say I did 5.61km, and my fitbit distance says I did even more (though I get the feeling that may not have updated properly before I started). So my next step is to get outside and track my run with a GPS, if I even can run outside. Haha.
    I've never been one to run. I am so proud of myself even if I am slow. I'm so proud of all you too! Yay us!
  • sheraisawesome
    sheraisawesome Posts: 9 Member
    I am new to this group. I finished C25k earlier this year after a couple false starts in the couple of years before. I celebrated by running the FroYo 5k with my 8 year old daughter. I live in AZ, so run only on a treadmill this time of year (well, pretty much always), so running outside was super awesome (but I struggled to control my pace).

    I run 3-4 days per week now and am trying to work on my speed. When I finished C25k, I was doing 13-14 minute miles. My Mom (who is super fit) in her mid 60's was walking 3 miles a day faster than I was running. So instead of bridging to 5k, I created my own mini-program to work on speed. I am now working on 12 minute miles with a goal of running for 32 minutes at 12 MPH pace. End goal is 10 minute miles and getting up to running a 10k. I figure that will take me a couple of years.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I forgot to stop by and say yay, I did it!
    finished it about 2wks ago.
  • Endofmytether
    Endofmytether Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations to you all. I'm only on week 5 day 2 but I found you all extremely motivational. Hope to join all you graduates soon ...
  • Endofmytether
    Endofmytether Posts: 8 Member
    Did it!
  • iLeela75
    iLeela75 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello all. I never did post in here. I graduated the C25K for the second time a week ago. 2 years ago I did it outside, this summer I did it on the treadmill. That is to say I graduated the 30 min run, but have not run the 5km yet.
    I am back outside now that the weather is cooling. When I did it outside 2 years ago, I was able to do the entire 5km in about an hour, I am very slow.
    Now that I am outside again, I can run a good bit of it but not quite the whole 5km again yet, but I feel I am close. I run as much as I can, but walk to make up the whole 5km. Today I was at 54 minutes. LOL. I have a Breast Cancer 5K on October 4th!
  • iLeela75
    iLeela75 Posts: 21 Member
    Did it! Today I ran (slowly) the entire 5 km outside! yay!
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    I "graduated" from C25K back on August 19th, but my 5K wasn't until yesterday.
    I'm happy to report that I ran the whole thing (yay!) and that it was a personal best (YAY). It was a part of the Twin Cities (MN) Marathon weekend, so the medal I got for finishing is pretty darn awesome as well.
    I'm giving myself a week off as both recovery and a birthday present (my birthday is next weekend), but I'm hoping to increase my distances and then therefore decrease my 5K time. I'll be seeing some of you over at the Bridge to 10K group soon.
  • faithan84
    faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
    I did it! I ran my first 5K race!!! I thought I wasn't going to do well because I've not run this week, I've had a cold, I didn't get a full night's sleep last night, and I didn't drink enough water yesterday. My only goal was to run the entire distance and I met my goal!!! I passed so many walkers I was worried I was running too fast and wouldn't be able to keep my pace... but I did! My time was 31:58, and I finished 17th out of the 124 females in my age range!!! This was more of a fun 5K than a serious one, but I'm super pleased with my results! :D 5 months ago, I could hardly run for 1 minute. Before I started training, I had never completely run even 1 mile ***IN MY LIFE***. And now, I can run a 31:58 5K!!! Take that old Faith! New Faith is going to keep going and start training for a 10K!
  • brant710
    brant710 Posts: 134 Member
    I can't believe it but today I did week 9 day 3. It took me 16 weeks as I had a minor injury setback but still when I started 1 minute was hard. Now I want to run as often as physically possible.
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    I graduated today! My W9D3 time was 29:32, which I'm very proud of as it was my goal to run a sub-30 5K before the end of the year. I'm going to keep running every other day, and work on gradually improving my speed.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    I 'graduated' tonight at Running Club. In 6 weeks i've gone from running intervals to running 3.45 miles in one go. I can't actually believe I did it, it was slow (45 mins I think), but I didn't stop once, not even on the really big hills. I'll be running my first 5k Park Run in a couple of weeks, so a bit of time to work on the speed side of things. :smile:
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    It's official! I graduated! W8D3 in the books!

    I still need to get my distance up, but I can run the 30 minutes straight part.

    Now to find a race that I can participate in...
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Not quite to 5k, but I can run for 30 minutes! Next stop, B210k.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I graduated today!

    In 30 minutes, I can currently run 2.25 miles. Need to still get up to 3 miles, which is what I will be working on before I start b210k.