Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Sorry for the late check-in. I've been in bed for well over 24 hours (no idea what hit me, but definitely sick). The only problem is that I don't want to count my weigh-in for today (after a full day of being all kinds of sick, I ended up losing about 4.5 pounds, but I'm sure that's not permanent or actual fat loss).

    I'll go with Sunday's weigh-in instead:

    Weight: 228.5
    OWLs: Not tracking this week, I'll start up again soon
    HPs: If I had known I'd end the week this way, I would have opted myself out. As it is: 105
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Kelly, I hope you feel better.

    Finished the first of 2 presentations last night. I was definitely stressed, and didn't eat for several hours just focusing on my work. Tonight is my cousin's birthday, and then I have to finish that paper (chopping it from 13 pages down to 6).

    I notice that when I'm stressed, but focused on a certain project... I don't eat, like I don't have time for it.

    Yet, when I'm stressed and feel bad about myself- I can't keep from eating food.

    I thought that was interesting on how they swap, and was wondering if anyone else has this. I'm sure most have the second, but I was curious about the first. Maybe we could find a way to keep at the first rather than descending to the second.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Hi Ravenclaw!! sounds like a lot of us have had a stressful week.
    Tori-so sorry to hear about your injury!! feel better soon :flowerforyou: .
    Desj-congrats on the big 5-0 :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Sue-glad your surgery went well!!
    my husband came home from the hospital today so hoping to be back on track soon!!
    haven't earned any OWLs or House Points yet this week. hoping to get back to workouts tomorrow. have a great evening everyone!!
  • kimeister
    Down 1.2 pounds today, which is really just losing what I suspected was a gain of water weight. I'll take it.

    Workout was awesome tonight. I'm going to be able to add weights to all the bars by the end of the week. w00t!
  • Addeyfit
    Doing my daily check-in!.
    Welcome back Penny - I'm glad your hubby is getting better! Don't worry about earning OW\Ls. You were busy taking care of your family. Totally understandable!

    Welcome Back! :flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw!! Well, we closed the month of November with weak scores but the Ravenclaw spirit is still strong!! Overall, we lost 69.1 pound in November! Good job everyone!!

    For week 4, our top loser is Matchamatcha with a 2.02% loss!! That is fantastic!!
    We had a 3-way tie for house points, all with 14: Addeyfit, craft338 and Korkster - Way to go guys! You did super!!

    For the month, our top loser is DefiningRaquel with a 3.54% loss. Wow!!
    The most house points goes to sundancer1966 with 2669 points! You really put me to shame! :blushing:
    And finally, the Ravenclaw that came closest to their goal weight was Korkster - she actually lost 6.8 pounds more than her goal!!



    December Weekly Challenges
    I think that since the month of December is so hectic, we will make our challenges pretty simple. After this weekend's weigh-in, use these for the house challenges for the rest of the month:
    Food: Earn 1 OWL for each day you stay within 100 calories of your daily goal
    Exercise: Earn 1 OWL for each day you meet your personal exercise goal
    Spirit: Earn 1 OWL each day you drop in a leave a little note for your housemates

    I hope that these will at least keep us focused on our own health goals through the holidays as well as keep us all in touch with each other. The inter-house challenges will be the same, so remember to post your weight and house points each week along with your OWLs.

    Oh - and by the way, remember to post your December goal weight. This will be your New Year's goal so make it special!! :drinker:
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    my december goal weight will be a hard one, 185.8 lbs, which will get me out of the obese category :drinker:

    i'm not gonna go crazy if i don't reach this goal, but hopefully this will be extra motivation for me to stay on track over christmas....we'll see...
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw!! happy wednesday. actually completed my food diary yesterday for the first time in about a week. managed to stay under on calories but not carbs. hoping to start back with workouts tonight. still having to take care of husband post hospital stay, but at least it's from home now and not the hospital.
    hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Evening Ravenclaws :wink:

    My December goal is 60kg // 132.2lb. 60kg was the figure I had in my head many moons ago when I sort of roughly plotted how much weight I wanted to lose and by when. Plus it'd be nice to start 2012 at 60kg, an even start before I continue on to my longer-term weight loss goal.
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    It's November 30th and the scale said 142 this morning!! That means I hit my November goal!!! WOOOOOOT
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    My December goal will be to reach 320. (Then I'll only be 100 pounds over what it says on my driver's license.)

    Also, it seems that 8 pounds would be reasonable to reach for a normal month, which might inspire me to stay straight when it comes to holiday food. :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    It's November 30th and the scale said 142 this morning!! That means I hit my November goal!!! WOOOOOOT
    Come to think of it, I hit 150 this morning (YAYYYY) which means I made my November goal too! Now, if I can just hold onto it for my official weigh in this weekend! Its been a very elusive number for me!
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    It's November 30th and the scale said 142 this morning!! That means I hit my November goal!!! WOOOOOOT
    Come to think of it, I hit 150 this morning (YAYYYY) which means I made my November goal too! Now, if I can just hold onto it for my official weigh in this weekend! Its been a very elusive number for me!
    I will cross my fingers for both of our official ones!!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I think that I am going to change my December goal to 145 instead of 150. Even though I've been struggling to reach 150, my MFP goal is 145 and I'm so close! It would be really cool to reach that milestone before the close of 2011!!
  • kimeister
    Checking in -- not my best food day but only 28 cals over. S'okay. Another .6 pounds down -- I'll take it. :)
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Checking in....had a good day all around today....always a blessing for sure!!!!

  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    OMG I'm so sorry I forgot to log my weigh in for week 4, I didn't get a chance to weigh in so will keep my weigh in at 101 Ibs again I am sorry, for my December's goal I will put 98 Ibs and I will get back on track with my OWLS and House points though house points are fairly easy.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning all!! i stayed on track with food past 2 days but not back into working out yet. got a quick peek on the scales this morning...not good!! it never seems to matter as much how i eat, it seems to be more about working out for my weight loss. gotta get back at it. still lots going on at home and stress level VERY high. really hoping to get a workout in tonight. have a great day Ravenclaw!!
  • Addeyfit
    December Goal = I would like to make it to 225 lbs
    This doesn't seem big but like a lot of you I'm sure, I have big meals and plans every weekend this month (sometimes twice in one weekend). So if I stay the same weight I'll be proud...but if I loose then yay!

    Exercise is key - I just need to make it to the gym in the morning and I'll be alright!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw!! Work is getting really busy and I've had to put in some overtime, but I still managed to get in a bit of a walk today. I'll be glad when this current class is over and I can put it behind me - final exam is on Dec. 23. Between work, family and classes, there's precious little time for me. Hope you all had a wonderful Thursday!!