Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    And this just in from the Great Hall:
    Alright, we're getting back on track! Here are our November Week 4 and November total results:


    Congrats to everyone on their hard work! Most of us slid back a little over Thanksgiving, but that just means we had lots of good food and fun with loved ones :)

    Hufflepuff wins the House Cup, Slytherin wins the Quidditch Cup, and in a surprising turn of events Troy67 of Slytherin is named Head Boy with 4428 House Points earned this month!

    Unfortunately, I can't give you badges because I'm still working on an alternative to our old ones (I'm planning to have that figured out before we start January, so bear with me!), but here are the links to the images. You can use them as avatars for now if you want. Just right click, and save as!

    Hufflepuff House Cup: http://tinyurl.com/8x4xyel

    Slytherin Quidditch Cup: http://tinyurl.com/6pwg4l8

    Head Boy: http://tinyurl.com/89hq5lq

    You guys are so awesome. Thanks for all your hard work! You all make MFP Hogwarts kick *kitten*!

    Also, Christmas is coming up at the end of this month. The way our challenges are set up, we'll finish our four weeks of December Christmas weekend (final day for check-ins being 12/26/11). The week between Christmas and New Years will be a vacation!

    I repeat, from after check-in between 12/23/11 and 12/26/11 til before check-in between 12/30/11 and 1/2/12, THERE WILL BE NO WEIGH IN OR HOUSE POINTS!

    You will check-in for the end of December between 12/23/11 and 12/26/11, then check in for the start of January (weight only, no House Points will be counted for the week after Christmas!) between 12/30/11 and 1/2/12.

    Any questions, please ask!
  • Addeyfit

    It is only 9am and I already need a nap! So much going on...*sigh*

    I hope everyone has a good day!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    It looks like it was my turn to go grocery shopping this week... and I didn't. Now we're scrounging to find stuff healthy enough to eat. D'oh! Luckily I stored up on cans of soup, but preparation of food for the week is the best way I've seen to keep on track.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good afternoon Ravenclaw. busy day full of errands. just got a call from a girlfriend to go out to dinner. hopefully it will be somewhere with lots of healthy choices!!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I think the dementors must be back in town - I can't seem to stay away from the chocolate bowls again. My days would be perfect if it weren't for the chocolate. Ah, well. I'll try again tomorrow...

    BTW Penny - I love your profile pic! :laugh:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw. woke up expecting 2-4" of snow to find not one flake on the ground. i have an unhappy teenager who was hoping for the day off form school or at the very least a 2 hour delay!! i had expected my workout to be shoveling snow...guess i'll have to come up with a plan B.
    Sue, the pic is something my daughter found. it seemed appropriate for this time of year while the chocolate demons (aka dementors) are more numerous than usual!!
    hope everyone has a great day...keep working on those patronus charms!!! :laugh:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member

  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    good morning Ravenclaw. woke up expecting 2-4" of snow to find not one flake on the ground. i have an unhappy teenager who was hoping for the day off form school or at the very least a 2 hour delay!! i had expected my workout to be shoveling snow...guess i'll have to come up with a plan B.

    I wish I could say the same :laugh:

    The roads weren't bad at all, but it wasn't fun cleaning and scraping all the snow off my car!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    good morning Ravenclaw. woke up expecting 2-4" of snow to find not one flake on the ground. i have an unhappy teenager who was hoping for the day off form school or at the very least a 2 hour delay!! i had expected my workout to be shoveling snow...guess i'll have to come up with a plan B.

    I wish I could say the same :laugh:

    The roads weren't bad at all, but it wasn't fun cleaning and scraping all the snow off my car!
    Believe it or not, I had to scrape frost from my windshield this morning!! (I'm in Arizona) Its mornings like this that I wish I had kept a pair of my old gloves. :laugh:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    plan B...walk/run with Zoey :bigsmile:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Wow, I am seriously lacking self control this week. Whew, I need to stop, but it all looks so delicious.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw and happy FRIDAY!! i've been off this week, so i guess i shouldn't be happy for the weekend as i go back to work on monday. doing ok food wise so far this week off but not getting in as much exercise as i probably could. been working on home made projects for Christmas. have a great day everyone. :bigsmile:
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    So guys, I'm having a little bit of a crisis here. I've finally reached the point where people are noticing that I've lost weight, and I can finally see it myself. Most days I'm really pleased with my progress... but yesterday, was looking in the mirror and went "I hate my arms they're so fat." I absolutely don't want to be the girl that does that :explode: . I never do that anymore. I was so insecure and hypercritical about my appearance as a teenager, I *don't* want to go back to that. Looking back, I actually think I had a bit of body dysmorphia, because the things I thought were wrong were just stupid. So it seems my arms haven't caught up to the rest of me yet as far as weight loss goes. I'll just have to deal with it.

    But I'm worried because, crude as this sounds - when I'm fat I'm just fat, once I'm slim, am I going to be finding flaw after flaw? I really don't know because I haven't been lower than 60kg before. But last time I was 60kg, and also an angsty teenager, I hated the way I looked. I had some of the best self esteem of my life at my heaviest, and I worked really hard to get to that level of comfort. I think I need to work to make sure I don't lose that along this journey. I hope you guys are working to maintain that too. I know we're all here to lose weight, but I think the self image side is just as important. :/ My two cents.

    Anyway, I hope ya'll are having a good week. Sorry for my little rant lol :flowerforyou:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    You make some really good points, Matchamatcha. I used to feel very insecure as a teenager, and yet again more confident at my heaviest. I think when we lose weight, we start to look for indicators of progress... which can easily change back into judgement on the body. I keep telling myself that if I didn't care before, I shouldn't care now. I also don't look at myself as body parts in terms of progress, but rather what activities I can do now that I'm losing weight. Roller coasters, flying in planes, dancing with my cousins, scuba diving... those are things I see as improvement. Maybe that might help.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Body image is so personal and usually so flawed! When I was 150 pounds before, I thought I was grotesquely heavy and hated my thighs,butt, and belly. At 200 pounds, I knew I was heavy but didn't get so down on my individual parts because ALL of me was heavy. When I got back in the 150's this fall, I was so happy and proud of the way I looked. I liked that fact that I could wear some cuter clothes and look GOOD in them. But now that I've been hovering around 150 for months now and have gotten used to the smaller size, I'm noticing that I'm starting to be critical of my parts again - especially the thighs and belly areas. I really don't want to go back to that place and i'm hoping MFP can help me stay focused on my health instead of what I perceive to be imperfections in my body shape. Thanks for the rant - its nice to know I'm not the only one! :heart:
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    After a being a bad bad Ravenclaw and not checking in for AGES, here I am. I see I even made it on the detention list last week. EEK! Don't want to go there again. It really does seem like this time of the year really sucks it out of me :frown:
    1. Stress of the Holiday season
    2. Desire to eat lots of the bad stuff that 's around
    3. Feeling cold ALL the time and just wanting to snuggle under blankets
    4. Worrying about money for gifts for the holidays
    5. Working insane hours (I worked 66 hours this week. I feel so exhausted :cry:)

    I have NO OWLs or house points to report. I don't think I set a December goal......let's try for 128.

    My current weight.......130.6
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey Scarlett - good to see you back! I think we're all feeling the pressures that come with this time of year. I've noticed a drop in house points - which of course translates to less exercise time from us Ravenclaws. And for me personally, my little snacks are keeping me from losing. I think my challenge will be to maintain this month and not gain more than about 5 pounds overall. About 10 years ago, I gained 20 pounds in one winter! Can't do that again!! So, hang in there everyone. Spring's coming!!

    My weigh in for this week:
    weight: 152 - up a pound
    food: 2 (darn chocolate!)
    exercise: 2
    spirit: 7 (always like to drop in and say hi!)
    OWLs: 11
    House Points: 145

    When I was setting up the chart today getting ready to track this week's stats, I thought there was a mistake because Monday's date says Dec. 12. It just didn't seem right - we can't possibly be nearly half-way through December already!! I had to pull up my computer's calendar to make sure it was right! :laugh:

    Have a happy Saturday everyone - and keep up the good work!!
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    Hey guys, my weigh in for this week is 172.2
    My goal for december was to get down to 165, a healthy bmi for the first time in my life
    House Points - 140
    OWLS - 8
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good afternoon Ravenclaw. had a busy morning. i was seriously thinking about a bike ride today. it's in the low 40's here, which is not a problem but it's also quite windy. don't mind the cold when i ride but the wind is another story. will have to think on it a bit and come up with a plan b workout if i decide not to ride. hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    So far I've been lucky on not being hypercritical, but I think that's because I'm still in the phase of feeling good about compliments and being able to wear smaller clothes, etc. I imagine those problems will come later when I start to get closer to my goal.

    And while part of me agrees a little with the idea that my confidence was greater when I was heavier than when I wasn't, I don't know that was really the case for me. I think I might have been happy with it for a while, but i think that's because once I got to a certain weight, I thought of myself as a fat girl, and I resigned myself to that, so I didn't really care about the small details. I just let myself be happy and focused on my personality or other features, but when it really comes down to it, I don't think it was actual confidence. I think it was more that I ignored the fact that I was overweight and insecure until those random moments in a store when I couldn't find my size, or I'd see a picture of myself with friends, or I'd want to do something that I couldn't do because of my size/weight. It was a lot harder to pretend I was confident or happy in those moments. ;)

    Definitely a good thing to keep in mind as we keep losing and getting more fit, though. I'd hate to lose all this weight only to start picking myself apart. We deserve better than that. :)