Ravenclaw Common Room



  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hi all.

    Checking in after a bad week. I never made to the grocery, so I never made my army of healthy snacks. It's tough eating out and choosing healthy items to eat... everything is like a 1000 calories nowadays.

    Despite all of that, I still lost but at a sacrifice to my OWLs. I was too worried about going over that I was under usually by more than 100 calories.

    CW 323.6
    House Points 12
    Food OWL 1
    Exercise OWL 0

    On the bright side, it's a new week and I already got my exercise in.

    Same goals for the whole month, yes?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi all.

    Checking in after a bad week. I never made to the grocery, so I never made my army of healthy snacks. It's tough eating out and choosing healthy items to eat... everything is like a 1000 calories nowadays.

    Despite all of that, I still lost but at a sacrifice to my OWLs. I was too worried about going over that I was under usually by more than 100 calories.

    CW 323.6
    House Points 12
    Food OWL 1
    Exercise OWL 0

    On the bright side, it's a new week and I already got my exercise in.

    Same goals for the whole month, yes?
    Same goals all month to keep it easy. So - is 12 right for your house points? That would be 12 minutes of exercise all week? An what about spirit OWLs - any of them? I know I've seen you checking in... :wink:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Oh yeah, Spirit OWLs are 5.

    And yes, 12 minutes of workout all week. I rarely even get in one day of exercise, but I'm hoping to boost that during Christmas break.
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks for your replies kellyisfat, korkster and azsuzi. I think that I have reached a point where I'm noticing areas rather than the overall... so I probably need to stay focused on my health, and what I've achieved rather than things I deem to be lacking. I';ve been looking over my stats, and I've lost 12kg / 27lb in ~8 months. 7.5cm off my bust, 9cm off my waist 8cm off my hips. I'm wearing a size smaller, and sometimes 2 sizes smaller. That's really good progress, I can (and should) be happy with that. So I will work on squashing that critical voice whenever I look in the mirror.

    Weigh in is 61kg / 134.4lb.

    Food: wahh only stayed within my calories for 2 days. Not because I'm overeating but because I haven't really been hungry enough to eat all of my exercise calories... oh well.
    Exercise: 5
    Spirit: 4

    House points: 690mins
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw. i gave myself a cheat day yesterday. i really enjoyed it and i woke up feeling better and ready to get back to business today!!

    weekly stats;
    weight 173 which is a 1lb loss (back to my lowest prior to husbands hospitalization over Thanksgiving)

    OWLS 12
    *spirit =6
    *food +/- 100 from goal =2
    *exercise goal met =4
    House Points 142 (should have been better since i was off this week, but i seem to do better on my normal routine)

    matcha-i find now that i am critical of my areas that have been made flabbier now that the fat is going away..."chicken arms", flabby neck area etc. i am finding it interesting learning about the new me. anyone else feel like they are a different person now? i am now a person who can shop in the regular sizes, i walk around not necessarily uncomfortable in my own skin....sometimes i feel like i am learning to be a whole new me. anyone else feel that way?
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    last week - 192
    this week - 189.6

    week's loss - 2.4 lbs :drinker:

    i haven't been logging this week, and it's been great. i think i should be at the point now where i can trust myself to make the right choices and eat when i'm hungry without going overboard. i also think that when i log, i'm too concerned with being under my calorie goal, that i might not eat enough, so not logging might help me to get those extra 100 calories in. so, i guess no food points for me? :cry:

    exercise points - 6 - except for one lazy rainy day, i try to take the stairs instead of the elevator at work, park farther away than i need to in parking lots, and run around the yard with the puppy :flowerforyou:

    exercise minutes - 225
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Oh yeah, Spirit OWLs are 5.

    And yes, 12 minutes of workout all week. I rarely even get in one day of exercise, but I'm hoping to boost that during Christmas break.
    Got it! Thanks!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    last week - 192
    this week - 189.6

    week's loss - 2.4 lbs :drinker:
    That's great Craft - and without logging! WTG!! I don't think I'm ready to give up the logging any time soon! (proof is yesterday - I went over by nearly 700 calories :noway: ) Funny thing is, this morning I'm a pound down - go figure....
    That's really good progress, I can (and should) be happy with that. So I will work on squashing that critical voice whenever I look in the mirror.
    Great job on the house points Matcha! Wish I was more motivated but its just too cold here now!

    Try putting a positive spin on your self-talk when you look in a mirror. Find something that you like and focus on that. Even trying to squash the critical voice can leave a negative subconscious message - try keeping it positive! (Homework for the week: find one thing that you like about your new body every day - something different each day. :wink: )
    i am finding it interesting learning about the new me. anyone else feel like they are a different person now? i am now a person who can shop in the regular sizes, i walk around not necessarily uncomfortable in my own skin....sometimes i feel like i am learning to be a whole new me. anyone else feel that way?
    I definitely feel that way Penny! I'm feeling like a 10 or 15 year younger me - just with an older face and a bit more wisdom! :laugh: Sometimes I find myself thinking like a "fat person" and then remember that I'm not a fat person any more ('tho if you asked me, I couldn't tell you how a "fat person" thinks! LOL) It's fun isn't it?

    Happy Sunday everyone!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Weigh-in: 224.2 (I think that's .4 down from last week)
    House Points: 120
    OWL Total:
    Food: 5
    Spirit: 4
    Exercise: 2
    I've been succumbing to the season, I think. I really did well throughout Halloween and Thanksgiving with my polite "no thanks" responses to most things (even the ones I gave to myself in my head when I was tempted without being offered), but I'm getting worse and worse at it lately. We had cobbler in our work cafeteria 5 times this week, and it's one of my all-time favorite desserts. I'm happy I only indulged twice, but still. Not to mention birthday cake in our meeting and a team dinner that had me eating all kinds of things.

    The one thing I am happy about is that my portion control is still better. Even when I'm eating extra, I eat smaller amounts.

    And Penny, I'd definitely agree that I'm starting to feel like a different version of myself. Hard to put my finger on everything that's changed, but I like the proud feeling that comes when I am taking care of myself. I like that I have a few more clothing options and that I will have more each time I lose a size. I like that I don't feel embarrassed or sick over what I'm eating at the lunch table. But really, it's better than just those things. I feel healthier, more proud, and fitter than before -- and I'm only halfway there, so I can't wait for the rest! :) Thanks for bringing up the point! Maybe that's the motivation I needed.
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member
    Weigh-in: 150.8 (no loss or gain)
    house points: 321
    OWLs: 9
    food: 5
    exercise: 2
    spirit: 2

    I found this week very hard and was a little disappointed that I am at the same weight, but I guess I should be happy that I didn't gain anything :)
    matcha-i find now that i am critical of my areas that have been made flabbier now that the fat is going away..."chicken arms", flabby neck area etc. i am finding it interesting learning about the new me. anyone else feel like they are a different person now? i am now a person who can shop in the regular sizes, i walk around not necessarily uncomfortable in my own skin....sometimes i feel like i am learning to be a whole new me. anyone else feel that way?

    I am definitely becoming a new person. I have had a really awful body image and very little self-confidence for most of my life. I really know where matcha is coming from as well and am still struggling with the body image issue (focusing on my arms or little belly pooch), but it is loads better than before. And my confidence has improved leaps and bounds to the point that friends have told me I am like a whole new person. I recently started dating someone, and I know this is ridiculous, but I'm 31 and he is my first real boyfriend. I know that it has nothing to do with the lost weight and everything to do with the new confident person I have become. Before I had such a bad image of myself that I could not fathom anyone wanting to be with me even when they showed interest. So much wasted time and opportunity. The new me feels better in my own skin both mentally and physically. I feel like I am finally living my life to the fullest. Now I just need to stay on track through the cold and dark Maine winter :)
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    back down to 153.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Hope everyone had a great day. The holidays are fast approaching and I am not ready. Shopping is all done but none of the wrapping. I had hoped to have the mini remodel done in the kitchen but doubt that it will be done before the Holidays.

    Hope everyone has a great week!

  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Checking in!

    Weight: 275!! Plateau of six weeks broken! (-1lbs)
    House points: 389
    OWLS: 7 food, 3 exercise (10 total)

    I couldn't believe that the scale said 275 today--down 1 from yesterday after being 276 for about 4 weeks! Hopefully it doesn't go back up this week--it's finals week, and I tend to be a stressful eater....Biggest Loser DVD, here I come!! :happy:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Weigh-in: 150.8 (no loss or gain)
    house points: 321
    OWLs: 9
    food: 5
    exercise: 2
    spirit: 2

    I found this week very hard and was a little disappointed that I am at the same weight, but I guess I should be happy that I didn't gain anything :)
    matcha-i find now that i am critical of my areas that have been made flabbier now that the fat is going away..."chicken arms", flabby neck area etc. i am finding it interesting learning about the new me. anyone else feel like they are a different person now? i am now a person who can shop in the regular sizes, i walk around not necessarily uncomfortable in my own skin....sometimes i feel like i am learning to be a whole new me. anyone else feel that way?

    I am definitely becoming a new person. I have had a really awful body image and very little self-confidence for most of my life. I really know where matcha is coming from as well and am still struggling with the body image issue (focusing on my arms or little belly pooch), but it is loads better than before. And my confidence has improved leaps and bounds to the point that friends have told me I am like a whole new person. I recently started dating someone, and I know this is ridiculous, but I'm 31 and he is my first real boyfriend. I know that it has nothing to do with the lost weight and everything to do with the new confident person I have become. Before I had such a bad image of myself that I could not fathom anyone wanting to be with me even when they showed interest. So much wasted time and opportunity. The new me feels better in my own skin both mentally and physically. I feel like I am finally living my life to the fullest. Now I just need to stay on track through the cold and dark Maine winter :)

    good morning Ravenclaw and happy monday. back to work after having the week off. i'm actually looking forward to being back on my normal routine, though i doubt that Zoey will be happy to not have me here with her all day-spoiled little puppy that she is!! we'll have to go for a nice walk/run later to make up for it.

    karinane-i totally agree with you about the increased confidence level and it being the reason for the personality changes that accompany the weight loss!! i find that i have been making some long needed changes in my life that i just didn't have the confidence for before. congrats on the new relationship. 31 is still very young...you have lots of time to enjoy your new life!!
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    house points for this week: 370 :D
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    Sorry for the late check in: Sun - Sat
    Weight 211 - down!!
    House points= 552
    I see food was stay under calories = 5 - had a party on Friday and 2 on Saturday
    I don't know what the excercise challenge was, have been beyond crazy busy.
    Spirit = 0 sorry, miss you all

  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Morning all.

    I don't want to be awake and cold, but here I am and it is.

    Finally went shopping, and we have a whole smorgasbord of healthy snacks available now. We even had tilapia with curry last night.

    This week is finals week, and also hopefully the week I hear about whether I did well in my last interview or not.
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Actually lost this week, despite the fact that I was horrible all week! So I'm down to 224.8 again, which I will gladly take. That's a 1.2 loss.

    No House Points or OWL unfortunately, but hopefully I'll do better this week.

    Also, 9.7 pounds to go before I'm out of the obese category!!!
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Checking in for the week. I haven't been logging as much, but I'm still keeping myself on track, which is a good step. Although I really need to get back on the exercise bandwagon...

    Weight: 235.6
    OWLS: 5
    HP: 75
  • Bairn77
    I would like to join Ravenclaw please.