Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I would like to join Ravenclaw please.
    Hi Bairn - welcome to Ravenclaw!! To join in, we need your weigh-in as of this past weekend and your December weight goal. Then weigh in each week on the same day so you have a consistent 7 days each week. We're also tracking minutes of exercise accomplished during the week - these are your house points.

    Ravenclaw's average weight loss each week is used in the inter-house challenge (with the other houses) to determine the quidditch match winner each week and the quidditch cup winner each month.

    Ravenclaw's average house points are used to determine the house cup winner each month.

    We also have in-house challenges to earn OWLs. This month we're taking it easy - the challenges are:
    Food: stay within 100 calories (+/-) of your daily goal. Earn 1 OWL for each day you meet this challenge.
    Exercise: meet your daily exercise goal. Earn 1 OWL for each day you meet this challenge. -and-
    Spirit: earn 1 OWL for each day you drop by the common room and say "hi" to your fellow Ravenclaws.

    So, you can earn up to 3 OWLs each day or 21 maximum for the week. The Ravenclaws with the highest loss percentage and the most OWLs are named Prefect for the week (bragging rights :wink: ).

    Have fun!
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member
    karinane-i totally agree with you about the increased confidence level and it being the reason for the personality changes that accompany the weight loss!! i find that i have been making some long needed changes in my life that i just didn't have the confidence for before. congrats on the new relationship. 31 is still very young...you have lots of time to enjoy your new life!!
    I couldn't believe that the scale said 275 today--down 1 from yesterday after being 276 for about 4 weeks! Hopefully it doesn't go back up this week--it's finals week, and I tend to be a stressful eater....Biggest Loser DVD, here I come!! :happy:
    Congratulations! I hate it when I get stuck on a plateau, but it is nice when you finally break through :)

    I feel sick today and am worried that I may be getting the flu. my whole body aches. Ugh. No exercise today. I couldn't even walk my poor puppy because the the coldness outside just physically hurt. Here's hoping for a 24 hour bug *fingers crossed*
  • Bairn77
    Hello azsuzi, thank you for welcoming me into Ravenclaw. And hello to all you other Ravenclaws. My weigh in for last week was 190 lbs. My December goal is 184 lbs. I did great on the food OWLs and scored 7. Exercise was only 2, however that will get better now I am checking in and as far as the common room, well I just got here so that's that.
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Congratulations! I hate it when I get stuck on a plateau, but it is nice when you finally break through :)

    I feel sick today and am worried that I may be getting the flu. my whole body aches. Ugh. No exercise today. I couldn't even walk my poor puppy because the the coldness outside just physically hurt. Here's hoping for a 24 hour bug *fingers crossed*

    Thank you! I hope you get well, soon--being sick, especially during the holidays, sucks :frown:
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    BTW, I'm not sure where to post this, but my goal weight for December is 272.

    GO RAVENCLAW! :bigsmile:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey everyone! Quick check in before I run out the door for bell choir. We still need weigh-ins for:


    We've had some good losses this week - great job everyone!
  • the_accountinator
    Good evening all!! Another quick check in for me before bed. This time with a lower number at 276.0. That's right folks, its the low est I've been in many years! I haven't been up to much though and I have no house points or OWLs to contribute. I'll keep trying to fit some in between work, study, and sleep. good luck to all on your own journeys!!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Why is it that on weeks where I lose weight it's so much easier to eat healthy and exercise?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Why is it that on weeks where I lose weight it's so much easier to eat healthy and exercise?
    Incentive :drinker:
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I am weighing in at 101 Ibs, have roughly 800 House Points but am not sure as I was a little busy last week so didn't log anything. :)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw and happy tuesday. i have a busy day today. working early then leaving early for an out of town appointment. hoping to get a workout in later. the dog is getting used to these walk/runs we've been going on so chances are she will insist on going no matter what time i get home or how tired i am!! hope everyone has a great day. :bigsmile:
    Why is it that on weeks where I lose weight it's so much easier to eat healthy and exercise?

    positive reinforcement!!
  • Bairn77
    Good morning Ravenclaw. With the combination of snow, ice and mud my favorite activity of trail running becomes nearly impossible this time of year. Unfortunatly when the weather turned cold I stopped running and let my eating habits get out of control and gained 20 lbs, so I am getting back on track and hoping this website will help me stay motivated for the indoor workouts until the weather turns less hostile and I can hit the trails again.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome Bairn77! Some people do stairs, eliptical, or stationary bike.

    I prefer dancing, or more specifically zumba dancing. It's indoors, and a good workout, burning about 900 calories per session. But I also like to dance. You just need to find an indoor activity that lets you have enough fun that you forget you're working out.

    What's worked mostly for me though is the calorie counting. There's a MFP app for the phone, and it's how I log everything. Works great.

    It's been a good Tuesday indeed! One final down, and one more to go. Plus, I got the job I interviewed for! I start in January, and am very excited. It's funny to think I've lost 17 pounds since the whole process began.

    I think once school is over on Thursday I am going to start up the "no eating after 9pm" thing again. Last night I had dinner at 11pm, and that's just too late.
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    It was actually warm enough for me to run outside today! The running track was a little wet, but i didn't care. I was just happy to have fresh air instead of the sweaty smell I breathe in at the rec.

    After I went to one of the restaurants on campus and ordered a Thai cashew chicken salad with a ginger vinaigrette. It was so delicious, I had never had it before but I am definitely ordering it again. It seriously is a mean in itself and it's 643 calories for the entire salad. It could easily be broken into two servings, but I was really hungry after my run, so I ate it all :laugh: .
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    And now.... This week's results!!

    Samiwhereareyou takes top honors for weight loss - 4 pounds down and 2.55%!! Wow! Great job!!
    cherubcrnp and psb13 earned the most OWLs with 12 each. Nice work!

    Congratulations to this week's Prefects! Keep up the great work!! :drinker:


    It sounds like you're all having a great week. Mine has been super busy and will only get busier as we get closer to the end of the year. My snacking is always a challenge this time of year. Thanks to the support of all of my Ravenclaw housemates, I'm at least keeping it to a minimum this year so hopefully I can go into the Spring with just a few pounds to shed. Thanks everyone! :smooched:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw and happy wednesday. i totally blew yesterday. left work early to go to a doctors appt 2 hours away with my husband. got lost coming home then stopped for dinner. major binge eating!!! i feel both dehydrated and bloated today!! i'm sure i will be paying for this come weigh in day!!

    korkster-CONGRATS on the new job!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    samiwhereareyou-congrats on the outstanding loss this week!!
    surprised about the owls...didn't think i had that great of a week!

    have a great day everyone.
  • Bairn77
    Good morning Ravenclaw. I did a little binge eating too last night. I was under my calorie goal by almost 600 so I had a big bowl of ice cream and ended up 54 calories over. I know that ice cream is not the healthiest way to take on calories but it sure tasted good after my workout. I will need to be smarter on my calorie use today though. Another storm hit yesterday here so it will be a while before I can take in the fresh air while running.

    Congratulations Korkster on the new job!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks all for the warm wishes!

    Now I've settled into the awkward phase of resigning from my current job... I'm a little worried on how they'll take it. I can see it going either way. Oh, well. That's for tomorrow.

    There was banana bread in the lunch room. I usually resist, but it's banana bread! Stuck to one slice, so props to that.

    They're doing fresh baked cookies on Friday...
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Another storm hit yesterday here so it will be a while before I can take in the fresh air while running.

    i thought it was nice and warm in AZ!!
  • Bairn77
    Another storm hit yesterday here so it will be a while before I can take in the fresh air while running.

    i thought it was nice and warm in AZ!!

    It usually is down in the desert part of the state, but up here in the mountains it can get pretty cold. I have seen it get down to -20 at my place. we recently had a snow storm that hit us with 18" of snow too. Not ideal outdoor weather, but it is fun to bundle up and play on the four wheelers in the snow.