Ravenclaw Common Room



  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    This weekend wasn't the best food wise, but I plan on getting back at it this week. I did have an amazing weekend with friends, and did LOTS of walking around town with them.

    Enjoy the week Ravenclaws!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Welcome Jade. Always good to have a new Ravenclaw in the house! Lottee is our head of house and she will contact you soon with all the info you need. In the meantime, feel free to drop in and join the chatter!

    I'll be heading home again on Thursday for the 2nd time in a month. My dad died last Thursday so I have to return now for the memorial service. I'm so glad I got to see him before he passed - and I'm glad he was in relatively good spirits while I was there.

    Anyway, my visits in the common room will be hit-and-miss until after the 4th of July and I am not planning to participate in the challenges until then. Good luck on your month-end weigh-ins everyone!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Welcome Jade. Always good to have a new Ravenclaw in the house! Lottee is our head of house and she will contact you soon with all the info you need. In the meantime, feel free to drop in and join the chatter!

    I'll be heading home again on Thursday for the 2nd time in a month. My dad died last Thursday so I have to return now for the memorial service. I'm so glad I got to see him before he passed - and I'm glad he was in relatively good spirits while I was there.

    Anyway, my visits in the common room will be hit-and-miss until after the 4th of July and I am not planning to participate in the challenges until then. Good luck on your month-end weigh-ins everyone!

    I am so sorry about your loss and am glad as well that you got to see him before he passed. My thoughts go to you and your family. :flowerforyou:

  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    And here we have June's Week 2 Results!


    Congrats to Gryffindor for a solid win in the quidditch match this week!
    And congrats to Hufflepuff for continuing their very strong lead in the House Cup competition - 646.8 house points!

    June week two results are out- although we were second in the House Cup and third in the Quidditch match, our numbers were much better than last week so well done guys! Keep it up!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey guys, as no-one has suggested any challenges for the interhouse competition I am going to go ahead and make some up for all of us. Somrthing fiendish...

    Matchamatcha- will be good to have you around! Your bootcamp sounds great, I wish there was something similar near here!

    Datenshi-sounds like a good plan allowing yourself a free day every now and then, I know I'm not strong-willed enough on the other days though!

    Jadery24- welcome! you should have a long message from me about this group. The challenges from this week are in a post from me, towards middle of the previous page.

    momofJandA- storms here as well so haven't been able to run outside. Am trying to run on the treadmill instead, but man it's boring!! Can do 30 minutes and then I have to stop out of boredom. I also find I run slower on the treadmill, even though it feels faster. Very odd, it's messing with my timings.

    In other news, the shipping company are coiming tomorrow to get all my stuff, it's suddenly very real that I'm leaving Thailand forever next week! Three years has gone so fast! Guess I best do some packing...
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Weighing in at 100.5 Ibs again. :)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    @azsuzi- sorry to hear about your Dad, thoughts and prayers for the upcoing week

    @lottee- i can't run on a trwadmill, just can't quite get it right . . . i die of boredom, I run slower, my pace is all messed up, and I'm pretty sure I look like a complete and utter fool. It just feels all wrong to me.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ravenclaws!

    Week two results for Ravenclaw are all now in, congratulations to... azsuzi, CivicSista, datenshi, kellyisfat, me, matchamatcha and srp2011, who all lost this week! Great news is no-one gained weight this week, everyone lost or maintained. Excellent work!

    Prefects for the week are: momofJandA and Datenshi, AGAIN! Well done you guys! I don't need challenges from you because next week we start following the challenges set by the other houses, and competing against them, which should be interesting.

    Enjoy your day ravenclaws
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I bought a new pair of running shorts and I can't wait to wear them out tomorrow. :) Happy Wednesday
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    got in another 7 miles today- which means i've run 97 miles so far this month!!! i WILL break 100 miles!!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member

    My daughter's grade 8 graduation was on Monday. There was a lot of people wearing perfume and cologne so I had a migraine yesterday and raw throat from coughing. My throat is mostly better today but I still have the headache. This morning I went to a workshop on a process improvement system called Lean that was really good and based on how Toyota runs it's company processes. The afternoon has been busy with work stuff.

    No word yet on whether I got the other job or not.

    I have one more blister I would like to heal a little more before going hiking again. I anticipate I will be hitting the trails again on Friday.

    We are short on cash this pay period so I am relying on Kashi bars and cereal rather than the more expensive fruit and chicken etc for my meals. Still getting in my proper calories but I try to eat from all the food groups as often as I can.

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Still no word on the job and I am on vacation tomorrow for DS's birthday. Maybe next week I'll find out but no big deal really since I have a job now that pays more, the other one is just more convenient.

    I managed to lose what I gained from the wedding last Saturday and a little bit more. I won't be a big loser this week but anything in the right direction makes me happy.

    Tomorrow I start hiking again and am really looking forward to hitting those trails. When I went hiking for those 7 days in a row I saw so many animals it was crazy and there was this deer that I think startled me as much as I startled it. The one time I was on a trail where there is really tall grass along the side that is just over my head. Suddenly a deer leaps up about 5 feet to my left and bounds away :noway: . They can jump pretty darn high I must says...lol. I did the trail again because it is shorter one that I do twice. I am on a different part of the trail and suddenly from a group of trees a deer comes running parallel to the path I am on. This time at least it was about 20 ft away and didn't scare the bejesus out of me. Saw lots of rabbits, toads and chipmunks too as well as a little snake.

    Well I hope you all have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:

  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    inlaws are visiting from across the country and healthy isn't exactly in their vocabulary (they either eat crappy or nothing at all- no seriously they want to have fruit for dinner- that's it just fruit- hello I have 2 kids under 5 they need sustenance!!)
    Took us out to the diner this morning for breakfast. Luckily I went for a run this morning, but pretty sure the french toast and sausage links put me over something somewhere :(

    On a good note I officailly met and exceeded my June running goal. I set out at the beginning of the month to run 100 miles and as of today I am at 104 miles with 2 days left to go- yipee!!!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    inlaws are visiting from across the country and healthy isn't exactly in their vocabulary (they either eat crappy or nothing at all- no seriously they want to have fruit for dinner- that's it just fruit- hello I have 2 kids under 5 they need sustenance!!)
    Took us out to the diner this morning for breakfast. Luckily I went for a run this morning, but pretty sure the french toast and sausage links put me over something somewhere :(

    On a good note I officailly met and exceeded my June running goal. I set out at the beginning of the month to run 100 miles and as of today I am at 104 miles with 2 days left to go- yipee!!!!

    Awesome! Congrats on exceeding your running goal!! :flowerforyou:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaws!

    Had a bad day yesterday- no exercise and over on calories. Oh well, was exhausted. Today I will be better, although I feel like an eating monster. I know I'm not hungry though, just eaing for the sake of it, must resist! Tonight I will run and hopefully swim though to make up for yesterday. I feel like if I write this down here then I have to do it, hopefully it works!

    Datenshi- congrats on your daughters graduation and MomofJandA- you ran 7 miles the other day, and it wasn't even a race- are you mad?! Congrats on making your goal though! Good luck on your job Datenshi, hope you hear soon x
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    @lottee- my daily runs are 5-8 miles as of right now, training for my half marathon in September- not following any specific training program just running more every week

    Speaking of running . . . . my feet are simply not pretty- I lost 2 toenails and have blisters and calluses ALL over the bottom and sides of my toes. i have no idea how to prevent them. I have relatively new running shows (started using them in March). Any ideas?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Friday Ravenclaw! (it is Friday - right? I've totally lost track!) Had a 1 a.m. flight to NC from AZ yesterday so got no sleep Wednesday night besides a few cat naps on the flight. Then rented a car at the airport and drove 2.5 hours to get to Wilmington, NC where my dad's funeral will be. Sad to say that at one point I fell asleep at the wheel. Good thing the highway had rumble strips that woke me up when I ran off the side of the road!! We were so lucky! Anyway, we arrived safe and sound and I slept a solid 11 hours last night!!! We will spend the weekend with a good family friend who owns a beach house. She is in her 80's and is such a kind and gentle person who respects all things for their own special beauty. This morning I am sitting on her deck enjoying the sea breeze and listening to the surf. So relaxing and good for the soul. I can't imagine a better place to be under the circumstances. My dad's funeral is tomorrow - its strange to know that I'm here where I spent so many summers with him and I will not see him this time. So many good memories...
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    @lottee- my daily runs are 5-8 miles as of right now, training for my half marathon in September- not following any specific training program just running more every week

    Speaking of running . . . . my feet are simply not pretty- I lost 2 toenails and have blisters and calluses ALL over the bottom and sides of my toes. i have no idea how to prevent them. I have relatively new running shows (started using them in March). Any ideas?

    Moleskin is the best answer but it can be expenssive if you are using it all the time. Duct tape is cheap and works or sport tape like the kind boxers use to wrap their wrists and hands. I was getting tons of blisters becasuse of the hiking I do and taping my feet prevented new ones from forming.

    Take care,

  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    @lottee- my daily runs are 5-8 miles as of right now, training for my half marathon in September- not following any specific training program just running more every week

    Speaking of running . . . . my feet are simply not pretty- I lost 2 toenails and have blisters and calluses ALL over the bottom and sides of my toes. i have no idea how to prevent them. I have relatively new running shows (started using them in March). Any ideas?

    Moleskin is the best answer but it can be expenssive if you are using it all the time. Duct tape is cheap and works or sport tape like the kind boxers use to wrap their wrists and hands. I was getting tons of blisters becasuse of the hiking I do and taping my feet prevented new ones from forming.

    Take care,


    Now why in the hell didn't I think of that!!!!
    Sadly I haven't done 1 day of lower body work this week (and it was MY challenge :huh: ) I have gotten all my water in every day though- so that will help the OWLS
    June is officially over so here is the running ticker- 111 miles . . . . wonder if next month the goal should be 120?

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I am so very burnt but the kids and I had a great time at the beach today and yesterday. I wear waterproof, SPF 60 sunblock but I burn so easy I would have to apply it every 15 minutes to avoid a sunburn. I haven't been to a beach in 3 years so I forgot about how the sand gets everywhere...lol.

    Tomorrow I am getting up early so that I can go for a hike and then take the kids after to a carnival.

    I hope you all are having a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
