Slytherin Common Room



  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    So everyone, the January totals are up!!! We won the House Cup!! Way to go everyone!!! :drinker: :happy:

    Also, one again, Troy won Head Boy!! Congrats Troy!

    Here is the post directly from the Great Hall that Bron posted today! Please note that she originally posted that we won both cups, but if you look at the results, Gryffindor actually won the Quidditch Cup. I was nice and let her know. I don't want to steal the glory that isn't ours (even though I know that's not true Slytherin fashion! haha!).

    Here's the (incredibly long awaited) JANUARY RESULTS!

    I'm just going to skip to the end, here, and give the totals:


    It looks like Slytherin takes the House AND Quidditch Cups! Congrats, Snakes!

    Great work in all the other Houses, too!

    Our Head Boy and Girl are as follows:

    Kelsue35 from Gryffindor with 5495 HPs


    Troy67 from Slytherin with 4751 HPs

    ***Badges and Cups in both sizes are at the bottom of the rules blog here:
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I've been gone. School started, got hectic. I felt like dying... but I'm back and ready to roll now. I'll catch up and get back in the game, no problem.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I've been gone. School started, got hectic. I felt like dying... but I'm back and ready to roll now. I'll catch up and get back in the game, no problem.

    Oooooh Umbrella Academy avatar! Me likey.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I've been gone. School started, got hectic. I felt like dying... but I'm back and ready to roll now. I'll catch up and get back in the game, no problem.

    Oooooh Umbrella Academy avatar! Me likey.


    I'm writing a critical essay over it - 15-20 pages - for my senior seminar English class this year. The story and characters fascinate me to no end. It should be interesting.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hello again another Sunday!


    Last week 142.2
    This week 140.2

    I am still doing good with food small portions throughout the day. About 200 min exercise, still sciatica stuff… did we have Newts and Owls last week? well i know owls was 0 since its extra exercise. Newts? depends on if it was posting if it was around 4 or 5 I guess.

    I will post later about a 3 day plan, I don't usually like to do plans...
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    Hello all! New to Hogwarts and would love to join Slytherin! :happy:
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Hey, everybody.
    Maintained at 170 pounds even with increasing calories, carbs, etc with new strength training/maintenance plan.
    1140 exercise minutes for 8718 calories burned.
    4 newts for sticking to my plan all week. I have been working 56 hours per week so haven't had time to actually post about it. But I definitely have to plan everything out for the week ahead of time.
    7 owls as I have just gotten my own olympic weight set with squat rack. Have been doing the stronglifts 5x5 program and have incorporated pullups, leg curls, preacher curls into the workout.

    Hope you are all doing great!!

  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    welcome to sangelic!!
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207

    NEWTS– Plan your meals ahead of time for at least 3 days this week. Post your plan the day before – let us see what you’re eating! If there is something specific you are working to get more of, like fiber for example, make sure to include that in your post so other house members can offer suggestions for you! 1 NEWT for each day you post, 1 NEWT for each day you stick to your plan, and then 1 free NEWT because you’re all awesome!

    OWLS – Try something new this week! If you just stick to the elliptical or treadmill at the gym, try taking a yoga or zumba class if you haven’t before. Or if you’re big into the strength training, find some new moves you haven’t done before. Bicep curls can get boring, so what other moves can you do to work out those biceps?
    3 OWLS for doing the new activity and then 4 OWLS for posting about what you did, why you liked it or didn’t like it, and if you did like it, will you start to incorporate this into your regular routine?

    Just wanted to clarify...this is the challenge for this week correct? My starting weight is 193.5. So excited for this :happy:
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Yes that is the one for this week. Don't worry if leader takes a few days to get back to you…we go up and down on writing and are all here on sunday to check in usually.
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Hey guys I didn't get the chance to use the computer long enough sun/mon, so here's my check-in.

    Exercise: 103 mins
    loss of 0.5 lbs

    Have a great week everyone!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ugh sorry guys my work is INSANE right now (Boss going on maternity leave) -- we're stealing the Gryffindor challenges this month.

    :D Be stealthy.
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member

    NEWTS– Plan your meals ahead of time for at least 3 days this week. Post your plan the day before – let us see what you’re eating! If there is something specific you are working to get more of, like fiber for example, make sure to include that in your post so other house members can offer suggestions for you! 1 NEWT for each day you post, 1 NEWT for each day you stick to your plan, and then 1 free NEWT because you’re all awesome!

    OWLS – Try something new this week! If you just stick to the elliptical or treadmill at the gym, try taking a yoga or zumba class if you haven’t before. Or if you’re big into the strength training, find some new moves you haven’t done before. Bicep curls can get boring, so what other moves can you do to work out those biceps?
    3 OWLS for doing the new activity and then 4 OWLS for posting about what you did, why you liked it or didn’t like it, and if you did like it, will you start to incorporate this into your regular routine?

    Just wanted to clarify...this is the challenge for this week correct? My starting weight is 193.5. So excited for this :happy:

    Yes, these are the challenges for this week! Sorry for any confusion.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    okay plan (hate these!!)

    Breakfast Day 1 : 1 slice spelt bread toast with a bit of strawberry cream cheese on it
    1 over easy egg
    1 turkey sausage
    lots of ginger tea

    Lunch Day 1 : bowl of chicken & vege soup low sodium progresso

    Dinner Day 1 : Vege black bean burger & 1 slice spelt bread

    Gummy vitamins calcium, vitamin D and a regular one all of them.

    Also have 4 oz of cranberry 100% real juice and 4 oz water mixed with 1 t natural fiber.

    Day 2: Breakfast scramble, 1 egg w/1% milk, salsa, spinach, fresh garlic, fresh basil, sprinkle parmesan cheese, turkey sausage, tea

    Lunch: 1/2 turkey sandwich

    snack: 2 T yogurt dip with 8 wheat thins

    Dinner: Salmon with ginger sauce & steamed green beans with slivered almonds

    Same vitamins & fiber drink.

    Day 3 : Oatmeal with blueberries, 1% milk, honey, tea

    Lunch: 1/2 chicken pita with veges in it (going out to lunch at health food cafe) they also serve small side salad with it with raspberry dressing.

    Dinner: Other 1/2 of pita and some homemade applesauce (from our trees I made and froze last Oct!!)

    Same vitamins & fiber drink.

    Thats about how I eat, I add more when exercising so if it seems little its because its about 1200 cal or so and with sciatica stuff i do a light walk only if i do more i eat more!

    And besides the tea I drink and love I drink water with a bit of fresh lemon juice in it throughout the day. And bring this with me if I go anywhere.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    Sorry I'm so late to check in! I was on my 4 year anniversary weekend vacation with my guy, and things have been super busy since I got back!

    Maintained my weight ...even with the vacation! :-D

    1224 exercise minutes (5168 calories burned).

    I just looked back to my weekly burn totals for the past couple of months, and my weekly calorie burns have DOUBLED since I got my heart rate monitor! A little of it might be just logging more accurately, but I know that most of it is because having it really inspires me to work out more, and being able to look at my wrist and SEE the number of my heart rate motivates me to keep it up and not get lazy!
    Pretty happy about that :) I can see the results, too. I'm way more fit and sculpted!
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    Whoop! Finally in the Slytherin Common Room! Now... when I post my stats tomorrow, do I do that as a 'first' or should I post it with the loss from last weigh in? And how do we steal points from other houses :devil: can we do that...? *whistle*

    Also, I hardly ever track my exercise properly on here, but suppose I'll do that from now on then.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    Okay, weighed in today and am at 174lbs. 1lb down from last week.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Whew. Sorry I went MIA guys - I had such a stressful 2 weeks and my boss is out on maternity leave as of Monday so we've just been scrambling trying to make sure all her work is covered for the next 3 months.
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    Yesterday I finally tried the assisted pullup/dip machine at the gym! Why did I wait so long to do that? :laugh: I felt amazing afterwards and can definitely feel it in my back/shoulders. Will most definitely be adding this to my strength training routine!
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Weighed in at 297.5, which is down from 305 last week, but up from 294 from weeks ago. Not really sure where that sticks me here lol.