Great Hall



  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I'm late, but I'm still here. Things went a little crazy at work, so I'm going to beg for some patience until I'm able to update everything.

    Thank you to all of the HoHs for being so amazing and sending all the information each week. You're all fantastic!

    Reposting the challenge information in the meantime!

    Week 1 - Gryffindor
    Food - Stay under your sugar macro goal for the day.
    Exercise - Squats! For every day that you complete at least 20 squats, you'll earn your challenge for the day! If you complete at least 150 during the week, give yourself one extra OWL at the end of the week!

    Week 2 - Hufflepuff
    Food - Monitor your sodium levels! Each participant should have the sodium column in their diary and for every day they are 'under' the sodium 'goal', they should award themselves. For every day that the individual is under their sodium goal, they should award themselves 5 NEWTs (or OWLs, depending on the house's usual tracking system). As well as that, for every glass of water an individual has they should award themselves 1 NEWT/OWL, so 1 NEWT/OWL per glass.
    Exercise - This week's exercise is crunches! For every set of 10 crunches an individual completes, they should award themselves 5 OWLs. A bonus 5 OWLs can be awarded for 60 minutes of exercise completed, and that can be any form exercise.

    Week 3 - Ravenclaw
    Food - Eat at least four servings of vegetables during the day.
    Exercise - Aim for 50 jumping jacks per day! You can split them up throughout the day or you can complete them all at once.

    Week 4 - Slytherin
    Food - Polyjuice challenge - 1 earned for every day you don't have a beverage that is over 50 cals.
    Exercise - Flagrante challenge - 1 earned for every day you burn over 400 calories or more.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    June End-of-Month Results!

    Unfortunately, I don't have the week 4 results for Slytherin, so I had to update it without Slytherin included, but I can update after the fact if needed.


    Congrats to the June House Cup Champions - HUFFLEPUFF! Awesome job being so consistent with your exercise, guys!

    And congrats to the June Quidditch Cup Victors - RAVENCLAW! Really proud of you all! *beams*

    I don't have all the information posted yet for the Head Girl/Boy or Quidditch Captain, but I'll edit this post once I do receive that information. Good luck during the month of July!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hello fellow students!

    We only have results from two houses for July so far, but I wanted to at least show you where we are:


    Hufflepuff started out amazing for the month (impressive!), but it looks like both houses struggled a bit last week. Let's see if we can turn that around by the end of the month! :)

    Also, I'm going to try to advertise a bit on here to see if we can get some new recruits. We have at least one house with virtually no activity, so I'd like to get them moving and improve our excitement in general. Let me know if you have any other thoughts to help!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi Kelly, some Ravenclaws think we should go back to having spirit OWLS, as they increase participation in the common rooms. That might be an idea!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Kelly, some Ravenclaws think we should go back to having spirit OWLS, as they increase participation in the common rooms. That might be an idea!

    Sorry I missed this, but I love the idea. I'll add that each week the challenges so that we can try to promote that as well. :D
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Updates will be coming soon, but for now...

    August Challenges:

    Week 1 - Gryffindor
    Food - One earned for every day you stay under your carb macro (feel free to do some research and set this macro as you see appropriate for yourself and your goals).
    Exercise -One earned for every set of 10 tricep dips!
    Spirit - One earned for every day you post in your house's Common Room!

    Week 2 - Hufflepuff
    Food - TBD
    Exercise - TBD
    Spirit - One earned for every day you post in your house's Common Room!

    Week 3 - Ravenclaw
    Food - TBD
    Exercise - TBD
    Spirit - One earned for every day you post in your house's Common Room!

    Week 4 - Slytherin
    Food - TBD
    Exercise - TBD
    Spirit - One earned for every day you post in your house's Common Room!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Week 3 Results:


    Congrats again to Hufflepuff for leading the school in the House Cup competition *AND* winning this week's quidditch match!

    The Badgers are on a roll - any house think they can step up to challenge them? ;D
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Congrats Hufflepuff on a good week!!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Well done Hufflepuff! Come on Ravenclaw, we can do it!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Here are the challenges from Hufflepuff for week 2

    NEWT (food challenge) Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. 1 newt daily for each color of the rainbow that you eat. Add 1 extra newt if it is fruit or vegetable you are trying for the first time. I am enclosing a link to some examples of how to ad a rainbow to your eating habits.

    OWL (exercise)challenge

    Focus on back and core strength
    Superman exercises 1 newt for each set of 12 completed

    Spirit - One earned for every day you post in your house's Common Room!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Ravenclaw challenges for Week 3: Let's keep it simple and go back to basics until Hogwart's returns to session after summer break :laugh:

    Food: Drink your water - replace one of your less-healthy drinks (soda, coffee, juice, etc) with a glass of water each day. One OWL for each day you meet your water goal plus one bonus OWL each day you replace another beverage with water.

    Exercise: Target the abs - one OWL each day you do some focused ab work of your choice.

    Spirit: One OWL each day you post to your house common room.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    And to stress the importance of drinking your water, here is an article that I came across this morning titled "Summer is peak season for kidney stones". It's worth a read...
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I would like to take a quick moment to apologize to everyone. I am usually the last person to take off without notice and not at least post an update to explain why I haven't been active, but unfortunately, this time I definitely was that person. :(

    I love these houses and this entire group, so I'm really sorry that I've been absent, but I'm currently separating from my husband, which has taken up my time in several different ways, including not having access to internet as frequently as I had. I should be getting back on track very soon, but until then, I didn't want to keep everyone waiting without an update.

    If you'd like to have someone step in to my place, I won't be the least bit offended. However, if you'd rather just hold off, I should be back to normal by September. I have a small vacation coming up that I'm looking forward to (it's a bit of a send-off after my hearing next Wednesday), but after that, I should be settled back into my house and with internet full-time like before. If something happens and I won't be able to, I'll let you know.

    I really hope you are all doing well - thank you so much for posting the challenges and staying with it. You're amazing. :)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about your problems, am sending positive thoughts your way!

    I thought you were doing a great job of Headmistress before your absence so I'd be quite happy to have a bit of a break (still posting in common room and so on) and wait for you to get back in touch in September. Enjoy your holiday and try to relax a bit, it sounds like an extremely stressful time! Lottee x
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Kelly - my thoughts are with you. Hang in there... :flowerforyou:

    I think that since the Hogwarts school year begins September 1 any way, there's no reason to replace you just yet :wink: . Take care of yourself and see you when term begins.
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Any idea what challenges are that start tomorrow?

  • p0tt3rgl33k
    p0tt3rgl33k Posts: 54 Member
    Hey, new Slytherin here.... This sounds like a fun group and a fun way for me to get moving and have people hold me accountable for exercises and food choices! :) I just need to find a place to weigh in.... as I don't normally do that.
  • p0tt3rgl33k
    p0tt3rgl33k Posts: 54 Member
    HEY... It all starts tomorrow!! I cannot wait to get this group back, with all house members participating! (A girl can dream right!)
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Hiya everyone! I'm back after a big break.... life got in the way and has been kicking my butt, I'm ready to jump back in! I was sorted in Gryffindor in all quizzes I've taken and was sorted in Slytherin by Pottermore. I was in Gryffindor in Hogwarts Castle, but I am noticing no activity in the common room. I certainly don't want to jump ship, but I'd like to be in an active group.

    Just let me know where new students are needed :bigsmile: