


  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    Hi, I am Deb and I love to read. I belong to 2 book clubs and work at a library. Just finished reading Saving Sarah by Julie Kramer. Reading James Lee Burke's new book Creole Belle, Last Words Frederick's bionary by Frederick Blanch and Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.
    Always looking for good books and new authors.
  • Cdc88
    Hello book lovers glad I found this group my reading interests are selfimprovments/ wellness Sprituality . Art history and some painters, science fiction fanasty, disabity topics, romance paranormal etc
    The only category I don't like is horror ( too scary and frightening for me ) hope to find some friends would be nice have a rocky mountain day
  • VickyO1977
    VickyO1977 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi I love reading and probably get through 1 book per week on average depending on how good the book is. My favouries are anything by Nicholas Sparkes, I loved the Hunger Games trilogy, Memoires of a Geisha, I love anything by P.J. Tracy. I will read anything I love a good romance, a thriller anything that can transport me to a different time and place. I love how I can get lost in a book and it feels like an adventure. Books are a constant friend in my life. I am always looking for suggestions for what to read next and there is nothing I love more than browsing through a bookstore.:smile:
  • lisha7997
    lisha7997 Posts: 185 Member
    Boy is this the group for me. I love reading. I'm currently reading two books. 'Kingdom of Moonlight' by Josie Litton - it's a historical romance and 'About a Dragon' by G.A. Aiken - paranormal romance. Ladies if you every need a good book that will make you laugh as well as give you that happy every after then you might want to try Shelly Laurenston/G.A. Aiken.
  • jenn2403
    jenn2403 Posts: 136 Member
    Hello everyone!! My name is Jenn and I love, love, love to read, all the local librarians know me by first name!! I am currently reading "My Life in France" by Julia Child.
  • Danellekj
    Hi everyone! I really love to read but find it really difficult to find time! I really like reading non-fiction more than fiction. And, I have a fantasy that I'll actually write a book someday!
  • queenie104ama
    Hello All,

    I love reading and currently I am rereading one of my favorite books Jane Eyre.. Im looking for a new series to get caught up in suggestions!!..

    GW for Christmas 199.

    Dont hesitate to add me!
  • plasmatv
    plasmatv Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I've just joined and know that I'm going to love talking to you all. I can't get enough reading time. There are times I have had 5 books on the by my chair at home, one for at the gym, one at work, one by my exercise bike at home and one with my treadmill at home. I picked up an ereader recently and it is great! It makes it so much easier to take my book anywhere.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    I just noticed this group and I am going to love reading all your ideas. I usually am reading a couple of books at a time - a fiction and a self -help or nutrition book to help with my mfp experience.

    I just finished Tana French's latest Broken Harbor. It is the fourth in her Dublin mystery series. I am not a big fan of mysteries but her complex storytelling gets me every time.

    More later after I have read all the contributions.

    Happy reading!
  • traceface71
    traceface71 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi folks! I'm Traci and I've been a big reader since childhood and have always carried a book around (although now a days it's a Kindle). I'm willing to read just about anything...with the exeption of non-fiction. I find it's too much like school work and even at 40, I'm not a fan. That being said, I do enjoy a good memoir or a quirky little peice (Stiff, was pretty good).

    Anyway, I recently read Gone Girl...liked it a lot. But felt she just kind of threw away the ending. And I just finished the second book in The Book of Deacon trilogy (I'm a sucker for a series)....I enjoyed these also. I probably wouldn't have picked these first but I'm poor this week. The first was a free download and the second was under $3...they fit in my budget and sometimes that's all I look for. LOL.
  • katie070563
    HI, I'm Katie...and I would simply die if I didn't have a good book to read :laugh: I've just started 'Snow Drops' by A.D. Miller, which is really good. When i was out shopping today, I couldn't get past the book shelves and found what I have been waiting for.....Ken Follett's Winter of the World (second part of the trilogy: The Century). The first part, Fall of the Giants, was excellent.....and now I can't wait to start the second part. Would also recommend 'Pillars of the Earth' and 'World without End'. However, I have to try and discipline myself as I am studying for a PhD at the moment....and reading no where near enough for it!!:blushing:
  • cobebu8
    cobebu8 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I joined in July (I think) and I am LOOKING FOR NEW FIRIENDS here on MFP. I love to read, of course, and it would be fun to have support new friends and share what we are reading too. I live in Florida, in Broward county, and local friends would be great as well.

    Happy reading!

    Chelsea :smile:
  • Moshebelle1
    Hi I'm Mallory and reading is a huge part of my life. I've always got a book on the go, and the library is my favourite place. Glad to see there are other out there who love to read as much as I do! I've been reading a lot of young adult fiction lately because I love series, but I also love to read more serious novels. Looking forward to getting some great recommendations for books I haven't read yet! Hope I can give some ideas as as well = )
  • Zaphyre13
    Zaphyre13 Posts: 51 Member
    Great group! I've noted so many books to check out. I read just about everyday and usually have 4 or 5 books on the go. I also listen to audio books in the car. I'm trying to make a dent in the "Modern Library 100 Best Novels - Board Picks" but I can't
    seem to make it through the James Joyce books but the rest of the top ten are done. One of my favorite things to do is curl up
    with a blanket and a cat on a rainy day and read. I like Classics, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Murder Mystery, Non-Fiction ... well just about
    anything I guess.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Hello I am Michaela.

    I used to read a lot more, but latley I seemed to be stucked on bad books for too long which I cannot lay aside, cause I want to know how they end. Stupid I know, but I cannot seem to drop a book (thats why I am currently making my way trough book 3 of the shades triologie) *sight*

    Hope my next choices are going to be much better, as I have the game of thrones books as well as some other shapeshifter and vampire books (naming Lara adrian, Christine Feehan, Pamela Palmer, Lori Handeland here).

    I also used to read Ken Follet and I think I will also look into Lee Child soon, as my husband thinks they are really good!
    Hopefully I will even find some good book advices here!
    Have a great day/ night all! And Happy reading!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I love to read just about anything and cant remember a time when I didnt have a book in my hand and a whole stack next to my bed. LOL. I am looking forward to this group and sharing our love for reading. I love a good memoir,classics or nonfiction and can spend hours in the bookstore or library
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    Bookworm check in ;) I have a new-to-me Kindle Fire and I love it. Im currently reading The Medium by C.J. Archer (I got it free from Amazon). My tastes are pretty eclectic. If you are on GoodReads I'm MdmAcolyte over there too. :)

    Happy page-turning!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, y'all !

    I've got a teeshirt (probably 15 years old) that says "So many books, so little time" :happy: ...... when my husband got me a Nook as a gift last Christmas, I thought he was out of his mind ....... how could I possibly enjoy reading something on this ..... this ..... MACHINE ???? :noway:

    Then I started using it & there are definitely some advantages ...... I can prop it up on the treadmill or stationary bike, and it won't fall over ..... what a concept ..... and I exercise longer !

    Am in love with sci-fi and fantasy ...... a good whodunit ...... cookbooks that read like stories ...... actually, I have too many likes, if that's even possible ...... and reading these posts has me drooling to check out some new authors .....

    Life is good, isn't it !

    Mary Ann in NY
  • kafullam
    Hi...I'm Kristin and I am an avid reader and so is my husband! I always have a book with me wherever I go and about 2 and a half years ago, I actually started a blog to share my thoughts on books - and aptly named it "Always With a Book." ( I have found so many good books and new authors from blogging and now even receive requests to review new books - so fun!

    My reading habits have certainly changed since starting my blog. I used to only read physical books but recently started listening to audios and now put some on my iPod to listen while at the gym or walking outdoors. I can also now have more than one book going at once - right now I have 3 going - 2 audios and 1 print. And yes, I do have an e-reader which I use every once in a while, but I just love holding a book in my hands!

    I tend to read women's fiction, historical fiction, psychological thrillers, mysteries and romance. Occasionally I will read nonfiction, but not too often.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Hi....I'm new here; just joined this group today. I've been on MFP for about a month now.

    I hope to get to know you all and we talk books, authors, and other topics together.

    I read a wide variety of genres, from YA (not often but some) to non-fiction. Some of my favorite authors are Margaret Atwood, Christopher Moore, Robertson Davies, Neil Gaiman, Maria Doria Russell and Bryce Courtneay. As well, I enjoy some of the classic authors, such as Charles ****ens, Wilkie Collins and William Faulkner.