2 week challenge



  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Shannon--Lots of big changes!!! Congrats on buying a house! I also gained weight when I moved in with my husband. I'm much better about controlling my portion sizes and avoiding take out when I'm eating on my own, but eventually I figured out how to balance my goals with his eating habits. But that is great that you and your bf are both health conscious and going to the gym together, it really makes it a lot easier. And that's great that there's a bike path so close to your house!

    Ashely--Bonnaroo sounds like so much fun! I'm very jealous. And great job on keeping the scale moving in the right direction!

    Chloe--I've really been enjoying bike riding lately, it's a lot easier on the bump and the bladder than running these days. I highly recommend getting some bikes if you have access to good trails! It's a nice way to get exercise outside when it gets hotter out too. Glad to hear you're having a good week!

    Beeps--wow, I don't know how you do it with your fasting, I start to get antsy if I go more than three hours without eating! I guess like everything else it takes practice.

    I had a pretty good week. It started out a bit rough with all the sugary stuff at the conference I went to, but I've been pretty good about staying within my calories and I've been back to making good choices the last few days. I'm going to lift after work, and then probably take the weekend off from serious logging as there will be a lot of eating out this weekend when my friends are in town, though I'm going to try to ballpark it to make sure I don't go overboard.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh yea I have gained 20 lbs now at almost 20 weeks! I think I overate so much in the beginning because of the nausea (or trying to prevent the nausea). I currently have my cals set at 1800 and that is keeping me satisfied and it gives me a little wiggle room to splurge some on the weekends. My weight has been pretty steady since I got back from vacation, but I am sure it will start creeping up again soon. But, the crazy thing is I definitely don't look like I have gained 20 and I also don't feel like I have, so I am not sure where it all is. I definitely have a bump, but its not huge and I am fitting in my jeans still with a belly band so my butt and legs haven't gotten much bigger. Pregnancy definitely does weird stuff to the body that's for sure!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Ris - I'm not a very good "fast"-er, that's for sure! I can do IF every single day, that part is solid (into my 9th month of that). But, as soon as I try to stretch my daily 14- or 16- hour fast into a 24-hour fast, it's a PURE fail. Headaches. Jitters. Moodiness. So, yesterday was an "outlier" and I don't expect to repeat it very often! In my heart-of-hearts, I'd like to be able to do one longer fast every single week, while cutting, but that's highly doubtful. Even when I get to "maintenance", I'm pretty sure I'll have to be IF all the time, as in FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE to stay at maintenance.

    chloe - picture please, of "baby bump".

    You too, Ris, while I'm asking....
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I posted one from vacation....you cant really see the bump tho. I haven't really taken any pics yet and all the pics I have from vacation you cant even see the bump, I'll get some soon though.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Yes, I second those requests for pics, baby bumps are adorable!

    Welcome back Shannon & congrats on the house - very exciting!

    I have been trying something new that I never thought I could do and that is getting rid of wheat - well, mostly - I'll never be able to cut it out completely. I've just always loved carbs - bread, pasta, crackers, etc. I have been trying really hard to shed belly fat without success so I needed to try something different and I can already feel the difference and amazingly enough I don't feel hungry all the time - so excited! I keep coming in under my calories every day & don't feel deprived. Why did I not do this sooner? Anyways, this weekend will be a serious test of my willpower as I have a birthday party & BBQ tomorrow and family dinner at my parent's camp on Sunday. We'll see how it goes.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    abigail - what are you replacing your "wheat" items with? what is filling you up?


    Got my lifting in-and-done.

    My boss moved his office to the one right beside mine.


    (He used to be across the hall and down a bit.)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry, summer has me way from a computer.
    Chloe - love the pic! Your dress is fey summery!
    Shannon - I gained 5 pounds when I moved in with my hubby. He gained 10. :laugh: congrats on the new house.
    Ashley- you're rocking the no booze! Now that it's summer, I want a beer every night! I need to drink something other than beer though. My belly is flabby!
    Beeps- I think that's awesome. I want to do IF but I can't make it more than 10-12 hours.
    Abigail - that's awesome that you cut out wheat. I think it upsets my stomach but I can't seem to cut it out.

    2 week challenge
    1. Log everything everyday
    2. 2-3 runs - I have a 5 k coming up soon
    3. 2-3 strength

    Please hold me accountable ladies. I have been really off and it has not only affected my body but my attitude as well!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies! Well I did it! I went 3 weeks with no alcohol. Maybe not a big deal for some, but for me, who tends to drink 3-4 nights a week, big deal. It wasn't terrible. I didn't lose a ton of weight like I thought, but I did it. I seemed to eat a lot more frozen yogurt. Instead of having after dinner drinks, we go get icecream a lot. Oh well.....

    I managed to stay rather active over the weekend and we finally finished our yard! yipee! Tonight we'll be going out to dinner and I will be having some wine. I need to be as good as I can during this week. I leave Thursday morning for Bonnaroo! Woo hoo!

    Check out our masterpiece!

    Have a great week!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ashley- That yard is gorgeous! I am obsessed with working on my yard....and now I am jealous of yours. I hate to put too much work into the backyard because the dog tends to ruin things, but I do what I can and I try to figure out which kinds of plants she leaves alone.

    KC- good goals! Now to make sure you stick with them and get back to it! You know you will feel so much better once you are back in the healthy groove! :happy:

    Abi- I feel so much better when I am not eating grains, reducing my carbs. Good for you!

    I am going to call last week an overall success. I walked 6 days (my goal was 5) and I did my DVDs 3 days (my goal was 4). I logged everything and was within my cal goal. My only day I don't feel great about is yesterday, definitely alot of chips and stuff like that. I went to a party hungry and all they had out was unhealthy stuff, so I definitely indulged and I am feeling blah today from it. I am keeping my same goals going this week.

    1) Walk the dog (3 mile route) at least 5 times
    2) Do my DVDs at least 4 times
    3) Eat as clean as possible and keep up my water intake
    4) Log everything and stay with cal goal for the week
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Better - love your yard! How awesome! I can't recall - did you guys do all that work yourself??!!?? Giving up booze SHOULD result in an immediate drop - but not necessarily a long-term drop. (And, yes, likely no drop if you've replaced liquid booze calories with hard frozen yogurt calories.) You're in great shape - go enjoy your "bonnaroo" event!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had a great weekend....first (sort-of) "rest" weekend in about 6 of 'em, and BOY DID I NEED IT!

    Yes, we had baseball all day Saturday - but sitting and watching isn't too tough (my son's team ended up with a bronze in the tournie).

    Yesterday, I was SUPPOSED to get out and walk, but my gf bailed, and with the wind/rain, I bailed too. So, just kept TIGHT control on the diet piece - which I was successful at.

    Turning in my car to the autobody shop, today, so can get that piece of "bad news" fixed. Going to hit the gym with my daughter tonight, after work, we'll give cardio-step another try for her....and, of course, I'll lift at lunch.

    All good here!

    For this week:

    1. fast on Tues and (maybe) Thurs. Tuesday for sure - Thurs will be a bonus.
    2. get my lifting in - with glutes focus each time.
    3. water, water, water
    4. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    5. weigh-in!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yes Beeps, we did all the work ourselves. We started with a blank slate - a grassy rectangle. So we stripped sod, tilled earth, put down weed fabric, rock, plants, and mulch, and did the edging. It's been a LOOOOOONG process. We used to knock big projects out in a couple weekends, but someone has to watch the baby now.....so it's me. I only work during naps. Thanks for the compliments. :smile:

    And oh yeah, goals.... I am leaving Thursday morning so mine are short and simple:

    1. Very minimal breakfast Monday - Wednesday if any
    2. Veggies, protein and very minimal carbs for lunch
    3. If I MUST have an afternoon snack, it better be some fruit, cheesestick, not carby kinds
    4. Sensible dinner
    5. Try to get some running or walking in. I'm contemplating waking Wednesday morning to run.
    6. Complete all "to do" tasks prior to leaving Thursday (errands, packing, cleaning, grocery shopping)
    7. Don't overdo it on the wine
    8. Take measurements before I leave

    So eat well, exercise, and get my *kitten* done in a nutshell.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - my foods of choice lately are rice cakes (sodium & gluten free) w/ almond butter, swiss cheese wrapped in turkey slices, lowfat cottage cheese, nuts, eggs, greek yogurt & I eat lots of salad - broccoli, spinach leaves & red peppers with a little olive oil & balsamic vinegar & I usually throw some grilled chicken or a can of tuna on top. I have been feeling really good, less hungry & my belly seems less puffy.

    Better - that yard is fantastic, those are great goals, have a blast at bonnaroo

    Kc - good luck with the upcoming 5K

    Chloe - I'm impressed that you do 3 miles with the dog, I probably should walk mine further, but I start to get bored although listening to music helps
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Too much to catch up on here! Congrats everyone who made their goals and stuck with it. I did manage to walk all 5 days last week with my dog, pretty happy about that.

    My weekend (like most) was a disaster calorie-wise. I just can't seem to not drink (which makes me sound like an alcoholic haha). I had a REALLY good eating week, and I just get so frustrated when the weekend comes and I blow it. I had a long talk with my fiance about it and how I need his support, so I think that will really help me.

    I didn't budge on the scale this week, which I guess is an ok thing since I assumed the second I started lifting weights, I would gain. I finally took my measurements yesterday, so I'm hoping to see a bit of progress when I finish level one of NROL4W. I did find out my right thigh is a full 1 inch larger than my left, so strange!

    Abigail - eliminating wheat always makes me feel SO good, it's just tough when I've been so used to eating it :) I think that might be what I need to do to jumpstart my weight loss again.

    My goals this week:

    Lift 3 days
    Cardio 2 days
    NO booze during the week and limited this weekend
    Keep up the dog walks
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Chloe--That's such a cute dress! Love the new pic. And great job last week!

    Kelly--Great goals! How's the 5k training been coming along?

    Ashley--Great job on no booze for 3 weeks! Pics are blocked at work so I can't see your yard, but it sounds fabulous. And great goals!

    Beeps--Sounds like a nice weekend!

    Abigail--Glad to hear that cutting out wheat is making you feel better! My husband has celiac and he felt SO much better when he cut out gluten.

    ramalem--weekends are the toughest part for me too….

    My attempt at making good food choices over the weekend did not go so well. I ate a huge meal on Friday night (which included a dessert that I didn't really need), followed by a greasy meal of fish and chips on Saturday for lunch, and take out on Saturday night. I did get in my 30 mile bike ride on Saturday, but we stopped so many times to keep the group together that it didn't really feel like much of a workout. So the scale was WAY up on Sunday morning. It wasn't quite as high this morning, but it's still showing a 3 pounds gain over the weekend, and I'm guessing that at least a pound of that is going to stick. So I really need to be good at logging during the week, and I need to log this coming weekend--this whole doing okay during the week but then letting everything go over the weekend is not a good trend for me. So here are my goals:

    1. Log everything, particularly over the weekend
    2. Weights 2-3 times
    3. Run 2-3 times

    For those who have requested it, here's a baby bump picture from last week (I still need to take this week's pic):


    I can't see pictures on message boards at work so I can't tell if that worked, but I also added the pic to my photos on my profile. I'll update my profile pic when I get a cuter one that wasn't taken in the bathroom :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Ris - I sent you a friend request because I can't see the baby bump link on this thread!

    It's always weird to read all the people who give up wheat and feel better - I just don't think celiac disease is that common - and even an "aversion" to wheat isn't really that common. I'm kind of not happy about the whole "wheat belly" craze because it feels TOTALLY like a "fad", to me. But, tons of people (mostly women of a certain age...) really are riding that train and swearing by the results! Even ramalem and abigail, right?????????????

    I do have a very good friend who is celiac and she says the food choices have changes, considerably, in the last 7 years and now there are entire GROCERY stores devoted to gluten-free - she's very happy!

    I don't eat a lot of grains. But, the grains I do eat include wheat. And, I prefer my pasta to be white pasta and my rice to be white rice. So, nope, I don't eat them very often, but when I do, it is SOOOOOO YUMMY!!!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Ris- you look cute! I think you and Chloe are both doing A-maxing! I wish I had tracked my calories when I was pregnant. As for the 5k, not so well. It's hot here. It's suppose to hit 100 today. I need to get up early to run, but I keep sleeping in. This weekend I did the elliptical just to work on my endurance. Hopefully tomorrow I will wake up early.

    The few times I have it out wheat, I know my belly flattened A LOT. But, I love bread and tortillas so it s hard for me to give up.

    Ramalem- my left thigh is 1/2 inch larger and I swear my left butt cheek is larger too! :smile:

    Since I missed my run, today is leg day. Tonight my girls have an ice cream social at the pool. I don't know if I can say NO.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Take two on the pic:


    Beeps--I'm with you on going wheat-free just being a fad for those who don't have celiac or a gluten intolerance (everything I've on the subject indicates that there are no benefits to those who don't have such problems), though I think more and more people these days are discovering that they do have a gluten allergy. I don't think it's necessarily more common, just more frequently diagnosed since people are now aware of it. And to the extent that going gluten-free means that people are staying away from processed carbs, it definitely can't hurt!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    So cute!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hellooooo everyone! Good to hear from you all. Cute bumps. :smile: When are you due Ris? Chloe you're in November right? Makes me want another..... as of now, we are planning on giving #2 a go sometime early fall. We talked about trying right after we return from Roo, but to save money on insurance (not taking a chance that I get prego in 2 months to enroll in our "buy up plan" therefor having a baby for cheaper), we're waiting a bit. How ridiculous? Beeps, do you all have socialized health care there? Anyways, enough about insurance.....

    I drank a bottle of wine and a cocktail last night. I feel mildy crappy. I'm improving as the day goes on. I had plans to have some wine and watch moveis tonight (Eric is going to a concert so it'll be me, Daphne, and my friend's 3 year old boy), but I think I'm going to refrain. Probably no workout unless it happens post kid bedtimes as I have errands right after work. So that means good eats today! I did get some HIIT in yesterday. I'm sore today. Feels good.