2 week challenge



  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashely--where I am (DC) childcare is ridiculously expensive. The cheaper of the two daycare options we're considering is almost $1600 a month for kids under a year, then it goes to $1450 for toddlers, and $1250 for preschool-age kids. I think that getting a nanny for a single child is a little more expensive than daycare, but it's cheaper than daycare if you can share with someone else. There's a local website for DC moms that has a forum that you can use to find nannies and nanny shares, so you might want to see if there's something similar for your area. If you can find someone to share with you, that's probably your best option. Au pairs are the cheapest option in our area, particularly if you have multiple kids as the price is generally per family rather than per child, but then you have to have someone live with you. So I am also extremely jealous of Chloe's situation :smile:

    I've had a pretty good week, but some of that weight from last weekend definitely stuck. But this weekend should be better. I'm not working tomorrow and I have big plans to get in a nice long swim on my day off. I don't have much planned the rest of the weekend, so I'm hoping to get in some good workouts, do some cooking and avoid eating out, and to LOG EVERYTHING. I don't want to be scared to step on the scale on Monday....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Echo that "childcare is ridiculously expensive" - it's absurd how much we spend (and have spent) on the last 26 years of childcare. Enough to buy a small country, I believe.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Wow, daycare is expensive in DC. That's almost my mortgage! I was paying $530 a monthgreat for for 3 days a week. Next year, she'll go preschool, which runs the same hrs as my elementary school. It's $600.

    So I just did an 18.5 hour fast. I stopped eating at 3 yesterday. For some reason that was easier then stoping later and then going half the next day. Its a start. I'm trying to do better at logging. This weekend I want to get in a run and yoga. I saw a SCARY number on the scale yesterday. It's time to get serious. On Mon I will update my ticker. No more denial!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Eeek daycare is SO spendy in Seattle too. Not sure exactly how much as I don't have any kids yet, but some of my girlfriends have opted to stay home from work instead of paying for childcare, it's that insane.

    Having a bit of a dilemma today. Went in for my 2nd wedding dress fitting last night and got scolded by the seamstress for already losing weight and was told I absolutely cannot lose anymore. I don't want to stop working out though, so I'm not entirely sure what I should do. The wedding isn't until August 24th, and I don't want to have to pay more than I am already paying for alterations (don't even get me started on that.) Any thoughts on how I should manage this? Just go into maintenance mode on cals but keep lifting/running?

    Happy Friday!!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I can't believe they are already doing alterations! Mine was like 6 weeks out. 3 months out I had dropped an entire size so they sent it back and I got a smaller size. Is your dress a zipper or a corset? With a corset you can lose wight and still fit.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    it's a corset thankfully, and that's kind of what I was thinking. I guess I can pad my boobs if they get too small. I don't anticipate dropping a ton of weight or anything, but I just started lifting weights and can already tell a difference. I just don't want it to make me look bigger than I actually am (it's fitted all the way down past my butt).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    ramalem - guess it all depends on what YOU want!?!?!? Are you just trying to "lose weight" to fit into that dress? Or, are you trying to change your lifestyle, permanently??

    Please post a pic of the dress!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Definitely not trying to lose weight to fit into the dress, just more trying to lean out, gain muscle and overall happiness with my life. The way I look at it, I suck so bad on weekends that I should probably be more strict on weekdays to balance it out. Haven't lost an ounce on the scale since I started NROL4W.

    I'm not sure if this is a sustainable change for me, but I would like it to be lifestyle if possible.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Ramalem - I agree with Beeps, form first! You can lift more later (but you can't go back undo that injury causing cat back deadlift). That said, with women this is very rarely a problem. A rule of thumb I've heard is that most men should be lifting 25% less than they are women should be lifting 25% more. Do you know someone else who is an experienced lifter and can work out with you a few times (once a week for a few weeks) or supervise? I was pleased with my weight progress generally and in NROLFW and felt like I was lifting heavy. Then I started crossfit and lifting with others and my working weight shot through the roof on a lot of lifts. I needed other people to push me and an atmosphere than encouraged me to try more than I thought I could do.

    Trucking along this week. Doing well with the 1700 cal goal. Feeling satisfied but staying under on average. I took a rest day Wednesday after tough WODs M/T. Yesterday's wod was 3 rounds of 15 handstand push ups and 10 hang cleans. I did my HSPUs without an ab mat under my head and good lord it made it so much harder. It was refreshing to think I just did a workout where 30 95 lbs hang cleans were the easy part!

    Today's WOD is going to be ABSURD and I just hoping I don't, well, die.

    PS SO happy I don't have to worry about child care. Sounds stressful and expensive!

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ur dress actually sounds alot like my dress was. The only issue is it being big in the hips/butt and chest if its the corset. And like you said they can sew in some padding to help with the extra room in the chest if you have any. I agree that its a little early and I wonder if you could request they hold out a couple weeks?

    Just finished my 3rd week since I said I would walk 3 miles everyday before work and I have only missed one day so far and that was due to a storm, so not really my fault. I am feeling really good about this new habit and I am going to continue this until the sunrise gets later (I get nervous in the dark by myself even tho we are in a safe neighborhood) but even then I may ask my boss if I can push my workday down a bit so I can keep this up. I really think it will make for an easier pregnancy and I find that I am so much more tired after work. So it is good to get through it in the morning. Plus its kind of peaceful.

    I have done Jillian DVDs twice this week and stayed within cal goals everyday so far. Today is one of those days I feel like I could eat everything in sight though, so we will see how it goes. No big plans for tomorrow I think I might start painting the trim in the babies room, Mike finally moved my treadmill out of there and into the basement. Sunday we are going to dinner with my dad and fam and probably doing something with the inlaws for lunch.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Not a great pic, but you get the drift
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ur dress actually sounds alot like my dress was. The only issue is it being big in the hips/butt and chest if its the corset. And like you said they can sew in some padding to help with the extra room in the chest if you have any. I agree that its a little early and I wonder if you could request they hold out a couple weeks?

    She already took out the hips a little and the boobs in. Worse comes to worse, I've got time on my side :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Your dress is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, ramalem! You look REALLY good in it!

    Given how much of your arms/shoulders are showing, I think you should skip right to stage 6 of NROL4W. Don't wait....just head on over to that Stage and give it a go....you'll look AMAZE-BALLS by the time your wedding rolls around.

    Chloe, I soooooooooo love your BUMP!

    Chui - I wish you'd post more "data" about your cross-fit journey. What were your stats at the start of it - what are your stats now? Where are you REALLY seeing muscle definition?? I know, for certain, I couldn't hack the cardio part of cross-fit....even just doing Venus circuits is KILLING me - and there ain't nobody WATCHING ME! But, I see some of my mfp friends doing crossfit and I remain firmly INTRIGUED.

    Scale result was good. Not great, but good....I think, with all this lower-body work, I"m carrying around some DOMs and I'd likely be down another lb or 2 if not for that. Anyway, am hoping for a decent dip next week, and one the week after - because then it's END-OF-MONTH reporting.

    I'd SO love to be on the threshold of 140 at the end of June....would make getting to 136-ish for July quite "do-able".

    Gawd-forbid if I have to get lower than 135....but, if that's what I have to do, then I will!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Your dress is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, ramalem! You look REALLY good in it!

    Given how much of your arms/shoulders are showing, I think you should skip right to stage 6 of NROL4W. Don't wait....just head on over to that Stage and give it a go....you'll look AMAZE-BALLS by the time your wedding rolls around.

    I'll give it a try! Thanks Beeps!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Baby bumps and wedding gowns! Beautiful ladies!
    I have missed a lot but I just read it all. Thanks for the kind words about my dad. Cancer sucks.
    I ran the big gay 5k Saturday and it was ok for only having run twice in the preceding two weeks. My diet is pretty bad, I wish I could make better plans but nothing really sounds good.
    I actually had an incident, found a vein in my beef tamale! It totally grossed me out but I also understand that meat is meat, so to speak. Are a lot of you vegetarian ? I am thinking of trying more meat free meals but I don't know how to get enough protein.
  • zobo73
    zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
    Don't when the two week challenge started and I am very new to this as you can see. So quick bit about me. Lost 17 lbs so far only 6.5 left to go to get to where slimming world think I should be, but will really want another 14 off.

    2 weeks challenge
    Drink more water
    6 training sessions a week ( 3 are always Pilates as getting over aback I jury)
    Stay at least 100 calories below my fitness pal allowance for the day.

    Looking forward to seeing how we all do
  • zobo73
    zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
    NROL4W. Hi can you please update me on what this means, and also the cross fit training. I use the cross trainer due to not running currently and am bit on pull ups plus Pilates, but any low impact CV I am all for as back injury really slowing me down.

    Wow to the lady in the dress you look amazing.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    NROL4W. Hi can you please update me on what this means, and also the cross fit training. I use the cross trainer due to not running currently and am bit on pull ups plus Pilates, but any low impact CV I am all for as back injury really slowing me down.

    Wow to the lady in the dress you look amazing.

    NROL4W = New Rules of Lifting for Women, a book/exercise program by Lou Schuler. It's a great resource if you are curious about strength training and its benefits for women. Several of us in the group have done it, or at least part of it.

    CrossFit = a fitness regimen practiced by official 'CrossFit affiliate' gyms across the world (though mostly in the U.S.) and sometimes by individuals. It advocates 'functional fitness' through a combination of many different types of exercise performed at high intensity, including power and olympic lifting, gymanstics, body weight exercises, etc. See: http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/what-is-crossfit.html

    Beeps - I haven't done a great job tracking.In terms of body composition, I've noticed improvements. I started about 8 months ago but I also haven't been nutritional consistent for any sustained period in that 8 months. Right now I am weighing in HIGH (147-150) yet my inch measurements are lower than ever before at this weight (similar to my measurements at 142-145). My back/shoulders have seen a lot of development and my abs (ALWAYS my problem area and main fat storage place) look better than they ever have before. However, without nutrition my body fat is still higher than I would like (I would guess I am bopping around at 23-25). In terms of performance, my lifts have gone through the roof and I imagine my cardio health is much better, I should look up some numbers on that.

    On trying Crossfit, Beeps, my advice is DO. It looks very intense but everything is scalable. Can't do a ring dip? Do it with a band to help. Can't do it with a band? Do a push up? Can't do a push up? Do it from your knees. Rest as you need to. There are people at all sorts of fitness levels, but everyone is improving. You might decide it's not for you but you might love it. You will surprise yourself with what you manage to do, I promise you.

    My 1700 cal diet is going pretty well overall, though I need to figure out how much damage I did to my deficit Saturday night/Sunday (probably a lot...so much booze). Either way, weighing in a little lighter than last week so hopefully it continues. NSV Saturday night, I was out with some of my friends from crossfit and two of the guys specifically told they had noticed my shape change since I started, which was nice to hear!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Hi Amy! Hope your Dad had a good Father's Day. Nope, I'm not vegetarian....I really do like meat!

    zobo73 - your challenge looks "good" - report back on how it is going!

    Chui - I'm a "don't" for crossfit, just now. I like free weights too much - and I'm not ready to give up my YMCA membership. (I don't want the expenditure of 2 memberships.) But, doesn't mean I won't "bite the bullet" in the future. For now, I'm liking my figure, I'm still making "improvements" (recomposition, I guess), and I still haven't hit my bottom weight. When I get to the bottom, then I"ll re-calibrate.