2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I've actually contemplated logging one day of Bonnaroo, including walking, just to see what my day really looked like. Curious about weigh in tomorrow too. I'll keep ya'll posted!

    Regardless, I'm not logging till at least Monday.
  • zobo73
    zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
    Good luck all the weigh in days coming up. I think I might get in to this weights stuff. I do some pull ups in the gym but not had chance for much lately, however you are all inspiring me.

    My under 100 canaries from daily target not going so great. Must try harder.

    I really have to log at the moment as only few weeksv in , how long have you all been logging?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    zobo - I guess I've been "logging", off-and-on, for 5 years. But, I've been UBER-consistent with logging for about 9 months, now.
  • MissJJ74
    MissJJ74 Posts: 111 Member
    My anniversary is in 3 weeks, so I'm late to the game but up for a 2 week challenge.

    I have the last 7 lbs to go, and hoping to lose at least half of it by then, so....

    I'm hoping to do:
    Twice the cardio I was doing. I gain muscle and bulk up pretty fast so I can keep the same amount of time I do strength training (about 2-3 hours a week).
    Do some running every day, even if it's only for 10 minutes jogging in place on my lunch break.
    100 crunches, 20 push ups, 20 squats, and 60 second planks, each time I work out.
  • zobo73
    zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
    You are all so much more knowledgable than me. I don't know really what training I should be doing as just stopping triatholon due to my back, so now it's all about keeping and what I look like. I am going to start doing some lifting just need to learn the basics.

    Impressed Beeps 9 months that is ace. When logging are you all mindful of the nutrion part and do you stick to the carbs?

    I will be sticking to challenge today so up for it so thanks the inspiration was needed!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Scale was up 2 pounds from last week. Granted some may be from salt in the 2,000 pretzels I ate last night. See, that's what happens when I don't log. I just eat salty snacks freely. I think Monday I'll start back to my 10,000 calories per week, then maybe taper off to 9,500 and then back up to 10,000 or more. Just to switch it up. My next "challenge" is 6 weeks so I need some goals. I'll be thinking about them this weekend. Yeah, I knew the "eating more" was too good to be true. I just don't see how some people are able to do that.... Lucky b*tches.

    Zobo, I would recomend incorporating some total body strength training if you aren't already. You don't have to spend a lot of time in the weight room. I was doing 3 days of about 30 minutes, typically 4 sets (15, 8, 8, 6) of 4 moves lifting heavy. Not a big calorie burn, so I truly think lifting has changed my body. I run a couple times a week in addition to some walks with the fam. Good luck!
  • zobo73
    zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
    Sorry to hear about the weight gain, but pretty sure it will be the calaroies intake. I am moving a bit away for sliming world and on to MFP , as I can eat unlimited amounts of healthy on Sliming World and trust me I do, so needed more support around the calaroies hence here and logging seams to be working.

    Big thanks for the info on the lifting and stuff, I am going to see if I can book a session with someone to get me a program. I guess squats with weights, lunges and biceps curls is the kind of stuff people are doing?
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    I think that i missed the two week challenge. When is the next one?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    we tend to post 2-week challenges every monday - it's a DIY - you make the plan, you report here, you follow your plan - you report back.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Zobo - totally agree with Better. I just started New Rules of Lifting for Women and with that I weight train 3 days per week. On my lifting days I usually run about a mile on the treadmill to warm up. I try and incorporate running at least 2 off days as well in additional to the morning 2ish mile walks I take with my dog. Hope that helps, you'll find something that works for you! I haven't started REALLY paying attention to my macros aside from protein, as I'm not really looking to lose weight, just gain muscle.

    Better - when I said I ate more and lost, I ate like 100 calories more so it's not like I have THAT much more to eat. I was just getting really cranky, hungry and tired so I upped it slightly. Totally did the trick. And to those aholes (like my 100 lb sister who can eat McDonald's twice a week and never gain a pound) it's just NOT FAIR.

    Have a good Thursday ladies!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    What would you all say the absolute most necessary equipment for NROL4W would be? I know that after I have the baby I will not be able to go to the gym for awhile, so before he comes I am trying to build my own home gym in my basement. And I would love to get in a good lifting and running combo routine.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Well seeing as how I'm only on stage one, I'm not sure this will help much BUT it really seems like the most necessary equipment so far is dumbbells and barbells. A swiss ball would be nice to have as well, but you can substitute other workouts (planks etc) for the workouts on the ball. A bench would be helpful too.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I currently have a bench and a bar with plates (not sure how many, but I am thinking more than enough because Mike uses them and he can lift alot) and I also have 5,8,10,12,15,20 and 25s in dumbells. No swiss ball though. Keep the recommendations coming ladies who have done NROLW!

    Thanks Ramalem!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Zobo, just Google "compound strength movements" and you'll find some. You can always Youtube if you don't know how to do the moves. Squats and lunges of many varieties, yes. Deadlifts are good too. Curls don't work multiple muscles like say a bench press would. Pushups, rows, presses..... Following a program like NRLOW may be helpful, even just looking at some of the material.

    Chloe I have not done NROLW, but have looked at it several times. I seem to remember a pull-up bar being helpful? You'll love having a home gym. When I was on maternity leave and Daphne eventually got into a somewhat normal routine, I would get a quick workout some mornings during nap time - videos, strength, etc. and then we'd run/walk later in the day. It makes it so much easier when it's in the basement. Good planning for you! How's the rest of the baby planning coming?

    Ramalem - I see on the calorie uppage. What my plan for 6 weeks is going to be a cycle using TDEE and doing a deficeit that theoretically would have me lose 0.25 pound, then a week losing 0.5 pound, then a week losing 0.75 pound and then repeat. Not that I would know about these losses since my scale weighs to the half pound only. (I refuse to buy a new one. I got a 0.1 scale and it weighed me 2 pounds higher. I sold it on Craigs list. I've had the same scale since college....so......)

    My break has been nice, but I'm ready to get back to logging and consistent workouts. I have a running date with my bestie Saturday morning. I'm excited.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Yea I really have no interest in doing a pull up. I know, I know that if I work at it I will get better and love it. But I really would be ok with modifying that move. One piece of equipment that I read was important is a squat rack, which I would consider investing in.

    Baby planning is coming along. We got the room and closet cleared out. I have picked out some colors. I think I am going to paint the trim this weekend and then maybe the room next weekend. My shower isn't until the end of September. But, I think we may buy the furniture ourselves and then just put any money we receive towards that. I am too much of a planner to wait that long to get the furniture set up. Mike is having a rude awakening with me taking over part of his man cave in the basement though :laugh: I was like just wait until baby toys take up the whole house!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Man, I'm TOTALLY interested in doing an unassisted pull-up/chin-up. Can't. But, when I get there, I'll FINALLY feel like I have SOME upper-body strength....so then, when I'm 80, I WON'T be that little ol' lady saying "I've fallen and I CAN'T GET UP!!"

    Totally paranoid about that.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    haha, on the auto-correct "calories" to "canaries" but I think I have been under on canaries, but at the moment I am not watching the canary intake, j/k.
    I have taken a break from logging and it's weird, I am still calculating in my head. Like this morning, I had these peanut butter sandwich cookies with my coffee, they are 140 cals for two and I ended up having 4, but I had a salad with chicken for lunch...
    Not sure when I will get back to logging, just feels like too much! and whoever said it's nice not to be counting almonds, I agree!

    I did the Spartacus workout last night and it kicked my butt, I didn't go 3 rounds, I didn't even finish two rounds and my shoulder impingement is bugging me today so I need to figure out what I am doing to aggravate that and stop doing it!

    I think I have shifted my goals, I was always on the looking good in a bikini mode, but I think my goal is to improve my cardio-vascular fitness level. It is hard to measure and not sure how to improve. Ideas? like-maybe trying to get in more reps on spartacus (like jump squats in a minute...)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I count calories, in my head, even when I'm not logging. Never used to. But, now I do. Wonder if that will EVER fade???!!!!!????

    Amy - I think "getting more reps" would be EXACTLY how to challenge yourself to improve cardio-vascular fitness. (Just like, for runners, it might be running "faster" or it might be running "longer".)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I have counted canaries :smile: my whole life it seems.... I did it last night. The cucumber vodka and pretzels put me over, but I didn't care. I think I will count calories till I am senile. Then I may still try.

    Chloe I love my rack. (Squat that is, although my other rack isn't bad either... :wink: ). I bought my rack, bar, and plates for under $300 I think from Craigslist. You may check into that.

    Amy, are you still running? That is a great way to measure cardio endurance. I Googled Spartacus once but can't remember the details. I remember it being intervallie though? Sounds like a good way to measure also, by adding in the reps.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Yea I was looking on ebay, but I will have to check out craigslist also and maybe find somebody local. When I was talking to Mike about my ideas he said he would like to get a new bar also, bc ours is pretty light. So I may look into that also.