2 week challenge



  • zobo73
    zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
    Asjervern if you can invest in a garmin that is great for measuring cv improvement, you hear rate will improve over your typical run distance. I used to love my garmin before the back issue, funny I have changed the other way now.

    Goals gone really well today so reporting back today has been a pleasure

    Beeps love my assisted pull ups the only bit of lifting I do, one day I will be unasisted, got a feeling about next weeks goal coming on!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Today, I lift!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Why oh why did I buy Nutella? That stuff is evil. Thankfully it's almost gone. I will not do that again. I also totally blew it on the no bread thing this week and bought banana bread english muffins - yummy. Those are gone now too so back on track! Oh except for tomorrow, hubby & I are going on a dinner/dance cruise on Lake Winnipesake for his company's summer outing. We rented a motel room within walking (or perhaps stumbling) distance of the pier so we don't have to worry about driving home late at night and my parents are taking the kids - so excited!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I went running this morning!!! I ran just over 2 miles in 23 minutes, 3 of those minutes were walking. I actually enjoyed and wish I hadn't put it off for so long. I think I may have to sign up for another 5K, just to see!

    Beeps- I always count in my head. However, I think it is WAY more accurate when you log. Especially with macros.

    Amy- I should look up that Spartacus workout. Do you still have the link?

    Chloe- how exciting, setting up the baby's room. My husband hand painted a flower border and her name. I love it, but I know she'll want to paint over it in a few years. :-(

    Abigail- I have no, no foods in my house- mostly salty snack foods. My kids hate it but I've decided it's better for them anyway.

    Happy Friday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    abigail - that sounds like a TON OF FUN! Have fun with your husband! (We have nutella in the house - only my son eats it, actually...I *did* love it back in my teens, but am over it, I guess.)

    kclynch - I hope you do sign up for a 5k - the "accountability" is always a good idea!

    I totally think logging is better for 'accuracy' , but only if you drill it down to the actual ingredients in your home-cooking (most of what I eat is homemade) - which I don't. And, I'm not concerned with macros - other than I'm supposed to get >85 g of protein a day, and I sometimes don't. But, with the heavy lifting, I'm not concerned about that, even, either.

    Have a good weekend, all!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Chloe – I’m like you, I like to have it planned out and done. Are you far enough along to know what you’re having, sorry, I haven't caught up and I’ve only read this page!

    Beeps – You go girl with all your strength!! I have no doubts you will get those unassisted pull ups!!

    Amy – Great goal! And the plan for measuring is right on. I am with you! I just can’t bring myself to log. Been doing decent without it, but am much happier not worrying about counting and measuring. Just eyeballing and being conscious.

    Better – Lol, nice rack ;) Been watching you on the newsfeed and youa re killing it! Keep it up, lady!

    Abigail – Nutella is like crack!!! I do keep it in the house. I like to mix a little with my greek yogurt and strawberries :wink: The dinner/dance cruise sounds like fun!!! Enjoy!

    KC – Great job on the run! It’s even better when you enjoy it! Yup get signed up for another run and have fun!! I have 2 runs on the horizon, the Glow Run and the Mudzilla. Cant wait!!!

    My pic is from earlier this week. I have not logged and put some pounds back on, but I have kept up with cardio workouts. I am actually happier not logging but need a steady weight routine again. I started taking a body pump class, which surprisingly I am enjoying. It focuses more on muscular endurance than strength. I already see improvements and have friends in the class so it makes it even more fun :tongue: So for now, I am focusing on getting the weights back in 3 times a week. 2 down this week, am planning to go again in the morning to lift on my own, but this time, I go HEAVY :happy:

    Keep up the great work ladies and have a fabulous weekend!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I have never tried Nutella. I will most likely love it too much.

    Jen, I'm doing a glow run in Louisville too this summer! Pretty excited. I did the Tap and Run last spring. That was fun. I have heard they have taken many beer stops off the course in recent races. Boo....

    Abi have a blast.

    Everyone else, have a great weekend!

    I've got about 30 mintues of work to finish up and then I have to go officially enroll my kid in her new day care she starts Monday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I had a good work-out today. Am feeling too hungry, though - trying to cut that off at the pass. (Decided to have chicken strips with my salad, rather than grilled chicken - hoping the fat will provide some satiation.)

    One week until photos/measurements - and GAWD KNOWS, I want these challenges to END - and they ALL do next weekend! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

    I have been in one contest, or another, and more than one, for 18 months SOLID. Gack. I need a B-R-E-A-K (from contests).
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Abigail--I can't buy Nutella, it's too delicious! Did you eat it with the banana bread english muffins? They also sound delicious…. That cruise sounds like a lot of fun!

    Kelly--Glad to hear you got in a run and enjoyed it! And that's a good pace too. Races are definitely good motivation!

    Jen--You look great! I've taken a few body pump classes back in the day (when I belonged to a gym) and loved them! I'm no expert but I think it can only help to mix up muscular endurance with heavy lifting, they're certainly both good for you.

    Beeps--That's a lot of contests! I can see why you'd be sick of them.

    I had a good week. I think I was under my calories/canaries every day, and I got in a few good runs and a little bit of lifting, though not as much lifting as I'd like. I think I need to invest in heavier dumbbells at home. We'll see. We're having pizza with some friends tonight and I'm almost positive I'll go over my calories, but I should be able to make up for it the rest of the weekend. I have a running date tomorrow morning so that will help, and the only other thing I have planned is a music festival tomorrow afternoon, but I'm going to bring some veggies and hummus to snack on and try to avoid buying any of the food there (which shouldn't be too hard because I think all they have is BBQ, which probably means no veggie options). I'm usually pretty good about staying within my calories when I eat at home, which I'll be doing for most of the weekend.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Nutella on banana bread sounds amazing! I actually have some nutella in my drawer and have had it for awhile, luckily it is not my crack;)

    I am still running, I am alternating running with Spartacus, which is an interval/body weight circuit (actually has some handweights too...)
    The link is here:

    There is one for women but they charge for it! the men's is free and I don't know if it is very different. Rachel Cosgrove developed it and she seems legit.

    Jen, love the new pic! I am going to change mine soon, just because I realize that was 2 years ago!
  • zobo73
    zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
    Jen wow on the pic. I must get a body one on. Ut it ain't pretty!

    Beeps sounds mega the contests stuff

    KC so glad you enjoyed the run I did 2 6 this morning it was lovely but difficult with the back have to really work on my tech to make sure I do no more damage.

    Ooh body pump used to love that class might get back into it! What does everyone think about it for helping weight loss and shaping?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Alright. Game time. I've had an indulgent week and a half and I can feel it. Too much booze, too many carbs, not enough veggies, and too many cigarettes. :blushing: Have been VERY bad with that. And I felt it running Saturday morning. Unfortunately no morning workout today; had a friend stay with us last night which meant drinks on the deck till sort of late. I have a night meeting tonight, but I am back at it tomorrow morning.

    My sister and I started Part 2 of our challenge today. It's 6 weeks. So back to strict logging for me! I need the structure.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi friends!

    Happy Monday (ugh). Can't complain too much, I have short weeks as I use my last vacation days the next few weeks and only 7 days left in the office. It's bitter sweet, but mostly sweet.

    I am still weighing in heavy and trying to eat just under maintenance (which is erased by ridiculous weekends like this past one-so much booze and pizza!).

    Got 4 days of crossfit in last week and plan on getting my 5 in this week. Sat down and made a list of things I need to work on and I am going to try to do extra 'skill' work everyday this week after workouts. Focus for the next few months includes:

    Ring dips (working on them with a band then eventually off the band, not sure when that will happen!)
    Linking 10 kipping pulls
    Doing 2+ strict pull ups
    Push up form improvement (arms in at body, no snaking) working up to 25 perfect push ups together
    Double Unders (linking up to 20 and more consistency)

    Nutritional goals for the week:

    Not worried about logging, am worried about more veggies/plenty of protein. Several social engagements so want to keep weekday drinking to 1-2 drinks.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I LOVE YOUR GOALS, CHUI! I don't pretend to understand ANY of the crossfit language, but your goals sound AWESOME, lol!

    Better - NO MORE SMOKING! Believe me, that will hi-jack all goals sooner rather than later. Glad you're back on the "health" track.

    I had a crap weekend - won't go into details - but I don't think I can keep eating as few calories as I am - the binge blowback is becoming HORRIFIC.

    So, my 1 week goals (since next weekend is month-end measurements/photos):

    1. no breakfast
    2. protein shake for lunch AFTER my work-out.
    3. no snacking in the afternoon.
    4. sensible dinner
    5. evening snack (but NO "late-night snack).

    Will try and get out walking as many evenings as I can - and am also going to go to bed at 9 pm - my sleep is UBER-disrupted for some terrible reason!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies!

    So here is my last week in review:

    1) 5 morning walks with the pup (which was the goal)
    2) Jillian Michaels Shed and Shred 2 times and Tracy Anderson PP 2 times (goal was to do 4 DVD workouts...so YAY)
    3) went over on cals for the week by about 900- not good, I indulged in too many sweets and popcorn over the weekend

    This weeks goals are the same. I almost skipped my walk this morning because it looked like it was going to storm, but I went anyways and it literally started down pouring the second I got back home, whew! So I am glad I got that in!

    Oh and I bought those banana bread english muffins this weekend, big mistake! They are delicious! I had one with peanut butter last night :happy:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am FAT - says my scale. I think it might be TOM. I better be Tom. I didn't each much yesterday. I was pretty lazy. I wen t running again this morning. When I get off of work, I need to clean my house. Tonight the girls have dance and a swim party. For the rest of this week, I want to get in 3 more runs, 2 upper workouts, and 2 lower workouts. Like I said, I feel fat. I know everyone says nutrition is key, but I know I won't feel my best until I tighten everything up!!!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I had a pretty good weekend. I was a little over my calories on Friday and Sunday, but I ate pretty well on Saturday--I didn't log the afternoon, but I left myself plenty of calories and everything I ate was either a vegetable, a fruit, or some sort of veggie-based salad, so I feel pretty good about it. I haven't added it up, but I think that I was pretty close to my target for the whole week. I got a good run in on Saturday morning, but Saturday was just a busy day all around so I pretty much just relaxed on Sunday and didn't work out (unless you can count the 20 minutes I walked to/from the bagel shop). Even though I didn't work out yesterday, I think my body needed the rest and I feel pretty motivated to be productive this week.

    This week, I'm just going to focus on doing more lifting--my body is starting to crave it. I'm going to lift at the gym at work tomorrow after work, at home in the morning on Thursday, and then at home either Saturday or Sunday. I really want to get in the habit of doing three times a week, and there's really no reason why I can't.

    Edited to add one another thing to my "to do" list--I need heavier weights at home. There's a sporting goods store near my home that's open until 9, and I'm going to get heavier dumbbells tonight--no excuses.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I did pretty good for the weekend but hubby got home last night and we went out for steak dinner, split a bottle of red and then went to DQ, that's quite a binge for me. I was looking at my schedule and I am going to try to get in a workout every day. I think I can manage it if I get all my laundry done so I have something to wear and no excuse. I plan to alternate jogging and Spartacus all week.
    I have a lot going on in the evenings though, so I don't have any plans to start logging yet.

    For those who workout at home I found a site called Songza and it plays music based on what you want, so you can tell it "workout" and it will say "techno" or "rock". I like it for Spartacus because I don't want to get tired of the songs on my ipod, which I listen to jogging...
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I had such a good time last weekend! Our motel had an awesome view of the lake & we were right across the street from the pier. The cruise was a ton of fun - we had lobster - yum! It was nice to see some old co-workers. I used to work for the company where my husband now works. It ended at 10 and we were still wired so we went looking for a bar and bumped into another couple from work who had also rented a motel room for the night and had some drinks together. It's funny because she now works in the finance department doing what I used to do. We also knew each other because she was a teller at my bank for years - small world.

    Anyways, I am now doing damage control from the weekend. It is going to be tricky this week because I have a crazy schedule. I have three dress rehearsal for three dance recitals this coming weekend. I also have a couple of dance classes to squeeze in as well. I will probably just do my strength DVD's this week and take the dog for walks as this should be ample cardio.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    For the moms of daughters in dance, can I just say that DANCE IS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We just finished daughters' 7th year and the ending could NOT come fast enough....ugh, I HATE dance. My husband H-A-T-E-S dance. After 2 different schools and WAY too many 'dance moms' to contend with, we finally made our daughter "make a choice". She chose hockey (I *knew* she would!).

    When someone opens a dance school that:

    a) makes sense;
    b) doesn't demand all kids do "ballet" - when the kid just wants to do hip-hop or jazz;
    c) doesn't command $85 for a $15 costume they're gonna wear once; and
    d) STAGGERS the start-end time to the gazillion classes they put on (so that parking lot and lobby entrance crowding is curtailed)

    Then we're back in!

    I really should just create my own dance school, hire an ex-dancer to manage the place, and we're in the gravy, I'm telling you.

    Rant over.