2 week challenge



  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - what a bummer about your car & your trip! I totally don't blame you for making the switch with your routine - 90 minutes is a really long time for a workout - an hour is usually all I can get in

    Ramalem - that is awesome that you are doing NROL4W, looking forward to seeing how it goes for you. I am planning to start something new when the kids go back to school in the fall and that is on the list of things that I am looking into

    Chloe - glad to hear that hubby is on board with your healthy eating goals, that can make things so much easier

    I successfully completed most of my goals for the last two weeks - more water & protein, staying under calories, getting in all my workouts - I did not get in all of my cardio due to an intense heat wave. I usually don't mind hot weather, but it was too much too fast and my body has not adjusted yet. Things started to cool off yesterday so I should get back into my normal routine again.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Well day one of detox went OK. I did good until about 7pm and I just wanted to eat something. So I had some crackers and a piece of cheese and a bite of my husband's (homemade by me) burrito. I'll call it a success. I decided my willpower has been working overtime between the not drinking and cleansing, so I cut myself some slack. The scale was down 1.5 pounds this morning and I feel less bloated than I have in a while. I suspect I may drop another pound, and expect (hope) at least some to stay gone. I like to do the cleanse as a kind of reset. I've been doing a lot of mindless snacking lately and it almost takes a structured diet to get me back on track from time to time. Anyways....feeling good. Walked twice yesterday. The second was slow and in flip flops. It was more to get me out of the house and away from food than it was for cardivascular exercise. And I've got another day of alochol free under my belt.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Abigail - glad to read that your 2-week goals were a success! AWESOME!

    Better - I *love* the "re-set" idea....while I don't seem capable of doing 24-hour fasts, I try to do a weekly 20-ish hour one. And, frankly, daily I'm fasting for ~15 hours (9 pm - 12:30 pm), too. My scale weight isn't changing anymore. If I want it to go DOWN, I'm going to have to do some drastic calorie-cutting and I just don't have it in me right now.

    The sun is shining....so, even though I *missed* my morning walk (lol, I love how I use the term "missed" - I've never done a morning walk so all I'm saying is my "new" routine has YET to begin, lol!), I think I"ll try and walk as much as I can this evening!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Got my walk in last night - yay!

    I'm TOTALLY happy because I got my period, today! I thought it was due last week....didn't show up. Went to Vegas thinking, "great, a vacation "surprise"" - nope. So, last night I was dreaming I was 9-mths pregnant and in full labour (I actually FELT the labour pains!) and woke up to TOM! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I must have felt "crampy" in the night-time, which explains the dream, but I don't feel crampy today.

    And, since I just got back from Vegas debauchery, I've been watching my diet like a hawk.....mind you, TOM appearing DOES explain all the excessive cravings I've been FIGHTING. (I thought they were all due to Vegas carb-overload!).

    Whew. I'm going to REALLY tighten up the diet hatches because I've now got the rest of June to do so, without worrying about TOM cravings!

    I'm starting my weight-circuit program today - to make sure I only have to do 60 minutes at the gym. Excited!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps. where did you stay in Vegas? We were at Mandalay and paid for chairs one day and the next day went to the "toptional" pool, much less crowded!
    and GoT, OMG!

    I have not been getting any exercise, things with my dad's cancer have been stressing me out and work has been crazy too.

    I know it would help to exercise but I can't seem to make myself to anything except eat and drink. Now my sister is coming and I know it will be even harder to take any time for a workout, but I am going to try to tonight.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Amy- so sorry about what you are going through with your dad.....we need to kick cancers A**!!! I can understand turning to food and booze rather than workouts when stressed, life happens. Just do what you can :flowerforyou:

    Beeps- nice job on getting your walk in! I am 3 for 3 so far this week on my morning walks, and I am pretty proud of that!

    Ashley- Good for you on the detox!! That takes some will power I am sure. I am not good at not eating for a long period of time.

    Abi- good job on completed your goals!!!

    I have been pretty good so far this week. Like I said I have gotten in my walk every morning. No evening workouts Monday or Tuesday, but I plan on doing a Jillian DVD tonight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Amy - be kind to yourself....this is a BIG DEAL and you need to give yourself "permission" to deal with it however you deem fit. For me, exercise helps me sleep, it helps reduce stress, etc. - so it DOES STAY AT THE TOP OF MY LIST! But, grief is HARD. "Change to routine" is HARD. So, however you need to get through it, just know we ALL support you here at mfp.

    As to Vegas - we could have rented a cabana for $500! Ummmmmmmmm, our "pool time" would have been a max of 2 hours, in any event. Nope, I'm not dropping $500 on something like that - not when I'd prefer to be inside the air-conditioned casino people-watching and being served free booze at the slots!!

    Chloe - sounds like 2nd trimester is treating you better! That's awesome.

    Got my lifting in. I've switched it up to the Venus "circuit" program for the next 3- or 4- months. Today was day 1. It has 3 "levels", so I decided to start out at Level 2. 4 mini-circuits, each has 3 exercises. So, that's 12 exercises per day. You're supposed to do the mini-circuits 4 x, but I don't have that much time, so I'll go for 3 x. That's 36 exercises overall. It takes time to set-up the equipment and take it down and I'm taking more rest breaks then I'm supposed to. So, it was 65 minutes, today, but I bet I'll skinny that time down as the days turn into weeks! So, I'm happier.

    On a CRAPPY note, I'm back >150 lbs!! Yes, it's TOM and likely left-over Vegas shyte, but STILL.

    Now I'm p*ssed off and, basically, going to get <140 before August, I hope....for sure before September.

    I'm going BACK to what works for me:

    1. no eating prior to lunch-time work-out.
    2. protein shake right after work-out.
    3. attempt to fast (again) until supper-time, using methods like gum-chewing, green tea, etc.
    4. have a REASONABLE supper (i.e. <1,000 calories)
    5. GO TO BED instead of night-time snacking.

    That should get me where I want to go. Dammit - I'm p*ssed OFF about this!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Amy, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. :( Cancer sucks and like Beeps said, you just gotta deal without however you can. Just make sure to take care of yourself too. I'll keep him in my prayers.

    Beeps, that's terrible about your car and no pool time in Vegas! :( Your goal of going to bed before late night snacking urges kick in always works for me, but sometimes it's a huge mental struggle for me to go to bed and not scrounge for chocolate.

    Ramalem, Are you in Seattle? I live north of Seattle so I was curious :)

    I did pretty good with my last set of goals, I was short one workout last week but I did do relay for life last weekend which was kind of a workout in itself (complete with midnight Zumba, which was very awesome). I spend 31 hours running around between our tent site and the MC stage since I was helping my friend who was the entertainment chairperson. I slept so much on Sunday and Monday. All nighters really aren't for me, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat...next year.

    For the next 2 weeks my goals are this:
    1. Get in 4+ workouts per week.
    2. Be under my net calories for the week (I didn't bother logging through relay because it was crazy so I have no idea if I made it last week or not, but I was 66 net calories over the week before)
    3. Get 2-3 strength training workouts in a week
    4. Alcohol once per week, max. I failed at this goal last time, but I did restrain myself to drinking way less than normal. Wine has a crazy way of making its way into my glass. I need to make it stop. Last night my hubby and I went to see my cousin and her new baby and got back into town late, so we went for Mexican. I did good, holding myself to tortilla soup to keep calories in check, but then ended up drinking 2 sangrias. :( Oops.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies! Week has been good so far - stayed within my cals and have been getting up early to walk the pup and getting my gym time in. Started NROL4W and man, I am SORE. Have my second workout tonight which i'll actually be doing in a gym so I fully expect to not be able to walk tomorrow.

    Amy - So sorry to hear about your Dad. Just do what you need to do, the rest will come.

    Beeps - free booze > paying $500

    Chloe - way to go on the walking! I'm proud of staying consistent too

    Rogie - I am in Seattle! Loving the weather lately, hope it lasts. Great goals - the booze is a huge struggle for me too. During the week, I can usually make it fit in my calories if I workout, but the weekend just turns into a ****show. Sigh.

    Happy humpday guys! Half-way there :)
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I am way behind, so this is mostly just a post so that I can remember what I've read and what I haven't :wink: Looks like you all have been doing really well on setting goals and sticking to them!

    I've done okay. I went to my college reunion over the weekend, and didn't really get any workouts in. I felt bad dragging my husband to everything, so I didn't want to abandon him while I went running too. I also ate a ton, and not the healthiest of food (except I did have a lot of fruit). On Monday and Tuesday I was at a conference, which meant more eating not-so-healthy stuff. But I've gotten in a few good workouts this week, and I should be better at controlling my meals the rest of the week. I have friends coming in town this weekend which means more eating out, but I may be joining them for a 30-mile bike ride so at least I'll get some exercise in. If I skip the bike ride then I'll just have to make sure I take advantage of the time to myself to get in a good workout.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Rogie - it does sound like you had a really good time at "relay for life" - fun to READ about that sort of stuff.....I don't want to DO it, but I sure like READING about it! I'm going for mexican, tonight....I've been fasting ALL day to permit myself some yum-time!

    ramalem - SO glad to read that NROL4W is making you (good) SORE! That's EXACTLY right! Hey, congrats, too, on hitting your calories - AWESOME!

    RisOnTheRun - 30 mile bike ride?!?!?!?!? my *kitten* HURTS just reading that! Ouch!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Sounds like everyone is doing well. I'm doing pretty well. My mini detox went well. I say that in past tense because i ate pretty "normally" yesterday. Even went to dinner and split fried calamari with Eric. :ohwell: I had a salad to offset and was still under my "goal" calories, not necessarily my detox goal calories. I'm going to try for a really good day today and tomorrow, relax a bit over the weekend and have a good Monday and Tuesday next week. Maybe not as good Monday. I get to drink wine Monday. Good food goes so well with good wine. So we'll see. Anyways, I dropped 2.5 pounds and as of this morning had gained 0.5 back. Considering my afternoon snacking (bad Ashley!) and larger dinner topped with terrible constipation (come on smooth move tea....kick in!), I'll take it. I'd love to get to 128 (really 127 but.....) before I leave Thursday morning. I'm sitting at 129 today.

    I've just been walking this week. I walked a ton yesterday - to the zoo and back (60 minutes round trip at a quick pace) and about 90 minutes at the zoo strolling. And I did about an hour of yard work and walked to and from dinner; the latter two were not logged. Tonight I'm trying zumba for the first time! I'm excited and am hoping I love it and will do it weekly.

    Oh, still no booze. 18 days today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Better - I totally believe you can get to your goal by next week! "Detox" is the right route to go.....I know "no alcohol" can be a big bummer, but sometimes, once in the 'swing' of things, it just falls off the menu. I see that you can drink Monday night - yes, it's totally true that good food can taste even better with good booze!

    I had a great day yesterday - zero cravings even though it's TOM! Had a great evening. Am really hoping to keep this trend up - if I get 4- or 5- days in a row, just like that, I'll be golden for a couple of weeks (usually). So, that makes me happy.

    I did check out a "body fat" calculator yesterday, and it STILL says 84 days to dump the fat. Harumph. I don't like that....but, it also budgeted me for MORE calories than I'm permitting myself to ingest, so maybe I *can* get it down to <60 days to dump the g*d-damn fat!

    I guess we'll see.

    Can't wait to see pics from your vacation Better....so MUCH FUN!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Just dropping in to say hi!! I haven't read anything to catch up with you gals, but I miss you!! Hopefully I can get back into regularly checking in!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--my *kitten* will definitely be hurting after the bike ride! We'll be going at a pretty leisurely pace though and stopping for lunch in the middle, so that should help.

    Ashley--great job on the no booze, you'll have earned that wine on Monday! And have fun at zumba, I only did it once but it was a lot of fun.

    Shannon--great to see you! How's everything going? Love the haircut!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Hi shander!! Welcome back....keep posting!

    RisOnTheRun - I'd be worried about stopping for lunch only 'cause if your quads seize up, you STILL have to keep going, lol!!

    Got to the car-repair shop - will bring my car in on monday, get the loaner, and then fight with the airport valet about what "other" compensation I should get for all this wasted time!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    You ladies all are looking amazing!

    Beeps - Wow on your transformation!! You look incredible!!! You should be very proud of yourself :)

    Ris - Everything is well! I hope you are doing well too! Love your new pic :)

    Sorry I was gone for so long! I bought a house in November, so that's been my focus, just getting settled in, learning to live with my bf and do all the cooking/cleaning/laundry myself and balance it with working out! I did not do very well at first, but I am getting there :) My bf is trying to lose weight now, so that helps with me making healthy dinners... I just now have to learn that I don't need the same portions he does! Over the last year I've gained all of my weight back, but I'm trying now to lose it a healthy way and still try to be able to enjoy myself and enjoy the foods I love. I also have a more realistic goal this time as well, so that will make it easier for me to achieve instead of my insane goal that would not be healthy. I joined a new gym that I go to with my bf and we now take classes together which is good for us, plus it adds a little healthy competition! I am also starting to use the benefit of the location of my new house... right next to the bike path! One loop from my house, to 1 bike path entrance to the next back to my house is 2 miles, so he and I are trying to walk it every night after dinner. I think I got this living on my own thing under control (or mostly!) so that's helping too! I'm also trying to get back in shape for my sister's wedding! She'll be getting married on Feb 1, and she is probably the fastest planner of all times! She planned the entire wedding in 3 weeks after she got engaged (and I mean EVERYTHING, all she has left is the limo!)

    Sorry for writing so much! I felt like I needed to explain why I've been gone for so long!! I'm glad to be back though :)
    Happy Friday!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Welcome back Shannon! Good to hear from you. Adjusting to independent life in your own home and living with significant other can be tough, but fun. You are doing yourself a huge favor by instiling healthy habits now! Good for you. I'm sure you'll achieve your goals.

    I'm having a great week. The scale continues to move down (128.5 today) and my eating has been pretty close to spot on. I haven't lifted this week and probalby won't next week and it's been kind of a nice break. I've just walked this week and did zumba last night. It was pretty fun and I burned about 400 calories in an hour. I'm going to try to go weekly. So now I just need to put the good eats with the better workout schedule and I'll be set! The scale movement has gotten me re-motivated. I also don't expect to gain much weight at Bonnaroo. I certainly won't be logging all the beer I'll be drinking or carnie food I'll be eating, but we'll probably walk 5 miles a day or more between camp and Centeroo and from stage to stage. And the dancing. And they actually have yoga classes daily. I did one class when I went back in 2007 I think and it was pretty awesome yogaing with about 100+ hippies to Snoop Dogg, class being led by "Spriitual Gangsta". I'm totally taking my yoga mat and hope to hit class at least once. I'll make the daily bloody marys when I return to camp. :smile: I'm getting excited.

    Sorry to ramble on about me. Hope you're all having a great week!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hello Ladies! Happy Friday!

    Shannon- Welcome back and congrats on the new house! I gained weight when I first moved in the my (now) husband. I think that's normal. But, once we got into our routines I got back down to normal.

    Ris- That bike ride sounds fun, I keep saying I want to buy some bikes, we have some pretty good trails that run by my house that go REALLY far.

    Ashley- I always wanted to go to Bonnaroo, but I haven't made it yet. I have gone to country thunder, which I think is a similar idea, but with country music and it was always a drunken blast :drinker:

    I have been having a good week so far. I was 5 out of 5 days for walking in the mornings, so I am really proud of that and I really enjoy the quiet time outside in the morning, its a great way to start the day. I did 2 Jillian workouts so far this week. So I need to get in 2 more DVD workouts to hit my goal. I think I am going to take today off, so I'll need to do one Saturday and Sunday. And I have also stayed well within my cal goal every day. Today will be a little rough we are doing pizza at work for lunch and going out to dinner for Mike's grandpa's birthday. So I will just watch my portions there. Tomorrow I have a 1 year old bday party and Sunday no plans.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    shander!!!!!! How wonderful to read your update! Congrats on the new house, on settling in, on finding some great new exercise routines (with bf) that are making you happy! That's all awesome! How come he doesn't do the cleaning if you do the cooking???? Maybe you could make that happen - I sure as heck would!

    Better - I think your "event" sounds like a total blast and I really hope you go and soak up every single second of J-O-Y that it can provide! You've been doing SO VERY WELL leaning out and exercising to get to this point! Keep it up!

    Chloe - so, when you "stay within your calories" - are you still gaining weight?? (i.e. baby weight)

    Today, I lift! Yesterday, I fasted and literally had 1 protein shake (225 cals) in the entire 26-hour period!