2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    1. No alcohol
    2. 5 workouts a week. Prefereably 2 runs and 3 lifts, but I am not opposed to substituting HIIT for a run
    3. Don't use not drinking as an excuse to eat crap.
    4. 10,100 calories a week.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    1. This week I am trying to stay around 1300 cals per day
    2. Drink water

    Then starting June 1 I am going to put together a Warrior Dash training program. I don't think I will splurge on Crossfit, I already pay for two gyms so I think I can incorporate some cross-fit type workouts too. any resources or suggestions are welcome! I am not sure about my nutrition goals for the summer-drink less? get 100 grams of protein per day? carb cycle?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Better Balance - I *love* seeing all the LIFTING you are doing! GO GET IT!!

    Amy - I'm totally unsure about my nutrition goals this summer, too....I'm taking June for "maintenance" and then I'll have to see what July/August bring.

    If I *fail* at maintenance, then they'll be cut months. If I "succeed" at maintenance, maybe I'll just keep giving that a whirl.

    I'm trying to HELP myself recognize that, even fitness models/competitors have an "on-season" and an "off-season" look/weight. Since I'm not actually a fitness model, nor do I want to be a competitior, I guess I can work with an "off-season" look/weight all year long!

    Maybe I'll never get <140 lbs....I'm nearly 5'9" (again!! I grew!!), so it isn't like that's some FATSO number on the scale.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks for the rollover Beeps!

    2 week goals:

    1. Stay under my current calorie goal settings
    2. Drink more water
    3. Get in at least 100g of protein/day
    4. Complete all of my weekly scheduled workouts - 3 days strength, 2 days cardio & 2 days yoga/stretch
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    My 2 week goals:

    1. Be more accurate about my logging (less guessing)
    2. Drink water
    3. Complete 4 days of lifting with some cardio/week
    4. Finally take my measurements
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yeah, Beeps, I think you could try to stay within a range on maintenance, maybe a little heavier in the winter:tongue:
    It will be an interesting experiment and I am curious to see how it goes for you. I failed at maintenance. I think I need to maintain a lower a body fat % before I can truly go to maintenance.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Hmmmmmmmm, well, at some point I do want to cut LOWER and then get a DEXA scan to actually SEE what my body fat % is. If it's still >20% (It is right now, I'm betting), then I'd have to figure out how to STAY at the "cut" weight (YIKES!).

    But, if my cut weight is <20%, then I could safely move into maintenance at a higher weight.

    I just know I'm not mentally ready to keep cutting, at this point in time. One more week and that's all I've got in me.

    When I holiday in vegas, it will mostly be liquid calories - and I WANT SOME!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! Great goals everyone. Here are my updated goals:

    1. Exercise every day (at least walk)
    2. Log everything during the week
    3. Run at least a little twice a week
    4. Lift at least a little twice a week

    I did pretty well on my goals from last week (1 and 2 are the same, plus to eat more fruits and veggies and do yoga twice a week) except for the yoga part. I have a prenatal yoga video and I just can't get into it--too much stretching and not enough "work." So I'm going to stick with what I like. I don't have any more races come up so I need to make an effort to keep up with the running. I also want to lift at the gym at work more often since it has heavier weights than I have at home. I lifted last night and it feels good to be a little sore again. My husband is getting his MBA at night and he finishes at the end of June, so I want to take advantage of having the evenings to myself for the next six weeks and try to get my workouts in after work while he's at class.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Go Ris!

    Today I did really well on calories (so far) - if I can keep it together until bedtime, it will be nearly a carb-free day! A couple more of those and I should be GOLDEN! Somebody told me to actually pack-in some carbs the night before the photo shoot, but I'm too scared to do that. Will just try and be UBER-hydrated and UNDER-carbed.

    I'm off to the gym....not for a work-out, but for a jacuzzi soak, a shower, and MAJOR SHAVE, lol! Even with laser-hair removal almost everywhere all over my body, there are STILL STRAYS! So, tonight's the night!

    Then I'll pick up my daughter and head home....this delays supper for nearly 90 minutes - am hoping I'm not starving, and, instead, hunger has kind of LEFT THE BUILDING. One can dream....
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Hallo ladies! I've come and gone from here before ( a few times actually) and I always find my way back here because I love the 2 week goal idea. Long story short, my whole world personally and professionally has been in upheaval (all for the good, not for the bad, but almost as overwhelming) for about a month and is finally settling down. I have a date with the warrior dash on July 20th so it is crunch time to get ready! So, my 2 week goals are the following:
    1. Workout at least 4 times a week, 1-2 days of lifting for now.
    2. Limit alcohol to one day a week.
    3. perform my lymphatic massage exercises at minimum of once a day.

    ^^ I realize that's a weird goal but it is fitness related, I promise. I had a lot of surgery on my right arm when I had melanoma and now I battle chronic lymphedema. It makes lifting challenging, especially on days when I lose the feeling in my fingers and my grip gets really weak from the swelling. I've been dealing with a flare for about a month now and I'm really tired of it and ready to get back to lifting (I'm almost there, I managed to do a decent weight training day on Sunday so there's hope!)

    I'm actually getting worried that I won't have the arm strength for the dash because of the lymphedema, but I still have 8 weeks to prep for it.

    You all have great goals, I'm glad to be back here!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--When is the photo shoot? I've never heard about packing in the carbs the day before. On the days before a big event I generally try to stick to small meals so I don't have a big food belly, but I've never tried anything else.

    Welcome back Rogie! Those are great goals. Sounds like you've been through a lot lately, so it's great that you have a plan! Have you done a Warrior Dash before? Arm strength will definitely help, but I know people who don't really lift at all that are still able to do it. There are a couple of up-and-over obstacles, so if you have enough strength to lift yourself over a fence (or out of a pool, it's the same motion), you'll be okay.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Great goals ladies! Ive been doing well this week despite what the scale said this morning. So my weight has been 131.5, 131.5, 130, 129.5, and back to 131 this morning. I squatted 140 (not well...need to get down) Tuesday along wuth some other stuff, and i am still sore today. Maybe some muscle water retention? How much do you all see DOMS affect your weighr?

    Beeps, i have never been in "maintenance" since being on MFP and maybe never in my adult life. Im either "dieting" or not or most likely "dieting" during the week and binging on weekends. Need a better balance there. Ha ha....get it? ;)

    Amy, i agree....2 gyms and crossfit may be a bit much. Im sure you can properly train without.

    Ris, i had a prenatal yoga DVD and i couldnt get into it either. Seemed like a waste of time.

    Sorry for my typos. Im coming to you via Android at a Sewer Board meeting.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Rogie - keep posting here....somehow, that "accountability" helps people stay on track!

    Ris - photo shoot is Saturday afternoon....so, I'm going to try and fast from Friday (supper-time) through until AFTER that photo shoot....will just rely on water, water, coffee, coffee, water, water, green tea, green tea.

    Better - I think my form of "maintenance" will be more like "good all week/bad on weekends", as opposed to what it is SUPPOSED to be - whatevah - I have to start somewhere!

    I am up 2 lbs from my end-of-April report. Shyte....that is NOT what was supposed to happen. Hopefully, when I do all my measurements, tomorrow, they won't have gone UP!

    I really am struggling to get off these last 5- or 7- lbs....to get my waist down another 0.5" or 1".....to get my hips down another 2". I've completely STALLED.

    Which is fine - it is what it is....still, I need a break.

    TRX this evening!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Rogi, I am doing Warrior Dash for the 3rd time in August! I found a training plan on tough mudder, I think I will work that in-it's a sort of cardio conditioning, strengthening plan, here is the link if you want it:

    you are right Better (and live from a sewer meeting, that sounds exciting;) I think I have to say no to crossfit because I went way over-budget in May, going to Vegas and have to think about cutting out the excess spending...

    Beeps, I am excited for you and your photo shoot! tell us all about it!
  • lucyhross
    lucyhross Posts: 87 Member
    to Beeps
    you locked the previous post before i could get back in there- just wanted to say you can call me Lucy :P

    so far so good!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    YEAH new thread= better attitude for me!!!!

    2 week challenge-
    1. LOG
    2. workout 5 days a week
    3. minimal processed junk/carbs

    Tomorrow is my last day of work!!!!!!!!!! Except I'm teaching summer school in June but that's only 4 hours a day for 16 days. BRING on summer!!!!!! I plan on doing better about checking in here and being more supportive. I have just been very overwhelemd, as I alway am this time of year!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I think it's weird you're on summer break NOW?!?!?! Our kids get July and August off.

    Anyway, ROCK ON to all the peeps who get summer holidays!

    Amy - I think I will enjoy the "process" of the photo shoot. And, I think she's a good photographer, so I have no doubt the pictures will turn out. I'm more p*ssed off that, despite some REALLY HARD WORK this month (of May), it seems to have translated into a "maintenance" month.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Scale was back up to 131.5 this morning....my weight 2 days after vaca. I don't see how daily weighers do it. After this weekend, I'm back to my Thursday weigh ins..... I ate crap yesterday. I haven't eaten well all week. I've been below my cals each day except yesterday, but I've not been eating good foods. I am focusing on diet for the next 3 weeks. Also, my new weekly goal is 9500. Are we doing the challenge still?

    Got my lifting in today. It was hard to wash my hair. My first weekend of not drinking is coming up. Just in time for a holiday weekend. :ohwell: Have a great and healthy weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Better - I totally don't know how daily-weighers do it, either. I cannot. MInd you, the "daily weighers" I know completely look at that scale number as 'data'. That is it - they have NO emotional attachment to it. They use it to determine, "hmmmm, my weight is up, likely that salty thing I ate for supper last night" or "hmmmm, my weight is down, likely all that water I chugged yesterday" - or whatever. They really use it as a "science piece".

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Well, I did my photos/measurements this morning.

    Such NOT good news.


    Scale is up 2 lbs (from end of April). Measurements are UP, EVERYWHERE! In fact, I'm measuring like I did at end of February, 2013.

    Mind you, my end-of-April measurements were all fully fasted measurements. And, this morning, they aren't - I did TRX last night (so likely do have some muscle inflammation going on) and I ate AFTER TRX - which is really late for me!

    But, still, it feels like SHYTE.


    Thank goodness for "photos" because my husband seems to think that the photos look different than end of February, even if measurements don't.

    Anyway, photo shoot tomorrow. Lingerie arrived yesterday, but I didn't even open the package. My husband leaves for Mexico today - so I'll have time at bedtime to check out if any of the lingerie actually fits, lol.

    I'm looking forward to 'maintenance' June.....