2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Chloe - I'll run the STAR challenge until the last week of May - then I'm done with the posting/reporting because I'm going to las vegas and then, in June, I'm doing a "maintenance" month, so no contests for me through June!

    Anybody else can either:

    a) start a different challenge; or
    b) continue on with a challenge - just take over the rerporting/gathering data part....it's not too hard!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    ramalem - I spent months/years in the "good during the week/not so good on the weekend" cycle. It's not the worst thing on earth....just usually results in "maintaining", rather than "losing".

    If you want to "lose", my suggestion is to REALLY TIGHTEN up during the week so that you have BANKED some calories for your weekend overload. (I was always doing it in reverse....overloading on weekends and then TIGHTENing during the following week to try and get back down - THAT way is FUTILE!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Dinah2, you can post here every Monday with what you'd like to accomplish in the next 2 weeks....it's pretty informal.

    On the *star* challenge, just report in how many calories you ate from Monday - Sunday. And, of course, how many you were SUPPOSED to eat!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Beeps: Yea I think that's what I'll have to do. I used to do weight watchers and I saved/banked all my points for the weekend and still lost. Thanks for the advice!

    I definitely think we should try and keep the challenge going. If no one else wants to do commit to doing the totals on Mondays, I'll step up :)
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry, been crazy! Got home late Sunday night, had to work Monday (I usually don't), had a dr.[s appt and soccer game right after school. My car got hit, with the boys in it on the way to the appt, (we are fine, thank goodness!) game ran late, no food prep time, equals a total fail yesterday and today. This week is a wash as I pretty much have something every night and into the weekend :grumble: I ate my way through Chicago and enjoyed every minute of it. I will be crazy busy wrapping up school this week and next week as I have to do lots of paperwork and pack up my office. No tracking this week, but I will be back to it on Monday! (Sunday is Mother's Day with my mama!) Have a great one ladies and I will be ready to kill it in next week! Those going on trips, if I miss it, have fun!!
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Sorry, I have been MIA and I just joined you ladies!!! We started our family visits before we go to the USA and I picked up some 12 hour days to help pay for the expenses. My computer is broken and I only have an iPod touch. There is no wifi in the little village where his mom lives. I didnt log either, but she finally lets me choose my own serving sizes (before she thought I could eat like her sons! Lol). We did a lot of yardwork and walking. Im still going to try to log mentally/on a slip of paper and if I have wifi, but Ill unfortunately be absent. We leave again for Normandy with his brother soon. I have a lot of work to do before my long departure of 3 months in the USA. I wish you some great weeks and still thinkin of you all when I choose the better food choice. A pear for dessert instead of chocolate mousse. The pear was delicious anyway! Enough food for my stomach not my eyes/taste buds.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Work is so busy! I decided to catch up while drinking my morning coffee. I finally logged again yesterday. It felt good to take some time off, but now I have to kick butt to get my legs ready for shorts. It's bin the mid 80s this week! The weather changed quick.

    Chloe-I actually gained the least during the 2nd trimester with my first. I had a significant weight gain during my 3rd trimester- like 5 lbs a week - due to preeclampsia. It really messed with my head. I los all but three pounds. For my second, I avoided the scale. Not worth the stress. If your working out and making mostly healthy food choices, don't stress about the weight. Everybody is different with their gain.

    Beeps- have I told you how amazing you have been doing? I posted much lately, but you are going to be rocking Vegas, sexy Mama!

    Amy- I drink coffee to wake me up. It's probably mental. But I do have friends who have added coffee for different weight loss reasons. It is a diuretic and gives a short boost in your metabolism I don't know if that is all caffeine or just coffee. I drink ine with fate free milk.

    Ramelem- I wold love for you to keep the challenge going! I have a hard time in the summer since I don't work and my schedule is off.

    I'll post more later. Time to workout!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    jenomaha - eeeekkkk on the car accident! Yay on Chicago!

    alicia - your travel pursuits sound AWESOME! Yay!

    kclynch - I'm losing steam FAST on this calorie-cut prior to photo shoot (May 25) and prior to Vegas (May 30). F-A-S-T.

    For eg., I have NOT been able to stay under calories any of Sunday, Monday or Tuesday and that is with ingesting only 200 calories throughout the day. Literally, from 6 pm - 8 pm I'm ingesting between 1,300 and 1,500 calories! It's BINGE-CITY, and not in a very good way.

    Something is messing with my head and I need to get THROUGH it a.s.a.p. because I TOTALLY don't want to sabotage myself in the last 10 days of this shyte.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    jenomaha - bummer about the car accident, but I'm glad everyone is ok!

    Alicia - Sounds like you have a ton going on!

    kclynch - get it girl! If everyone is up for keeping the challenge going, I'd be happy to take it over!

    Beeps - I hear ya. Dinner time is where I want to spend all my calories too. Something about being home and where all the food is makes me want ALL THE FOOD. Keep your focus, you'll kill it!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I'm way behind on this thread, so just a few thoughts:

    I have no opinion on the effect of caffeine on appetite, but I definitely take in fewer calories when I want something to snack on because I'm bored (but not hungry) and I drink tea/black coffee rather than have a snack. So to the extent that you can drink a calorie-free beverage to satisfy your snacking urge, it's definitely helpful!

    Weekends are hard. I find that I'm much better when I log than when I don't, even if I have to estimate (which I do a lot) and even if I go over. Just knowing that I have to write everything down makes me think twice about eating stuff when I'm not hungry or about eating high-calorie things where there are low-calorie options.

    My week has been okay. I've managed to do some sort of exercise every day, but I gave into some splurges on Monday and Tuesday that put me over my calories (fro-yo on Monday and pizza yesterday). I think today will be better as I got in a good run this morning and I'm planning on having grilled veggies for dinner. I'm slowly getting myself out of the "I can eat whatever I want because I'm running so much" mentality from the weekend. My pants are starting to get tight which is giving me some motivation to get back on track :grumble:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think you are right, Ris, logging even if you have to estimate at least helps to keep your head in the right place.

    This week is better than last, but I do have a restaurant meal tonight and tomorrow so I will need to workout.

    Jen, glad you had a good time in Chicago, I am glad no one was hurt in the accident and wish you luck wrapping things up the next couple of weeks, sounds like a time for maintenance.

    You know, Beeps, you only have so much self control so maybe you are using it up early in the day, think about what you could do to spread out the self control if you are losing it?

    Last night after dinner I distracted myself with shopping at Target. I even tried on a bunch of swimsuits which was discouraging but then I didn't go home and drink or eat:ohwell:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I'm going back OFF the diet soda (I think I started it, as a treat, about 2 weeks ago) and back ON the green tea.

    That's likely one good decision right there.

    i got my lifting in-and-done. Spent, today!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    This has been a rough week, not gonna lie. I started lifting again on Monday and am STARVING all the time. I haven't been eating my calories back because I am saving them for the weekend... sigh. I upped my 1,260 cals a day to 1,300 (not that 40 calories is really going to help) so I'll likely be off on my net this week. Not sure if I need to up more, I'm worried if I do, I won't lose.

    Anywho - hope everyone else is having a good one!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    (((ramalem))) - HUNGER sucks. It. Just. Does.

    I have TRX tonight....and a hair appt RIGHT before that! So, I'll gobble down a protein bar at the hair salon, I guess. And, I'm not paying for a blow-dry/style - will just leave the salon with dripping wet hair and head over to the gym for TRX.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I am having a pretty good week. Staying within my cals for the most part. I think I went over Monday, but was under Tuesday, so that made up for it. I got a new Jillian Michaels DVD this weekend that I did I Tuesday called Hard Body, basically light weights with some cardio. I had to do the easier modifications for some exercises, so I didn't get too crazy, but overall I really enjoyed it. Tonight I am getting a mani and pedi after work and then I think I will take the pup for a walk once it cools down later, it has been pretty hot here this week.

    Ramalem- Lifting always makes me hungrier too! Since I have been at maintenance for a couple months now I cant even imagine going down to 1300 cals a day! I dread the day I have to start dieting again!

    Beeps- I am with ya! When I got pregnant I started drinking a diet coke a day because I couldn't stand the smell of coffee. But, now I can drink iced coffee (still not hot though for some reason). So I have given up the diet coke for the most part except for the occasional one on the weekends and I feel so much better! That is a good habit to get rid of!

    Ris- logging definitely helps me keep myself on track, it makes me think twice before putting something in my mouth knowing that I have to log it

    Amy- I got some swimsuits from Target for vacation. I got a couple tankinis and couple bikinis (the mix and match ones so I could wear what I want depending on what we are doing) I know I have a belly, but I still plan on wearing my bikini. People can just think its a beer gut....haha!

    So I am officially done logging after tomorrow! I am excited for the nice break and I plan on eating lots of yummy food! At least I wont be wasting it on booze calories (haha who am I kidding I would love to waste it on booze!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Congrats, Chloe, on the "end of logging".

    Don't know if you were mfp friends with "ebaymommy", but she's done logging, she's done with everything!! She's keeping her mfp account, because she has some recipes, etc., here that she loves, but she's maintained her weight for >year, her racing is getting better and better and that's IT!

    She's GRADUATED!!

    ....not sure, yet, that I *want* an end to my time at mfp, but I think it would be nice to feel that I *could* leave it behind, if I wanted to.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh I am only done for the week while I am on vacation....I will start again next Monday!

    And I wanted to tell you all this so I actually do it, I already told my husband this morning. It has been so hot after I get off of work that I don't walk the dog, and then I workout and eat dinner and say I am going to do it after and I never do. Sooo when I get back from vacation I am going to start getting up 45 minutes earlier and take the pup for a 2 mile walk every morning. This way I can concentrate on my workout after work and not have to feel guilty while that cute little face stares at me :wink:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Chloe - I'll do it with you. I've been making a solid effort to get out in the AM with my guy, but bed has seemed so much better! Now that we are getting nice weather here (all though June is always awful) I am aiming to get up early every morning to take him out. Glad I have a partner :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I got my TRX group class in-and-done last night. I really didn't push it, AT ALL. Wanted to save my DOMs for today's lifting session, lol. So, it really functioned more as a VERY HARD stretch than a weight-training session. Although, we did do LOTS of elevated planks (feet in stirrups) and I aced them all and I really pushed myself on the planks. Otherwise, the bicep work the instructor was doing was REALLY bothering my left bicep, and I tried it on the right bicep and still didn't feel too "comfy" in the move.

    I think I have some sort of "injury" on my left bicep (front) area - may even be rotator cuff. Unsure. But, if I hold my left arm out , bent at the elbow at 90 degrees, that does NOT feel good - a STRONG twinge is going on. This has been going on for at least 6 weeks....I should be putting ice on it, but I always forget.

    Means that I can't really "push" chest work - because that hurts it. Even lateral raises, I've had to back off the weight, otherwise it hurts.

    I think I need to take a "lifting" break, myself! So, I'm going to do that....next Friday, i won't lift, and then, the Friday after that, I'm in Las Vegas - might take a "rest" week the week I come back from Vegas.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    MIA Kate back.

    More travel messed up my schedule. MY GOD I READY TO BE DONE TRAVELING. I have traveled 40 days in 2013 alone so far. God knows how many miles and at least 18 cities. It really makes this whole consistency thing hard. I have two more work trips scheduled before my last day July 11th then good riddance. People think traveling is glamorous. It's not.

    Rant end. Trying to cut down. I am not as lean as I would like (though I am happy with the new muscle development I am seeing since last summer). It's affecting my lifting performance which is annoying but i just have to decide what my priorities are. A few crossfit victories:

    - 4 linked kipping pull ups
    - 225# deadlift
    - 'DT' work out at 95 lbs (12 deadlifts, 9 hang cleans, 6 jerks, 5 rounds)

    Beeps - rest weeks are great!

    Ramalem and Chloe - walking our pup in the morning is one of the things that helps me SO much with activity level. I try to make it non-negotiable.

    Chloe - have fun on vacation and sport your belly proudly! Not logging is SO liberating sometimes.

    Amy - Caffeine helps me generally but I am careful not to make it too much so that even cokes still have an effect on me. You have to think about what you ingest it with. For some fake or real sugars can cause spikes that make them hungrier. I do a diet coke a day (occasionally more) and sometimes coffee/lattes but always sugar free. Neither make me hungry and each can dull hunger for me. They do hit cravings which help.