2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Wow - a marathon while pregnant! Hats off to you, RisontheRun!

    Please report in for STAR CHALLENGE!

    I get a PLAT * this week - was 185 calories UNDER my total - even with a BLOW-OUT Mother's Day! Yay!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning gals - I clocked in (somehow) at 185 calories under goal. Seeing my calories burned for gardening and walking the dog just don't seem equal to sweating in the gym for me, so my goal this week is to get back into the gym/running and to do Jillian Michael's shred a few days before work. I feel like I keep making excuses and it's time to get back in there. My weekend was way too heavy on the drinking, but was really fun. I got out and did a lot of yard work this weekend (wanted to get it done before it started raining again) and tried to wear the dog out on a zillion walks.

    Quick question for all of you ladies who weight lift in this group, did you up your calories when you started lifting? I find that I am STARVING when I get done, and 1,260 calories a day (which MFP says I should be on to lose 1lb/wk) is not going to cut it.

    RisontheRun - that is amazing that you did a Marathon pregnant!

    Beeps - super horrible surprise. I don't know what I would do if my friends "surprised" me with that. Good luck to you though, I'm sure you'll do great. It's my goal to try and do something like that in the next few years :)

    Hope everyone else had a great weekend. Monday came way too quick.

    Finally take measurements (didn't do it last week)
    Develop and stick to a lifting schedule
    Cut down on the booze
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    wow, I feel pretty bad with my 11,632, no star for me but I have to shake it off and try again this week. I, again, only had two days of exercise, which is pretty unacceptable considering I was eating so much. I understand if I was eating super-low-cal not having the energy for working out but clearly, that was not the case.
    on the positive side, I did a great job logging everything.

    Ramalem, I am hungry when I lift! I don't have any great advice though, I thought I should over-eat and build some muscle and then let that muscle burn some extra calories but I am not sure it worked... I would say try hitting your protein goals, that helps with the hunger for me!

    Well, I think I am going to make my calories 9100, a nice round 1300 per day. I am hopeful and keeping my eye on the prize-Vegas in 12 days...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I ended last week 43 calories under my goal. You would think I would be very proud of this, but I am up another 2 pounds according to my scale this morning. I got in all my workouts last week and overall I felt pretty good about my eating, this really bugs me. So I am up about 15 pounds at 15 weeks WTF!

    Ok rant over. I am just going to keep trucking along and watching my food and keeping up with workouts. There really is nothing I can do about this. I am hoping the couple of pounds from this morning is just from all the sodium from eating out over the weekend. I saw a lot of family yesterday and they all were saying how good I look. (they could have just been saying all tat to make me feel better). But, my mom did say the only thing that looks bigger is my boobs and by belly and she would not lie to me. So I am hoping that this is just how my body reacts to pregnancy and maybe I will level off for awhile. I really don't feel like I have gained 15 pounds.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Chloe, I think being pregnant probably does all kinds of things to hormones and water retention and fluid, I really hope you don't get too concerned about the scale and just focus on having a healthy pregnancy, exercise and good nutrition. enjoy this time and the amazing things your body is doing!
    I can imagine it would be a little scary to think you gained 15 pounds but it's not fat! things will probably even out for you. I think people who are on in the healthy weight range tend to gain more weight early on, you can look into it, it was just what a thin friend of mine said.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks for the support Amy :happy: I really do feel like it is some water retention. I am downing my water like crazy today, which maybe I don't focus as much on during the weekends. And no I am not stressing, I do just want this to be as healthy of a pregnancy as possible. I just get worried about gaining too much weight and being more uncomfortable than necessary towards the end.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Chloe, it sounds like you are doing really great being healthy and active during the pregnancy which many people can't always say. My best friend just found out she was pregnant, so we looked up where all the weight gain comes from. It will certainly give you some perspective:

    Eating for Two: Where does all the extra weight go?

    Here is an approximate breakdown of your weight gain:

    Baby: 7-8 pounds
    Placenta: 1-2 pounds
    Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
    Uterus: 2 pounds
    Maternal breast tissue: 2 pounds
    Maternal blood : 4 pounds
    Fluids in maternal tissue: 4 pounds
    Maternal fat and nutrient stores: 7 pounds

    Kind of amazed me to see this all listed out, I had NO idea!

    Keep up the good work :)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Wow that is pretty interesting!

    I definitely feel like I have already gained more than 2 pounds in my boobs though!! Ha Ha, which normally wouldn't be a bad thing....especially since I am pretty flat chested. My husband is liking them, but too bad he cant touch them because they hurt too bad :laugh: TMI??
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    HAHAHA not at all. I'm terrified of what my boobs will look like when I get pregnant, sigh. How far along are you?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Amy - sometimes doing the "daily calorie count" just forces you into a (good) routine - NO BINGE-ING! I do it sometimes (like this week and next week), even still. I've recorded your tally for the STAR CHALLENGE!

    Chloe - everyone is right that this is NOT the time to "focus" on weight-gain as some sort of FAT-thing....it isn't! By the end of my third pregnancy, I wouldn't even LET the dr. tell me what my weight was!! Those weekly weight-gains were messing with my mind....but all 3 of my babies were super-healthy and I attribute that, frankly, to me staying "active" all through my pregnancies!

    ramalem - what an interesting post about what "baby weight" is all made up of! I had *no* idea!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ramalem- I am just over 15 weeks

    Beeps- I know...my mom told me yesterday to throw away the stupid scale, you are both right!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Mother's day weekend = major fail so no star for me. I drank a LOT of wine and ate a LOT of lobster mac n cheese last night followed by a LOT of dessert. I was so stinking miserable and had a pathetic workout today. After some Tylenol & a nap this afternoon I am feeling much better - onward & upward. I start week 6 out of 13 today in the Les Mills Pump DVD program and am really enjoying it. The schedule is basically three days of strength with barbells, two days of cardio which I usually just run outside if the weather is nice, one day of yoga and a rest day which I usually use for stretching. There is also a 20 min ab routine that is done twice a week.

    Chloe - beeps is right, don't worry about the weight just stay active, you have some hard work coming up and want to be in good shape

    Ramalem - really interesting about the baby weight breakdown, puts things into perspective

    Amy - good luck with your calorie goals

    Ris - congrats on the run - wow!

    Beeps - that's great you stayed under even with the mother's day extra - wish I had! It wasn't just Mother's day though. I did take hubby out for his birthday Friday to a really nice restaurant and Saturday took my daughter to the movies which involved a turkey bacon wrap and sweet potato fries.

    I have my work cut out for me this week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    STAR CHALLENGE report for Monday, May 6, 2013 - Sunday, May 12, 2013:

    Date: report in on May 13, 2013.
    Handle of Participant Week 7

    Beeps 2011 PLAT*
    ChLoE 1130 PLAT*
    abigail1977 NO*
    asjerven NO*
    ramalem PLAT*
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    On my spreadsheet, it shows a "strikethrough" for RisontheRun....but, it doesn't come up when I post it here.

    Ris - I *know* your not in the challenge....I'm taking your name right OFF the spreadsheet, now, lol.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yesterday went well, I got in a run and kept the calories low. I wanted something sweet after dinner but I didn't end up having anything. I just distracted myself by doing my nails!
    Trying to stay under today because tomorrow is a mexican food and marg day. I might have to workout before that!

    Here's a question-do you do caffeine? do you think it helps appetite or does it make you hungrier? I used to think it helped but then I was drinking a caramel latte and it was probably 300 calories. Now I have a vitamin with energy support and it has 90 mg of caffeine and guarana which is also caffeine, and I think it makes me hungrier. But then, I only take it on low cal days. Chloe, you are probably avoiding caffeine for the most part...

    that was interesting about the baby weight, I knew there was a lot of incidental stuff but 4 extra pounds of blood, that is impressive!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Yesterday was not so great. I did not workout...ended up with this stupid headache from the weekend that continued through last night. But it is gone now! YAY! Also I had a piece of my leftover ice cream cake which put me over cals. Speaking of cals, I lowered them just a bit to see if I can slow down this weight gain a bit. If I am hungry I will eat though.....so no worries!

    I am feeling great today and the weather is beautiful, so I am thinking a nice walk with the pup and my pregnancy DVD is on the schedule for this evening. I am leaving Saturday morning for the Keys, so I will log through Friday and then I am taking a break. I will be back to logging Monday the 28th though.

    As for caffeine I still have a cup of coffee a day. Sometimes an iced tea or a diet coke instead. With all the headaches I have been having my doc said not to add giving up caffeine to the mix. I don't really think it affects my hunger either way though. Before I was pregnant I used to have a cup in the afternoon as well though and I think that helped me from snacking after lunch. But, now I have replaced that with some fruit and yogurt :happy:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh and it feels good to see that PLATINUM star next to my name this week! Are we going to continue this challenge or is it ending soon? I say we keep it going, it keeps me motivated. But, I guess that's up to you Beeps since you do all the work :wink:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I didn't do too well yesterday, so much for making it to the gym and keeping my calories low. I just can't say no to tacos and a margarita... Headed to run at lunch today then to the gym after work today to get some lifting in.

    I was talking with a girlfriend yesterday and we were discussing how the weekends are ALWAYS our downfall. I'm not sure how to overcome that, aside from being really good during the week, not eating back all my calories from working out and using those extra calories to balance out my weekend. How do you guys handle the weekend?

    asjerven: I drink a cup of coffee everyday, and sometimes on Wednesdays I'll treat myself to starbucks, and try and keep it low cal. I'm not sure if it makes me more hungry or not. I always just have mine with breakfast, and eat a snack at 10am and I'm always good to go. I'm thinking of trying to make the switch to tea (trying to address some stomach issues) but I just can't fathom not having coffee everyday!
  • Dinah2
    Dinah2 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Went out of town on Thursday and got back Sunday and forgot my fitbit and did not check in for those days. I'm not doing very well for the first week.

    I totally pigged out yesterday but have a new resolve for today. I did complete my 10,000 steps for yesterday so not totally blown I guess. What is the criteria for the awards? I tried to look back but if you can just post them it would be appreciated.

    I did my half hour wii step and am on week 8 of phase 1 on the Herbalife 24.

    My biggest challenge is frozen yogurt. One of my goals this week is to keep it to 1/2 cup a day. Good luck with that. LOL

    Thanks everyone
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Amy, here's my caffeine story.....5 years ago, I tried the "Low-GI" diet and there are certain "red-light" foods that are NEVER permitted because, supposedly, they spike your blood-sugar levels. Caffeine is one of them (or, what I remember reading, was that Caffeine, being a "stimulant", actually stimulated your appetite/hunger). Peanut butter, I remember, is another one. Giving up those things was THE hardest thing I've ever done. I was FAITHFUL to (that part of) the Low-GI diet for 4.5 years.

    About 6 months ago, after I joined Venus Index, they said, "get back on caffeine - it's an appetite suppressant...."

    So, I went BACK on caffeine, after being off it for 4.5 years. And, I went BACK on peanut butter, because it's got high "satiety" (meaning: you eat it and you feel full!). Boy, am I EVER glad I did these things! Lovin' my caffeine breaks in the morning, I tell you - that's how I get through without a morsel of food until AFTER my lunch-time work-outs. Plus, having peanut butter at bedtime is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome!

    How I EVER did without these things I love, for 4 1/2 YEARS, is beyond me.

    So dumb.

    Eat what you like!