2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thanks for the compliments ya'll! I am feeling a little more like the picture today. A week of good eats and workouts and TOM gone = good. I actually weighed this morning and was already down 1.5 pounds, so just a pound over my last weigh in before this week.

    Kelly, I wouldn't do too much today; I'm sure the elliptical will be fine. As for food, I highly recomend eating enough. I was so concerned with my calorie intake the night before my 10 miler that all I had was a piece of fish and about 1/2 cup of rice and I could totally feel it the next day. I usually eat pizza and have a couple beers the night before a race. As for breakfast, I typically have a peanut butter Power Bar for breakfast about an hour before, plenty of water and of course coffee. The PB bar gives me energy but doesn't make me full. I also recomend stopping at most water stops. And actually stop, drink a cup of water while you walk and take off again. Good luck!

    It's gorgeous here today. I hope to squeeze in a walk before book club tonight. May need to leave early. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Good luck on your race, Kclynch!!

    schakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - what's with all the "i's"?? GOOD GOALS!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Quick check in before I hit the road.

    Kelly--Good luck today!!! And it's probably too late now but I second all tha Ashley said on the race stuff (I usually do some kind of easy cardio the day before a race, either running a mile or some kind of cross training, so the eliptical was a good idea to help loosen your legs up).

    Ashley--You look awsome in that picture! Just saw it now because most pictures don't come through at work. Glad you're feeling better today!

    Schakiiii--Great goals!

    That's all I can see
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    KC - Good luck on your race!!!

    I'M DONE I'M DONE!! Eating an egg sandwich as we speak :P I love my results, absolutely positively love them! I know they won't last once I start drinking wine and eating carbs, but I'll work to keep most of it off at least. Ok, so here are my results:
    Weight Start - 122.3 (or 117.3 depending on if it was off the 5lbs or not)
    Chest - 34
    Waist - 26
    Belly Button - 31.5
    Hips - 35.5
    Thigh - 20

    Weight - 111.5 (correct weight)
    Chest - 34 (happy I didn't lose there :)
    Waist - 25.25
    Belly Button - 30.5
    Hips - 34.75
    Thigh - 19.25

    I unfortunately didn't take any "before" pictures, but I did take after, not that those would help in comparison!! Overall I am very very happy though. I mean, who wouldn't take a 6-11lbs and 3.25 inches drop in 7 days! I will try not to go overboard today with yummy food and drinks! :tongue: :drinker:

    Although it wasn't overly fun, it was not a difficult week and if you want a quick fix before a big event, it would not be a bad one to do!!

    Have a fantastic weekend!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    wow, shander, those results are AWESOME!!!

    Can you do a measurement and scale weight in one week's time just so that I can see the "lasting power" of this cleanse??

    I'm off to the gym!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I will try to remember!! If you can, remind me next friday!! This coming week will be a rather unhealthy one for me though.. Restaurant week one night and Wine Night on Thursday!! Hopefully I'll keep myself under control though :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    My first "M" day (for "maintenance") in the new Venus Factor protocols was yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn't eat at "maintenance" - I overate, for sure.


    So, 4 days, now, of "deficit" and then another 1 day at "maintenance". I need to really control my maintenance days if I REALLY want to see this scale MOVE DOWN.

    I'm hoping to see 145 on the scale this week. Maybe 144 next week. And so on.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!!

    I went for a jog on saturday and it was very nice. I love lifting, but so enjoy some cardio too. I am in a happy place now with 3x per week lifting followed by some HIIT or elliptical, plus a jog or two during the week. It makes me feel well rounded. Of course it is so nice out now, jogging is a great way to enjoy it.

    Better - you look great in your profile pic BTW. What book club are you in?

    Shander - impressive results! wow, I need that in my back pocket for big events. Enjoy!

    Beeps - I have a hard time eating at maintenance too. Actually I find that some days I can eat 1,500 calories and feel satisfied and others I chow 2,600 (like last saturday when I had two hours of cardio tennis, jogging, and 2 hours of yard work/gardening). This is my first time ever tracking my calories, so i am surprised at how much I can eat sometimes in a day!! I am TRYING to stay at 1,740 per day (TDEE less 20% to burn body fat), but some days I do some much activity that I could eat everything in sight.

    Thoughts on going for a WEEKLY total calorie goal? Somedays I can do less than my TDEE - 20% especially if I haven't exercised in the last 18 hours. Days when I exercise I have a VERY hard time staying at the TDEE - 20% calories, especially with all the cardio I am adding. I can't even do maintenance on those days.

    Yesterday I did 12 squats with 100 lbs - that was a good feeling. I feel like I passed a bench mark hitting triple digits.

    Have a good week everyone :-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Triple digits is AWESOME, lambentjewel - CONGRATS!

    My 2-week challenge:

    1. keep "weight loss" days' calories at 1,350/day;
    2. keep "maintenance" days' calories at 1,700 per day.
    3. weight-training 2 x this week and 3 x next week.
    4. hope for some walking!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey everyone. Hope your weekends were nice. Mine was pretty good. I drank a lot Saturday, but did so throughout the day so don't feel too blah today. I also got in an early morning run Saturday which was nice. I awoke at 6am wide awake so at 645 decided to go ahead and get up and get something done. Did some walking over the weekend too.

    Lamb, I'm in a book club with 10 other girls. Some of my closest friends and some friends of friends. We rotate months picking the book and hosting. Basically we get together, eat, drink and talk about the book for about 30 minutes. Good times. Also, I like weekly calories. Some days, I eat around 1200 calories and other days over 2000.

    Great results Shander!

    Good goals Beeps.

    I had a pretty good week last week and am feeling better. I got 3 days of cardio and 2 days of lifting instead of 2 days of cardio and 3 days of lifting, but I call it success nonetheless. I'm aiming for another mostly good week of diet. It really does make the biggest difference. We've got plans to visit some friends Saturday and stay at their place and they have an inground pool, so I'd like to get rid of a little belly bloat by then.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    I didn't do well at all with my goals last week. I've been struggling to workout, and I've been feeling the ramifications. I'm just sluggish, always tired etc. Neck/shoulder are pretty much back to normal today, so I am going to try to start level 6 of NROL4W again this week. I just need to remember I haven't lifted for almost 2 weeks so I shouldn't get too discouraged.

    Shander - awesome results. I wish I had the discipline to do a cleanse, maybe I'll try it before my honeymoon.

    Lamb - Triple digits is great! I was almost there, and can't wait to try again. I also like the idea of weekly cal goals.

    I've got a busy week coming up with lots of eating out/eating with friends, so my goals might be hard to stick to, but I'm going to make them anyway since I didn't even attempt to keep them last week:

    1. Walk the dog 45 minutes+ every day this week
    2. Lift 3 times this week
    3. Cardio 1-2 times this week
    4. Limit my alcohol intake when out/hanging with friends

    Have a great week everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I had a horrible week last week. Went way over in cals for no real reason except peanut butter filled pretzels and candy and ice cream.....just overall bad! Got in 5 walks and 2 DVD workouts.

    But, today is a new day and I need to get back on track. I feel so much better when I am eating healthy, so I don't even know why I do that to myself! I didn't buy any junk food at the grocery store this week, so I should be good at home. Now just to avoid the candy all over the office at work, why do people bring that crap in is beyond me, we are sitting at our desks all day why add to the temptation of eating junk!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    If you missed my post, I ran my whole race! Then went out drinking and got about 5 hours of sleep. Yesterday I ate carbs and watched movies with my kids. I did do my meal planning. The scale was UP today. Today, I start P90X. I feel really good and I am super excited. I printed out the rot attain guide and I am going to highlight ever time I do a workout and write down when I sub a cardio workout. I feel really motivated right now.

    Ashley- during the school year, I often wake up early on the weekends because my body is use to getting up.
    Shander - those are great results. I'm curious too if the results stick.
    Lamb - awesome squats!
    Ram - sounds like great goals for the next two weeks.
    Beeps- I am excited to see how your new calorie rotation goes.

    2 week challenge
    1. Increase vegetables - In addition to my am green monster smoothie, I'm gong to do an afternoon one with Kale and cucumber but no Greek yogurt
    2. meal plan, meal plan, meal plan
    3. P90X
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA, I will have to catch up on all the posts someday.
    I am excited that the crossfit gym I went to an intro session ran a groupon deal so I can have a month unlmited to prepare for Warrior Dash-for $50.
    We decided to do Vegas half marathon next year!
    So my goals are to get in 4-5 workouts each week, I think I will crossfit or run each day with one rest day each week, maybe 2 if something comes up!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Better - you're TOTALLY gonna be rid of 'bloat' by next weekend! No worries! Just chug the water!!

    ramalem - I'm going to suggest that you STOP doing Stage 6 of NROL4W (which is SO MUCH UPPER-BODY work), and move to Stage 7. You can come back to Stage 6 (I PROMISE!) when you have had more time to heal.

    Chloe - I will say that I am 100% glad I didn't even KNOW about "calorie-counting" when I was pregnant. As in EVER! It would KILL ME to have to be sooooooooooooooo VIGILANT at a time, in my life, which was SO brief! And, I knew, wouldn't be repeated 1,000 times! Be kind to yourself. Truly, there are MILLIONS of women, the world round, that DON'T RECORD any exercise or any calories while pregnant. I *know* you probably FEEL better when you're eating well and exercising, but, YOU'RE PREGNANT! Cut yourself some SLACK!

    kclynch - I did MISS your post, so THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE! Congrats on the race - that is AWESOME! And, your goals look AWESOME, too!

    Amy - congrats on the crossfit - that is going to be AWESOME! Your goals are great and I'm glad you have something, like the Vegas half-marathon, to look forward to!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Beeps- only reason I'm doing stage 6 is to prep for my strapless dress. I'm going to start the program over again totally once the wedding is over. Maybe I'll just take it easy and do some lower weight arm stuff and work on push-ups. I'd just really like to tighten my back/arms up!

    kclynch- Congrats on the race!

    Amy - have fun with crossfit, I really miss it!
  • SandraMartin3008
    SandraMartin3008 Posts: 22 Member
    Your plan sounds good! Did it work out for you?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    ramalem - right, I forgot about the wedding dress....hmmmmm....can you do SOME of the upper-body, or NONE?? (I'm nursing a shoulder-injury right now, so I am skipping lots of the "shoulder press" work, but keeping other body stuff, which *touches* my shoulders, like push-ups, raises, etc.)

    I'm fasting today. Blech.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- Thanks....the calorie counting really isn't even the issue for me. I don't really care if I go over. But, last week I was giving in to every sweet and junk food that I wanted and honestly I felt sluggish and my stomach hurt all week.

    I am happy to say with one healthy day back at it yesterday I am feeling much better today already :happy:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Beeps: Yeah I probably could or I could just concentrate on doing push-ups, curls, dips etc and just not do the actual plan. My shoulders are actually in relatively good shape, it's just my lats, tri's and the dreaded "strapless muffin top" I'd like to work on. Any reco's for stuff to concentrate on?