2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I think "feeling in control" is the name of the game, for sure.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I'm fasting until supper-time. Today. And then again, tomorrow. So, I will ingest SOME calories everyday, but not all of my calories (I hope).

    I really want to see A NUMBER on the scale when I hit the gym on Saturday morning. With THAT NUMBER, I can go on holidays and really feel like I've accomplished SOMETHING.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hi! Glad to see everyone here but I can't really go back and read everything so I will just have to catch up on this page, anyway!

    Lamb, where in Spain? We went for our 2nd Anniversary and we did Madrid, San Sebastian and Rioja. So much fun!
    Jen, I forgot you lived there? Where were you again?

    Last night was our 4th anniversary and we went for sushi and then got some wine and chocolate at another place. I feel hung over today!

    My sister and nieces are visiting too, so I haven't been able to work out much, or take advantage of the unlimited 4 weeks of crossfit! I went to a couple of classes but I am not liking it very much because it's a lot of olympic lifts which I am terrible at (cleans-clean and jerk, power cleans, and now power snatch.) I just think you can do strength training without such lifts?!
    So, I fear I will be quite out of shape for Warrior Dash, maybe next week I will go back to Spartacus!

    I understand too, I am the heaviest I have ever been and it's not muscle, because I had a pair of shorts I took camping and I couldn't button them!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    asjerven - I am having the same problem with my clothes, my recent bad eating habits have been catching up with me & my belly is all bloated out so I am working on that

    Beeps - that is so exciting that you are going to Hawaii - have a blast!

    jen - I am also really looking forward to the kids getting back to school and getting a normal schedule again, they go back the day after Labor Day

    I have been working out at the gym at my husband's work this week and I am crazy sore so I know that my at home workouts have not been as effective so I am going to keep trying to get down there. I've just been doing stuff from my fitness magazines to get some ideas for now. I might also look on-line as well.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps – I have faith…will be waiting to hear before you leave!
    Amy – Happy Anniversary!! Your evening sounds wonderful! Enjoy your family time :smile: We will be in Estes and Breckenridge next month…cant wait!! Oh and I used to live in Zaragoza.
    Abigail – Wow, not til after labor day?! That’s late!! I just started a modified version of the Bizzy Program from Bodybuilding.com…maybe you can check that out?!

    This week has been great so far! The scale is down 5.8 lbs and I feel so much better! It feels so awesome to be back at the weights. Day 3 of weights tomorrow and a much needed complete Rest Day on Sunday! Tonight we are going to a Wine and Hot Air Balloon Festival, so there goes no alcohol on Friday, but I didn’t have any Mon-Thurs :tongue: which is an improvement from this entire summer :laugh:

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Hi Amy, Abigail, jenomaha!

    My fast didn't go well, yesterday - but the day before was awesome. Maybe I'll try one day fast until supper, one day fast until lunch, and then repeat that over-and-over while I'm on holidays. Dunno.

    I will weigh today, but had an unexpected team-building meeting at a chinese food restaurant yesterday.....so, I'm sure all that sodium will give scale weight a bump. Whatever the number is, is what it is, but I don't think it's a 'true' reflection of my pre-Hawaii weight.

    I'm doing cardio today - I haven't done my usual Saturday class in about 4 weeks! Yikes!!

    I'll miss you ladies....will try and catch up when there's wi-fi!
  • jididier
    jididier Posts: 10
    Looking to find some additional motivation and support...was being really good and healthy, down 4lbs over all. Great high intensity strength training workouts, lots of cardio. Anyway, got home last night from a business trip (where I was healthy!) and basically ate everything in my house that's unhealthy. At least now there's nothing left in my house - but it made me feel awful. I've got to kind of restart and get back in the groove. My boyfriend is coming to visit in 10 days so instead of a 2week challenge, I'll do a 10-day challenge...

    I'm going to:
    1. Workouts - 3 days on, 1 day off
    2. Not eat out
    3. Not drink

    Any suggestions or support would be greatly appreciated!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I always find that after some major binge is when I actually have the BEST motivation, in part because I actually feel so awful in a physical way!

    10 days is a good enough time-frame to knock off the carbs and drink tons of water and push through bloat....you'll do great!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies! I took a little hiatus and now I'm back! Funny how a few of us seem to have gotten a little fluffy over the summer! I think we all need a break from time to time. I didn't even log onto the site since last Tuesday! It was nice. I drank tons, ate quite a bit, and only walked for my workouts until my 90 minute bike ride yesterday. Anyways, I am ready to clean up my diet, cut back on the booze, and focus on my strength training for the next 7 weeks. Here are my goals through my birthday (9/27) when i leave for South Beach:

    1. 10,000 weekly net calories max.
    2. Lift 3x a week
    3. Cardio minimum of 2x per week
    4. No alcohol during the week for August
    5. 3 weeks with no alcohol in September

    If I do this, I can get to looking good for SB. We do have a weekend away to St. Louis next weekend and Labor Day in the mountains with my parents (which = lots of wine), but I am taking a Dailey Method (like pure barre) class in STL as my friend teaches, and I also want to get in at least one good hike while in the mountains. And maybe some lap swimming at the pool.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm back from vacation. Overall I did well--I exercised every day (most days included both a morning run and an afternoon walk), I ate pretty well, and I logged everything. I was over my calories a few times, which I expected, but I did a pretty good job of resisting the sweets. I indulged in some M&Ms here and there, a few Oreos (but only 3--which is super impressive for me given how much I love them), and one cup of ice cream, but I don't think that's too bad given that I was gone for a week and there was temptation everywhere. The rest of the food was pretty healthy since we did almost all of the cooking ourselves (and on our one night out I just had fish). I think it would have been much worse if I wasn't making myself log everything. I pretty much weighed the same this morning as I did before I left.

    Lamb--yep we're expecting a little boy around October 19. For the most part I've been doing my usual exercises (running, walking, riding the stationary bike at our house, and lifting weights), I've just been going a lot slower on my runs. I think I'm going to try prenatal yoga at a studio nearby, but I haven't got around to signing up yet. That's exciting about your upcoming wedding! It is a good incentive :-)

    Beeps--have a great trip!

    Jididier--welcome! Sounds like you have a good plan.

    I've missed too much to catch up with everyone, but I see some great goals out there!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I got Warrior Dash Saturday and it might not be great since I haven't been able to train like I would have if Ihadn't had family visiting and my dad's cancer and stuff, but it will be fun.
    After that I need a new challenge, I will check out Bizzy Program, Jen, but I know I have a bunch of options.

    My weekend was good, quite a bit of eating and drinking.

    I think I need something to get lean for but I don't have anything on the horizon. I do have a wedding October 5, so that might be a good one. I also saw that women should only have 7 drinks per week and not more than 3 drinks per day, so I am going to try and follow that guideline, I think it would help, I am thinking for me that would be 2 drinks every other day. But it might be easier if I move to that after two weeks of no drinking...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey sorry I have been so bad about checking in....I have been keeping up with all of you though. But, there is not much to post on my end. Still walking every morning (or most mornings, at least 5-6 a week). I have been pretty bad about my workouts though. I am in month 7 of Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Project and I really don't like this month. The moves are awkward and it doesn't feel like a good workout. So I made up my own 30 min workout with weights, mostly upper body with some squats and lunges. My goal this week is to do that AT LEAST 2 times, but shoot for 3. I have been keeping up with the logging and averaging around 2000 net cals a day. Really just trying to focus on eating healthy and when I am hungry.

    Today of course I have a terrible headache, I am hoping this isn't a 3rd trimester thing. I had them bad in the 1st and none in the 2nd. I went to the doc today and my big boy is already 3 lbs, which he said is well above average!

    For those of you having a "fluffy" summer.....you would think summer would be the easiest time to be good about diet and exercise cause its warm. But, sometimes its harder especially keeping a good diet because it seems like every weekend there is a party, or someone wants to sit outside and have drinks, etc etc. My best diet/exercise time is January-April. Which I am looking forward to this year especially because that will be about the time I will really be able to get back into exercising hard core!

    Ris- Nice job on vacay! I am finding not being able to drink this summer has greatly improved my eating decisions for sure! Great job at steering clear of the desserts too! I am having trouble with that one!

    Beeps- have a great vacation! I am sooo jealous!

    That's all I can see for now! But, keep up the good work and motivation everyone! And those that are lacking in the motivation....get back to it! Just think of how much better you feel when you are being healthy and active!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    chloe - that's good that you are making up your own thing to replace the pcs of your workout you don't like, that's better than not doing it at all

    asjerven - good luck with the Warrior Dash

    ris - glad you did so well on your vacation

    better - nice goals, they should be good for getting your ready for South Beach

    beeps - hope you're able to check in and let us know how awesome your vacation is

    jdidier - welcome to the group

    jen - I think I will go check out the Bizzy program

    As of right now I am still not logging, but I do keep trying to eat reasonably and get in as many workouts as I can. Things are still crazy right now. My six year old fell off her scooter last Saturday and smashed her mouth into the pavement. Thankfully she did not need stitches and the dentist thinks that even though she has a couple of loose teeth they should be okay. We are waiting until her mouth heals to get X-rays. She's kind of a mess from her nose to her chin and she was having a hard time eating so I did end up keeping her home from summer camp this week which was sad. It would have been her first year at overnight camp. My other daughter is there now for the week and it's her fifth year and she loves it, so we will try and get them both back there next summer.

    Have a great week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I looked at Bizzy, Jen, were you going to do the nutrition plan too? It seemed weird to me-meat and veggies, no fruit or carbs really, but the jerky, ham and lunch meat was kinda different, since most of the plans on BB say no lunch meat, and not usually ham:love: \

    It did get me looking around though and I think I will try the Female Fitness Bible plan. It seems familiar but I am not sure I have done the 12 weeks of it. I think I can use it to work toward my goal of real pushups, pullups and squating my body weight. the nutrition seems do-able.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member

    Too much going on with our wedding just a few days away, but I am happy to report a loss of 3.5 lbs - yaaay!!! I hope another pound will disappear by Sunday - the big day! Then off to Barcelona, Madrid, and Lisbon. Wish me luck ladies that I do not gain it all back :-))) I hope for at least maintenance, but there will be lots of wine involved, so we will see. I am doing great with my workouts too, but that has never really been my problem. It's FOOD. I just started stage 2 of NROL4W and it totally kicked my butt and I was humbled.

    Goal for next 2.5 weeks:
    Train 3x per week even on vaca (I have already scoped out the gyms at the hotels, and I can make it work)
    That's all folks. Otherwise I will be enjoying my honeymoon with my sweetie who will now "officially" be my sweetie!!

    Good luck y'all and see in a few weeks!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I hope everything goes fabulously Lamb! Have a great time! You are so motivated to work out on your honeymoon! I did not do that on either of mine.....

    Jen, I looked at the bizzy program too. I like the workouts, but I was wondering about diet too. And all the supplements!

    Amy, Good luck on Warrior Dash! I'm sure you'll do fine. I need to check out Female Fitness Bible Plan.

    Abi, I hope your daughter is better. Bummer about camp.

    Chloe, good to hear from you. You're doing awesome as always! I agree...if you don't like something, do what you like. I struggle with that, thinking I should do more interval training, maybe another round of 30 Day Shred, but I don't really like those things. I am more apt to succeed if I'm doing things I like.

    I hope the rest of you are doing well.

    I have done mostly good this week. I have lifted twice and ran 3 miles yesterday. I'm sore today from lifting yesterday which feels good. The weather is perfect here. Feels like fall in the morning and at night. My diet has been good, but I did have some drinks last night. Eric and I decided instead of abstaining Monday - Thursday, we will pick only 3 (I know...we're lushes) nights to drink, 2 of them being Friday and Saturday typically. The other is a floater. So we'll do that the next couple weeks and I'll reasses what I need to do in regards to drinking to aide my weight loss in September. Speaking of, I lost half a pound this week. Not much, but my first loss in a month, so I will take it! Also took measurements, which are all slightly up for the most part. No surprise there. I am still motivated though. I have a golf outing tomorrow and family party out Saturday so I need to watch it to meet my calorie goal! Have a great rest of the week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    congrats, lamb, and have a wonderful honeymoon with your official sweetie. That is so good you can work out on vacation, I haven't been able to do that.
    I was reading this interesting article about fat and the idea of 2-low cal days per week. It was basically saying how great it is for fat loss and blood sugar and those with diabetes risk and I was thinking they were onto something, but I saw the plan-2 days at 650 cals (egg white omelet for breakfast, carrot soup for lunch and chicken kebab for dinner) and the rest of the time a mediterraenean 1500 cals per day. Well, basically, that's less than 1300 cals per day over the week and that is super low for most folks, of course you would lose weight. Still not sure about the cycling, but I do like it because I can have high days and low days to plan around things...

    I decided crossfit wasn't for me. I just think I am more likely to workout if I can do it when it fits into my schedule instead of trying to make the set workout times. As I have seen, life happens and I have to be flexible and not beat myself up about missing a workout and not getting my money's worth from membership!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Abigail--I hope your six year old is okay! Kids tend to bounce back faster than we would, but I'm sure it's still scary.

    lamb--Have a great time at your wedding and on your honeymoon!

    Ashley--great job on the .5 pound loss--it's a step in the right direction! Sounds like a good plan on the drinking.

    Amy--650 cals a day, even for just two days a week, sounds really low! But the cycling part of it makes sense. And I'm with you on picking your workouts based on your own schedule. Sometimes signing up for classes is great because it gets you to commit to working out at a set time, but if you can't make that time work for you then it's probably not worth it.

    I've had an okay week so far. I'm having a hard time getting up early in the morning to work out and I haven't had much time for lunchtime walks, and by the time the evening comes around I generally don't have the energy for more than a short workout. Hopefully I can make up for it this weekend as I should have a good amount of free time.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Whew!! Lots going on!! What I can see:

    Ris - A short workout is better than no workout :) Hope your find some time this weekend though!

    Amy - The 650 does sound really low!! I couldn't do it. As for Crossfit, its great to know what works and what doesn't work for you. At least you know now. I think I have the Female Bible Book and I was able to make up good workouts from it! I will have to take a look at it on the web. But I'm considering strong lifts as I miss heavy weights!!

    Ashley and Amy - as for the Bizzy Program...I modified it to be total body instead of upper body/lower body split and three days instead of 4. I have one more week of it and am liking it. I am not doing the nutrition plan...just still trying to eat clean (as close to it), no pop, no alcohol during the week and min processed carbs.

    Ashley - Great job on the loss! I like the idea of the "floater" drinking day, lol!!

    Lamb - Congrats on the loss, the upcoming wedding and honeymoon!! ENJOY!!!!

    I've stayed off the scale this week and will try to stay off next week too. Just want to focus on consistency with my plan and not possibly getting discouraged by the arbitrary number on the scale. I've lifted twice this week and have one more session scheduled for Saturday. By Sunday, I will have taught 9 classes this week (5 sub jobs!) and lifted 3 times...Monday will be a rest day! Eating hasn't been as good as last week, but it's still way better than it has been the last 2 months!

    Ok ladies, have a great weekend!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I'm loving kailua. The end.