2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I think it rolls when we hit page 20.

    I'm feeling puffy this week. I am going to try morning fasts until noon today and tomorrow and move my usual morning smoothie for dinner. We have a wedding Saturday and the dress I plan on wearing is snug :ohwell:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I made it until noon. It felt ok, I wasn't starving. I had two cups of coffee and lots of water. Now to fight off the urge to reward myself with afternoon snacks. I have no food here at work, and probably won't have time to run out, so it shouldn't be too difficult!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey all. I had a busy day off work! Planned on 20 minutes of running, but it did not happen. I decided to clean my car in the morning, so got a late start so it was a bit hot. But what really kept me from completing it was pressure. I ran 5 minutes, walked 2, ran 8 and then just couldn't do anymore. (I did walk the rest of the way to the park and home, but that was it for running.) My lower abdominal area just hurt. And my back. So I am about 99% sure I will not be running to 36 weeks this time! I will give it another try next week, but there are other things I can do that don't make me hurt. I will miss running, but would rather not have a sore back and hurt while working out. I'm still really enjoying my pilates fusion class. I think it is doing great things for my pregnant body. :wink:

    Speaking of being pregnant (sorry....seems to be the majority of my posts these days.....), we're having a boy! We had the u/s today and everyting looks great! It is starting to feel very real now.

    Not sure what other workouts I'll squeeze in this week. I'm sitting at 2/4 right now.

    Oh, there was talk of speed work..... This is what I used to do. It was recomended by my ex SIL that was a big time runner and very fast too. I average (when not prego) about a 10 minute mile (6mph) so I put my speeds in too.

    Warm up (walking)
    Run 1/4 mile at "easy pace" (for me it was around 5.6-5.7mph)
    Run 1/4 at desired pace (6.3)
    Run 1/4 easy pace (5.6-5.7)
    Run 1/4 mile at desired pace + 0.1mph (6.4)
    So on and so forth....keep increasting speed by 0.1mph

    I would generally try to do around 3 miles (so 12 rounds) and time goes by quickly. This is about the only thing I find the treadmill is good for! Have a great day all!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    AHHHH BOYS are AWESOME!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

    And thanks for the treadmill tip, I am about a 10 minute mile as well. I think I might start incorporating one day on the treadmill a week starting next week.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Whoo hoo congrats Ashley!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Congrats, Better!! That is one of each and how wonderful for you!

    Shanaber...the thread will roll....and all of us right along with it!

    I lifted, today. And then I ate.

    I inky lost 0.5 lbs this week....oh well!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Busy busy couple of days and I went to a concert tonight with a friend after training. Ran almost 4 miles again this morning - finally feeling a bit normal again! We are off to Seattle in the morning. I was hoping it would be cool there but looks like it will be warmer than it has been here :grumble: oh well!

    Congratulations on the boy Ashley! very exciting!! I like the treadmill workout - looks like it could make it a bit more interesting!

    Chloe - hope you made it thru without snacking!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I did ok yesterday. I did have a sweet tooth tho and gave into some treats. But, I did end up with a pretty good deficit. Going to try for the same today.

    I took a rest day this morning. My back was bothering me a bit last night when I was picking the baby up, so I didn't wanna push it.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies and Happy Friday.

    I haven't had that great of a week... trying to get more trim painted in our house has taken priority over working out and I've honestly just been so tired the last few days. I'm going to get a swim in at lunch and then hopefully do something on Sunday whether that be a little hike or head to the gym. We are supposed to have awesome weather here this weekend (sorry Shanaber ha ha) and we have our first Husky football home game so I'm looking forward to that and tailgating!

    Hope you ladies all have a good Friday and weekend. :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    My last post - "inky" should have been "only".

    My weekend has been hi-jacked! My brother + family are coming up. Fine....but I am sad that I won't be working out - I had a good stretch going!
  • Clothwright
    Hi everyone, I recently re-started my weight loss efforts here on MFP. I'm short (5'2") and sort of on the boundary between high-"normal" BMI and officially "overweight". I feel as if I'm always struggling with the last 10-20 pounds. Anyway, I'm trying again, with weight lifting and some diet changes and looking for all the motivation I can get.

    I had a question about the weekly challenges--are the goals net calories or total calories?
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    So can we start our 2 week challenge whenever we want? Or how does this work? I just don't have the desire to scroll through every page of every thread to read every comment... My apologies in advance if I piss anyone off with this question.
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    So can we start our 2 week challenge whenever we want? Or how does this work? I just don't have the desire to scroll through every page of every thread to read every comment... My apologies in advance if I piss anyone off with this question.

    I was wondering the same thing, so thanks for asking!
  • Clothwright
    me three :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    To all the Newbies asking about the Star Challenge - this was my response on the previous page to a similar question...
    Welcome Bodysculpted - we have a challenge in this group each month called the Star Challenge. You set a weekly calorie goal that you want to stay under (along with any other goals like working out, eating a certain way, etc..). By measuring it weekly you are able to go over some days and still level out for your weekly total. If you look back on this page you will see the table of levels: if you don't go over you make platinum, 1-500 over is gold, etc.. If you would like to be included let me know your calorie goal and I will add you in. The week runs from Monday-Sunday and I like to see results Sunday night or Monday morning so I can get the results posted.

    In terms of total vs net - honestly it is up to you and how you manage your calorie levels. I use total calorie and I suppose that was the original intent but use what works for you to be accountable. That is what it is really all about anyway.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    My first day in Seattle was a killer, we got here early and spent the day loading and hauling cement out of the yard and moving packing boxes of books and 'stuff' into the house in the heat! No need to go to the gym! Yummy carnitas tacos and beer for lunch. We walked to dinner (about 3 miles round trip) but by then I was almost too exhausted to eat and just had minestrone soup and salad with gelato for dessert. Needless to say my macros were WAY off for the day. I was hoping to go for a run this morning but I don't think it will happen and it is going to be hot here again today.

    Ashley - I love your new picture! You look so cute all prego in your workout clothes in the gym!
    Ram - have fun at the game!! I think we are going to the zoo today after my daughter's clinic shift and to Leavenworth tomorrow, should be beautiful!
    Chloe - hope your back is feeling better!
    Beeps - maybe you can sneak in a short workout to keep your stretch going :)
    That's all I can remember - have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Hi newbies! I usually post my 2-week challenge stuff on a Monday....but, I will do it, today!

    1. 3 x week weight-training.
    2. 1 x week scheduled cardio.
    3. Walk as much as i can.
    4. Drink 12 glasses of water a day.
    5. Sleep 8 hours a day.


    shanaber, i had a poor eating weekend.....unexpected company (brother + family), so booze calories count! I get only a BRONZE star this week!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I didn't even log this weekend. We had a wedding Saturday night and I didn't feel like guesstimating so no star for me.

    Goals for the next two weeks....

    1) 4 days a week fast until noon (I say 4 days bc weekends are different and I know I have a work breakfast Friday that would look weird if I didn't eat anything)
    2) No booze 3 days (thinking Tuesday-Thursday this week)
    3) 3 PiYo workouts, 2 treadmill runs, 1 outside run and 1 spin class
    4) No snacking and cut out all this sugar I have been eating lately.

    Already prepared for today. Have only had a cup of coffee so far. I brought a grilled chicken salad and grapes for lunch and I already did my PiYo workout this morning. I have a hair appt after work, but Mike is making a barbacoa beef slow cooker recipe for dinner.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    No star for me either. With the house in Seattle in a state of move-in mess we have been mostly eating out or eating take out and I gave up trying to figure it all out. I probably won't get the results up until tonight or tomorrow, but I have only seen a couple of results posted so far. Have a great Monday everyone!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Happy Monday ladies, I had my Mudderella last Saturday & it was really fun. I have to say it was a lot easier than I expected, almost too easy to be honest, but it was a blast anyway. The race was moved three times & they finally ended up in Westbrook which is right next to Portland, ME which was great because I ended up going out afterwards with my sisters who were on the team as well as my mom & a friend visiting from Scotland. We walked around the Old Port and did some shopping & went out to eat. I was starving! I totally forgot to eat before the race & we had a 10:00 start time. It was crazy hot so I was a little nervous, but ended up being fine, plus they had Balance bars there as well. Next year I plan to do a Tough Mudder, it's 12 miles long & the obstacles are way harder so that will be more of a challenge. Now I have to go back & get caught up on everyone's posts. Have a great week everyone!