2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    3 hours a day! Wow, AScheif, that is dedication. You are going to rock it, and I hope you can get that swagger, cuz I know how you can psych yourself up or psych yourself out but you know how hard you are working and really, just "actually getting up there" is a huge accomplishment, so much greater than what 99% of the population is capable of, really, really amazing!

    Thanks, Kate, for the tips, I think I did like them on facebook but maybe I was hiding the feed since I had no plans. But I can probably rent with a friend or sister-in-law who is going to the event and there is another event the next day but more casual so I could do a second dress too.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I posted this to the resources but I wanted to add it here, I am not done reading it but I keep thinking, this is great information for the "not that heavy" girls-it really helps you understand why it is so hard to lose fat when you are closer to goal:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    solar - for me, it actually *does* help to say, "I can have that a little bit later, if I want...." and then when later comes, the "urge" might have passed. So, for me, this is a good method. However, I actually also thrive on masochistic discipline - which simply means that if I REALLY want to PROVE that I'm "mentally tough", then the answer just has to be "no". And, I can get by like that for a week- or two-. And then I'll have a crazy binge-out on something or other. (Probably not optimum, but it is what it is!)

    greek yogurt just does NOT appeal to me. Blech. Kudos to those of you who have managed to get it into your diet. nada pour moi.

    AScheif!! My gosh, it is ALL SO REAL NOW! Close at hand! If your biggest jitters are about getting up there on stage, then your body must be ONE HOT THING! Good for you. I think you'll find that it'll all be over before you know it and you'll wonder what you were nervous about in the first place! How very exciting!! You should be so very proud of yourself for the path you have chosen to walk - and walked it.

    It's restaurant club for me, tonight: please vote on what you think I should have as an entree!!

    dry aged bison tenderloin and butter poached lobster with caviar
    leek and bread pudding

    confi t, bacon wrapped saddle and sausage, casseolet

    smoked tomato sauce, braised lentils and shaved truffl es

    pea purée and citrus pearls, porcini risotto

    roast tomato sauce and sage butter

    pork belly with barbeque tuille and brined tenderloin with leek ash
    Jack Daniels root beer sauce and white cheddar grits
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps are we voting for taste or nutrition??? :)

    Because I vote with a menu that lovely you eat whatever you damned well please.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    chui, you are NOW my NEW BFF!!

    (I think I'm going to go for the turbot....that way I can also have an alcoholic beverage and still be within my calorie range.)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I agree, that menu sounds delish. I want the surf and turf or duo of pork, but I bet the turbot is the healthiest option!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    It's healthy until I drink my beer with it. What-evah!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, didn't you hear? beer's good for you now-it has selenium which is good for bones! it has to be an ale though, not lagers.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I think corona is an ale??

    What about rum and diet coke?? Where does that fit on the spectrum of beneficial alcohols??

    (At least my rums have a wedge of lime in 'em!)
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Personally I would go for the sweet potato & goat cheese dish :) But that's only because I don't eat any of the others!! But I agree, eat whatever you'd like!!! They all look good :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Nope. Corona is lager. It's silicon, not selenium-I looked it up. Nothing good in a rum and diet coke but Your question led me to an interesting blog about carbs and alcohol-http://thelanguageguy.blogspot.com/2006/04/great-net-carbs-scam.html
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Nice article Amy! Interesting. I had read a few things before about alcohol being the weird bird of calories. I do also make a goal to replace calories with alcohol when I drink it (within reason!) and try to drink it once a week. Though with kickball season starting Thursday and the usual barrage of beginning of summer parties starting we'll see if I can stick to it :)

    Did my first workout of stage 3...the beloved leg matrix kicked my butt! BUT I finished it and I think I kept pretty good form on all the movements. The earlier part of the workout was sort of fun there are 3 sets of 6 reps. I like low rep sets mentally, easy to tell myself I am almost finished. I incline bench pressed with 30 lbs dumbbells my last set and I think I have room to push higher already. That said, I could barely walk out of the gym :)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Nice article Amy...Thanks! Very interesting stuff.

    I am loving rest week this week, I didn't realize how bad my body needed it! I did no exercise Monday and yesterday went for a little walk with the dog. Today I think I am ready to get some cardio in. I am thinking of doing an old Jillian cardio DVD, or something I haven't done in awhile just for fun. Diet is going good so far this week. I did go out to dinner last night and had the blackened tilapia without the butter sauce, veggies and roasted potatoes and drank water with lemon.

    I am still trying to figure out my schedule for my next 3 month program starting next week. I think I am going to do 3 days of Chalean weights and ABS (probably M-W-F) and then 2 days of running and then 1 day of cross training cardio (maybe a Insanity workout).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I went for the light rum/diet coke - 2 of 'em!! I had the roasted beet appy and the turbot (fish) entree. I ate no bread and I ate no dessert. So, I'm calling it a "good" celebration meal!

    chui - yay for Stage 3!! Loved it. You're doing AWESOME!

    Chloe - I think rest weeks are really *key*. And, I think your next 3-month program sounds really good, too!

    I'm still really stiff from Monday's weight-training. Today I'm supposed to lift. If I still feel too sore, I think I'll do HIIT/abs/stretching and push my weight-training to tomorrow.....that would mean I'd have to substitute weight-training for my cardio on Saturday, which I wouldn't want to really do - but, if it has to be done, it has to be done! We shall see.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Nicely done, Beeps! I think that's definitely a victory. You indulged without letting it be all or nothing and in the end I bet it wasn't all that worse for you.

    On the stiffness, I have had those days when I got to gym and I felt like i couldn't do the lifts. Once I warmed I up I felt fine and in fact felt less sore the next day. Though, one day missed isn't a big deal if you want to let yourself rest!

    Nicely done Chloe! That's a busy workout plan! TAKE THOSE PICTURES :) You don't have to show them to anyone but yourself.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Nice celebration meal, Beeps! And great choices for you, Chloe, you have more will power than me!
    Last night I had a disturbing incident, I was at the dog shelter to volunteer, doing obedience class with a shelter dog and a woman came to the clinic door with a chihuahua that had been hit by a car and she stopped to pick him up. There wasn't a vet there and they told her to take the dog to the emergency vet a few miles away but she had to go to work so I had to take the little guy. I wrapped him in my jacket and he didn't move the whole ride but he was still alive when I got there. I will have to call today to see if he is ok.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Oh my, Amy, that's AWFUL!

    You did a very nice thing and I hope that it turns out okay.

    chui - you've read my mind on the "stiffness" - I didn't get any work-out in yesterday, due to time constraints, and I think that's why I'm still stiff, today. I'll maybe try a bit longer warm-up to see how it goes. Actually, once I'm through the squat push-press, the rest of it will likely be manageable. (I might just have to reduce my weight on the squat push-press, which isn't the end of the world!)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy! How was the dog???? I don't know what I would do it that happened.

    Beeps - how did the work out go?

    Took an exam last night so excited to have one day's rest from studying. Kickball starts tonight! I am going to wear my HRM...see how many calories I can subtract off the beer I have :) I've decided tonight is my one night for a few drinks since I will be a study bug over the weekend. (I take a final on the day I return from New Orleans...yikes).

    Have a great day yall!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Amy- Wow that is so amazing of you to help that poor baby....how did it turn out? My friends dad found a dog recently that was hit by a car and he brought it to the emergency vet in our area. He had no idea who the owner was. He told the vet to do anything he could to save it up to $1,000....so they did and the dog still died. So he had to pay the money and they eventually found the owner and gave him the ashes, I'm not sure if the owner ever gave him any money or not. I couldn't believe the vet charged him, esp since it wasn't his dog. Greedy it seems to me.

    Beeps- I agree the rest days are crucial. After taking Monday and Tuesday off I had an amazing run last night, the best I've had in awhile.

    Kate- Have fun at kickball! That sounds like a blast!

    I have my workout schedule all planned out for the next 3 months. I also signed up for 2 races yesterday. One is June 2 and it is an 8K, I am running it with my friend who is training for the Chicago marathon in October. And the other one is July 19 and it is a 5K and I am running that one with my friend who just had a baby and wanted something to work towards. I am thinking of signing up for a half marathon in August. I ran a full a couple years ago and while I'm proud I did it I would never do a full again, too hard on my body, esp my feet.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I did not get to work-out, yesterday....so, it was a "skip" - which I guess happens sometimes. Instead of lifting, today, I'll literally keep Wed as a "skip" and proceed with my HIIT/abs/stretching today and then carry on with lifting on Friday. I felt bad about not getting in my weight-training yesterday, but I'm over it, today - and the show must go on! (sometimes a more lengthy rest for the muscles isn't the worst decision ever....)

    What are you studying, chui?? (You've probably mentioned, but I've forgotten.) Kickball sounds like TONS of fun - haven't played that since I was a kid (i.e. a LONG time ago...).

    Today is going to be my first day trying to zig-zag my calories. Today will be a lower calorie day - although I don't know how low, just now. But, since I had a very early morning meeting, and could only grab a protein bar for brekkie, anyway, I should be able to manage pretty easily on lower calories, today.