2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Amy, I read back a little and heard about your doggie. Sorry to hear that. We just put our 14 year old Aussie down the week before I came back to work. It was rough, but it was a long time coming and she's in a better place now.

    Chloe, I'm there with you. I didn't eat terribly (although I didn't log a thing Saturday), but I drank like a fish Saturday. (It was a pump and dump kind of night :smile: ). I live in Louisville KY and this is the biggest party place in the country right now with Derby coming up. The big kick off fireworks show was Saturday so we had some friends over so the bottles of wine just kept getting opened. Sunday morning I felt pretty crappy when the baby wanted to eat at 7 and then I felt all guilty for getting so drunk the night before. Weird what kiddos will do to mindset. Anyways, we took a little morning nap and then walked to teh coffee shop and walked 30 minutes after. I was semi-productive yesterday and stayed within my self set target of 1800-2000 but I kind of grazed on random foods all day. It just reiterates that I need to keep myself in check on weekends too with eating and drinking. If for nothing else so I can catch up on sleep. I am drained at the end of work days and have to wake up an hour earlier than I did pre-baby so I need the weekend to refuel. Today I feel a little bloated and yucky. I'm hoping to get a run or walk in tonight. I've got Thursday and Friday off this week so I will definitely be getting some good workouts in those days.

    Question - do you all consider your week to begin on Sunday or Monday?
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Beeps- That would be awesome to have your hubby hold you accountable, mine tends to be the bad influence!

    Shan- Yes you need to convince your mom that you are trying to look HOT with muscles! Not super skinny and wasting away! Great job on getting into weightlifting!

    Ashley- weekends are rough I know! My weeks go Monday-Sunday bc I plan my for Sunday to be rest day, but if I have to miss a workout through the week I make up for it on Sunday. My weigh in day is Saturday morning, but I should make it Monday morning, then maybe I would do better on the weekends!

    So my new 3 week program starts today and I am excited and well rested from last week. I will be taking my before pics tonight after work, I promise:tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Ashley - for "challenge" purposes, my week begins Monday.

    Shan - it sounds like you had a fun weekend - so be it! (Your seamstress class sounds amazing!! I have never even heard of such a thing - but it sounds creative, a good outlet - and unique! Good for you.)

    Chloe - I'm very glad to read that you are doing "pictures"....you won't regret it!

    mfp says that I have logged in for 120 days in a row. That's pretty awesome for me! My next 120 days I'm going to be stricter with my diet and see what happens. Why not??

    Today, actually, will probably also mark about the 1/2 way point in my NROL4W program....so, in lots of ways it seems like a good time to kick things up a notch. Obviously the "lifting heavy" thing is not just a "fad", for me, but a permanent change - which is GREAT - and I'm proud of that.

    Now, I'll just focus on my nutrtion plan - and, I hate to say it, but for me that means the "D" word....I'm going to treat it like a DIET. i.e. - I can't have this and I can't have that - and that's just the way it has to be. If I just cut them out of my "able to eat" list, like a cancer, I tend to have better results than if I do the: "I can have 3 of those, but only 1 of those..." strategy. For me, to engage my "discipline", it has to be a "yes" or "no" piece of food. So, for example, candy is a "no". Veggies are a "yes". Alcohol is a "no". Lots of carbs are "no" (i.e. anything white, I just eliminate it from my diet).

    I have to take photos/measurements again, next week, anyway....so, I'll be happier if I've dumped a bunch of water weight before that - and then I'm just going to carry this forward.

    Where's jen when I need her to say: "Beeps - go for it!"
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Jen's not here! But, Go for it, Beeps!
    Everyone sounds like they have some good plans, and had good weekends. My weekend was bit too lushy but I got my workout in on Saturday and it went well. Brought my bag to workout tonight. I do not think I am going to go up on squats but I am looking forward to going up on deadlifts.
    So, I read that I should not be lifting in running shoes but I always have. I can see how they sort of make me go forward on my toes for the squat. I wonder if I should try lifting in socks? My gym is unattended so no one is going to yell at me or anything.
    chloe-what's your three week program? that is cool about the "before" pics.
    Ashley, sorry to hear about your beloved Aussie. We do have to do the right thing for our pets, even though it is so hard for us.
    Shan, that is so cool and the sewing. A swimsuit! that will be hard, I bet. I asked my mom if she could make my bikini bottoms smaller and she said it would be easier for me to grow a bigger butt;) I bought them too big though because they were the only matching set left and they were on sale.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Sorry I meant 3 month program. I am just starting a new workout program since finishing P90X. I am doing Chalean Extreme and upping my running speed/miles. I wish I could think of a good food/nutrition challenge to go along with this next 3 months. But, the only thing I can think of is to not drink, which I really don't think I am ready to commit to. Although I am trying to keep it down to 1 day a week, or 2 at the most.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Small world, I'm a tax attorney as well. Tax people are everywhere I guess.

    Chloe--that's exciting that you're starting Chalean Extreme! If you're starting a new exercise program and starting to push yourself more when you run I don't know that you need (or want) to completely revamp your food/nutrition at the same time, but I think that keeping the drinks to a minimum and keeping up the good habits you've been developing is a good place to start.

    Amy--good luck on the deadlifts! I've always lifted in my running shoes so I don't know what to tell you about that, but I'm curious to hear what others have to say. It makes sense though, obviously running shoes are made for running and not lifting. I'll have to check out what others are lifting in next time I go to my "weekend" gym where there are always a good number of people lifting.

    Beeps--good luck with the diet! I think people are against the "D" word because it implies that what you're doing is temporary, and often people go overboard when they start reincorporating the "off limits" foods. If cutting out certain foods works for you and you can sustain it for the long term, more power to you!

    Ashley--welcome back! Louisville must be an exciting time right now!

    Well my 2 week challenge, isn't going to be very "challenging," there's just too much else going on right now that has to take priority. My husband and I are TTC, and it's not going very well. I always thought of myself as pretty healthy, at least compared to the general population, but apparently I'm not, at least as far as my reproductive system. But I'm going to try to log everything at least during the week and to exercise at least every other day (but hopefully more).
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Oops double post. Sorry!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Amy - go and get flat sneakers (like converse). I did that about 3 weeks into lifting and it CHANGED MY FORM (for the better!) completely. Best $$ I have spent, thus far (well, and the PT...). I ended up getting nike brand, but there's TONS of flat-soled shoes, for not very much money (canvas-style). I'd skip the barefeet and just spend on proper (flat!) footwear for lifting.

    Chloe - I think you're doing great. And, if the alcohol calories are fitting in your daily budget, then I wouldn't worry TOO much. (For me, because of temp nanny's arrival, we've just put social occasions, etc., mostly on hold, so it is a MUCH easier time for me to be dry, that's all.)

    RisonTheRun - TTC - yeesh....I have no words of wisdom, here. I do know people who are in the TTC pool, and they don't seem to be enjoying it (much). I don't think everyone here needs to be in the midst of a CHALLENGE all the time....it isn't practical all the time.

    We are here for you, in any event!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I think one of the reasons I keep finding *NEW* challenges to participate in is that, truly, I'm trying to wrestle some "control" into my life. There are other parts of my life that feel "out of control" - or "beyond my control" - and one way, for me, to deal with that (psychologically), is to batten down the hatches where I *do* have control. And, frankly, the truth is I have 100% control over what I put in my mouth.

    So, that's where the "D" word has come from. I know that if I diet, the weight comes off, and I feel VERY self-righteous. The *next* trick will be how to maintain the loss once it's gone....that is (always) the trickier part, and probably even more tricky, just now, as I'm still categorized as a new lifter!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ris, sometimes it can be a challenge to stop challenging. Take it easy. You are healthier than most. Wishing you lots of luck.
    Now that you have more muscle, the fat should melt right off, Beeps:happy:
    I will get some keds or converse but I haven't yet, I work out at the gym here at work, so no chance to do that today, but I will.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Socks for today, then, Amy.....or barefeet (so no slippage) is probably even better.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Well, I took the pictures....yuck! Totally depressed right now, this better be worth it! Got in a good workout with Chalean and had a healthy day and met my protein goal, so I'm happy about that :)
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Wow, yep, we be smart wymym alright! I TOOK the LSAT and scored in the 99th percentile. Does that count? I decided I didn't want to be a lawyer so didn't even go to law school (though I used to study at the law school library - does that count, too? Ha ha ha). Now I WISH I had J.D. after my name. People are a lot less likely to try to take advantage of you when you have a JD.

    Amy-- Sorry to hear about the little doggie. :( I've always lifted in my running shoes, too, though I can see how they would tilt you ever so slightly forward and also be less stable than a flat-bottomed shoe.

    Ashley - welcome (back)!

    Beeps--Thanks for the feedback on the shoes for lifting! No more lifting in my Sauconies! 3 LNS nights in one month isn't bad, but you also know that if you really want to cut it back to less than that you can. :)

    Chloe--what, in a nutshell, is Chalean Extreme?
    Well my 2 week challenge, isn't going to be very "challenging," there's just too much else going on right now that has to take priority. My husband and I are TTC, and it's not going very well. I always thought of myself as pretty healthy, at least compared to the general population, but apparently I'm not, at least as far as my reproductive system. But I'm going to try to log everything at least during the week and to exercise at least every other day (but hopefully more).

    Ris - I just read an article on how much certain aspects of nutrition (and rest) affect you when TTC. I only remember the fact that a little dark (70 per cent cocoa or more) chocolate is helpful as are lots of leafy greens... I'll have to find it again (I'm STILL unpacking in the new house) and then I can send you the nutshell version. you're probably already doing all the nutrition stuff, but a few things in there were surprising.

    My weekend didn't go as planned - I ate something Saturday that triggered an allergic response (NOT anaphyllactic) so lost Saturday evening and all of Sunday zonked out on the couch. Today I'm so sore and stiff I feel like an old lady, but I took my EPA to combat the inflammation, am lifting with my 16 lb dumbbells while reading this thread, and am going to go for a 4 mile walk (or run, if my hip feels that good after warming up).

    My new 2-wk challenge is mostly the same as the last one: no more Larabars,stop going over my calories and lift 3x / wk. Oh, and log everything.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Beeps, if it's not too nosy (you can message me if you prefer) to ask, Where did you find your nanny? Did you go through others before you found her? How long did the process take? 9.5 years is the longest I've heard of any nanny staying with one family - congrats all around!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Solar- Chalean Extreme is through the Beachbody workouts, its basically like 10 DVDs I only do the weight lifting portion of it bc I like to run for my cardio. So you do 3 different phases each one is a month and every week you have 3 different workouts working different muscles. Most of the workouts are about 45 minutes. Her motto is "lift HEAVY", which I like....lower reps and higher weights and its is really geared towards women.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Hmmmmm, Chalean extreme sounds good. (Is it a "do at home" program??) Do you get to do back squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, push-ups?? (Chloe, my "before" pictures still make me cry....it was an AWFUL experience. But, my "after" pictures will be GREAT and I'll be glad to see *proof* of all the hard work and efforts I am making!)

    solar - no, it doesn't count that you got 99% on your LSAT....I have a *beef* about this!! My sister took the LSAT, got some super-high score, never went to law school and EVERY family function she does the, "I coulda been a lawyer...but chose not to...." routine. Well, sister, law school is about a LOT more than the LSAT. A school has to actually ADMIT you. You actually have to DO the lessons. You actually have to STUDY. You actually have to pass BAR EXAMS. And then, maybe, you find a job in some male-dominated kingdom and schlep around until you are a worn out piece of your former self. THEN you can call yourself a "lawyer". Until then, nope-y.

    [by the way, this is all said "tongue-in-cheek" - but my OLDER sister DOES drive me crazy with her "wanna-be" crap....]

    I've actually BEEN a lawyer for nearly 20 years (it will be 20 years in 2013), so, I've EARNED my stripes, baby!

    Anyhoooooo.....re: nanny. We were advertising in the newspaper (this is before kijiji day, folks!) for a nanny in the city we planned to move to (and now reside in). 10 years ago. Our first 3 nannies were busts (for various reasons). Our 4th nanny was an AWESOME choice. A French-speaking Jamaicaan (sp?) native who was trapped on some farm an hour outside town taking care of 6 kids. Our offer, in the city, with a community of her heritage/ethnicity, was what she wanted. We extended the offer.

    And then, the next morning, my husband went away on business and I was reading the newspaper and saw this teeny-tiny ad saying, "are you looking for a nanny? call ____________" Not sure why I called - since we'd extended an offer to French-language nanny - but I called.

    Lady arrived for an interview at 3:00 pm and by 3:30, I was calling my husband saying, "I know you haven't met her and I know we've extended an offer to someone else, but I'm telling you, this lady is the RIGHT ONE."

    So, we cancelled our offer to French-language nanny. Chose the nanny whose last gig (in Signapore) had been with one family for 11 years....and, she is still with us (not live-in) and I expect we will keep her until we die. We love her and she loves us and life has been EXTREMELY good since she arrived in my life!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I lifted in my socks last night and it went alright.
    I am lacking motivation in the nutrition arena, though, I didn't even go to the store. I need to get it together, plan some meals...
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Just checking in. New week! Down a bit more weight before it balloons up again from traveling, c'est la vie! Life remains hectic through mid May so I need to wrap my mind around some good challenges but can't quite bring myself to do it now. I decided that starting in June i want to try IF/leangains/ESE, who here has done it again?

    Week off to rough start, so much to do so little time and yesterday I just DGAF about my food/workout so I didn't do my usual (ate potato chips, skipped intervals :/) but it's one day, I have to brush myself off and do better tomorrow. ALSO - I am FINALLY getting a standing desk! Woo hoo! This should help with aches and back problems as well as just add to my daily "activity"

    Beeps - that made me laugh. You go girl. Lawyering is hardly easy...plus people give you so much trouble! Goodness. (PS this is re a post a while ago...I hope you didn't think I was saying YOU had a perfect life I was referring to the article. I'm sure your life is great but it always irritates me when people act like I, or anyone really, has it easy when they can't really know. So yeah, just wanted to clarify in case it was offputting)

    Solar - good challenges! Sorry about the allergic response, so irritating when things out of control ruin our control.

    Chloe - I know the feeling too! Just remember: this is to see your progress. There is no point in not taking the picture only to not face the facts, you body is the same with or without a picture but with one you can see what's working. (That's what I tell myself!)

    Shander - yay with your mom! That is such a challenge for you and I hope it gets easier!

    Amy - nicely done with not really gaining on more cals!!!

    Countdown to the 14 hour drive to New Orleans and JAZZ FEST. Beach boys, Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen....sigh...just so much to do first!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Solar--That is a good point about how certain nutritional stuff is different when you're TTC, I have read some of that but I can't remember what's supposed to be good (other than the non-surprising stuff like veggies) it so it's probably a good idea for me to read that again and start following it.

    And scoring in the 99th percentile of the LSAT may not make you a lawyer, but it definitely makes you smart, that test was not easy! But if you don't want to be a lawyer I think you did the right thing. Going to law school is super expensive and kind of hard to justify unless it will qualify you for a super high pay increase.

    Amy--For motivation, just remember how hard you're working in the exercise arena! You need to fuel your body with healthy food if you want to get results from all of you lifting, otherwise it will all go to waste. If that doesn't do the trick, remember how hot you want to look in a bathing suit in Vegas! That always works for me.

    Kate--I'm so jealous you're going to Jazz Fest! NOLA's one of my favorite places, and Jazz Fest is always a good time. Lot's of booze and tempting unhealthy food though too, so it's good you're starting out with your weight down :drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    have a great time n'orleans, Kate! I would like to go back there someday...