2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Congratulations, Chloe, on "staying clean" - you should really pat yourself on the back for that - it isn't any small feat!

    I have had a great week, too. My zig-zagging of calories seems to REALLY be paying off. Yep, it's week one, so who knows what will happen by week 10....but, at this stage, my body is definitely "confused" and I think that is a very good thing!!

    RisOn-there's quite a bit of "single leg" work in NROL4W and I do find that very challenging. I also really like it....and, I can really tell WHICH of my legs isn't dominant, for sure. (Mind you, my right foot, when doing static lunges with right foot back, REALLY hurts because of plantar f and I don't like that....)

    It's a lifting day, today, folks....so I won't be posting at lunch because I'm gonna be lifting!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    That is very impressive Chloe, good work! that takes a lot of planning and discipline and you should be very proud!
    Shan, the Eason plan had single leg work and I think it is good, so the stronger leg doesn't take up all the slack. None of it in the 5x5 stuff.
    Beeps, how old is your daughter?
    that is interesting that the zigzagging is working for you. I got this spreadsheet on another forum and wanted to share it, you fill in the fields and it calculates how many calories you should eat:
    URL ;

    you just fill in the green parts and it autocompletes the rest for BMR, maintenance, cut and build. Make sure you are looking at the part for women, though...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks for the spreadsheet Amy that was helpful! So every formula and calculator I have used says that I should be eating around 1450 a day plus exercise cals to lose weight. For TDEE calculation I do sedentary and then use my heart rate monitor to determine exercise cals. My question to you ladies is what is your opinion on if I stay under a few days during the week to use those cals on the weekend? Beeps- I know you are zigzagging....I guess this could be considered a similar concept.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Shan/Amy, my daughter is 9. She doesn't have a phone. There isn't any tv in her room. She isn't into "electronic gadgets", so I don't think that it is a "stimulation" issue. Since this started, we have put her to bed and in the hour before bedtime, she can ONLY read (or do other quiet activities). We went to the library last night, to stock her up on more reading while this insomnia goes on. We have another dr. appt. on May 6, but I'm also taking her to an accupuncturist on Saturday. I don't know ANYTHING about accupuncture, but a friend of mine says it actually is used on children, for insomnia. So, we shall see!!

    Shucks, Amy, I can't access the spreadsheet at work...it is on the "no, no, no" list (probably because the word "*kitten*" is in the url...), but I'll try it at home. If something can CALCULATE my calories for me, that always makes things easier, I think.

    Chloe, I think "saving calories for the weekend" is VERY similar to "zig-zagging". Zig-zagging, really, is looking at how many calories you have to take in, over a WEEKLY period (rather than a DAILY period) and then:

    1) making sure you eat all of those calories in a weekly period; but
    2) varying daily caloric intake so that one day it's 1,400, one day it's 1,800, one day it's 1,900, one day it's 1,600 and so on....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't know about saving the calories for the weekend. In theory, I think it's fine, but I don't know how close you are between losing and maintaining when the defecits get small it can be easy to make mistakes and I know I could easily be off by 200 cals and not really have the defecit I think I do.
    But I know those spike days work for people, so your metabolism doesn't slow.
    But I don't know how I can talk, here I am just gaining weight, telling myself it's water and or muscle, and yes, probably a little fat too, cause you gotta take the good with the bad-and I think I'll cut later but by then I'll be so used to eating 2000 calories per day it will be so hard!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Well if I just look at what I had left over from Monday-Thursday was 1200 cals. I used about 800 of them last night- had a total ice cream weakness, but it was totally worth it :happy: So then I can go over by 400 and back within cal goals tomorrow and I should be fine for the week. I think I am going to try this out for awhile and see how it goes. It make sense, shocking your metabolism with some calorie spikes and then going back down as long as I have a deficit for the week, which I will for about a .5 lb weight loss.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I'VE MISSED YOU LADIES!!!! :sad:

    I am so glad these 2 and a half weeks are over! My house has been purged and cleaned from top to bottom. Today we just have to finish the garage and the small little storage room in the basement (holiday decorations and stuff). In the process, I am sure I have managed to gain 10 lbs!!!! Not actually sure, I'm afraid to step on the scale. We've been so busy with the house, I haven't had any food int he house and we've been eating out just about everyday! :blushing: We haven't put a sign up on the house yet but we haven't made a decision to move yet. We are flying out to Phoenix on May 17 to look at houses and we each have interviews. The district I used to work for called me and said they had 2 openings at the High school/Jr. High!!!! I have been wanting to switch to the Elementary schools!!! I want this so bad!!

    But, enough monkey business. The pools open in 5 weeks and I am pretty much back to where I was Jan 1. Ironically, this puts me 5 weeks away from pools opening, lol!! What is it with my 5 week crunch challenges?? I guess I like the pressure! So, I am cleansing today and I will weigh myself and take pics tomorrow and then compare to memorial day weekend. I might have to step it up these first three weeks though because I refuse to buy new clothes for my Phx trip.

    You ladies are doing so great! Always fine tuning, educating yourselves, sharing the info, pushing each other and succeeding! I am so ready and excited to be back and be a part of it again!!! I quickly skimmed a couple pages of the thread. I will try and take a look and some of the links that have been posted, thank you! Beeps, hope you are finding some answers for you daughter's insomnia. Amy, sorry about the doggy :frown:

    Looking forward to being back on track with you all!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey everyone. Looks like the group has picked up!

    I just wanted to quickly check in to report on my goals from last week and to set a new goal. I aimed for 3 days of cardio and 1 day of strength. Technically, I got cardio in everyday if you count walking, but I only got 2 runs in (1 day of speed intervals and 4 miles on Thursday). I had plans to run Friday on my day off, but I got my strength in and opted for a nap instead of a run as we are trying to transition the kiddo into her crib and while its going OK, she had me up every 2 hours the night before. Anyways, I had a great strength session. I kicked my weights up. Before I got pregnant I had starting lifting heavier and obviously had to stop that so it felt good to get back to it.

    This week is going to be tough as my paretns will be in town Wednesday - Sunday and Friday and Saturday are the KY Oaks and Derby, which we're having a party for. I think I'm going to stick with shooting for 3 days of cardio (where I sweat) and 1 day of strength.

    Better get to work. Have a great day all!

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jen- Good to hear from you!! You knock your 5 week challenges out of the park so I'm sure you'll be bikini ready by then. Life throws us curve balls ( i hear you on that!) but I'm so glad you are back in action and ready to take on your challenges!!

    Ashley- Great goals. You are doing amazing jumping back in so quickly after having your little one. I give you props. I waited way too long to remember that taking care of myself = taking care of the kiddos. Very proud of a Mama in action! Get those goals girl!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    **Hit post too soon!!*

    Chloe- I think you are (still) doing a marvelous job of cleaning up your diet during the week. With the calorie deficit + your choices, I think you will do fine over the weekend. Yes, granted you'd have quicker progress if you were on spot 100%. But, I know you've voiced your views on being able to have a little 'fun' over the weekend with your social life. So I think you are finding suitable ways to manage your weeks to allow for that fun time on the weekend. If you find too slow of progress, you can always revist. Keep it up!

    Amy- I hear you on the high calories to get you started before you dive in to a more cutting type scenario. I'm eating at 1750 for the New Rules of Lifting and staying within my calorie range is a little too easy! I'm hoping this doesn't make it too difficult to cut down some after finishing stage 1!!

    As for me, I didn't set goals last week (which I think is when alot of people did for the 2 weeks). Things have been a little hectic with work being out of control (something about pre-summer = busy children's services!), home renovations, and some other 'real life' struggles...I have been trying to keep my head above water. Things are still a little out of whack but I'm getting my workouts in and eating within my ranges. I need to focus on a couple things though...so that leads into my 2 week challenges.

    1) Even though 1750 is about 300 calories higher than what I'm used to, I've got to keep it cleaner. I haven't been out of control but I know that I need to make better choices. And that means more protein and less snacking. Goal is to hit protein goal on MFP and to cut down the mindless snacking.

    2) Continue working to complete Stage 1 of NROL. I've got my set workouts as outlined in the book. Other than that, I'm going with how my body feels but trying to incorporate 1-2 HIITs sessions + walking/running (explain this later...)

    3) Decrease Diet Pop consumptions, increase green tea. Need to revisit this...as life has started to wobble..I've reverted to old habits!!

    **We are doing a health initiative at work where the challenge is 10,000 steps a day, every day for 12 weeks. So the running/walking is to help with this. But whether it's running or walking will depend on where my strength training falls and how my body feels. I've been operating at a deficit and at a 'fat focused' mentality for so long, I really want to work this NROL program as best I can. So making sure I'm 100% for lifting is my main focus.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I meant to respond to Chloe about the "saving" calories for later. Considering the math of a pound, I think this should be fine. I know Weight Watchers does/used to gove by this method. In college and after I did WW several times and remember saving all my extra points from the week for drinking on the weekends. :drinker: I think WW is one of the better weight loss programs out there, so would trust their logic. Same concept as spike days too. Some people claim it keeps your body from getting used to a certain calorie limit, some claim it keeps people from overeating the rest of the week because they know they have a treat day. Whatever it is, I think it's important to be able to enjoy the "bad things" in moderation. Speaking of, I did better this weekend with the eating poorly and drinking. I had a couple beers at lunch Saturday and a couple glasses on wine at an art fair later in the afternoon and actually made the decission to quit drinking around dinnertime for the night. So glad I did instead of continuing to drink like I typically would.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Hi jen! I know you're busy....I know you'll KILL it in 5 weeks, I'm not worried about you.

    Ashley, try and enjoy the visit with your parents and recognize those few days won't throw you too off-track, in any event.

    mamreese - I like your new photo - looking good in those muscles!!

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Welcome back Jen!!! We've missed you and your fabulous motivation!

    Ashley- Great challenges for yourself! Yea I never did WW but I am familiar with it.

    Mamareese- Yes you should definitely get rid of the diet pop and opt for green tea....so much healthier! How has your running been going? I don't think you have posted much about it lately.

    So I did OK over the weekend. Definitely went over, but not too bad my weekly overage was 350 cals. So I still had a pretty good deficit. Got all my workouts and don't feel super icky like I usually do on Monday mornings. The hubs is going to DC this week from Tuesday- Sunday to help move his brother back from grad school. So I will probably do really good, I tend to make better food choices when he's not around. I plan on staying 100% through Friday and then I have dinner plans with a few girlfriends Saturday night and I already know I will be getting fish and a salad and maybe a glass of wine, but I will be driving, so I will have to be good with the drinks. And then I have a baby shower Sunday so I have no idea what will be served there, so I will make sure to be good to save some cals for that.

    Begin week 2 of Chalean this week. Loving the change from p90x for sure. And I have been really sore bc of the change and I am LOVING that!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good point, Ashley, about some of the reasons why spike days/cheat days/saving calories can work.
    I went to the grocery store yesterday, worked out, feeling ready for the week. Trying to eat well, stick to the lifting program. I am watching my friend's dog Fri-Sunday so I will be getting in a little cardio taking him for a walk.
    Good to hear from you, Jen, when will you decide about AZ? 5 weeks is a good amount of time for you, you can do it! and then remind me how you did it, when I have 5 weeks:tongue:
  • Ishes
    Ishes Posts: 3
    Hi ladies,
    I'm a newb, obviously, so if I'm doing something wrong feel free to to slap me down :P
    Anyway, I've been using MFP for a few weeks now, and it's great for the most part, but sometimes I lapse and just eat more because I've fallen off the wagon, so I'm hoping that being accountable and reporting my progress to others should help.

    For these two weeks I want to:
    1) Stay around my calorie goal, but most importantly, if I slip up I won't just give up for the day/week/whatever, but get back up and get back on track.
    2) Eat clean
    3) Workout at least 7 times a week, preferably 6 days, 8+ workouts (I'm a competitive swimmer trying to get back into shape at the beginning of the season after being out for a while for a number of reasons. Swimming twice a day at least a few times a week is pretty much standard, so I'm not crazy)
    4) Stay positive about training, school, diet and everything else: when I think I'm going to fail, I do.

    My scale is broken right now, and when I get back into training I drop then gain muscle, so it's more about how I look and feel.I'll probably measure at the beginning and end of the two weeks just to keep track.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Welcome to Ishes and Ashley!

    Thanks for the love ladies!! Still a crazy week...showings start this weekend so still a lot of work to be done, Had realtors come through today to give staging ideas. Cleansing today and gonna start logging tomorrow as it is the beginning of the month!

    Amy, sounds like your week is planned out well!! You got it girl!!

    Chloe, glad you are enjoying your new workout!! I've never done either of those workouts!

    Mama, love the new pic! Rock those muscles!! Woot!!

    Beeps, just gotta send you my love :happy:

    Ok, back to work!!! Looking good ladies!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Totally had an NSV this weekend.......so my aunt asked me what I had been using different on my face (meaning makeup, cleanser, lotion, etc.). I responded with nothing at all, she said my skin looked so good. I know it has to be from the clean eating, because I have not changed anything else! A total non-fitness related bonus from eating clean ladies :bigsmile:
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps, thanks for the info on targeting glutes. I have a really hard time hitting that area. My quads tend to take over. I have very long legs and when I do things like squats it is hard to get low enough without my knees going over my toes. I do better doing leg lifts from a plank position.

    Jen, good to hear from you.

    Welcome ishes. You are going to love this group, tons of great info and very motivating & encouraging.

    Still lifting - still no back pain, good. Still need to work on eating habits, not so good.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Ishes, wow, you have a TOUGH agenda ahead....but, if you've done it before, you can do it again - so good for you!

    Jen - your post is EXACTLY why I will never, ever move. Ever. Just thinking about the packing and stuff gives me the heeby-jeebies...and I have a CLEAN house (thanks to nanny!)...

    Chloe - i love it that someone commented on your skin. That is AWESOME!

    abigail - I have REALLY long legs, too....and, yep, it's hard to get my squatty bum as far back as it's supposed to go while keeping my balance, for sure. And, I have L-A-Z-Y glutes. Maybe lazy glutes are attached to long legs (and it isn't really my fault?????????), lol.

    Ladies, I'm HUNGRY today. And, avoiding cramming junk into my face. It's a tough day. But, I'm holding strong.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Beeps - good job on resisting!

    Chloe - congrats on the basking! Lovely skin is SO NICE, especially when someone else notices.

    Shander - your job calls for creativity -- that's so much harder because it can't really be taught! There's a great Isaac Asimov story about that in the book Nine Tomorrows. I hope you'll post some of your creations on here some time.

    Jen - congrats on the clean-out. My last move was so painful b/c there hadn't been enough culling - so kudos to you!

    I'm STILL sick (turns out it's the lovely Flu), and have gained 5 pounds, yet oddly enough I have an NSV, too. Yesterday morning (when I actually had a little energy) I saw my chin up bar and wondered if I would do any after being sick. I did 4!!! I haven't done 4 chin ups in ..let's see... 5 years. I haven't been able to get past the three-chin-ups mark for 5 years now!!! Of course, after that I took a 5-hour nap...

    Well, that's all the energy I have left. I'm off to bed now. Goodnight ladies, goodnight John Boy.