2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Totally agree with everything said. My mindset right now, which is working for me, is that clean eating and watching my calories is what is making me lose pounds. Strength training is what is moving those pounds around to be in places that I want them to be :happy: And my cardio sessions are good for my mental state, the endorphins I get from getting my heart rate up to 185 from a crazy sprint session and sweating like a pig for some reason does great things for my mood!

    ^^^this, for me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    mama - no, I don't do any *extra* HIIT while doing NROL4W. The work-outs, as written, call for HIIT to be inserted AFTER strength-training session. However, I don't have time to do that, as I am restricted to a 60-minute work-out time. So, I do my HIIT on the days "in-between" my lifting.

    Could that be hindering my progress? Sure....I guess it could.

    Can I do anything about that? No, I cannot.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    So, I continue to focus on the things that I CAN control....

    My husband did do up my formal tape measure this morning. And, in actual fact:

    1. my natural waist went UP by 1/2".
    2. my belly-button waist went DOWN by 1 1/2".
    3. my hips went UP by 1".

    ROFLMAO. So, there you go....up by 1 1/2" and down by 1 1/2". I guess you can argue that "my shape is changing", even if my overall inches lost is not.


    Even my husband says, "I don't know if I'm measuring in the same spot every month...." Well, of course this is true!! But, it's just as true for my losses in January and February as it is for my gains in March and April....so, overall, it's kind of immaterial.

    (He was trying to make me feel better.)

    Oh, and the photos don't do anything either - they look about the same as the end of March.

    I'm over it. It is what it is. Really not much I can do except keep on keeping on. I think I'll bang-out my last Stage 4 NROL4W work-out, today, and then just do cardio until Monday, when I'll move into Stage 5 , hopefully with a fresh, new mind-set of SUCCESS!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Oh, I did do *one* thing to make myself feel better....I had my hubby take a picture of JUST my back. Since I'm actually REALLY proud of my upper body, I might as well congratulate myself on the things that ARE working well.

    So, I'll change my icon this weekend to show off my back.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    mama - no, I don't do any *extra* HIIT while doing NROL4W. The work-outs, as written, call for HIIT to be inserted AFTER strength-training session. However, I don't have time to do that, as I am restricted to a 60-minute work-out time. So, I do my HIIT on the days "in-between" my lifting.

    Could that be hindering my progress? Sure....I guess it could.

    Can I do anything about that? No, I cannot.

    Beeps- Didn't mean this could be hindering progress...I was just curious about what's to come.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    Beeps- Didn't mean this could be hindering progress...I was just curious about what's to come.

    The work outs get long...An A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2 up to D4 and E followed by 15 minute metabolic work sessions of intervals and body weight exercises. Yikes. It takes ages right now. (75 minutes of exercise, 90 minutes of total gym tim)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    Beeps- Didn't mean this could be hindering progress...I was just curious about what's to come.

    The work outs get long...An A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2 up to D4 and E followed by 15 minute metabolic work sessions of intervals and body weight exercises. Yikes. It takes ages right now. (75 minutes of exercise, 90 minutes of total gym tim)

    Thanks Kate. I purchased it on my Kindle which is great and cheap but makes for quick references harder since I dont' carry my kindle with me. Hell, I haven't a clue where it is with my living room renovations being ALL over the place! :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    mama - I've heard that the kindle-version of NROL4W isn't that great (because you can't flip back-and-forth between the schedule of work-outs, and the pictures/descriptions of the exercises, etc.)

    The work-outs end up getting LONGER AND LONGER AND LONGER. Sheesh. Quite the opposite of what one wants, I would think, lol!! And, I just read up on the Stage 5 board at NROL4W and, even though you are only doing 4 reps, or whatever, per set, there's 4 sets - and the author wants 2 minute-rest periods between each set!! Gack!! so, again, Stage 5 will be LONGEr than Stage 2, 3 or 4.

    If I had all day in the gym, I could probably do 10 minute warm-up, 30-60 minutes of weights, 60-90 minutes of cardio, and then 10-20 minutes of cool-down and stretching. Alas, I do *not* have that sort of time to devote to the gym.

    Actually, I'll say it the way I should own it: I choose not to spend that much time, in my day, in the gym.

    There is one lady, likely 10 years older than I, who DOES spend that much time in the gym, every day----about 3 to 4 hours. And, she has a *nice* body. It is NOT a KILLER body - and she has buzzed short grey hair, which doesn't really add any feminine appeal....but, she has a *nice* athletic-looking body.

    *If* I was spending that kind of time in the gym, hell, I'd want to have a TO-DIE FOR JILLIAN MICHAELS/JAMIE EASON type of figure, that's for sure.

    What stage are you at, mama??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I think I'm also going to stop tracking my calories for awhile, too....it isn't like there's that much variety to my meals and logging has become pretty boring. I eat the same breakfast every day. I eat one of two snacks every morning. I eat a salad every day at lunch. I eat two of three snacks every afternoon. And then supper is a small portion of protein and vegetables.


    "Tracking it" doesn't make it anymore exciting (or any less boring)....so, I'm just going to leave it alone, for now.

    I'm hitting my macros and I'm hitting my calories.

    We'll see what PT says on May 14th. Until then, I'll just hum-tick along.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    The Jamie Eason plan was like that, longer and longer workouts with more and more days each week!
    I am getting lazy with the 3-day a week plan and the workout is quick. But last night I couldn't do it. I went to the gym closer to where my conference was held and forgot a t-shirt, I had grabbed two pairs of pants instead. So I thought, ok, it's not ideal but I can workout in my sports bra, so I went to the weights room and everything was so crowded I just left. I am going tonight, back to my small, empty, familiar gym, so Sunday/tonight and Saturday will be my three days.
    The scale keeps creeping up and I am trying to be ok with it, my clothes still fit, but I don't know for how long. I am starting to quesiton the advisability of a bulking stage right before bikini season.
    and for the rest of you:
    Ashley-what is in an Ashley Palmer?
    solar-I am sure your child hood has something to do with it, but I am sure it is genetics too.
    I love green tea! I was really loving Republic of Tea's green tea with toasted brown rice, it was really earthy and different. But I also make it really weak, I don't like any tea that steeps so long it gets bitter, but I know it's supposed to be better for you if it's steeped for 3 minutes. I also like Bigelow's green tea with peach. I don't know how it would make someone sick unless they were really caffeine sensitive, it has caffeine naturally, but not more than coffee.
    Beeps-your shifting inches reminded me of that saying about how you still have an hour-glass figure, but there's only a few minutes left.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- I hear you. 100% loud and clear. I'm up 5.6lbs today. FROM LAST FRIDAY. I've only up'd my calories to 1750 from 1540 since 4-21 in accordance with NROL. I didn't go all the weigh up to the #s suggested, I took Kate's suggestion of cutting back a bit from TDEE. My clothes feel fine...but I do notice 1) obviously the vicious scale 2) I feel heavier (if that makes sense). Essentially, because I've been in limbo with weight and haven't purchased anything new in eons, I rotate the same jeans/work pants/etc throughout the week. Everything feels fine. Hell, Monday and Tuesday DH mentioned twice how loose my pants looked in the thigh/butt area. But the number on the scale is trying to feed me another line. My normal reaction would be to freak and cut back. I'm just going to concentrate to make sure my snacks are cleaner, meals are good but I concede to less than clean snacks. But you are right, right before summer...is this smart? Let's hope it is. Because if not, there will be hell to pay. :devil: (lol)

    Beeps- I'm in Stage 1. Last night I did Stage 1, Workout B3. Thanks for the run down. I agree about the Kindle vs. real deal book. Had I realized I'd get back in the gym, I'd have went with the actual book. I did find (thanks to the NROL board) easy printables. But when it gets into exercises I'm not familiar with I'm sure I'll be wishing (even more) that I had the actual book. I understand what you mean about logging. Very rarely to I spice it up where I'm eating something (or even eating out) that I don't already know mentally the calories and how it fits into my macros. I was just too chicken to stick with not logging for very long. Though I considered it through NROL because logging 1750 calories is time consuming! Consistency is what's key in the long run and that doesn't have to come in the form of logging.

    As I mentioned in my explanation to Amy. Things on the #s game are looking meek. However, I agreed to do NROL the way it's laid out with a calorie increase. So I'm giving it the green light even with this indicator. I'm nervous because as I've mentioned, I hit the bit 3-0 soon and wanted to head into that milestone with a bang. But long term goals are the key here. So 1750 is where I'll stay for a few more weeks. At least until my pants don't fit anymore!!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hello everyone! Thank GOD it is Friday!!! I need a weekend BAD! I have been very good this week with eating and workouts. My I did my Chalean program Monday and Wednesday and then Tuesday and Thursday did some crazy HIIT on the treadmill followed by 20 minutes of steady state cardio. I upped my cals for the past 2 weeks from 1240 and eating back exercise cals to pretty consistently eating 1600 a day regardless of exercise. Scale has not really been affected, no gain or loss. But, my energy levels are much better. Doing Chalean tonight and long distance run tomorrow and either rest or cross train on Sunday.

    I'll be interested to see how this all works out for you all upping your cals. I'm too scared to go that high and you made a good point, right before bikini season!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey all! Happy Friday! I am lagging a bit after the bachelorette party last night - rough - but I drank what I thought and just need to get through to the dinner tonight! No workout today, but I can squeeze one in before the wedding tomorrow and stay on track!

    On logging...I think its totally a take it or leave it thing. Some people don't need to log. I like to - I eat out a lot and eat varied meals so it helps and it pushes me to create a prettier, cleaner food diary (except for times like this...all I want are carbs carbs carbs). But some people truly don't need it. To each their own!

    On calories - Reese whenever I up calories OR start lifting heavy after a break I immediately retain water like crazy and feel big. Give it four weeks - if you've been adherent at 1750 and still gained then lower by a bit. But my instinct is that things will normalize and you'll enjoy the extra cals without any gain. I honestly am debating right now whether its ENOUGH for me. that said, I know I probably underestimate (since most everyone does) so by "accident" I am getting more than that. This is actually the perfect time since its not bikini season tomorrow but in a month :)

    I posted this on my profile but its bears reposting here for this reason (beeps listen up) from Leigh Peele's Metabolic Repair Manual:

    "Fluid balance can be so out of whack that you could drop 10 pounds of fat and never see it on the scale or in the mirror. You can imagine that for the average person trying to lose fat that this problem can lead to frustrations. People don't see results, give up, and then go back to normal habits."

    We all need to remember that those pictures we see usually involve extreme water manipulation. I think it would be an interesting experiment to that just to see what we CAN look like. Either way, its a reason why the bad days might not be bad as you think and why you feel heavy Reese. We don't lose fat overnight, we don't gain it either.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kate- I saw you and somebody else were posting about that article yesterday.....VERY interesting and it makes total sense! Water can do crazy things to your weight, but I never imagined 10 lbs!!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    It is worth remembering about water weight. I know when I took that diaeuretic for my hearing test and was down to 109 in a couple of days.
    I am so glad it is Friday, too! So glad for the weekend:drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I hear ya, chui, I hear ya. I drink sooooooooooo much water, though, and it goes through me sooooooooooooooo often, I really don't understand how "water retention" applies to me (generally-speaking). I don't eat a lot of sodium. Mind you, as it turned out, I was getting TOM when I did my pictures/measurements....so, maybe I *was* bloated because of that. I'll never know because I've decided to just let it all rest and we'll see what May brings (for results).

    I do want to bang out my last Stage 4 work-out, B, today....but unsure whether shoulder injury will permit that. We shall see!!

    I am REALLY glad it is the weekend. My bff from childhood is coming to my house for a one-night visit!! She has never visited this City, and never seen my house, and I have lived here for 10 years!! So, that is exciting.

    And, since it's the beginning of the month, and I've just measured/weighed/photo'd myself, I'm going to enjoy my weekend. I ate carbs like they were going out of style last night (thanks TOM!) and I'm going to permit myself to have a drink or two when my gf shows up! Plus, we are going for chinese food on Saturday night - plenty of sodium in that!!

    I hope everyone has a good weekend. And, I hope I can shake all of this off and come back at it for Monday, with a new attitude and some hope back in my heart.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Quick polling question - rude to defriend someone just because they creep you out? One guy is constantly commenting on things...like everything I write and posts on my profile everday and will send me private messages. BUT none of them are anything but friendly like, have a great day, etc. It just weirds me out that he's all over my profile ALL the time. Also, his profile says he's near where I am and while I don't have my location posted he might have seen it somewhere and I don't want an MFP obsession to turn into a real one? thoughts? Am I overreacting?
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I can't catch up with everyone yet, I've been in a rush to finish my projects all week!! The blazer is finished!!! I'll post a picture after I get it pressed :) This weekend I will hopefully start & FINISH the bathing suit so I can be done with that class!! I only got to get in one jazz class and one lifting session so far this week, I'm going to the gym today though! Eating has been ok, I upped my calories which is still scaring me, but I'm going to keep trying!

    Kate - if he's freaking you out, then by all means defriend him... check to see if he posts on everyone's walls or just yours too. You shouldn't have to feel creeped out here!!

    PS - has anyone else seen that ASchief deactivated her account? :( I hope she comes back sometime!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kate- I checked out your profile and I think I know who you are talking about and he looks like a creepster, I'd delete him.

    Shan- I saw that too!!:cry: I hope she comes back as well!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I wondered where ASchief is! i had no idea she deleted her account. She has her competition this month, maybe she just got busy, but seems strange, so I hope she comes back.
    Kate, seems like he would notice if you unfriended, would he still be able to send you a pm? I stopped accepting friend requests from guys. I have a few "grandfathered in" but they are cool.