2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member

    Jen- I experimented more with DH's food than my own, given it's easier to just stick with what I know at this point. But I think I'm going to look for a new protein bar/snacky type recipe to cook up. I need something to grab that doesn't require a microwave. Those Jamie Eason turkey muffins have been my go to snack but if I'm not around a kitchen....I'm stuck. So we'll see what I can hunt down! Maybe Jamie Eason's Cinnamon ones...those look yummy. Great job on staying consistent and so glad it's making you feel 100% that's awesome!!
    I liked the pumpkin ones but not the cinnamon ones, something was off about the texture it was dry and spongy and I ended up throwing them away. I don't think the pumpkin ones were a ton of protein either...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy - I've been doing Spartacus about once a week. I think it's a tough, fast workout - I've only been doing two rounds. I have NOT been keeping up with my running though. I don't think I'll be ready for the dirty dash in Sept.
    You got plenty of time before September! I only got through two rounds last night and it took me 30 minutes. It is tough.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    :drinker: Happy Birthday, Shan!:flowerforyou:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member

    Jen- I experimented more with DH's food than my own, given it's easier to just stick with what I know at this point. But I think I'm going to look for a new protein bar/snacky type recipe to cook up. I need something to grab that doesn't require a microwave. Those Jamie Eason turkey muffins have been my go to snack but if I'm not around a kitchen....I'm stuck. So we'll see what I can hunt down! Maybe Jamie Eason's Cinnamon ones...those look yummy. Great job on staying consistent and so glad it's making you feel 100% that's awesome!!
    I liked the pumpkin ones but not the cinnamon ones, something was off about the texture it was dry and spongy and I ended up throwing them away. I don't think the pumpkin ones were a ton of protein either...

    I would have to agree, Amy!!! And I always end up adding more protein and decreasing the amount of flour. I have found all of her recipes bland and always have to add more seasonings/spices what have you. But definitely a good base to start from :wink:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member

    Jen- you should share some of your yummy recipes here! I am looking for some lower carb high protien snacks that I can make ahead for a grab and go kinda thing

    I have pics and recipes posted on my FB Fitpage :)https://www.facebook.com/pages/Get-Fit-with-Jen/159021120808030?ref=hl
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    One more date night (to survive) and then I'll be back to my regular focus on nutrition. I also have to ramp up my focus on fitness. Other than getting in my heavy lifting, I've slid on the "evening walks" and other forms of cardio. But, I think I can get to my Saturday morning cardio class and that is always a good place to start!

    I'll start logging again, today, although we are eating out, again, tonight and I'm not even going to try to log that.

    Kids return home, tomorrow, and it will be same ol'/same ol'. I've REALLY liked this break away from the kids, from the routine, from all of it. Have over-dosed on time with my husband and it's been GLORIOUS. He's so awesome! And, I figure it's worth the 5-day-break just to completely reconnect with him, in all the ways that count. (Those of you that have young kids will understand all of this!)

    My shape isn't going to change overnight, anyway. A week break isn't going to make-or-break my success with "lifestyle change".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I had a GOOD lifting session today! YAY - I NEEDED THAT!

    After work, I'm off for one last "hurrah" night with my hubby, tonight. Kids return tomorrow.

    And, my plans for tomorrow are to just have hot dogs for supper and sit down, with kids on couch, and watch the OPENING CEREMONIES OF THE OLYMPICS! This will kick-start my WEEKEND OF REST!

    Aaaaahhhhhhh. Deep sigh.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good for you, Beeps! You earned this week off and the time with your husband. I am glad you are making the most of it.
    My husband and I have a date tonight, we are going to see Florence + the Machine. Should be fun.
    Last night I went out for my friend's birthday. So two rest days in a row! but I will do my 4-mile jog tomorrow after work and Saturday we are hiking, so I might try some trail runs. Sunday I should be able to get in another run on Sunday, or maybe cross-training?
    Anyway, as per usual it is DIET or Exercise for me, so I am logging mostly but not watching cals while I train for Warrior Dash, wouldn't want to risk INJURY:wink:
  • Badmamabear
    Hi all, what is the challenge with the burpees? I would love to be in on it!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, sounds like you had a great week. Reconnecting with your husband is always a good thing.

    Amy, how was the show? I LOVE Florence! I was supposed to see her at Bonnaroo 2011, but I was pregnant so sold my ticket. My husband and friends went and said she was one of the best shows.

    Jen, hope you have a fun weekend.

    Shan, hope your birthday is/was great.

    Everyone else seems to be doing amazing as usual!

    I am proud to say I am 1 6week 6pack away from hitting my fitness goals this week and still have 3 days left in the week! I did 6w6p Monday, Tuesday and yesterday during morning nap. I ran with baby Wednesday morning and it was MUGGY! Yesterday I got on the mill during afternoon nap and busted out some speed work for 3.5 miles. My diet has been pretty good too. I did drink about 4 glasses of wine Wednesday but last night opted for a popsicle instead of another glass. We may be having friends over for dinner tonight and have a crab boil tomorrow night so I should be alright there. I was down a pound today (2 pounds yesterday from drinking dehydration) so that is good. And maybe it's in my head, but I feel like my core is already tightening up a bit. I am liking 6w6p and it is getting "shorter" now that I am familiar with the exercises. So good week here! Better get to work. Have a great weekend all!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ashley- Have you just been doing Level 1 so far? I actually liked Level 2 alot better....I'm interested to hear what you think.

    Beeps- I am definitely feeling like I need that time with my husband and we don't even have kids yet! We have both been so busy and stressed with work and he was sick this week, so no quality time lately. But, we have a mini vacation in less than 2 weeks. Even though we will be with a bunch of his family up and their lakehouse, it will still be some good down time. And I have great in-laws so that is a plus!

    Amy- I get ya on the either exercise or diet! Its so hard to keep up with both!

    Shan- Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    Jen- thanks for the recipes I will have to check them out!

    As for me....one more workout until week 2 of Insanity is done. And I definitely need a rest day. I did cardio recovery this morning, which did not feel much like a recovery workout my legs were shaking like crazy during all the squats and lunges and my shoulders were screaming throughout the plank work, but I made it through! So if I feel good tomorrow I will do Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs or I may put it off until Sunday if I still feel sore tomorrow. Diet went very well this week. I have today planned out and tomorrow during the day. Tomorrow night we are either having people over for dinner or going out, but I will make sure to make good choices either way. Sunday we are going to the lake, so there will be drinks and cooking out, but I am going to bring a bunch of fruit with to snack on to keep myself away from the chips and stuff. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY! I got in my last lifting session for the week and like Beeps am looking forward to sitting down tonight and watching Olympics opening ceremonies!!! I have a great dinner planned for me, the BF, my sister and a friend. Salmon burgers with boursin cheese, spinach, balsamic mushrooms, a bit of bacon paired with sweet potato fries and asparagus! Saturday I am all set to try to greek yogurt pancakes, make turkey muffins, and a recipe for blondies with chick peas in them (we'll see). Saturday night I have a VIP pass to see Sporting KC play - unlimited food and drink so that is going to be total cheat time :)

    One more cardio session and a good day Sunday and I will have had my first 'perfect' week on this cut. The key is hitting my macros Sunday so I've got to plan! I'll be 2 of 9 weeks towards a fitbit/body media fit!

    Shannon - enjoy the Mexican good and vineyard and all those lovely things! I think you should eat what you want. Just make try to squeeze in a work out and you'll feel better about it :)

    And Kelly and Shannon on baseball...I am a Kansas City ROYALS fan. A Royals fan for eff's sake. So don't feel bad about your franchise, Shan. Mine hasn't been to playoffs in my LIFETIME :)

    Beeps - glad you've been enjoying date and congrats with finishing NROL! I think doing stage 7 again sounds awesome! To make it fit well with the end of my cut I am actually doing stage 2.5 times. I think the metcon aspect will hopefully really give me progress in the last few weeks of the cut. What's next for you??

    Amy - How was Florence?? I've heard she's amazing live.

    Ashley - congrats on fitting in all those work outs! ADD dying a little or are you still itching to mix it up more?

    Chloe - great job sticking with insanity! Did you take starting pictures? I know what you mean on the kids. I am not even MARRIED and I can't imagine adding in kids and keeping my schedule between work/workouts/errands/socializing/charity. It's amazing.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy birthday, Shannon! The Cubs have been the worst team in baseball for most of the season! I think the Rockies are below them now - or they were a few weeks ago.

    Beeps- that's awesome that you are back at it!

    I need something new to motivate me to workout! I'm so close to the 120's and if I had pushed myself like I'd planned maybe I would be there or at least closer. I have time to workout before work today, but after only getting 6 hours of sleep, I really don't want to! 5 more days until vacation!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh I forgot to add in on the baseball discussion.....we are cubs fans...need I say more :ohwell:

    And yes I have my ending pictures from Chalean, so basically beginning Insanity pics because I started the next week. I didn't see much progress in the Chalean before and afters, but I am going to attribute that to my crappy weekends throughout the first half of the summer.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Baseball? People actually watch that? (This coming from a University of Kentcuky grad, the winningest basketball team EVER.) :smile:

    Chloe, I am doing level 1 right now. I reckon I'll do it for the first half. I still haven't decided if I just want to do 6 weeks or if I want to try to do it 30 times since it is recomended 5x a week for 6 weeks and I'm doing 4x and maybe 3x on my long work weeks. I'll see how I am handling it.

    And Kate, it's not so bad with the ADD. I actually enjoyed my time on the treadmill yesterday, believe it or not. I think if I can do a stroller run and treadmill run (where I can work on my speed; it needs work) or by myself outdoors, it will keep me from getting bored doing the same workout 3-4 other times a week. And the video isn't super hard (granted I use the modified on some moves still) but hard enough to feel like I'm benefitting so I'm not dreading it like I did with 30 Day Shred. All in all, it is going well.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I think ALL of you are REALLY ROCKING it this week!

    So, I'm just popping in to say: GOOD FOR YOU!

    So inspiring to read!

    (PS, after NROL4W is done, I'll start NROL4Abs....)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Randomly, on an abs note, I feel like mine are looking better than ever lately. Still a lot to do to lose fat but overall I'm please since they have always a big problem area for me (I am one of those unfortunately women who get the spare tire look when I get too heavy). While I fully realize I can't attribute this to diet really (causation, correlation ax to grind and all that) how they look now and my improved diet on this cut has made me believe that abs really are made in kitchen.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Happy birthday, Shannon! The Cubs have been the worst team in baseball for most of the season! I think the Rockies are below them now - or they were a few weeks ago.
    Oh, my Rockies! I only went to one game this year and they won that one, maybe I should have gone to more!
    Ready for my 4-mile run tonight after two days of rest.
    Florence + the Machine were awesome, she has an amazing voice, when she closed the encore with No Light, I cried :cry:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Randomly, on an abs note, I feel like mine are looking better than ever lately. Still a lot to do to lose fat but overall I'm please since they have always a big problem area for me (I am one of those unfortunately women who get the spare tire look when I get too heavy). While I fully realize I can't attribute this to diet really (causation, correlation ax to grind and all that) how they look now and my improved diet on this cut has made me believe that abs really are made in kitchen.

    I completely agree. While I truly believe I am genetically not predispositioned to have a 6 pack ever, I'm also not mentally able because I like carbs, sugar and booze too much. I'd rather drink that have rock hard abs.

    I'm sure your dedication to your diet is doing wonders for your abs. Way to go!
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    Ok, this will be a bit of catch-up.

    Beeps- Hope you had a great splurge week! This will be me in a month and a half when I take a 7 day cruise. Sounds like you're doing an AWESOME JOB on NROL. What was your favorite stage? I'm in 2 now and I liked 1 a lot better for some reason. I'm finding I sort of have to psych myself out for stage 2 (esp. B). Any tid bits you have would be greatly appreciated.

    Chole- I'm the same way with food! When I'm focused, I can be amazing, but many times (instead of stopping cuz I'm comfortably full) I stop because I can't FIT anything else in my stomach! One thing I'm working on for sure! I actually have Insanity- but I haven't looked into it yet. How do you like it? Would you recommend it for later? I know I'll have to do something after NROL. Good job on the nutrition!

    Shannon- Yay 10-15 pounds! I'm right there with ya! It's funny- with the several sizes I've dropped I haven't seen any real decrease in pounds, though. Hrm. I'd like to get to 140, but If I'm 150 (158ish now) and clothes and mirror and strength say so, I might be done! I want to be toned too. HAPPY BRITHDAY! I really enjoy dance classes- took a few month of swing dance
    classes. So Much Fun!!

    Kelly- Hi! 10lbs? Let's get this done! I gained a bit more than that 2 years ago when I did a term in Americorps. It feels so good to be getting it back off.

    Amy- I'm trying for the cardio thing too! I was going to do the Warrior Dash this year but injured my foot the day before and couldn't run. Nothing major, but it would have been a mistake to try. How is training going for you? Do you do distance runs or more timed? Sometimes I find they are easy to get thru, other times it's a struggle to make myself. I'm signed up for a half marathon on early Sept! Eek! never done more than a 5k organized race, though I have done 10 miles on my own before. Not often, though. Keep me posted!

    Reese: Nice to meet ya! I've heard you body fights your losses when you are so close. Do you see yourself changing in other ways besides weight at a decent rate? Or is that a very slow change as well? I've seen I've stayed pretty much the same weight, although I'm down a size or two. I'm trying to be consistent as well!! I have about a month till my cruise, and I know every little bit counts!!!

    Abigale- I love hiking :) Good for you for fitting in those workouts! I love to eat too. Belieeeeve me!

    Jen- Have fun camping! I admire you're sticking to workouts AND nutrition on a mini-vacation! What are you goals? Also, what sort of HIIT do you do?

    Ashley- Let me know how you like 6w6p! The belly is my problem area too for sure. I like booze as well- haven't had much trying to get ready for my boyfriends homecoming and vacation, but I've made up for it in my carb-y indulgences, lol. Trying to be super super good for the next 30 days.

    Chui- Like I said to Ashley, the stomach is DEFINITELY my problem area, too. If I gained a lot I'm willing to bet my legs would still be normal looking, but my chest and tummy/love handles would be very noticeably large. Upper arms too, probably. Congrats on your losses!! You are showing amazing dedication, and I appreciate your advice/posted articles! I'm hoping to discover abs really are made in the kitchen as well. I wonder if it can ever happen for me- someone who carries weight naturally in the pouch and who may not have the willpower to completely cut out absolutely everything "junky". How tall are you, and what size are you around, if you don't mind my asking. Can't wait to try the turkey muffin recipe! What is HD and LP?

    I think that is everyone. If I miss you- please let me know.

    Main thing I'm focusing on- NROL and healthy, good macros. One month left=crunch time. I'll try to log on daily in the evening to check-in, encourage, and be held accountable. Does anyone do coffee before a workout? I know being less sleep deprived will help, hah, but sometimes I'm really draggin and getting started is the hardest part. Maybe it's a mental thing, too. Stage 2 of NROL is not s fun for me as stage 1. Almost over, though! Have to keep those goal/results in mind! My goal as of today is to fit back into a size 6 formal dress I wore as a teenager. I'll try to do it by the end of Aug/start of Sept. Lifting tonight. Tomorrow volunteering at a farm all day, so eating will be on the fly- but I will do the best I can. Hopefully will be burning some cals. Have a good weekend, everyone!