Stage 3



  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    When you guys do the deadlift/row combo did you start with the same weight you've been deadlifting? I don't know if I can do a row with 155 or not.

    No, I had to use less weight than my deadlift, and less than I could row on the seated row. If you can deadlift 155, I'd suggest trying the DL/row at 95 (45 lb. bar + a 25 lb. plate on each side), and incease from there if it feels too easy, or reduce if it's too hard.

    Thanks. I thought that seemed nuts :p and I had no idea where to start. Ill give that one a shot. On the row in the A workout I'm at 80/90 so maybe I can move up quick there too.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Finished 3B today...
    here are my stats: (strange numbers as converted from kg)
    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/ row: 90.2 lbs --> 132lb (failed on the last one of the third set though)
    Partial Single Leg Squat: bw
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 56.3 lbs -->123.2lb / 107.8lb (half the set at heavier weight, the machine increases by 15.4lb)
    Back Extension: - on swiss ball
    YTWL: - 2x4.4lb dumbbells --> 2x8.8lb dumbbells
    Prone Cobra: - 2 x 45 --> 90

    Off to stage 4 for me......

    Great results!! thats a wicked row..

    i think im gonna start again for stage 3.. i had this week off exercising due to life... how dare you get in the way of my fitness,,
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    When you guys do the deadlift/row combo did you start with the same weight you've been deadlifting? I don't know if I can do a row with 155 or not.

    I didn't even finish with what I can deadlift! The row makes quite a difference!

    Karen - I'm not taking a week off, I had six days in the middle of stage 3 so keen to carry on. Saying that, off to my parents for a few days... Not sure of the gym situation in their area.

    Edited to take what I wrote out of quotes!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    Karen - I'm not taking a week off, I had six days in the middle of stage 3 so keen to carry on. Saying that, off to my parents for a few days... Not sure of the gym situation in their area.

    Cool - see you in stage 4 then. I wanted to start it Monday, but DH is out of town & I have no childcare @ 5:30 am to go to the gym and don't have enough equipment (or motivation) at home, so I'm starting Tuesday instead. I can't wait! This rest week I'm taking now seems like it's taking FOREVER! :)
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    So, I started Stage 3 today. Here is my issue with the dumbbell single-arm overhead squat, I feel it in my lower back and I CANNOT keep my arm straight over my head and squat. Does this make sense? I have to bring my upper arm forward in order to squat and keep my feet flat. I could squat bringing my heels off the floor but I think that defeats the purpose of the excercise. Any thoughts advice? Oh I did the first 2 sets with 7/15 dumbbells and the last with 5/10 to see if it would make it better, it didn't. Thanks in advance.

    - JoAnna
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    So, I started Stage 3 today. Here is my issue with the dumbbell single-arm overhead squat, I feel it in my lower back and I CANNOT keep my arm straight over my head and squat. Does this make sense? I have to bring my upper arm forward in order to squat and keep my feet flat. I could squat bringing my heels off the floor but I think that defeats the purpose of the excercise. Any thoughts advice? Oh I did the first 2 sets with 7/15 dumbbells and the last with 5/10 to see if it would make it better, it didn't. Thanks in advance.

    - JoAnna

    It took me until workout 3 before I could do these and I still only do a partial....not anywhere close to parallel. For the second workout, I actually did it with body weight only, just to figure out the body movement. Then added weight back for workout 3. These are not my favorite. Can you tell? :laugh:
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    yeah i went down to 7.5 & 12.5 weights for that one.. its soo awkward..

    I decided to add in an extra set of A & B... sort of starting again i guess since i had a week off..

    good improvement on my BWM time last night though.. i was proud of that.. its still hard as hell though.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    So, I started Stage 3 today. Here is my issue with the dumbbell single-arm overhead squat, I feel it in my lower back and I CANNOT keep my arm straight over my head and squat. Does this make sense? I have to bring my upper arm forward in order to squat and keep my feet flat. I could squat bringing my heels off the floor but I think that defeats the purpose of the excercise. Any thoughts advice? Oh I did the first 2 sets with 7/15 dumbbells and the last with 5/10 to see if it would make it better, it didn't. Thanks in advance.

    - JoAnna

    I found that my form improved when I turned my upper arm so that the palm/wrist was facing away from my body-- that helped me keep my body upright. Also I make sure my toes are pointed out a bit, that really helps me keep my knees over my feet and get my butt down. And I feel it mostly in my back, too. I think that may be the point of this exercise, to strengthen the back for squats. I'm using 20/5 (I don't have the right weights to do it at the ratio in the book, in fact I'm using a 5# plate... kindof awkward). I really like this movement, I think it's corrected my squat in a lot of ways. If you don't have lighter weights than 5s, maybe you could even do it with your arm simply balanced above your head for now.

    I just did those last night and my posture today is kindof hilarious-- chest up like I'm 12 and proud of my new booblets :laugh:
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Redid my 3 - 1B today.

    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/ row: 85 lbs
    Partial Single Leg Squat: bw on step
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown:105 lbs
    Back Extension: using the back extension equipment
    YTWL: -skipped it - didnt have time
    Prone Cobra: -3 x 60 seconds only.

    I love the Barbell Romanian Deadlift/ row!!!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Im half way done stage 3 now...

    and im beginning to drift.. and just do the exercises that i like, and previous ones from past stages.. hahha
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Im half way done stage 3 now...

    and im beginning to drift.. and just do the exercises that i like, and previous ones from past stages.. hahha

    Which ones don't you like?
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    the main one i don't like is that dumb single hand overhead squat.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I just did 3A for the first time today. That dumbell single arm overhead squat is something else! The whole thing was pretty challenging for me. I didn't know if I was going to cry or throw up during the Body Weight Matrix, so I just kept going. I had to rest a few times during the second BWM, but I'm proud of the fact that I finished. I think the lunge jumps are really awkward, so I hope they get easier as I do them more.

    I can't believe I'm looking forward to 3B and the intervals that follow.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I just finished Stage 2 and I am starting Stage 3 tomorrow. Great topics in this thread. I will be studying my exercises tonight to prepare for tomorrow.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    3B was a lot easier for me than 3A. Although, I agree that the YTWLs are not fun at all.

    I was surprised that I felt pretty good running my intervals, even though I increased the incline on my treadmill from 1% to 1.5%. I'm even considering doing a spin class after my workout for my intervals like I used to do with Stage 1. I just need to time it right so I can finish my workout in time to get to the class.

    I am really not looking forward to 3A and the body weight matrix again. I hope it gets easier as I do it more.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I did the first workout and I thought it was pretty easy until I started the Body Matrix. That kicked my butt. I woke up this morning sore everywhere. I guess it wasn't so easy after all. I also burned over 600 calories during the workout.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    Just started stage 3 today. Does anyone else feel that the 105 second break is too long?
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    I'm the first to admit I hate the long breaks. However, if you're really pushing yourself on every one of your six reps, and trying to increase your weights as you can, you NEED the 105 seconds. I've done both a and b trying to get through them quickly - ie. i reduced my break times. In both instances, I just didn't have the stamina to do the same weights I had done the week before - nevermind increasing them. The times are there for a reason. The recovery is essential.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I'm the first to admit I hate the long breaks. However, if you're really pushing yourself on every one of your six reps, and trying to increase your weights as you can, you NEED the 105 seconds. I've done both a and b trying to get through them quickly - ie. i reduced my break times. In both instances, I just didn't have the stamina to do the same weights I had done the week before - nevermind increasing them. The times are there for a reason. The recovery is essential.

    I guess I will try to push harder then! I feel like my weights are pretty good but maybe I'll up them and see how I do, I can always go back down! I am definitely getting my heart rate up (140-160) depending on the exercise but then I'm down to 105-115 well before the end of the rest time and feel like I should be doing something again.
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member