Stage 3



  • RUNN3Rmom

    I just started Stage 3 this morning. The BWM...yowzer!! My legs were burning after lunge jumps & squat jumps!! I, too, feel the rest is too long. I get my heart rate down in less than or just a minute or so (on most lifts). I will probably only be resting 60 seconds...hopefully I don't totally F up the program, LOL!

    I'll check in again on Wednesday.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    I've been taking the full rest. Even if my heart rate comes down, I know that if I'm pushing myself to the most I can do for those 6 reps, I feel like the rest is short. I have it on a timer, and keep track of it really well. While the overall workout does take a lot of time, I never feel like the rest was too long. Then again, I'm doing it with a buddy, so it's entirely possible that the time is made short due to chit chat ;)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I've found that as I become more familiar with the exercises and push myself more, I am enjoying the longer rest. I don't do it on all of the sets, but for the bent rows, dumbbell snatch, and planks I need the downtime. Supposed to lift today, but now two kids are sick so I may not make it. Blah.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    4A tonight. I was feeling really dizzy by the end so I skipped the BWM and will do it tomorrow. Anyone else really feel the single arm overhead squat in their back? Ouch! I was really watching my form, but found it difficult to go all the way parallel.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Starting stage 3 tonight and I'm excited :) I workout at home and all the DB workouts in this stage the extra rest will help as I have spinlock DB's which I will have to keep changing the weight on, lol. Will see how it gos but may have to start doing this one at the gym, lol
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Can't wait to hear about your workout!!

    I did my second A went well and I upped my weights on all except the reverse woodchop. I am at 30 but can not keep my feet from sliding!! I will also have to figure out something about my grip. I can not hold 30lb dumbbells for the entire workout but it seems like my beginnings of this A workout are with 25-30's. :( I am hoping to move to using a barbell when doing one leg deadlifts. Anyone have thoughts on that?
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Loved my stage 3A yesterday, although was wondering why use light DB's for the one leg Romanian? I just went all out with heavy ones, its 6 reps!! I have the same problem Runn with the woodchop so switched to just a heavy DB.

    BWM is a killer, i was pretty done in from the workout, then you get to them jumping lunges and i was almost dead!! hahaha, although I got DOMS from it today so must have been working hard, didn't get any DOMS in stage 2 :tongue:
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Although one problem I had was with the different weight DB's for the squat, my heavy one has really big plates on it and it just wasn't comfortable and kept banging on my thigh :angry: I was thinking of maybe trying a kettlebell??
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Although one problem I had was with the different weight DB's for the squat, my heavy one has really big plates on it and it just wasn't comfortable and kept banging on my thigh :angry: I was thinking of maybe trying a kettlebell??

    Kettleball sounds like it would work out better. Great idea!! I may try that too. Ooooh, and the BWM my legs were ON FIRE the other day. I swear I walked to the car looking like I had just rode a horse!! It was terrible!!

    I have B tomorrow which is has its perks!! I love deadlifts and have not been doing the Romanian's though. I don't like the feeling of my lower back doing all the work. I do regular ones instead (165 the other day :). I was stoked!! But the YTWL can kiss it. I get so confused I know I look like an idiot laying on her stomach trying to lift weights, LOL!
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Runn I know what you mean with the YTWL, luckily I do it at home so it doesn't matter that I look like a complete tw@t doing it, lol. I was looking through the future workouts and I'm really liking the look of stage 7 :smile:

    I've got my first B workout tomorrow, have to get through soccer training tonight and I still have DOMS!!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    B complete today. YTWL can still kiss it, lol! I forgot L so I skipped that letter. I also decided I don't like the split squat. So I did two sets but on the last set I did regular squats of 165. I might trade them all out next time. I do not want to change the program too much but I do want to go in and attempt great numbers on something I do enjoy rather than suffer through something I don't like.

    My next workout is Friday but we leave for the beach mid morning so I'll have to wait and see if I can get to the gym.
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning ladies!
    I was contemplating taking a break week but between Runn and Girlie Im now excited to start stage 3
    dang it!! I may take a 3 day rest and start on Sat. Will keep you ladies posted!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    B complete today. YTWL can still kiss it, lol! I forgot L so I skipped that letter. I also decided I don't like the split squat. So I did two sets but on the last set I did regular squats of 165. I might trade them all out next time. I do not want to change the program too much but I do want to go in and attempt great numbers on something I do enjoy rather than suffer through something I don't like.

    My next workout is Friday but we leave for the beach mid morning so I'll have to wait and see if I can get to the gym.

    Amanda your squatting 165??!!! Holy Smokes!! You rock!
    I agree that you should do something you like over someting you dont. You dont want the dread your workout. it should be fun and challenging.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    I can't remember B off the top of my head is the split squat like in stage 2 or is it the one where you have one leg off the floor? I remember seeing that in the book?? If its the one with one leg completely off the floor is that weighted or bw only?
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning to my Stage 3 ladies!

    Started Stage 3 last night and loved the A workout!! Love BWM Love the RDL's BUT my one complaint is with the overhead dumbell squat. That is awkward as hell to do!! I feel like my torso is twisting and I feel it in my sides. Is this happening to anyone else? I also severly overestimated how much I could hold over my head . Started out very ambitious at 22.5:noway: and eventually dropped down to a 15lb Kettlebell and a 10lb kb between my legs. Reality check! lol
    I used a heavy weigth on my dl and grips strength as usual was a problem so I may be switching over the BB on those.
    No doms but im feeling like I worked out my shoulder from the chest presses
    SO far im loving it

    Edit to add that I just realized I was supposed to the BWM 2x!!! UGHHH Im so mad that I F that up!!
    well last nights workout started off as a trial - I'll just do an extra A on the end.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    melissa I had all sorts of problems with that squat, I think its supposed to unbalance you so you are stabilizing as well. I much prefer the A to B workout on this stage, I'm glad other ppl are going heavy on the 1leg RDL's as I can't see why you need light weights for that one as the book says.

    I was really short of time last night for my B workout so I superset the alternate workouts :tongue: I also had to leave the HIIT so will be doing that tonight along with some steady cardio :happy:
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    melissa I had all sorts of problems with that squat, I think its supposed to unbalance you so you are stabilizing as well. I much prefer the A to B workout on this stage, I'm glad other ppl are going heavy on the 1leg RDL's as I can't see why you need light weights for that one as the book says.

    yeah I dont see the point of light RDL's I wanna feel it! so I did 30 but it was too heavy for my grip. went down to 25 but Id much rather use the bb so I'll try that on the next go round. If the overhead squat is supposed to unbalance then mission accomplished! lol
    Enjoy your cardio tonight Girlie!
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Just wanted to drop in and say hello! I finished up Stage 2 today, plan on jumping in with Stage 3 on Tuesday next week. :smile:
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Woke up wondering why my hammys and back are sore..yay to the Romanian DL's and BB Rows!!
    I love swithching up the routine every 3 weeks. Fights boredom!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    Looks like I took a week off anyway. last workout was thur stage 3A. Sunday I wanted to attempt 3B but my lower back was hurting which leads me to believe that I didnt do my RDL's right :sad: Started B last night and was interrupted 10 minutes into by a phone call and lost my mojo. so tonight is a repeat of the B workout. plus cardio afterward.

    After reviewing the moves it looks like the YTWL is all shoulder work? comments anyone?
    my right shoulder isnt 100% due to a high rep and what should have been a low weight dvd but I was a bit overzealous so im a little worried about this sequence of exercises. will keep you guys posted!