Stage 3



  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi, Ladies
    I have just one more workout from Stage 2 left to complete, and then I'll be on to Stage 3. About how long do these Stage 3 workouts take? I'm scheduled pretty tight, and often have to get my workouts in the morning before heading off to work. I'd like to be able to plan ahead :)
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Honestly, with a 15 minute warm-up on the treadmill, and the intervals or body weight matrix at the end, I'm pretty close to 90 minutes for every workout.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Starting Stage 3 on Monday. I did part of the BWM on Tuesday after some HIIT and WOW. I honestly can't imagine doing that after the weights. Ugh. Anyone do it before the weights as a warmup?
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Alright, I'm done with Stage 3. I really liked 3A after the first time, but 3B was kind of boring. I didn't make huge strength gains this time around, but my form and ease of completing the moves definitely improved. There were a few exercises where I couldn't quite add weight and maintain a safe form, so I added a few reps to each set. I still hate the Body Weight Matrix, though.

    Here are my results:

    One-armed dumbell snatch: Start 20 pounds x 6 reps; End 25 pounds x 8 reps
    Dumbell single-leg Romanian deadlift: Start 2 x 20 lbs; end 2 x 30 lbs
    Barbell bent-over row: Start 50 lbs x 6 reps; End 70 lbs x 7 reps
    Dumbell single arm overhead squat: Start 10/20 lbs; End 20/30 lbs.
    Dumbell Incline Bench Press: Start 25 lbs x 2 x 6 reps; End 25 lbs x 2 x 8 reps
    Plank: 90 sec. x 3/90 sec. x3 (next Stage I'm going to do these in the pushup position with less time)
    Reverse Wood Chop: Start 27.5 lbs; End 32.5 lbs. (with much better form and easier to complete reps)

    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/Bent-Over Row: Start 65 lbs.; End 75 lbs.
    Partial Single-Leg Squat: Start 15 lbs x2; End 25 lbs x 2
    Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown: Start 85 lbs (hard to finish with good form); End 90 lbs (with acceptable form)
    YWTL: Start 7 lbs; End 10 lbs (but very, very hard to finish)
    Swiss Ball Crunch: Start 15 lbs over head x 10 reps; End 25 lb plate on chest x 18 reps
    Hip Flexion -- Prone Jacknife: Start 3 sets of 8; End 3 sets of 8 but very close to being able to do a pike with just tops of feet on ball
    Lateral Flexion: Hannahs held for 5 seconds
    Prone Cobra: Start 60 sec.; End 90 sec.

    Surprisingly, the exercises that I really liked were the One-armed dumbell snatch, the Barbell Romanian Deadlift/Bent-over Row, and the Dumbell Single-Arm Overhead Squat.

    I'm looking forward to seeing some of the Stage 2 exercises again in Stage 4. I'm going to lift this weekend -- I like to do a "free choice" day every week that includes squats and deadlifts with some other stuff. Then, I'll do some cardio next week and take my rest. See you in Stage 4!
  • asidebottom
    Hi girls,

    I just moved on to Stage 3 - yay! Done workouts one and two once and have a couple of questions.

    The rest periods feels way to long for me. I recover in a minute easily and I'm not sure if I should stick to the full 105 or just get on with it, it sure adds a lot of time. I work as hard as I can, usually to failure on the last set, I tried taking the longer rest yesterday and the shorter and it didn't make a jot of difference to what I could lift.

    The weighted overhead squat thing I just can't get. I have huge balance issues anyway but I just felt like I couldn't squat to any depth. I was using 4kg and 8kg which seemed too light but anymore and I thought I would topple over. Any tips?

  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Hi girls,

    I just moved on to Stage 3 - yay! Done workouts one and two once and have a couple of questions.

    The rest periods feels way to long for me. I recover in a minute easily and I'm not sure if I should stick to the full 105 or just get on with it, it sure adds a lot of time. I work as hard as I can, usually to failure on the last set, I tried taking the longer rest yesterday and the shorter and it didn't make a jot of difference to what I could lift.

    The weighted overhead squat thing I just can't get. I have huge balance issues anyway but I just felt like I couldn't squat to any depth. I was using 4kg and 8kg which seemed too light but anymore and I thought I would topple over. Any tips?


    I will admit that I don't really time myself in between sets. I rest until I'm recovered and then do the next one. It takes long enough as it is.

    As for the weighted overhead squats -- I do them with my feet wider than a regular squat and with my toes pointed out a bit, with the heavy dumbell in between my legs. Turn your upper arm with your hand facing forward or towards your ear. They feel awkward at first, but they work the heck out of your inner thighs and back.
  • asidebottom
    Thanks, I'll stick with the shorter rests. The only one I needed a long one on was the YTWL - what a killer, looks so simple and hurts like heck!

    I did wonder if my legs were far enough apart, I kept bumping my knee with the weight. Will try again tomorrow, thanks!
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    105 seconds IS a long rest. After some exercises, I feel like I need it. Some I don't (particularly when you get to the ab section in workout B)

    Overall I like stage 3, but I worked up much more of a sweat with stage 2, with my heart really going with all those steps and lunges and such.

    Also, I think that BWM might be the devil. It nearly killed me the first time I did it!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Did 1A yesterday. I like the new exercises a lot- BWM is definitely going to be a challenge for me to make myself do. I can see myself wanting to just say, "oh, I'll do it later" and never do it. In a twisted way, I love how sore it made me though.
    Allikat, I agree. I worked harder and burned more calories in Stage 2 workout even without the HIIT. I didn't take the full 105 secs either. I felt like I was completely fine after a minute. I feel like I just lose momentum when I rest that long.
  • asidebottom
    Did 1A yesterday. I like the new exercises a lot- BWM is definitely going to be a challenge for me to make myself do. I can see myself wanting to just say, "oh, I'll do it later" and never do it. In a twisted way, I love how sore it made me though.

    BWM is a killer! I have dodgy knees and couldn't do the lunge jump at all. So I swapped that for jumping jacks so my heart rate was up and I had to restrict the jump squats to 12 :mad:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Asidebottom, i know what you mean. I can't really do the lunge jumps right. I feel like I must look ridiculous even trying.
    Did my first B workout yesterday. I thought it was fun, so I obviously wasn't using enough weight:)
  • asidebottom
    Did my first B workout yesterday. I thought it was fun, so I obviously wasn't using enough weight:)

    I like workout B! I enjoy the YWTL even though I find it really tough and I also like the abs stuff though I have modified it a bit as I find the swiss ball crunch too easy.

    I am going to try and finish Stage 3 before my holiday in 12 days time so I will have to go every other day without fail. Then I get a nice week in the sun in Rhodes as my reward :bigsmile:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Vacation sounds like fun! I like the YTWL too. My triceps definitely felt it.
    I really rushed through workout B Wednesday. I had the kids with me and they were cranky. I probably only took 20 secs between sets. Hoping to take my time doing 2A tomorrow as hubby will have the kids.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    How's everyone doing? Finished 2A Saturday. Hoping to get 2B done today. I reduced my time on the BWM by 10 secs and I actually did jumping lunges like the book said instead of doing a botched version. I hate it with a passion while I'm doing it, but love how strong my legs feel afterward.
    Is everyone eating per the book's recommendations? I've been playing around with my calories and it seems like I see more progress when I eat the same amount most days- maybe adding 100 cals on days when I really feel like I need it. I always make sure that I am netting above my BMR. I just feel like even the deficit in the book is pretty high for someone like me who has at least 30lbs to lose.
    NSV for the day- I was able to wear jeans that were too tight when I had my daughter a year ago!
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    Due to some home gym limitations, I'm doing B and then A. I finished the 3rd B workout today. So just over half done! Well, sort of. I still have to do the HIIT tonight, but it's just too time consuming to get that one in before I head to work.

    I'm actually really liking this stage, there's a lot of exercises I really enjoy, but I think overall I prefer the A workout.

    That BWM is killer. After doing my workout on Saturday, I was sore for two whole days after on the fronts of my thighs. I really made an effort during the jumping lunges to make sure I wasn't "cheating" the move.

    I'm not following the diet the book recommends exactly, and in general I find I'm low on my protein intake. But I am trying to eat just a little bit more every single day, as opposed to eating much more on lifting days. I have a hard time fitting in lots of good quality food if I'm just trying to hit a calorie count on a workout day.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Results from the start of Stage 3 on Monday 3rd Sept up until the final session today (19th Sept)

    Workout A
    One armed dumbbell snatch: 13.2lbs (6kg) dumbbell -> 17.6lb (8kg) kettlebell
    Dumbbell single leg Romanian deadlift: 13.2lbs (6kg) dumbbell -> 19.8lb (9kg) dumbbell
    Barbell bent over row: 27.5lb (12.5kg) barbell -> 55lb (25kg) barbell
    Goblet squat: 13.2lbs (6kg) dumbbell -> 22.04lb (10kg) dumbbell
    Dumbbell incline bench press: 13.2lbs (6kg) dumbbell -> 17.6lb (8kg) dumbbell
    Plank: 45 sec -> 45 sec
    Prone jackknife: 18 ->20 - ball is now lower down legs and much easier

    - did goblet squats rather than dumbbell single arm overhead squats and not doing lateral flexions and prone cobras....just because.

    Workout B
    Barbbell Romanian deadlift / bent over row: 38.5lb (17.5kg) barbell -> 55lb (25kg) barbbell
    Partial single leg squat: BW -> 38.5lb (17.5kg) barbbell
    Wide grip lat pulldown: 70lbs -> 80lbs
    Reverse lunge from box with forward reach: 11lb dumbbell (each hand)/10 inch box -> 13lb dumbbel/10 inch box
    Back extension (machine): 85lb -> 110lb
    Dumbbell shoulder press: 8.8lb (4kg) dumbbell -> 13.2lb (6kg) dumbbell
    Swiss ball crunch: 6.6lb (3kg) medicine ball x 18 reps -> 13.2lb (6kg) dumbbell x 20 reps
    Reverse woodchop: 40lbs -> 50lbs

    I did'nt do the body weight matrix because I have been doing C25k instead...yeah more excuses :tongue:

    So far as weight loss...
    2lbs lost this stage and 2% body fat...woop!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm not following the diet the book recommends exactly, and in general I find I'm low on my protein intake. But I am trying to eat just a little bit more every single day, as opposed to eating much more on lifting days. I have a hard time fitting in lots of good quality food if I'm just trying to hit a calorie count on a workout day.

    Yep, I definitely have this problem too. I find myself thinking, "I've got 250 extra calories- I can have some ice cream!". This is why a steady caloric intake helps me. I can plan ahead better and know that I've got to focus on the protein. If I ever burned a ton more calories for whatever reason, I'd probably eat back some.

    LottieLou, 2 lbs loss is awesome! I'd be happy with 2 lbs and an inch or two!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    How's everyone? I did 3A Wednesday and did the BWM yesterday since my kids were screaming in the kids playroom by the time I got to that point. So far, this has been my favorite stage. I LOVE the rows.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    I like this one a lot too, I just wish it weren't quite so time consuming. I'm spending nearly 2 hours, and that doesn't include HIIT.

    I'm certainly not so delusional to think these workouts will be getting any shorter, I would just have an easier time scheduling it for 3x a week if I didn't have to block out so much time.
  • asidebottom
    I've finished stage 3! Just in time for my holiday. Got a full week off in the sun coming up and I feel I need it, I am decidely creaky at the moment :laugh:

    Results are (odd numbers as I am in the UK and we do things in kgs!):

    Dumbell Snatch 22 to 27 (my right arm could do more but my left is lagging behind :angry: )
    Single leg deadlift 22 to 27
    Barbell bent over row 44 to 77 (started off too light)
    Single arm overhead squat 8 and 16 to 15 and 33
    Incline bench press 22 to 27
    Plank sometimes 90 sometimes 60 :grumble: very inconsistant on that one
    Reverse wood chop 26 to 33

    Barbell deadlift and row 66 to 88
    Single leg squat - bodyweight to 17kg
    Lat Pulldown 77 to 108 (just!)
    Back extension 154 to 200
    YTWL 6 to 11 :love: very pleased at that!
    Prone Cobra 90 to 90

    Abs I did differently as I found them too easy! Swiss ball crunch became incline crunch on the bench 3x12, Reverse crunch became weighted crunch with arms and legs 10kg and lateral flexion became kettlebell side lift with 12kg.

    Very pleased with myself overall I felt I made good progress on everything. Looking forward to stage 4 in a week or so time.

    Now bring on the beach :bigsmile: