What are you reading currently?



  • klross
    klross Posts: 49 Member
    Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
    Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

    Just finished reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green... Best book!

    I really loved The Fault in Our Stars, sad but funny. Would like to read more from John Green.
    I'm currently reading Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire (just the first 3 chapters) don't know what I think about it yet.
  • gampsm824
    gampsm824 Posts: 37 Member
    The Best of Everything by Kimberla Lawson Roby. Good book that is part of a great series.:smile:
  • casserroll
    casserroll Posts: 9 Member
    Just started Dont Look Back by Karin Fossum. I am obsessed with Scandinavian authors right now!
  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    I hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1) Barry Lyga. Got this free (or really cheap) on my Nook. So far so good. Didn't realize it was a series though.....:ohwell:
  • dtroutman
    dtroutman Posts: 62
    I'm reading City of Fallen Angels. I know kinda nerdy but I love those books : )
  • torymichaels
    Re Hunger Games: They cut a lot, but I thought it was a great movie (I read the book for the first time the same day I saw the movie and devoured Catching Fire and Mockingjay within a few days after that).

    Books I'm reading now: Beckman (to review, it's coming out in July or August, by Grace Burrowes) and Suddenly Sexy (Kendra Little). I'm a published romance author and that's largely what I read (preferring the paranormals and historicals to contemporary), though I like mystery/suspense too. I can't wait for the next Lincoln Childs/Douglas Preston book to come out.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I just finished Odd Interlude last night and now moving on to Odd Apocalypse. I am packing to move at the end of June and have to think about which ones to leave out just in case I need another one :)
  • DystoniaGirl
    DystoniaGirl Posts: 96 Member
    Im currently reading the Dark Swan series by Richelle Mead. There are four books to it called Storm Born, Thorn Queen, Iron Crown and Shadow Heir. I find them quiet addictive. The series has been out for awhile but I have only just discovered them. I have just finished reading them all and am just about to read them again, I like to reread so I can spot clues to twists in the plot that I missed when reading the first time round.

    For anyone who likes fantasy mixed with a bit of romance and action then these books are for you! I can not recommend them highly enough!

  • alexeye11
    alexeye11 Posts: 52 Member
    I just finished reading Divergent, and started reading the sequel. AMAZING. Highly recommend this series
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    Halfway through The Virgin Cure. I find it kind of slow (it's takine me a while to read because it puts me right to sleep at night...my book is literally falling out of my hands), but it is pretty good so far, just not very fast paced.

    Now that I think about it, though, I haven't had a REALLY great book that hasn't made me fall asleep quickly in a while. Not cool in my books... not cool!
  • luvsyoga
    luvsyoga Posts: 90 Member
    Escape from Camp 14. Make me realize how blessed we all are.
  • g6author
    g6author Posts: 11
    I just finished The Fire Eternal (book 4 in Chris D'Lacey's Dragon series) last night and am now in the process of figuring out which book to read next. Water for Elephants, The Book Thief, or The Witch's Boy. I'll read them all eventually, but don't like reading more than one book at a time.

    Water for Elephants was a great book and movie! One of the few that I actually liked the movie as well as the book :smile:

    I am a softie for animals. Water for Elephants was hard for me. I finished the book, but avoided the movie because the book had been upsetting. Well written, but the man who harmed the animals.....ugh. Tough.

    I hear that.... I definitely couldn't watch that part of the movie... made me cry...

    I'm with you on the animals, I've been warned to keep a box of tissue handy while reading it. That's pretty much the reason I haven't read it yet.
    I loved Water For Elephants! The movie was pretty good..It didn't hold my attention as well as the book did. It didn't make me cry though :wink: *Hey, how do ya'll add your weight loss banner?*
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    Currently reading: Kraken by China Mieville
    Currently listening: Perdido Station by China Mieville (already read it but listen to audio while driving, riding, walking)

    btw, Kraken is ok but not up to the level of Perdido Station which is exceptionally well crafted. Some writers are able to use words in unorthodox ways to create vivid descriptions and meanings. Mieville is one.
    I love Mieville. Some of his books work better for me than others, but I've always considered them worth the read. Do you know if he's going to be publishing anything soon?

    Currently rereading Pratchett's Snuff for my book club and will be reading Belcher's The Six-Gun Tarot after that. It's a wild west steampunk, looks like a lot of fun!
  • charmagnebrown
    Oh, I love this book! Love all her books! Oops forgot to quote, this was in response to My Sister's Keeper :smile:
  • charmagnebrown
    I am reading Thin Moon and Cold Mist By Kathleen O'Neal Gear right now. It is historical western romance book, but is really slow so far...I read anything and everything, mostly buy books from garage sales and borrowed from friends. My favorite recent reads is the first 2 of the Game of Thrones series, can't wait to read the third book!
  • annebaum41912
    annebaum41912 Posts: 87 Member
    I just finished reading The Fallen 1, by Thomas Sniegoski. I haven't started a new book yet though.

    I just finished that last night!! I always have a few books going, each in a different location. I'm also reading City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. About to start I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You by Ally Carter. I forget the name of the book in my car of course lol A friend lent it. It's a biography of a blogger who's insanely funny lol I laugh about every other sentence. Next week when the pool starts I'll have a book to keep in the bag lol I just keep a book everywhere I could read. I <3 reading!! :)

    Oh btw, I am new. I'm Anne. Hi! :)
  • annebaum41912
    annebaum41912 Posts: 87 Member
    I just finished reading Divergent, and started reading the sequel. AMAZING. Highly recommend this series

    omg omg omg i LOVED divergent. the only reason i haven't read insurgent yet is because i like to have all paperback books lol
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    I am currently reading the House of Night series ( Im on Hunted) and love it. I cant put them down. P.C. Cast is an amazing author.
    I have Prince of Theives, Red Ridding Hood, and lots other at home waiting for me to finish this series.

    For anyone that lives in Denver, CO there is an AMAZING used/ new book store in Littleton that I visit on a weekly basis. They have book from .25 cents and up!!! https://www.facebook.com/nookBN?ref=ts&sk=app_154158274650754#!/TheTradesmart

    :love: :love: :love:
  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    Currently reading and will finish toaday NOS4A2 by Joe Hill (Stephen King's son). This is a really great book. I read Heart Shaped Box a few years ago and really enjoyed it. this is totally not scary in the least. It does go into some pretty icky detail (just like Dad) but it is a real page turner.

    Not sure whats up next. I may delve into the Harry Potter series :blushing: .....only because I feel like I'm the only person in the world that hasn't read them and everyone seems to think they are amazing. Time will tell i suppose.
  • klross
    klross Posts: 49 Member
    Could the book you're reading be called "Let's Pretend this Never Happened" by Jenny Lawson? If so, VERY FUNNY book!