what are your quit stats??



  • nannanorem
    nannanorem Posts: 90 Member
    11 days no smoking :tongue: Quit cold turkey this time after trying 7 other times to quit with aides.. Still deal with cravings but getting easier
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    11 days no smoking :tongue: Quit cold turkey this time after trying 7 other times to quit with aides.. Still deal with cravings but getting easier

    I did it cold turkey too and that was the best decision ever. I'm so proud of you :-)))))) keep going, it'll get easier every day and wooooosh.... you're fit and healthy and beautiful :D
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hello cnocnacu!
    Your Quit Date is:Wednesday, November 09, 2011 at 7:00:00 AM
    Time Smoke-Free:221 days, 4 hours, 53 minutes and 53 seconds
    Cigarettes NOT smoked:4424
    Lifetime Saved:1 month, 3 days, 19 hours
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    I stopped using acupuncture- 6 treatments. Would have been almost 4 months but I slipped a few weeks ago. Started having one cigarette every day for the past 3 weeks after dinner.

    Back on track, stopped again this weekend. I felt guilty and my body didn't respond well to starting again. I din't want to start but it's so hard when people you live with smoke. However, my health and feeling well is so worth quitting.
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 315 Member
    I have quit smoking for 1 year, 30 weeks, 0 days, 1 hour and 56 mins.I have saved 2,471.39 Euros by NOT smoking 12,674 cigarettes!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I have now stopped smoking for 2 years, 7 months, 1 week, 6 days, 22 minutes, 42 seconds (951 days). That translates into 19,020 cigarettes NOT smoked, for a savings of $4,755.08! At 5 minutes per cigarette I have increased my life expectancy by 2 months, 3 days, 1 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds.
  • I have now stopped smoking for 2 weeks, 4 days, 3 hours, 26 minutes, 48 seconds.
    453 cigarettes NOT smoked, for a savings of $113.40!
    I have increased my life expectancy by 1 day, 13 hours, 47 minutes, 57 seconds.
    I have also increased my 5k time! :)
    My husband quit with me, so he has around the same stats. He's awesome like that! <3
    We've quit with Nicorette gum. Currently down to the 2mg pieces.

    Edit: And... I haven't gained a pound!
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    smoke free for 76 days, 8 hours, 58 minutes and 46 seconds, Cigarettes NOT smoked: 764, Money Saved: $226.10

    lost 13 pounds over that same time frame
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    102 days smoke free
    1024 cigarettes not smoked
    $460.80 saved

    I have also maintained my 30 pound weight loss throughout the quit. Woohoo!
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 315 Member
    1024 cigarettes not smoked
    1 kilo-cigarette! :laugh: :laugh:

  • Michelle644
    Michelle644 Posts: 12 Member
    Free and Healing for One Year, Nine Months, Eleven Days, 21 Hours and 47 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 33 Days and 21 Hours, by avoiding the use of 9764 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $2,256.64.:smile:
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    1000 days smoke free!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    1000 days smoke free!!

    WOW, well done!

    I generally don't think much about smoking anymore but once or twice a week I will get a craving. Not forceful, awful ones like when I first quit but more of a nagging sensation that lasts no more than a minute. I had one this morning and it is so annoying. I wonder if that feeling will ever subside. Either way, I suck it up and deal because no way am I ever smoking again!

    149 days
    1494 cigs not smoked
    $672.30 saved
  • Myan1959
    Myan1959 Posts: 30 Member
    156 days, quit June 23rd
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    11/24 was my one year mark! $1092 saved and a month added to my life. So proud of myself and of my fellow quitters!
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    2 days, 7 hrs and 41 minutes. ;)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    5 days, 11 hours, 54 minutes. :drinker:
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    3 days, 9 hrs and 26 minutes :)
  • Michelle644
    Michelle644 Posts: 12 Member
    One Year, Ten Months, Eighteen Days, 23 Hours and 53 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 35 Days and 19 Hours, by avoiding the use of 10320 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $2,388.89.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Been smokefree for 14 days and 6 hours.
  • pijama
    pijama Posts: 4 Member
    3 months tomorrow.. Saved $1000 and 1790 cigs not smoked.
    I am FREE!

    congrats to all new quitters!