Stage 2



  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    AprilRenewed - My only advice is GO FOR IT. I think we all get very comfortable in Stage 1. Stage 2 is totally different and that front squat push press is tough, but both workouts will leave you SWEATING. It's so much harder than it looks on paper. I like Holley's advice of taking the rest between sets and someone else mentioned pushing yourself with the weights. (Although on my last FSPP on Monday, I tried 65 lbs and just could NOT do it -- I'm sure it's a technique thing. Hopefully I'll fix it in Stage 4.)

    So Monday night I started getting sick (a cold), got worse on Tuesday, and I missed my final B workout Wednesday as a result. It's the FIRST workout I've missed since starting New Rules!!! I was bummed. I'm feeling much better, but still have a little bit of a cough. I'm going to set my alarm and if I wake up feeling better, I'm hitting the gym so I can put Stage 2 in the books!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I know it definitely seems more difficult (Stage 2, I mean) Even on paper! LOL I'm actually super excited...and scared try, but I will definitely be starting with low weights. You're right - 8 weeks of stage 1, and it's easy to get comfortable. Thanks so much for the advice!

    I'm really sorry you're not feeling all that great, but I'm glad you're better today than you were, especially since it's Friday!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    You can do it April! Don't go TOO low though. Keep pushing yourself. I started most of my weights right where I left off in Stage 1. The only thing I had to go down on was the Cuban Snatch -- way harder than it looks -- and the reverse lunge from a box (form was suffering with heavy weights; also the book suggests a light weight for this).

    Final Stage 2 Stats:

    FSPP- 45lbs --> 55lbs (tried 65 - but alas, couldn't do it due to wrist pain)
    Step-Up - 17.5 dumbbells on weight bench --> 22.5 lb dumbbells on weight bench **
    Dumbbell 1 Point Row - 17.5 lb dumbbells --> 22.5 lb dumbbells **
    Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated - 17.5 lb dumbbells --> 22.5 lb dumbbells **
    Push up - 10 with feet elevated on step (same as stage 1) --> 12 with feet elevated on step
    Plank - 60 seconds body trembling on first set --> 60 seconds body trembling last 30 seconds of second set. :)
    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop - 17.5 lbs --> 32.5 lbs
    ** could have gone to 25 on all of these, but the dumbbells were not available on my last workout; gym was crazy crowded.

    Wide Grip Deadlift from Box: 85 lbs --> 95 lbs (woot woot; so cool to finally put those 25 lb plates on!)
    Bulg. SS: 17.5 dumbbells each hand --> 35 lb plate
    Underland Lat Pulldown: 70 lbs --> 110 lbs
    Reverse Lunge from Box: 17.5 dumbbells --> 15 lbs dumbells (went to lighter weights after 1st workout, 10, 12, 15 today)
    Cuban Snatch: 10 lb dumbbells --> 12 lb dumbbells
    Swissball Crunch: 10 lb medicine ball, 10 reps --> 10 lbs medicine ball 15 reps (didn't really push myself on these)
    Reverse Crunch 10 --> 15
    Lateral Flexion: 10 --> 10 hated these; did bare minimum
    Prone Cobra: 60 sec --> 60 sec ditto above
    Intervals: 3.2 walking to 6.5--7.0 running --> 3.4 + 1.0 incline walking to 6.8--7.4 running (I did all intervals on the treadmills this time; might do the spinning bike next time)

    Overall: Went from very wobbly to pretty stable on all the exercises. Love/hated this stage. I pushed myself in some areas and maybe not enough in others. I realized my hamstrings and glutes are my weak areas. I'm glad to put these exercises aside for a bit, but I want to conquer the form for the FSPP and next go round I AM using a barbell for my step ups!

    Also I did my ab work all together as a "super set" with a rest in between. Someone else mentioned that and I thought it was a great idea.

    See you in Stage 3 peeps!!! :)
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Oh, I won't wimp it out! I was mainly talking about the very first one. LOL. I'll start with just the 45lb bar.

    And AWESOME progression!!! You're an inspiration for me! :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    You can do it April! Don't go TOO low though. Keep pushing yourself. I started most of my weights right where I left off in Stage 1. The only thing I had to go down on was the Cuban Snatch -- way harder than it looks -- and the reverse lunge from a box (form was suffering with heavy weights; also the book suggests a light weight for this).

    Final Stage 2 Stats:

    FSPP- 45lbs --> 55lbs (tried 65 - but alas, couldn't do it due to wrist pain)
    Step-Up - 17.5 dumbbells on weight bench --> 22.5 lb dumbbells on weight bench **
    Dumbbell 1 Point Row - 17.5 lb dumbbells --> 22.5 lb dumbbells **
    Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated - 17.5 lb dumbbells --> 22.5 lb dumbbells **
    Push up - 10 with feet elevated on step (same as stage 1) --> 12 with feet elevated on step
    Plank - 60 seconds body trembling on first set --> 60 seconds body trembling last 30 seconds of second set. :)
    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop - 17.5 lbs --> 32.5 lbs
    ** could have gone to 25 on all of these, but the dumbbells were not available on my last workout; gym was crazy crowded.

    Wide Grip Deadlift from Box: 85 lbs --> 95 lbs (woot woot; so cool to finally put those 25 lb plates on!)
    Bulg. SS: 17.5 dumbbells each hand --> 35 lb plate
    Underland Lat Pulldown: 70 lbs --> 110 lbs
    Reverse Lunge from Box: 17.5 dumbbells --> 15 lbs dumbells (went to lighter weights after 1st workout, 10, 12, 15 today)
    Cuban Snatch: 10 lb dumbbells --> 12 lb dumbbells
    Swissball Crunch: 10 lb medicine ball, 10 reps --> 10 lbs medicine ball 15 reps (didn't really push myself on these)
    Reverse Crunch 10 --> 15
    Lateral Flexion: 10 --> 10 hated these; did bare minimum
    Prone Cobra: 60 sec --> 60 sec ditto above
    Intervals: 3.2 walking to 6.5--7.0 running --> 3.4 + 1.0 incline walking to 6.8--7.4 running (I did all intervals on the treadmills this time; might do the spinning bike next time)

    Overall: Went from very wobbly to pretty stable on all the exercises. Love/hated this stage. I pushed myself in some areas and maybe not enough in others. I realized my hamstrings and glutes are my weak areas. I'm glad to put these exercises aside for a bit, but I want to conquer the form for the FSPP and next go round I AM using a barbell for my step ups!

    Also I did my ab work all together as a "super set" with a rest in between. Someone else mentioned that and I thought it was a great idea.

    See you in Stage 3 peeps!!! :)

    so why do you hate the lateral flexion and prone cobra so much?

    I agree with you April, they are harder. More complex! Also lifts that I just don't know and never did before!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Okay. I did it!!!

    FSPP is really awkward. My first set, I didn't count b/c it was all wrong. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet, but my delts, I think they are? were aching when I was done! The DB 1-pt row I used 20lb DBs. I could only keep my balance through one whole set on my left leg. On my right, I lost my balance a few times. I actually need to buy 25lb DBs for both that and the static lunges.

    I only did plain pushups, but 15 of them. I think next time, I'll switch it up. Elevate my legs or something. I did those with P90X and could use the change.

    Step-ups I kept at 95. Will go to 100 next time.

    Overall, it was definitely fun! It took me about 45 minutes, including a 15 minute warmup. I think B will be longer, though. I feel great!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Started Stage 2 today....found A fairly basic/easy but B was challenging! Woke up to muscles very sore today - yay!

    I don't under stand the I supposed to do 10 of leg, 10 of torso and then 10 of both together? And I'm supposed to hold each one for 5 seconds?
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Started Stage 2 today....found A fairly basic/easy but B was challenging! Woke up to muscles very sore today - yay!

    I don't under stand the I supposed to do 10 of leg, 10 of torso and then 10 of both together? And I'm supposed to hold each one for 5 seconds?

    I think you choose one.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Started Stage 2 today....found A fairly basic/easy but B was challenging! Woke up to muscles very sore today - yay!

    I don't under stand the I supposed to do 10 of leg, 10 of torso and then 10 of both together? And I'm supposed to hold each one for 5 seconds?

    I think you choose one.

    That's what I thought too. But did you do both A and B on the same day?
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Started Stage 2 today....found A fairly basic/easy but B was challenging! Woke up to muscles very sore today - yay!

    I don't under stand the I supposed to do 10 of leg, 10 of torso and then 10 of both together? And I'm supposed to hold each one for 5 seconds?

    I think you choose one.

    That's what I thought too. But did you do both A and B on the same day?

    Absolutely not! That'd kill me! LOL The workouts aren't meant to be done in the same day. I rotate them, Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Kmsairam- what's the "super set" of an ab workout you mentioned?

    I'm getting ready to start Stage 2 after thanksgiving. I'm doing an extra week of Stage 1 so I can take my rest week over thanksgiving, but I've been looking ahead to get prepared and it definitely looks different. Excited for a change.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    April I do Monday Wednesday Saturday.

    CanGirl it was actually you I was asking. Are you doing both A & B on the same day? Your post sort of sounded like you did both
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Oh no, my brain is totally fried these days. Can't get thoughts straight in my head, let alone out on "paper"

    I did workout A on Wednesday; workout B on Friday. But still confused about the flexion move...?
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    for the flexion you just pick one move to do. (you could do two different ones for each set if you wanted). you hold each one for 5 seconds then lower slowly. these are kind of boring but i do feel them in my glutes and my IT band.

    i'm planning on doing my last A workout of this stage today. i'm so ready to be done with this stage, i'm not too crazy about but my overall lack of energy lately might have something to do with it too.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Well I was going to start this stage today, I'd even practised the moves for the A workout before I left the house lol, but car problems meant I couldn't get to the gym :angry:

    So I did some press ups (off the floor!! - go me!) and some swiss ball & BW exercises. Will definitely get to the gym tomorrow.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi Everyone! I will FINALLY be starting Stage 2 on Wednesday! I'm excited as I was definitely over Stage 1. I love all your advice already!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Phew! First B yesterday, and my body is feeling it! Full-body DOMS and loving it!!! Took me about 68 minutes for the whole thing, including warm-up and intervals at the end. Man I love this program!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    First WO of Stage 2 done today :bigsmile:

    Thanks to the great advice on this thread, I was really careful with the FSPP particularly as my wrists aren't very strong. I managed the first 8 reps of the 1st set OK using just the oly bar. Concentrated really hard on form but struggled with the last 2 which were awful - got my timing all wrong and I was trying to push out the press with my arms. 2nd set I kept to 8 but with better form.

    I found the static lunge with rear foot elevated, really challenging, I was all over the place! Having reviewed the move back home, I realise I was doing more of a bulgarian split squat with a high step but trying to keep my toes in the the "starting block" position, so was probably doomed to failure lol.

    I'm already getting nervous about the B workout... I've never been a fan of HIIT (or any cardio for that matter :wink:)
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Did Workout 2A this am...and HOLY MOLEY!!!!! It was all harder than I thought! I have TERRIBLE balance on the DB one point row - any tips???
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Great job ladies on Stage 2! I just started Stage 3, but it's lonely over in that thread. :)

    By superset on the abs, I meant I did all three back-to-back, then rested in between. It made the abs excercises more challenging.

    One thing I got out of Stage 2 was balance. I was real wobbly at first, but start getting the hang of it by the end.

    emgel9 - advice on the db one point row - just keep trying. I would start with my arms hanging down and then slowly raise my leg til I got my balance. then I'd start rowing. That's all I got! lol :)