Stage 2



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Lovely numbers for both of you! I find it so interesting that we all do so much better with different exercises! I am still having issues with all the split leg exercises. I haven't been able to get braces for my ankles, so tomorrow, on my A exercises, the trainer wants me to use the TRX system to help stay stable. I am hoping in the meantime I"ll be able to pick up supports. But I've increased on all the other exercises! Yesterday I pulled 60 on the underhand pull downs and instead of lateral flexions, I'm doing standing side to side with 25lb plate.

    I'm off to a funeral today. Probably not much exercise, my friend asked me to come and stand with her - it's her dad who passed. I will try to at least get in some elliptical later on.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Finally finished stage 2! This stage and I are not best friends...and it took forever because I could only work out 2 times per week and had to take a week off in the middle due to a sick kiddo. are my stats:

    FSPP: 40lbs - 50lbs
    Step-up: 38lbs - 60lbs
    Dumbbell One Point Row: 15lbs each hand - 30lbs each hand
    Static lunge, rear foot elevated: 30lbs dumbbells - 40 lb barbell
    Push-up: couldn't do at the beginning due to wrist - ended with 10 on floor, not great form
    Plank: 60 sec at 45 degrees - 60 sec on the floor (so excited by this one!)
    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop: 25lbs - 45lbs

    Wide-Grip Deadlift: 80lbs - 90lbs - didn't do from box because it hurt my back
    Bulgarian Split Squat: 10lb medicine ball - 25lb weight
    Underhand grip lat pulldown: 115lbs - 160lbs
    Reverse lunge from box: 12lb each hand - 15 lbs each hand
    Dumbbell prone cuban snatch: 9lb each hand - 10lb each hand
    Swiss ball crunch: 10 reps each set - 20 reps each set
    Reverse crunch: 10 reps each set - 15 reps each set
    Lateral flexion: 10 lower body only - 10 lower & upper

    My pulldowns continue to be my strongest exercise - not really sure why. Maybe from lifting a 42 lb three year old and a 28 lb 18-month old all the time! See you guys in stage 3!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    holy crap! I thought my 60lb underhand pulldown was good! Amazing numbers!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Hi Everyone - I'm jumping into this thread, since I just finished stage 1 and had my rest week. Starting stage 2 on Monday. I really needed the rest week since I somehow had developed heel pain in my right foot. After all of the miles I've logged running, biking, etc., I've never had heel pain. After research on the internet, it seems like it's plantar fasciitis. My son thought maybe it was from the squats and/or deadlifts in stage 1. The only other "new" thing was doing the elliptical for a quick warm-up. So QUESTION #1: has anyone else developed PF from lifting??

    Did a dry run through A and B of this next stage, and my collar bone finally feels normal after six days. I don't know how I'm going to do that FS/PP twice a week sometimes. QUESTION #2: Do you think it's okay to use one of those foam cushions on the bar (I used one toward the end of stage 1 for the squats)?
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Some very impressive numbers ladies, and congrats on finishing Stage 2!

    I should be in the gym today, but I had more Friday night beer than I should have, so will go tomorrow instead in the hope of being finished with Stage 2 on Tues.

    Suelegal - I agree, it's really interesting to see how different everyone's strengths are with these exercises.

    Trimom - #1: I do get heel pain occasionally off and on, but in my case it's a long term ongoing thing. I think it's down to a tight achilles tendon and/or outer calf muscle in my right leg, nothing to do with lifting. Regular stretching and use of a foam roller keep it at bay, but I am aware of the tightness in my right leg when it's not fully warm. I use the elliptical to warm up on, but that on its own doesn't warm my lower legs enough I don't think, so I always make sure I do lots of stretches involving my lower legs prior to starting my workouts. I hope your pain resolves itself quickly.

    #2: I haven't used a cushion myself or had collar bone issues, but I don't see why not as long as it doesn't interfere with your form. I've been more worried about choking myself with the bar.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    arghhhhh... (in best Incredible Hulk form). I slammed it today!

    Did #4 of Stage 2 A and upped ALL my weights, AND did 3 reps, including the dreaded PLANKS! I am a huge pile of jelly right now but I FEEL GREAT!!

    I pushed 45 lbs today for the very first time ever! And I actually got out 10 of the DB1Pt rows. It's not the weight for these babies, it's the balance. I wore a "mild support" ankle brace which helped some, but I'm returning them and getting the figure 8 medium support I think. That's my biggest issue with all the split leg exercises - wobbly ankles!! I have been working on strengthening them but it never seems to do much.

    I've decided that I'm going to do an extra A & B in Stage 2 and continue the 3 reps instead of 2. I feel stronger and like I"m getting more from the workouts.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Did another B workout, technically my last, however I'm dong 5 not 4 repeats. I did 3 sets of these workouts too. Upped some of the weights, Deadlifts at 70, the pull downs at 75 (I'm amazed!). Split squats just are awful, I am only holding 7 lb DBs and having a very difficult time with my balance. Haven't found the right ankle support yet, the new ones I pickedup this weekend were useless. The prone snatch is not great either, I have lousy range of motion and I guess some of that is from the broken collarbone a few years ago. My trainer says rotator cuff is difficult to build and that I shouldn't be doing real heavy weight with that. I'm ok iwth the reverse lunge tho I can't get much more than 10# DBs. Instead of prone flexions, I'm standing with a 35# plate. This whole workout continues to be a tough one for me, but I do feel like I'm improving since beginning.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Well done Sue! You're killing the FSPP! I did 3 sets of 6 instead of 2 sets of 10 today on the FSPP and static lunges and you're right I too felt like I got more out of it that way!

    Well I did my last A workout today. Will post up results when I've done my B workout on Wednesday.

    Now on to my confession lol. As those reading this thread know, I was struggling with my feet and orthotics etc. in the trainers I'd been using to workout. Converse were recommended on more than one occasion but I admit I sort of dismissed it as an American brand that would cost me a fortune to buy over here in the UK, so I decided to use the puma speed cats I already had. Well they worked to a degree, but I found them too narrow for my toes and was struggling to balance in them.

    Anyway I was looking in the shoe closet for my wellington boots on Sunday as there's been flooding in the fields near me. I only went and found a pair of shoes I'd bought 2-3 years ago but only worn a few times as I thought the soles were too thin (D'Oh!) so they've been sat in the shoe closet all this time! Guess who they're made by - I surprise myself sometimes with my stupidity :embarassed::laugh:


    Wore them today and funnily enough I'm rather happy with them :bigsmile: I've found they're no good for the rowing machine though because of the heel, but it's no big deal as I do my HIIT on the rowing machine at home so can change into normal trainers. Converse FTW :wink:
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Did another B workout, technically my last, however I'm dong 5 not 4 repeats. I did 3 sets of these workouts too. Upped some of the weights, Deadlifts at 70, the pull downs at 75 (I'm amazed!). Split squats just are awful, I am only holding 7 lb DBs and having a very difficult time with my balance. Haven't found the right ankle support yet, the new ones I pickedup this weekend were useless. The prone snatch is not great either, I have lousy range of motion and I guess some of that is from the broken collarbone a few years ago. My trainer says rotator cuff is difficult to build and that I shouldn't be doing real heavy weight with that. I'm ok iwth the reverse lunge tho I can't get much more than 10# DBs. Instead of prone flexions, I'm standing with a 35# plate. This whole workout continues to be a tough one for me, but I do feel like I'm improving since beginning.

    Sue - I note you say you're working to strengthen your ankles, but I thought I'd share one of the exercises that I did which I feel may help with your ankle stability. My physio 6yrs ago when I sprained my ankle, told me to stand on one leg, knee slightly bent and then throw a beach ball or similar against a wall 10 times and catch it, without putting the other foot down. This could then be made harder by standing on something less stable like a bed/sofa. It really works the ankle and helps improve stability.

    I hear you on the prone snatch, I struggle particularly on my non-dominant side, . My range of motion isn't very good either, it's just not an exercise I do much of day to day. I really feel that this Stage is all about working the body not about the weights, and the weights that you're using (with the exception of split leg exercises) are about the same as mine (I think - give or take a few pounds as I'm on kgs). Hope that goes some way to addressing the feeling that you're not progressing :smile:

  • bigjpickle
    bigjpickle Posts: 8 Member
    I am getting ready to Start Stage 2 next week and was looking at the exercises. My gym doesn't have the squat rack they mentioned. For Stage 1, I just used the Smith machine for my squats. Is there a way to do this without a squat rack? I have to admit, this particular exercise looks intimidating and body builder like. I don't want to give up, but I don't want to injure myself doing it wrong and thought maybe there was alternate way to do this? In classes, we would just do dumbbell squat presses, not sure if that could potentially work the same muscles?
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Bigjpickle - I just started stage 2, I'm at home so don't have a squat rack. I basically just lowered the weight quite a bit from my finishing squat weight from stage 1. I can lift it up to starting position, squat and then do the upwards part. It's quite a different exercise than the stage 1, and am finding it quite challenging even at the "lower" weight.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    JSextra - I wear converse all the time. I really didn't know if I'd like them but they are much better than my walking shoes. The power goes where I'm lifting now not down into the soft soles of the shoe.

    Funny that you mention that specific exercise to help ankle strength, I broke my ankle 10 months ago, and had 8 weeks of PT to rehab it. That specific exercise was one that I did every PT day, along with several others! I have fitness bands that I use also to in both seated exercises and standing ones. Guess I better be more diligent about them again.

    Big pickle, actually, for the moment, I am not using the squat rack at all. I start with the bar on the floor, clean to my chest and then squat and press in 1 fluid motion. I'm only using 45# right now, not because of the squat but because of the shoulder press portion. Even driving up, I can only press 45#, which by the way is more than I've ever pressed before! It looks more tough than it really is, except for the shoulder press. Takes a bit of coordination and wrist flexibility, but after you do a couple you'll get the hang of it!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    JSextra - you are too funny! I'm glad to know I'm not alone in spacing out things I have in my closet.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Woohoo! - Stage 2 done, not a stage I particularly enjoyed but I think I'm not alone in thinking that!

    FSPP: 20kgs - 22.5kgs (45lbs - 50lbs)
    Step-up: 20kgs/10 reps on step - 20kgs/10reps on bench (45lbs)
    Dumbbell One Point Row: 8kgs (17.5llbs) each hand - 9kgs (20lbs) each hand
    Static lunge, rear foot elevated: 20kgs (45lbs) - didn't progress
    Push-up: 10 on floor bad form lots of pauses - 8 on floor good form, last 2 a bit dodgy ;-)
    Plank: 60 sec - 80 sec
    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop: No.5 on weight stack to No. 6

    Wide-Grip Deadlift from box: 25kg (55lb) - 32.5kg (71.5lb)
    Bulgarian Split Squat: 10kg (22lb) plate - 15kg (33lb) plate
    Underhand grip lat pulldown: 30kg (66lb) - 35kg 12 reps (77lb)
    Reverse lunge from box: 6kg (13lbs) each hand - 8kg (17.5 lbs) each hand
    Dumbbell prone cuban snatch: 3kg (6.5lb) each hand - 4kg (9lb) each hand (tried 5kg but lost form)
    Swiss ball crunch: 10 reps with 5kg (11lb) medicine ball - 12 reps with 8kg (17.5lb) dumbell
    Reverse crunch: 10 reps - 12 reps
    Lateral flexion: 10 upper & lower - didn't progress just did the bear minimum, same with the prone cobra.

    No change in weight but lost another inch off my spare tyre and 1/2 inch off my waist and hips. Body fat percentage - currently down 2% to 25%.

    Got a reunion on Friday with some friends in Wales, so will probably drink way to much beer then spend the weekend recovering and start Stage 3 next week.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    those are nice numbers!! Mine are not that good, but they improved and tomorrow, my last S2A, I will try heavier weights at least in my 3rd set. We'll see!!

    Thursday, I had a short window of opportunity to work out. I had to be at work early, so I didn't even try to do NROL4W, just did some leg work. I used the machines, quad and hammy and did hack squats. 4 sets of 12 reps but on the last set, I slowed the middle 4 lower to a count of 5, then finished the last 4 at regular speed. WOW! 90 pounds on both leg machines, 50 on the hack squat. Then I finished up with 15 elliptical, doing HIIT.

    Felt good to change it up a little bit!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    so I am NOT enjoying stage two at.all.

    The split squat is awkward. the rest I just feel weird at. probably because it is all still new. I also hate that I am finding my weak spots. The dumbbell prone Cuban snatch I had to do with five pounders. and even that was awkward. not too much weight but just awkward on the bench I was using to support me and all.

    Hoping to get used to it all and feeling better with it before it is over because this stage does not last long does it?!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    so I am NOT enjoying stage two at.all.

    The split squat is awkward. the rest I just feel weird at. probably because it is all still new. I also hate that I am finding my weak spots. The dumbbell prone Cuban snatch I had to do with five pounders. and even that was awkward. not too much weight but just awkward on the bench I was using to support me and all.

    Hoping to get used to it all and feeling better with it before it is over because this stage does not last long does it?!

    G, this has not been my favorite stage either, because it's so fussy. There's a lot set up there's a lot of setting and resetting and as I've been saying all along, any split leg exercise sux for me. I am wearing ankle braces but I still am just too wobbly. I don't feel like I've improved much, although I have gone up in weights, I've not hit my previous PR with stepups, and really loathe the 1pt rows, and those stupid split squats.

    Today I did my last A exercise. Last one was better - today I just felt worn out and had a difficult time with everything, although I did raise weights on all the exercises except the FSPP. Last time I could do 5x45, this time, I couldn't move the 45s at all. So I was satisified to do 3sets of 10x35. That was the only 3set lift that I did. I am happy that I finished 2 sets, truthfully and wanted to quit, but stubborn me, refused to and pushed through. I actually did better on the 1pt rows, but I still can't get a full 10 on either leg without tipping. I am stronger and deeper on pushups, and upped both times on the static lunges. I'm most excited about my planks. I did 90 on the last set.

    Ok, it wasn't a bad workout, but I didn't feel like I was working at capacity. Hope Monday's final B feels better!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Did the first A workout in Stage 2 today.

    Standing on one foot and lifting really doesn't work for me. I tried. Managed to do two messy, terrible form ones before I fell over.

    The other stuff went fine, but that one is really, really hard for me. Hoping I can get it because right now, it does nothing for me, as I can't even do one decent rep.

    Had to go WAY down on the squat weight, since the lifting over the head is way harder. I only did bar + 20 and managed only six reps on each set before I could not lift it again.

    I felt so strong after stage 1, now I feel like I'm failing to work hard enough.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Did the first A workout in Stage 2 today.

    Standing on one foot and lifting really doesn't work for me. I tried. Managed to do two messy, terrible form ones before I fell over.

    The other stuff went fine, but that one is really, really hard for me. Hoping I can get it because right now, it does nothing for me, as I can't even do one decent rep.

    Had to go WAY down on the squat weight, since the lifting over the head is way harder. I only did bar + 20 and managed only six reps on each set before I could not lift it again.

    I felt so strong after stage 1, now I feel like I'm failing to work hard enough.

    I know that feeling!
    and hey on the FSPP I am unable to add weight so it is just me and the bar. and it is killing my wrists.

    I am sick today, my normal gym day, so I am going to skip it and go again on Friday. this means I will have what...about 1.5 more weeks of stage 2. I am just going to get through it so I can honestly get to the end of NROL and say I did it all. a little competition with myself. otherwise I would be sorely tempted to skip it. 'cause I just dislike it that much.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Did the first A workout in Stage 2 today.

    Standing on one foot and lifting really doesn't work for me. I tried. Managed to do two messy, terrible form ones before I fell over.

    The other stuff went fine, but that one is really, really hard for me. Hoping I can get it because right now, it does nothing for me, as I can't even do one decent rep.

    Had to go WAY down on the squat weight, since the lifting over the head is way harder. I only did bar + 20 and managed only six reps on each set before I could not lift it again.

    I felt so strong after stage 1, now I feel like I'm failing to work hard enough.

    I know that feeling!
    and hey on the FSPP I am unable to add weight so it is just me and the bar. and it is killing my wrists.

    I am sick today, my normal gym day, so I am going to skip it and go again on Friday. this means I will have what...about 1.5 more weeks of stage 2. I am just going to get through it so I can honestly get to the end of NROL and say I did it all. a little competition with myself. otherwise I would be sorely tempted to skip it. 'cause I just dislike it that much.

    Oh, my wrists are what is keeping me from doing more than six reps. They hurt so much!

    I hear you on just wanting to do the whole thing so you can say you finished it though.

    My whole life, I've left things unfinished. THIS I want to finish, even if it isn't pretty or perfect. And let me tell you, me on lifting day: Not a pretty sight. Bleah.