Stage 2



  • Holmfridur_Gestsdottir
    I started stage 2 this week, too. :drinker:

    I found the squat/push press awkward - really awkward.:embarassed: And it hurt my wrists, but I think I will give it a second try and see if I can make it work. if not I will just stick to regular squat and shoulder presses.

    Today I did the B workout and after I came home and took a shower I noticed that my right knee hurt. So I was wondering, has someone else experienced knee pain after the B workout? I feel like it may be because of the deadlift, I think it was a lot harder on the knees than the regular deadlift. Is that just me?
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    I started stage 2 this week, too. :drinker:

    I found the squat/push press awkward - really awkward.:embarassed: And it hurt my wrists, but I think I will give it a second try and see if I can make it work. if not I will just stick to regular squat and shoulder presses.

    Today I did the B workout and after I came home and took a shower I noticed that my right knee hurt. So I was wondering, has someone else experienced knee pain after the B workout? I feel like it may be because of the deadlift, I think it was a lot harder on the knees than the regular deadlift. Is that just me?

    I thankfully found the FSPP much easier that I expected it to be, but I did have to think about what I was doing a lot. I can't get my elbows straight out in front of me - not flexible enough yet.

    I found the deadlift was much harder - but I just did baby weights because of availabilty of gear at the gym - did 34kg instead of 54 kg. I thought it was heavy enough - might bump it up a little for my next B workout. No knee pain for me. I do have terrible balance though, as the split squat and reverse lunge proved.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    First Stage 2 B workout this morning. I enjoyed it. It feels good to be working out with different moves again, I was getting bored with Stage 1.
    I have a feeling my weights are not going to go up a lot this stage, my form is not great on these new exercises, so I am going to concentrate on that and not increaseing weight.

    I finished with running for interval training. I don't run, I'm not a runner, but I would like to be able to run. So today I tried, it wasn't too bad.

    I wonder which body parts will hurt tomorrow?
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I did my first Stage 1 workout this morning! The push press wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be either, but my upper body strength really leaves a lot to be desired! By the end of this workout I was spent and sweaty! I still can't do push-ups, it is so frustrating!!

    Warmup: 500m row
    - Front squat / push press 45# (warm up sets of 6 with 20# and 30#)
    - Step-up 65# (1 set 12" box, 1 set 18" box)
    - Dumbbell one-point row 15-20# db
    - Static lunge, rear foot elevated (on weight bench) 25-30# db
    - Push-up on bench
    - Plank (30 sec)
    - Cable horizontal wood chop 20#
    Cool down: stretching and 1,000m row.
  • Holmfridur_Gestsdottir
    One question. Do you do the HIIT after both workouts, A and B in stage 2? I was thinking the other day that Lou doesn't specifically mention that it should be done after each one but he comes up with a plan for 4 HIIT sessions, not 8. Have you been doing the HIIT after each session or how do you do this?
  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    I just finished Stage 2 workout B tonight and I did find it really hard on my knee. I always had trouble with me left knee so I just need to be carefull with my form during the deadlift and all lunges. I did for the first time in my life the Bulgarian lunge and I have to say that I LOVE it. Love the challenge, love how it work all the right muscle. ( i might not say the same tomorrow morning:laugh: )
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    One question. Do you do the HIIT after both workouts, A and B in stage 2? I was thinking the other day that Lou doesn't specifically mention that it should be done after each one but he comes up with a plan for 4 HIIT sessions, not 8. Have you been doing the HIIT after each session or how do you do this?

    As I read it, you do the interval training after workout B only (that is what I have been doing). That is why it just describe four sessions - in my mind anyways.
  • Holmfridur_Gestsdottir
    That makes sense. Thanks - I will be doing that too :smile:
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I just finished Stage 2 workout B tonight and I did find it really hard on my knee. I always had trouble with me left knee so I just need to be carefull with my form during the deadlift and all lunges. I did for the first time in my life the Bulgarian lunge and I have to say that I LOVE it. Love the challenge, love how it work all the right muscle. ( i might not say the same tomorrow morning:laugh: )

    Haha I am SO sore from the Bulgarian split squat (okay, so I was supposed to do static lunges, but I did them with my foot on the bench by mistake.) I love it too, but I'm happy I have today to rest before doing them again tomorrow!
  • kr381806
    kr381806 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm definitely feeling a lot more sore during this stage! I bet it's because of the intensive leg exercises. I'm considering taking 2 rest days in between....any one else considering that too?
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    First day of Stage 2 today!! It felt so good to do new exercises!! I'm totally gonna be sore tomorrow! I felt so strong after stage 1 and stage 2 totally brought me back to reality! haha:)
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    I'm definitely feeling a lot more sore during this stage! I bet it's because of the intensive leg exercises. I'm considering taking 2 rest days in between....any one else considering that too?

    Instead I am taking a week break as of next Monday, and then I will do stage 2 3 times over. I was talking to my PT about how I didn't think I would need a break (never have in the past with my gym work) but the fact that I feel I need a break proves that I have been actually working!!! Gotta be good for you.

    Have you taken a break between stages? I wasn't initially going to.....definitely feel the need for it now though.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I have never taken a break between stages, but there is always something that comes up: a tough work week, vacation, etc that creates its own break.

    Mcbell - good job with listening to your body. Enjoy your break!

    Kr - I am definitely sore from the new moves. Definitely listen to your body if you need another day of rest!!!

    Kat and Elaine - I have a SERIOUS love/hate relationship with BSS!

    Yesterday was 2A2:

    FSPP 60x10x2
    Step ups. 60x10, 60x12
    1pt row. 50x10, 50x12
    Static lunge. 50 x 10, 50x12
    Push-ups 17/12/7/7/11 (focusing on nose to ground every time and restarting 100pushups)
    Plank 60x2
    Horiz row. 55x10, 55x12

    I seriously need a massage today.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Hope you get your massage lcu!

    Today will be Workout B2 with my trainer - then my glorious week off lifting - although I might start doing Pete Cerqua's 90 sec fitness solution - and work on pressups during my week of rest. I have even taken Friday off as annual leave too - 3 day weekend, will post family birthday presents (have 5 birthdays within four days) and do nothing, maybe some gardening and work on my tan, catch up on Breaking Bad that kind of thing.

    I feel like I might be getting a bit run down (but it might be an effect of the Whole 30 and reducing carbs/grains), I don't want to get sick (as I don't have much sick leave), and my workload is really high, so although I would love to take a week off, I can't justify it right now - maybe in July (our winter).

    That is my story.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    *waves* Hello all. I'm getting ready to start Stage 2, I'll be finishing up Stage 1 on Tuesday (barring some disaster that keeps me out of the gym). Does anyone know if you can substitute the wide-grip dead lift from a box with another deadlift variation? Despite a plethora of equipment, my gym doesn't have any steps of the right height (the lowest is the 12" plyometric boxes).
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    *waves* Hello all. I'm getting ready to start Stage 2, I'll be finishing up Stage 1 on Tuesday (barring some disaster that keeps me out of the gym). Does anyone know if you can substitute the wide-grip dead lift from a box with another deadlift variation? Despite a plethora of equipment, my gym doesn't have any steps of the right height (the lowest is the 12" plyometric boxes).

    Honestly, I'm too scared to climb up on a box with all the weight, so I'm just doing Romanian deadlifts. They may not be as effective, but more effective than breaking myself!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    *waves* Hello all. I'm getting ready to start Stage 2, I'll be finishing up Stage 1 on Tuesday (barring some disaster that keeps me out of the gym). Does anyone know if you can substitute the wide-grip dead lift from a box with another deadlift variation? Despite a plethora of equipment, my gym doesn't have any steps of the right height (the lowest is the 12" plyometric boxes).

    Honestly, I'm too scared to climb up on a box with all the weight, so I'm just doing Romanian deadlifts. They may not be as effective, but more effective than breaking myself!

    Welcome to stage 2! The goal of using the box is to increase the range of motion...Romanian deads have a decrease range. I would stick with the standard deadlifts and just change your grip. (Are you sure you cant snag a step from the aerobics studio, or doesn't your gym have one?)

    mcbell - i did get a massage yesterday. Boy did it help! Enjoy your week off of lifting!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Maybe I missed this, but at what point in stage 2 do they suggest going to 3 sets? I did S2A1 and S2B2 this week with 2 sets of 10.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Kat - they do not say anything in the book about doing three sets. They tell you to do two and to do invervals after workout B.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Kat - they do not say anything in the book about doing three sets. They tell you to do two and to do invervals after workout B.

    Thanks! On the last page in this thread people were talking about doing 3 sets instead of 2 so I was wondering. This stage is killer so far - I'm loving it!