Stage 2



  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hi All - did 2A3 yesterday. I lost my workout sheet yesterday at the gym, so this is what I *think* I did. (I am glad I post my weights here, so I was able to go back and recreate my sheet!)

    FSPP 65x10, 65x7
    Step ups. 60x10, 60x12
    1pt row. 60x10, 60x12
    Static lunge. 50 x 12, 50x12
    Push-ups 12/11/10/10
    Plank (did not do because I did yoga after lifting)
    Horiz row. 60x10x2

    great to have you back Holfi!

    I did 2A3 this morning too! I recently increased my calories so I've been seeing some great (for me) gains on my lifts!
    FSPP 50x10x10 60x5
    Step ups. 75x10, 85x10 (on each leg)
    1pt row. 65x10, 70x10
    Static lunge. 65x10, 70x10 (on each leg)
    Push-ups 10/10 (on bench :grumble:)
    Horiz row. 50x10x10

    And for fun:
    Deadlift 135x8 AND 185x3 <
    bodyweight Deadlift for the FIRST time!
    Battling Ropes intervals
    3k meter row in 500m intervals
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    AWESOME job Kat!!
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    I'm looking ahead to Stage 2 (still have a few workouts left in Stage 1). Is everyone doing the wide leg deadlift on a box. It seems the trouble I'm having with my form now (so I'm told) is that the bar is too close to the ground so my back is rounding out at the bottom. The solution is to bring the bar up to the height it would be if there were big boy (or girl) plates on it (like 35 pounders, not 10). Seems like if I stand on a box I will make this problem worse. Those of you doing the dead lifts on a box, are you able to keep your back slightly arched without rounding out?

    ps- I see some familiar avatars from Stage 1 in here... looking to join you soon!
  • Holmfridur_Gestsdottir
    I am doing it on a low box, maybe 2 inch or so. This definitely is harder to do than the regulars, form wise. I have some grip issues as well because my point of losing grip seems to be at around 35-40 kg and that is exactly what I am lifting from the box. When I lift from the ground I use a underhand/overhand grip (mixed) but on the box Lou prescribes a overhand grip and that is just a lot harder for me, I can barely hold on. So if I up my weights next time I don't know if I will be able to hold on to it so I may just change the grip and see if i can do it that way.

    For the back rounding, I think it is harder to avoid it, but doable. I'd just check with light weights the first time and see how you feel and if you do it well enough to be able to use the box and maintain correct form.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I have one more Stage 2 workout left, I can't believe how fast this stage went.

    I enjoyed stage 2 much more than stage 1. I also pushed much harder this stage than stage 1. I am feeling more confident and less worried what others in the boy section of the gym think.
    I am excited for Stage 3.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I have another question before I start tomorrow. How long does it take you on average to do these workouts?
  • maplegirlst
    maplegirlst Posts: 23 Member
    OK, I'm miserable. Hello, nice to meet you!

    I just started Stage 2 today and I'm feeling really discouraged. I did a great job with stage 1 and have been watching what I eat (80% paleo) since January and I'VE GAINED 10 POUNDS. I feel fat and like this isn't working. I'm just wasting my time and making myself miserable for no reason. Ugh. Must just be an off day. Thanks for listening.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    Maplegirlst, unless you're truly overeating by a whole lot, get rid of the scale. It means nothing in the long run. Eat healthy and lift heavy and you will get where you want to go.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    maple - Sorry that you are struggling. 10 pounds is a lot to gain over 10 weeks. have you been watching portions or just content? Have you been logging what you are eating? Did you measure yourself with a tape measure before you started?

    venom - it takes me about 50 minutes, but I don't to all of the core work at the end (ie i combine the crunches and reverse crunches into one move.)

    Rachie- I agree that stage 2 is going fast...good for you on feeling more confident and pushing yourself!!

    holfi - the widegrip is just the worst for all of us ladies with weak grip to begin with!!

    sjw - look straight ahead like the woman in the book is doing. that will help to keep your back flat. I just think the "from a box" thing is weird because you dont put the weight down, so the goal of increasing the range of motion really doesn't happen, does it?

    so today I did 2B3

    widegrip from a box: 120x10x2
    BSS: 50x12x2
    underhand lat pulldown: 85x10; 90x10
    reverse lunge w reach: 30x10; 30x12
    cuban snatch: 20x10x2
    v situps: 15x25x2
    side lifts: 25x15x2
    pushups:12, 12, 12, 12, 21
    only 5 min of HIIT...ran out of time.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    OK, I'm miserable. Hello, nice to meet you!

    I just started Stage 2 today and I'm feeling really discouraged. I did a great job with stage 1 and have been watching what I eat (80% paleo) since January and I'VE GAINED 10 POUNDS. I feel fat and like this isn't working. I'm just wasting my time and making myself miserable for no reason. Ugh. Must just be an off day. Thanks for listening.

    Girl, I feel you. I typically eat 90% primal (not this week with having guests though! Oops!) I've been yo-yo'ing since I started. It's frustrating. I'd ditch the scale but I'm in a weight loss thingy with some friends. In 2 weeks or so I'll be hiding the scale for a while. Have you been measuring yourself? I have and I've lost inches so at least I have that. Hang in there!!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I only have 3 more lifting days of Stage 2! This stage flew by! NEXT week I'll be on to Stage 3! Yikes! Overall, I'm loving this stage. Workout B is my favorite. I'm def not seeing the gains I did in Stage 1 but that's ok....I still feel like I'm getting stronger!
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member

    sjw - look straight ahead like the woman in the book is doing. that will help to keep your back flat. I just think the "from a box" thing is weird because you dont put the weight down, so the goal of increasing the range of motion really doesn't happen, does it?

    hmmm. I'm afraid it is my belly in the way that makes my back arch when I get low :cry: that and my very tight hip flexors... I'm working on both issues :wink:

    Did you drop your regular deadlift weight down before attempting them from the box?
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    OK, I'm miserable. Hello, nice to meet you!

    I just started Stage 2 today and I'm feeling really discouraged. I did a great job with stage 1 and have been watching what I eat (80% paleo) since January and I'VE GAINED 10 POUNDS. I feel fat and like this isn't working. I'm just wasting my time and making myself miserable for no reason. Ugh. Must just be an off day. Thanks for listening.

    Girl, I feel you. I typically eat 90% primal (not this week with having guests though! Oops!) I've been yo-yo'ing since I started. It's frustrating. I'd ditch the scale but I'm in a weight loss thingy with some friends. In 2 weeks or so I'll be hiding the scale for a while. Have you been measuring yourself? I have and I've lost inches so at least I have that. Hang in there!!

    Also keep in mind weight fluctuates by about 5lbs up and down every day. Water retention (from working the muscles) can cause an increase in "weight" but that doesn't mean you aren't losing fat. :flowerforyou:
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hey miserable :happy:

    I've put on 4lbs in the last 4 days. You know what I don't care. My clothes fit the same and I think I'm coming up to the TOM. If I'm getting stronger and my measurements are getting smaller the number on the scale doesn't mean much to me (any more).

    So today I did my first workout and I hurt all over. I really hate the front squat and push press. I feel so odd doing it. I suppose I'll get used to it. I started at 33lbs (15kg) which is close to where I finished on the shoulder presses. I'm also finding the static lunge awkward.

    Really really annoyed with my gym not having steps available out of the class area. I walked in and there was a class going so I had to use a vibration plate to do step ups. Irritating as hell.

    Mind you by the end I was exhausted and really to just flop on the gym floor.
  • maplegirlst
    maplegirlst Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks Ladies. I'm feeling better today. You are all right. I must get rid of the scale. I did not take measurements when I started but I did when I finished Stage 1. I will check them again at the end of Stage 2 and Stage 3. I wanted to quit last night but I'm not going to.

    Re: Food
    I tracked everything I ate for all of January and some of February. I don't eat large quantities but I know I have too much sugar. I try to stay under 100 carbs/day but I'm usually closer to 150-200. Boo. I eat 1200-1500 calories a day.

    In mid January I went off birth control pills. I had been on them for about 13 years so I'm sure this was quite a change for my body. Could that contribute to the weight gain?

    Meh. I'll try to ignore the scale in the corner and just keep lifting. For what it's worth, my clothes fit the same.

    Now, I am going to go back and read this thread and get to know you ladies! :)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    sjw - look straight ahead like the woman in the book is doing. that will help to keep your back flat. I just think the "from a box" thing is weird because you dont put the weight down, so the goal of increasing the range of motion really doesn't happen, does it?

    hmmm. I'm afraid it is my belly in the way that makes my back arch when I get low :cry: that and my very tight hip flexors... I'm working on both issues :wink:

    Did you drop your regular deadlift weight down before attempting them from the box?

    I did drop my weights. I think I took about 30 off. Not so much the box part as the wide grip part.
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    @lcuconley - thanks for your help
  • kr381806
    kr381806 Posts: 55 Member
    So, after not feeling well for some time now...I went to the doctor and I have mono :(. They said no contact sport/vigorous exercise...and I just about had a breakdown when I thought about not lifting. I'm not sure if anyone has had it before and whether they exercised while they had it. I went yesterday, and I'm going to still try to do it--I'm only going to go 2x a week instead of 3...and I'm not pushing myself. I'm lowering my weights and only doing what I can. I'm just upset knowing that any progress I've made will be now wiped away. :( I'm hoping that I have a mild case and will be back in the swing of things soon....
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I am absolutely terrified about workout B tomorrow. I'll do it but man do I still ache from workout A.
    Feel the fear and do it anyway.
  • AnnaMolly17
    AnnaMolly17 Posts: 91 Member
    FInished Stage 1 this morning and ready to take on Stage 2 on Saturday (figured I'll skip the break/ postpone it to when I'm especially busy, plus, I'm too excited to start) ! Planning on weighing myself/taking measurements tomorrow.

    I do have some questions for you ladies:

    - When did you take measurements/pictures/weigh yourself? Should I be concerned about water retention, given that I'm not taking a break between the stages? ( I did notice a 2-3 lb increase in weight even though I'm eating at a deficit)

    - How long does it take you to get through the workouts in this stage?