Stage 2



  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member

    mcbell - i did get a massage yesterday. Boy did it help! Enjoy your week off of lifting!

    Yay for you - I have one scheduled for next Tuesday.

    My PT put my weights up on the deadlift ....(PT)"what weight did we put on the bar last week?.."
    (me) "5kgs each, but I reckon I can go a wee bit heavier, like 6.25 or 7.5...."
    (PT) "Too bad, you are doing 10s as that is what is here".

    It was hard, but I did it so I was glad. Spent an hour at the gym with the intervals at the end....very muchly looking forward to my week off (and annual leave on Friday - whoop whoop), just constantly feel like I need to nap.

    I will probably lurk for the next week...have fun lifting everyone!
  • kr381806
    kr381806 Posts: 55 Member
    I've been sick since last Thursday, so I've missed 2's amazing how antsy I feel not going! But, I figured it would've been more detrimental and dangerous for me (i'm pretty weak and groggy) to lift feeling so poorly. Hoping to get back in the swing of things tomorrow!

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all - got 2B2 done today:

    deadlifts from box 115x10x2
    BSS 50x10x2
    lat pulldown 85x10x2
    reverse lunge w reach 30x10x2
    cuban snatch 20x10x2
    v sit-ups 15x25
    side lifts 25x12x2

    then I did 9 min of intervals 7.6mph/7mph...ran out of time!

    So, how are people feeling about stage 2. I feel like its super hard to increase weights. I guess that is ok, as I am totally wiped out...

    KR - sorry you are under the weather!

    mcbell - wow, that is a good trainer! you went up a lot, but it was doable for you!! wait 'til you come back from your week off!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member

    So, how are people feeling about stage 2. I feel like its super hard to increase weights. I guess that is ok, as I am totally wiped out...

    I find it hard to increase weights in this stage. I am really concentrating on my form, hopefully get that right and I can increase weights in Stage 4.

    I am enjoying this stage, more than I expected to.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    So, how are people feeling about stage 2. I feel like its super hard to increase weights. I guess that is ok, as I am totally wiped out...

    I find it hard to increase weights in this stage. I am really concentrating on my form, hopefully get that right and I can increase weights in Stage 4.

    I am enjoying this stage, more than I expected to.

    I actually really like this stage; I am super sore so I feel like it is working! I have increased weights from workouts 1-2, but I think it is mostly because I underestimated what I could lift since they are new moves. I also increased my calories right before I started this stage, so I think that is helping a lot as well. I was eating 1600 off days/1800 on lifting days, now I am eating 1800/2000.

    ETA: I cannot believe how sore my abs are from this stage! I did the abs part of S2B1 (with a little additional core work) on Sunday and I still hurt!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Just started Stage 2 last night. Holy Shnikies my arms are so sore!! I felt really awkward doing the squat (and feel pretty sure I looked awkward too), but hopefully as my form gets better it will get easier. I added weight, which was really stupid. I should have just used the bar. :blushing:

    Step-ups again? Really? :grumble:

    I am also going to have a find an alternative step to use. I really don't think I'm going to be able to do the Deadlift on a bench. Any suggestions?
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Question for you ladies, I am already deadlifting at a deficit because the weights I'm using are light. Should I bother getting a box to stand on until my weights are big enough or just carry on.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Venom-you are likely fine without a box...just change to a wide grip.

    Jcjs-I agree you can't do these from a bench!! Maybe you just change your grip?

    Kat - yay for sore muscles!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Did S2B1 last night. I am starting to think that this program was made for graceful! Did the HIIT on the elliptical and had to modify the deadlift. Figured that doing the deadlift on the bench probaby wasn't safe. Also the reverse squat was a little difficult on the bench. I'm sure I looked pretty funny! I really need to invest in a step....or get a new!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Did S2B1 last night. I am starting to think that this program was made for graceful! Did the HIIT on the elliptical and had to modify the deadlift. Figured that doing the deadlift on the bench probaby wasn't safe. Also the reverse squat was a little difficult on the bench. I'm sure I looked pretty funny! I really need to invest in a step....or get a new!

    OMG - reverse lunge with reach off a bench! I am sure that was hard!!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Did S2B1 last night. I am starting to think that this program was made for graceful! Did the HIIT on the elliptical and had to modify the deadlift. Figured that doing the deadlift on the bench probaby wasn't safe. Also the reverse squat was a little difficult on the bench. I'm sure I looked pretty funny! I really need to invest in a step....or get a new!

    OMG - reverse lunge with reach off a bench! I am sure that was hard!!

    Seriously! I am pretty much the opposite of graceful, I'm impressed you could do those! I may even wobble and have problems getting set up for BSS off the bench!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Did S2B1 last night. I am starting to think that this program was made for graceful! Did the HIIT on the elliptical and had to modify the deadlift. Figured that doing the deadlift on the bench probaby wasn't safe. Also the reverse squat was a little difficult on the bench. I'm sure I looked pretty funny! I really need to invest in a step....or get a new!

    OMG - reverse lunge with reach off a bench! I am sure that was hard!!

    Seriously! I am pretty much the opposite of graceful, I'm impressed you could do those! I may even wobble and have problems getting set up for BSS off the bench!

    Haha! I didn't say they were pretty! :laugh:

    It's funny you say that because I kept looking at the book and looking at the bench thinking, "How am I going to pull this off?". Thank goodness for long legs, I guess. I stood as close to then end as I could, and then SLOWLY stepped back as far as I could go to do the squat. To be honest, the BSS was more difficult for me. I think mostly because I was holding a weight plate instead of barbells.
  • Holmfridur_Gestsdottir
    I have been super lazy the past week :blushing: . Just made it to the gym yesterday and BOY I have no idea why I found all the excuses in the world not to go, because I just loved it. I am kissing my inner couch potato goodbye right now :laugh:

    Anyways, I am so sore today I can barely sit down :laugh: My thighs, butt and back are seriously hurting. Oh, and my triceps too! Which is great, I see I am not the only one feeling a lot more sore in stage 2 than stage 1. I also find the exercises a lot harder than I thought they were in the beginning. I am using a 10 kg plate for the BSS and a pair of 6 kgs for the fw reach lunges and it felt really odd having to use such light weights, I have been using 9-12 kgs for leg exercises for a while. But I really like the challenge that stage 2 brings, even though my weights are a bit smaller than usual. I am feeling so ready to lift again next Monday, hope you are all doing great.:smile:
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi All - did 2A3 yesterday. I lost my workout sheet yesterday at the gym, so this is what I *think* I did. (I am glad I post my weights here, so I was able to go back and recreate my sheet!)

    FSPP 65x10, 65x7
    Step ups. 60x10, 60x12
    1pt row. 60x10, 60x12
    Static lunge. 50 x 12, 50x12
    Push-ups 12/11/10/10
    Plank (did not do because I did yoga after lifting)
    Horiz row. 60x10x2

    great to have you back Holfi!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    lcuconley, your weights are phenomenal!

    I'm doing my first B workout today. I need to kill it after last night's splurge at the

    This is my second time starting NROLFW. Once I finish this stage I will have officially made it farther than last time.

    So excited!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    Did S2B1 last night. I am starting to think that this program was made for graceful! Did the HIIT on the elliptical and had to modify the deadlift. Figured that doing the deadlift on the bench probaby wasn't safe. Also the reverse squat was a little difficult on the bench. I'm sure I looked pretty funny! I really need to invest in a step....or get a new!

    The first time I did stage 2, I didn't have a step. I just did regular deadlifts and a plain old reverse lunge. For the static lunge, I just propped my foot on a couple of stacked weight plates.
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    After the prescribed week off, I started stage two tonight.

    FSSP was officially not fun! Did it with the bar (15kg) only. Does anyone else feel like they are taking all the weight on their arms during the squat phase of the movement? I think this is why my wrists hurt. Sooo frustrating considering I was squatting 65kg at the end of strange one.

    The rest was ok, my balance is a little dodgy but managed the dumbbell one point rows so quite pleased with that. Actually enjoyed the lunges ( weird I know )
    Plank has always been my downfall, only managed 45 s but sure ill get to 60.

    Workout b looks so complicated I think I'm going to need to take my copy of the book with me!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Chic - thanks. Hopefully we will both make it through this restart...this is about the 4th time I've started. I also had a little splurge last night.

    Glitter - welcome to stage 2! Your hands should just be holding the bar in place....the weight is being borne by your chest. My wrists do hurt though.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    Workout B is fun. That's all there is to it. I really just enjoyed the whole dang workout (except for I'm a freak, and I know it.

    Glitter, just keep working on form, watch some videos, etc. Don't think for a minute that your going to get anywhere near your back squat weight with FSPP. Won't happen.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Workout B is fun. That's all there is to it. I really just enjoyed the whole dang workout (except for I'm a freak, and I know it.

    Glitter, just keep working on form, watch some videos, etc. Don't think for a minute that your going to get anywhere near your back squat weight with FSPP. Won't happen.

    I like workout B too. It's nice being sore so I feel like I'm improving :smile: