Stage 2



  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    had my first A workout of stage 2. loved it- and had a great workout... my only complaint is that the front squat push press hurts my wrists. i used a 60 lb bar, which felt like nothing on the squats but hurt for the push press...and my wrists curling backwards hurt-- but ill live. its only for 4 workouts!

    the wood chop felt great-- used 50 lbs, and really felt a good burn!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    2a polished.
    getting better with the front squat although im still doing it light-ish.
    done the wood chop thing on a swiss ball - still couldnt get much out of it unfortunately. done a set of reverse crunches and leg raises after.
    ive done my first ever push ups from the floor - 3 full! couldnt come back from the 4th but im still very happy :)
    plus a 75sec plank, woohoo!
  • laccy40
    laccy40 Posts: 136
    2a polished.
    getting better with the front squat although im still doing it light-ish.
    done the wood chop thing on a swiss ball - still couldnt get much out of it unfortunately. done a set of reverse crunches and leg raises after.
    ive done my first ever push ups from the floor - 3 full! couldnt come back from the 4th but im still very happy :)
    plus a 75sec plank, woohoo!

    That's fantastic! I can almost do a full press up and am working towards being able to by the end of stage 2. I have push-up envy:bigsmile:
  • laccy40
    laccy40 Posts: 136

    Next time I'm going to up the weights and also challenge myself to get lower on the split squats and lunges. Though, I had a hard time getting into position for the split squats! I put my foot up and then precariously hop forward with my other foot. There has to be a better way.

    Glad it wasn't just me! A lot of balance here. It got much easier at the end. I'll have to up my step if these come back in stage 3 because my knee was hitting the ground! I was only using a little aerobic step though :)

    yes, there is. the way to get into position is to stand in front of your bench, take a large step forward and then put your non-working leg back on to the bench. If you are not in the right spot, bring your non-working leg down and take a little step forward or back.

    Thanks for this, reading it made me realise I was doing it completely wrong, more like static lunge rear foot elevated. Doh!
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    again, sorry if this is repeated way back in the threads- theres too much to read! :)

    just did my first workout B of Stage 2. i thought it was great (and the HIIT addition was an *kitten* kicker. if HIIT wasnt in there, i would have been bored mid-ab workout, but i considered it a decent ab workout and a much needed breather in between the hard stuff).

    my only issue was the DL from a box. i was standing on the edge of a platform thats about 2-3" off the ground, but the 45 lb plates hit the platform on the way down... so doing it on a box didnt have the desired effect. additionally, i feel like it makes my back arch incorrectly- which i think counteracts the point of a good DL. does anyone else feel that way?

    for the bulgarian split squat- i did it holding a 35 lb plate- but could likely do more if it was a bar on my shoulders. should i still use the plate?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    again, sorry if this is repeated way back in the threads- theres too much to read! :)

    just did my first workout B of Stage 2. i thought it was great (and the HIIT addition was an *kitten* kicker. if HIIT wasnt in there, i would have been bored mid-ab workout, but i considered it a decent ab workout and a much needed breather in between the hard stuff).

    my only issue was the DL from a box. i was standing on the edge of a platform thats about 2-3" off the ground, but the 45 lb plates hit the platform on the way down... so doing it on a box didnt have the desired effect. additionally, i feel like it makes my back arch incorrectly- which i think counteracts the point of a good DL. does anyone else feel that way?

    for the bulgarian split squat- i did it holding a 35 lb plate- but could likely do more if it was a bar on my shoulders. should i still use the plate?

    I agree with you. if the plates are hitting what is getting you off the ground, there is no point. not sure why it makes your back arch (do you mean round?) if its just like doing them from the ground...

    on the BSS, I use dumbbells. a bar would work, but I would use dumbbells to work on your grip strength.
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    I did B2 today and I will say it went so much better than the last workout. I am actually SORE already! DOMS here I come. Oy! I put 3 risers on the bench today for the bulgarian split squats. It helped a lot. Made my muscles HURT! lol I forgot that you use a plate, so I had 2 20# dumbells, and it was very difficult. My toes on my right foot also kept cramping up. Not sure what that is all about, I think just the position of the back foot aggravated it a lot.

    For the deadlifts on a box, the other group on Facebook suggested to use smaller plates (other than the 45s) and just do it that way. You still get that extra range of motion, but your firmly on the ground. I couldn't do it from the box. I put 35s on the end (plus extra to get me to my weight) and it was very challenging as is.
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    For the deadlifts on a box, the other group on Facebook suggested to use smaller plates (other than the 45s) and just do it that way. You still get that extra range of motion, but your firmly on the ground. I couldn't do it from the box. I put 35s on the end (plus extra to get me to my weight) and it was very challenging as is.

    This is SUCH a good idea. I usually slightly rest my bar on the ground between each lift to reset my hand grip so have had to lower the weights for the box! Will try using 2x 5KGs instead of 10KG which is what my weight was at the end of stage 1.
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Gah! I found this video. WHY have I never thought to do the BSS on the bench itself? I'm gonna do this next time for sure. I still think that step I used was too low. This looks like it'll be easier as far as my back legs go (still just as evil though!).
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    just read back on this topic, and have to say, i might be the odd one here but i absolutely love this stage! i might not think im working hard/dont feel the burn straight when im working out but am constantly sore and it feels damn good! :)
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    just read back on this topic, and have to say, i might be the odd one here but i absolutely love this stage! i might not think im working hard/dont feel the burn straight when im working out but am constantly sore and it feels damn good! :)

    i agree! just finished workout A2 and i love it!
  • zeppelinkd
    zeppelinkd Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, Everyone. I've been reading the threads in this group for a while now and am finally posting.

    I finished stage one last week and am up to workout 2B in stage two. Boy, do I get more of a sweat going with stage 2! It's definitely more of a challenge than stage one, that's for sure. But, I'm enjoying it.

    I'm loving the progress that I'm making and am constantly reminding myself not to sell myself short by doubting my capabilities. It's such a process! For example, when I first tried the dumbbell one point row, I could barely get one row in before losing my balance. But, last night, I was able to do four rows in a row before needing to re-balance myself. Felt pretty good!

    Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps....
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Something happened to my thigh today! I did A3 and after my first set of rear foot elevated lunges it felt like my thigh was going to tear itself from my leg. I don't remember losing my balance or anything! That kinda put the squash on the rest of the workout. BOOO! I couldn't do any more with the legs so moved on. Sitting with ice on it.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    oooh, athena, sorry to hear you got hurt! ice and rest are best...ibuprofen, too!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    athena: deep heat cream or muscle rub!

    just popped in to say ive got 2 more workouts so ill be done with this stage by the weekend. goes bare quick comparing to stage1. still loving it, although these split squats are evil! so as the lunges. my balance is still pathetic, even with that slight improvement im having on them.
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello folks!

    I am SO GLAD to FINALLY be done with Stage 1!! It seemed like it took for-EVER to finish!

    I will be starting Stage 2 tomorrow :):)

    Any words of advice/ tips before I start?
  • kwatkin
    kwatkin Posts: 81 Member
    Hey everyone I'm starting Stage 2 tomorrow as well!

    Not happy to see step-ups are back... I was always confused by the number of reps. Did you do (e.g.) 10 reps PER LEG for each set? Or did you basically do one set per leg? Also: what do you focus more on; increasing the weights in your hand, or the steps/height?

    ty :flowerforyou:
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Hey everyone I'm starting Stage 2 tomorrow as well!

    Not happy to see step-ups are back... I was always confused by the number of reps. Did you do (e.g.) 10 reps PER LEG for each set? Or did you basically do one set per leg? Also: what do you focus more on; increasing the weights in your hand, or the steps/height?

    ty :flowerforyou:

    10 reps PER LEG for a total of 20 each set technically. :) Are you up to knee height in your step ups? I use a bench at the gym (not the step bench, but the actual softish bench). If not, work your way to that height then focus on weight.
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    Hey everyone I'm starting Stage 2 tomorrow as well!

    Not happy to see step-ups are back... I was always confused by the number of reps. Did you do (e.g.) 10 reps PER LEG for each set? Or did you basically do one set per leg? Also: what do you focus more on; increasing the weights in your hand, or the steps/height?

    ty :flowerforyou:

    10 reps PER LEG for each set if I'm not wrong :D
    I focused more on increasing the weight as I also wanted to work on my grip strength :)
  • kwatkin
    kwatkin Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks ladies! Ugh, glad I was doing it right (10 reps per leg), but also disappointing haha!

    Great tip about knee height. I think I am probably just above that actually (5 -6 risers on the step), so I'll check tomorrow and see! I find if it's get too high, I end up wobbling too much... I blame my long legs for that :tongue: Also good tip for the grip/wrist strength! I need to work on that for sure.