Stage 2



  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Thanks PBsMommy! Did you find you had significant changes in Stage 2? I have put on inches in places I didn't want to during Stage 1 and am hoping that Stage 2 will help take them off.

    I couldn't find were it mentioned to bump up to three sets... Just two sets throughout.

    I don't really see significant changes. I am doing my measurements on Monday morning, so I will see for sure. Stage one I increased. I took my measurement of my waist and tummy a little before the end of stage one. After I saw the increase they both had, I didn't even bother doing measurements after Stage 1. :( I am hoping that when I do my measurements Monday, they are at least to back were they where before Stage 1. If not, I am seriously going to look at a different approach as far as eating goes. I log everything and eat "good" at least 85-90% of the time. So I am not sure.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Thanks PBsMommy! Did you find you had significant changes in Stage 2? I have put on inches in places I didn't want to during Stage 1 and am hoping that Stage 2 will help take them off.

    I couldn't find were it mentioned to bump up to three sets... Just two sets throughout.

    I don't really see significant changes. I am doing my measurements on Monday morning, so I will see for sure. Stage one I increased. I took my measurement of my waist and tummy a little before the end of stage one. After I saw the increase they both had, I didn't even bother doing measurements after Stage 1. :( I am hoping that when I do my measurements Monday, they are at least to back were they where before Stage 1. If not, I am seriously going to look at a different approach as far as eating goes. I log everything and eat "good" at least 85-90% of the time. So I am not sure.

    That's how I feel too. I took my measurements last week during my break week and I'd gone up but I quickly measured my waist yesterday or the day before and it was back down so apparently our measurements fluctuate too.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks wibutterflyma, I needed to hear that! I am certainly feeling less jiggly since starting NRs but the fact that the jeans I bought in January don't fit anymore is devastating me!

    Stage 2 is really kickin' my booty! Did B2 yesterday and I feel so tired today. I need to keep working on upping the protein but I find it extremely hard. How did your B workout go last friday?

    @PBsMommy, thanks, I am scheduled for A3 on Wednesday so will stick with the 2 sets of 10 reps.

    Happy Tuesday everyone :)
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Almost done with Stage 1! Excited to start stage 2 next week, think I am skipping the week off this go round. I just hope I can keep the routines straight! I screwed the rotation up at the beginning of S1 before finally realizing and correcting it! Also excited that my doctor said I can start running again. He said just take it slow, light & easy and on FLAT ground, lol, no trail running yet.....
    I am in love with my lifting, but glad to know I can go for a short jog now when I want just b/c I miss it.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    FINALLY! I startted stage 2 today! Yay!
    Holy cow! it was rough! I accidentally took 4 1/2 weeks off! So today was REALLY tough! Was it because I had such a long break, or does this workout generally kick everyones *kitten*?

    Starting stats:

    FSPP: 55# (maybe too much. I had to rest in the middle of my second set to finish it out.)
    Step-Up : 4 risers + step with 75#
    Push-up: 10 with NOSE TO THE GROUND
    Static lunge (i think maybe my back foot was elevated a little too much): 4 risers+ step with 75#
    one-point row: 50# (25# each hand)
    Plank: 2 x 60sec
    Instead of wood chop i did russian twist with a medicine ball 2x60 (30 each side).
  • teachmom32
    teachmom32 Posts: 183 Member
    Oh my God! Stage 2b is kicking my butt! It took me about 90 minutes to finish the whole thing. By the end I was drenched in sweat! My glutes are KILLING me right now, even after using my foam roller. I'm feeling muscles hurting that I didn't even know existed. I guessed wrong on a lot of my starting weights, too, and realized that I seriously need to up some of them and lower others. Hoping that next time I do a b workout it'll be a little easier and I won't be as sore!
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Hehe he! Welcome to Stage 2! I still don't get how A is so short and sweet and B is long and painful but hey ho, I'm no professional. I am wrapping up B4 this morning and taking friday off before I start S3 on Monday. Good luck to you all x
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Thanks wibutterflyma, I needed to hear that! I am certainly feeling less jiggly since starting NRs but the fact that the jeans I bought in January don't fit anymore is devastating me!

    Stage 2 is really kickin' my booty! Did B2 yesterday and I feel so tired today. I need to keep working on upping the protein but I find it extremely hard. How did your B workout go last friday?

    @PBsMommy, thanks, I am scheduled for A3 on Wednesday so will stick with the 2 sets of 10 reps.

    Happy Tuesday everyone :)

    It was ok. I was in a better frame of mind but I couldn't get the HIIT in because I ran out of time. I have to make some adjustments though in order to finish it in my allotted wellness time at work. I only did about 5min of HIIT and shortened my rest times, when I could, when I did it on Monday. I agree, it's very odd that the 2 workouts are so different in their length of time.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    FINALLY! I startted stage 2 today! Yay!
    Holy cow! it was rough! I accidentally took 4 1/2 weeks off! So today was REALLY tough! Was it because I had such a long break, or does this workout generally kick everyones *kitten*?

    Instead of wood chop i did russian twist with a medicine ball 2x60 (30 each side).

    I only took the 1wk break and it's been rough for me to get back into it but the workouts are a little tougher too.

    The Russian Twist....that's a good idea. I just used a dumbbell and did kind of a psuedo chop but it didn't seem like it did anything.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    finished 2B yesterday.

    bahhhhh. I thought workout A was hard!!! those cuban snatch things...i struggled with 10#!

    DL: 135#
    Split-squat: 80#
    UNderhand pull down: 75#
    Lunge: 50#
    Cuban snatch: 20#
    Swiss ball: 10# 2X25
    Reverse crunch : 2 X 20
    Side thing: 2X20
    Prone cobra: 2 X 60 seconds.

  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    10lbs is A LOT of weight for cuban snatches! great work.
  • teachmom32
    teachmom32 Posts: 183 Member
    Yeah, cuban snatches suck! They look like they should be so easy, and my glutes are KILLING me, so I hear ya on the sore butt!
    Now I have pains in my upper abs right under my ribs. My husband has the exact same pain and he does the workouts with me, so I know it's from lifting. Just can't figure out which exercise...
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    @ teachmom -- those front squat push presses work my abs HARD. I have to keep my abs really tight to not arch my back when I do the Press part. It's really hard!! so do the split squats and lunges from trying to keep my balance.

    Finished A2 today. I probably didn't push as hard as I could have, but I was so sore in my whole body. I made it though and took extra extra time to stretch at the end.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Ahhhhh! I am wanting to start stage 2 in the morning, but left my book on my desk at work. Can anyone give me the exercises for the first workout!?! Pleeeeease......
  • teachmom32
    teachmom32 Posts: 183 Member
    Stage 2A:
    Front squat/push press (2 x 10)

    Alternating sets:
    Step up (2 x 10)
    Dumbbell one point row (2 x 10)

    Alternating sets:
    Static lunge with rear foot elevated (2x10)
    Push up (2 x10)

    Alternating sets:
    Plank (hold for 60 seconds x 2)
    Cable horizontal wood chop (2 x 10)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    For the purpose of decreasing the stickies at the top of the group stages 2 and 4 have been combined using the following thread:
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Hey all in Stage 2, I'm going to do 2B today, but likely won't be able to finish it in one go (I work out at lunch.) Anybody split their workouts? Where do you split it? HIIT with both, or just one?

    In Stage 1 I could usually just skip the sets that I could do at home - crunches, step-ups, etc., and then do them later. Ideas?
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I'm curious if I'm doing something wrong with the couple types of lunges because after my last workout (Tues) with the Bulgarian split and reverse lunge my thighs are very sore. And it doesn't feel like regular DOMS it lasts longer. Even if I hadn't been exhausted yesterday I wouldn't have lifted because my right thigh just felt too sensitive and I didn't want to make it worse. Any thoughts??
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Hey all in Stage 2, I'm going to do 2B today, but likely won't be able to finish it in one go (I work out at lunch.) Anybody split their workouts? Where do you split it? HIIT with both, or just one?

    In Stage 1 I could usually just skip the sets that I could do at home - crunches, step-ups, etc., and then do them later. Ideas?

    I've been having the same issue as I lift at work during a combined lunch break and wellness time. What I've found that works for me is shortening the rest period between sets and then I don't so as long of a HIIT session. Actually my last HIIT was barely anything because I was so wiped from the lifts I just didn't have it in me for more than a couple minutes.
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    I just did stage 2A yesterday and LOVED it! I hope I feel the same way about 2B. I am sore all over again like I was in the beginning of stage 1 and I am definitely feeling it in my abs this time around!