Stage 2



  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I did my first stage B workout last night - very tough! There's not much for chest in this programme is there? Just a few push ups which I am rubbish at! Looking forward to bench presses in stage 3. And whoever designed that strange prone press thingie doesn't have a chest as that was distinctly uncomfortable! I'm on count down to stage 3!
    (Edit - the distinction between the various lunges and single leg squats became clear when I did them! Ouch!)

    If you think about it, the muscles used for chest press and push ups are the same. Make sure you are making the needed modifications and do all of your reps so that you improve.

    Courtnie - the planks do get easier, but then you up the time, so you are right back in the "I hate (;;&(;/@ planks" mode.
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Starting stage 2 today... though I feel unprepared! I researched stage 1 to death before starting. Spent hours reading and watching videos. This time? I put together my spreadsheet last night and watched exactly one video for a couple of the A exercises. I'm wondering how badly I will botch up the FSPP! At least my tried-and-true step-ups are here today. I've been doing them with a single counterbalance weight (usually just 5 or 10lb) so I could make it up to the 18" step with perfect form. This time I'm going to add DBs.

    Time to wake up my 3yo so we can get going!
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    Starting stage 2 today... though I feel unprepared! I researched stage 1 to death before starting. Spent hours reading and watching videos. This time? I put together my spreadsheet last night and watched exactly one video for a couple of the A exercises. I'm wondering how badly I will botch up the FSPP! At least my tried-and-true step-ups are here today. I've been doing them with a single counterbalance weight (usually just 5 or 10lb) so I could make it up to the 18" step with perfect form. This time I'm going to add DBs.

    Time to wake up my 3yo so we can get going!

    Enjoy! Woodchoppers are my new favourite move!
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Workout B is not messing around...I kind of want a nap now! Took me 3 days to get over soreness from A...hoping this isn't as bad! Quick question for everyone. I am trying to lose weight as well as work on muscle (about 75 lbs or so to lose), anyone else in my boat, and do you eat back your calories or not? I'm gathering it's a little different when you have a significant amount of weight to lose as compared to 20 pounds.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Workout B is not messing around...I kind of want a nap now! Took me 3 days to get over soreness from A...hoping this isn't as bad! Quick question for everyone. I am trying to lose weight as well as work on muscle (about 75 lbs or so to lose), anyone else in my boat, and do you eat back your calories or not? I'm gathering it's a little different when you have a significant amount of weight to lose as compared to 20 pounds.

    How did you calculate your calories? Are you using MFP method, or a goal calculated from what they suggested in the book, or some other number?
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    For the B deadlift, can I just skip the box since I don't use 45's yet so my bar already starts lower? I had propped it up for all of stage 1 to get to mid-shin. Or do I need to get on a step AND prop the bar up as well?
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    I have another deadlift question... should I be lowering my weight from what I was using in stage 1?
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I did my first stage B workout last night - very tough! There's not much for chest in this programme is there? Just a few push ups which I am rubbish at! Looking forward to bench presses in stage 3. And whoever designed that strange prone press thingie doesn't have a chest as that was distinctly uncomfortable! I'm on count down to stage 3!
    (Edit - the distinction between the various lunges and single leg squats became clear when I did them! Ouch!)

    If you think about it, the muscles used for chest press and push ups are the same. Make sure you are making the needed modifications and do all of your reps so that you improve.

    Courtnie - the planks do get easier, but then you up the time, so you are right back in the "I hate (;;&(;/@ planks" mode.
    I do the push ups as prescribed. But just push ups for chest in all the workouts so far means I have a much more developed back than chest!

    Really not enjoying this stage. Looking forward to stage 3!

    By the way - I never do deadlifts from the box as I fear falling off it!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I have another deadlift question... should I be lowering my weight from what I was using in stage 1?

    Do you need to? I wouldn't lower it unless I could not do the required repetitions.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I have another deadlift question... should I be lowering my weight from what I was using in stage 1?

    Do you need to? I wouldn't lower it unless I could not do the required repetitions.

    its possible the wide grip will require going down in the weights. I agree with deks, though, lower only if you need to.
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    I did B1 today and went down 10 pounds on my DL. I might be able to go back up next time, because I was able to get through them all with only a hint of struggle.

    Does it take anyone else F-O-R-E-V-E-R to get set up and then break down again?? The steps are in one location, then I put the bar on place and go look for plates, takes a while to get them on and off, then put back the step. Same with step-ups and now the reverse/box lunges. I swear it adds 10 minutes to my workouts, and I "rest" way more than 75 seconds between sets. Though its not resting because I'm nearly passing out trying to get the darn plates off the bar!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    Starting stage 2 today... though I feel unprepared! I researched stage 1 to death before starting. Spent hours reading and watching videos. This time? I put together my spreadsheet last night and watched exactly one video for a couple of the A exercises. I'm wondering how badly I will botch up the FSPP! At least my tried-and-true step-ups are here today.

    could have written these words myself!
    i meant to start stage2 this afternoon (i work out at home, when the little one has her nap) but i got super discouraged when the 22kg barbell almost broke my wrists! (i back-squat 42kg) so it put me off the whole thing.
    then the time hit 10pm at my end of the world and feeling dissatisfied with myself i pulled 1A through (woohoo!), with a shameful 12kg fspp (boo)! the reverse lunge has killed my bum cheeks, dumbbell row + me = pathetic, but the (floor) plank went down surprisingly nicely :)
    anyone finds the wood chop substitution quite poor? they dont do nothing for my abs only for my arms really...
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    I did the first workout of Stage 2 today! So excited to finally be done with Stage 1. I didn't think it was going to be all that difficult by the looks of it, but boy, it was a killer! I feel like my ability to push the bar up really affects any possible results with the front squat/push press move because I can TOTALLY squat more than the 40# which is *just* barely my max for pushing it up. Ah well, can only go up from here! lol
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Did Stage 2 B for the first time today. Felt like a bumbling idiot! Seriously, didn't feel like I got much of anything from that workout. There were tons more people at the gym than usual...not sure what that is about! Do you ladies stick with the abs routine? It's so boring, and waiting that 75 seconds between the crunches kills me. I'm wondering if I can just skip that part or sub something else.
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Did Stage 2 B for the first time today. Felt like a bumbling idiot! Seriously, didn't feel like I got much of anything from that workout. There were tons more people at the gym than usual...not sure what that is about! Do you ladies stick with the abs routine? It's so boring, and waiting that 75 seconds between the crunches kills me. I'm wondering if I can just skip that part or sub something else.

    Yup, that's how my first B workout went, too. I didn't take any breaks during the ab work. During Stage 1, I couldn't imagine EVER doing HIIT after a workout, but it was easy peasy after Stage 2 B1. Next time I'm going to up the weights and also challenge myself to get lower on the split squats and lunges. Though, I had a hard time getting into position for the split squats! I put my foot up and then precariously hop forward with my other foot. There has to be a better way.
  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member

    Next time I'm going to up the weights and also challenge myself to get lower on the split squats and lunges. Though, I had a hard time getting into position for the split squats! I put my foot up and then precariously hop forward with my other foot. There has to be a better way.

    Glad it wasn't just me! A lot of balance here. It got much easier at the end. I'll have to up my step if these come back in stage 3 because my knee was hitting the ground! I was only using a little aerobic step though :)
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member

    Next time I'm going to up the weights and also challenge myself to get lower on the split squats and lunges. Though, I had a hard time getting into position for the split squats! I put my foot up and then precariously hop forward with my other foot. There has to be a better way.

    Glad it wasn't just me! A lot of balance here. It got much easier at the end. I'll have to up my step if these come back in stage 3 because my knee was hitting the ground! I was only using a little aerobic step though :)

    OMG ME TOO haha. These are much worse than they look!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    Next time I'm going to up the weights and also challenge myself to get lower on the split squats and lunges. Though, I had a hard time getting into position for the split squats! I put my foot up and then precariously hop forward with my other foot. There has to be a better way.

    Glad it wasn't just me! A lot of balance here. It got much easier at the end. I'll have to up my step if these come back in stage 3 because my knee was hitting the ground! I was only using a little aerobic step though :)

    yes, there is. the way to get into position is to stand in front of your bench, take a large step forward and then put your non-working leg back on to the bench. If you are not in the right spot, bring your non-working leg down and take a little step forward or back.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    anyone finds the wood chop substitution quite poor? they dont do nothing for my abs only for my arms really...
    I do these on the swiss ball with a 10kg weight held out and they do work though I tend to do 15 each side and no rest between my abs exercises.

    I agree with others about the balance challenges in these workouts - I don't feel I can lift much as balance is such a challenge!

    Start Stage 3 next week...
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member

    Next time I'm going to up the weights and also challenge myself to get lower on the split squats and lunges. Though, I had a hard time getting into position for the split squats! I put my foot up and then precariously hop forward with my other foot. There has to be a better way.

    Glad it wasn't just me! A lot of balance here. It got much easier at the end. I'll have to up my step if these come back in stage 3 because my knee was hitting the ground! I was only using a little aerobic step though :)

    Good idea. Next time I'm definitely raising my step up. My knee kept hitting the ground too, not to mention the way I had to lay my back foot caused my toes to start cramping up. Sigh. Definitely not going to wait during the next abs routine. Maybe sub some planks, side planks instead? I started subbing regular plank for the swiss ball crunch as that did absolutely nothing for me even with a weight.