Stage 2



  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    Are the exercises in workout B alternating sets? The page is laid out like it should be but it doesn't actually say ' alternating sets' anywhere?

    Also how does this sound for HIIT?

    INTERVAL: level 12
    RECOVERY: level 6-7

    INTERVAL: 10.5-11kmph
    RECOVERY: 7.5kmp

    I have no idea whether I'm being too easy on myself or whether I'm pushing myself too much in the recovery....?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    becca - I don' t know about your book, but my book says "alternating sets" above B1&B2, C1&C2, and D1&D2&D3. Don't know if what you describe for hiit is to hard or too easy. You should feel like you can't do another 15 seconds when you are working and you should feel ready to go again after your recovery.

    choccrois - great work!!
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    becca - I don' t know about your book, but my book says "alternating sets" above B1&B2, C1&C2, and D1&D2&D3. Don't know if what you describe for hiit is to hard or too easy. You should feel like you can't do another 15 seconds when you are working and you should feel ready to go again after your recovery.

    choccrois - great work!!

    Thanks - don't know why it doesn't say this on my kindle!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Are the exercises in workout B alternating sets? The page is laid out like it should be but it doesn't actually say ' alternating sets' anywhere?

    Also how does this sound for HIIT?

    INTERVAL: level 12
    RECOVERY: level 6-7

    INTERVAL: 10.5-11kmph
    RECOVERY: 7.5kmp

    I have no idea whether I'm being too easy on myself or whether I'm pushing myself too much in the recovery....?

    For the workout, yes, it is alternating sets just like the A workout and the Stage 1 workouts B1&B2, C1&C2, and D1&D2&D3.
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey girls. I have one workout left in Stage 2 and then I will post my results. Stage two has taken me FOREVER because I keep skipping workouts - I took a whole week off last week. So what should have taken 2.5 weeks is now 4 weeks. Ready to finish Stage 2 and move on!

    Good job everyone! I am not loving Stage 2.

    I'm actually not really looking forward to my results because my diet hasn't been great for Stage 2 (or the last 2 weeks for that matter). I need to get my head back in the game.

    I did the last workout A yesterday after taking a week off. I wanted to bump weight since it was my last time doing that workout. Boy did that kick my butt. Feeling it today.

    Ready for workout B tomorrow.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm not loving Stage 2 very much either, I have a couple more workouts before I'm done. I took 3 weeks off between stage 1 and 2 when I went on vacation, so I feel like I lost a lot of strength and momentum. When I started stage 2 I had to start very light. And some of the exercises are a lot more difficult for me to do and I'm struggling with form. I haven't been able to increase much (if any) on weight, so I don't feel like I'm progressing very much. I guess I am because it feels like some of my problem areas are getting more firm again, taking that much time off was just backwards progress. So I'll stick with it. Maybe after Stage 2 I'll go back and do a few workouts from Stage 1 again to gain confidence.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hey all....

    I started out not liking stage 2 so much, but once I got the forms down I fell in love with it. The FSPP makes you feel like Hercules once you get the form down right.

    Anyway, one more AMRAP workout and then off to Stage 3. I really like the AMRAP extras, it is a huge esteem boost to go back to an original weight and see just how much improvement you have made. When I started Stage 2, I was hitting that 10 rep mark with the FSPP but that last rep was killer. Now, 4 weeks later, I was able to push out 17 before my form started to become affected.

    I am still having issues with the one-point rows but I have come up with a trick that helps me. I position myself in front of the squat rack so that if I start to wabble a bit I can drop my foot down to get balance and then lift it again. I don't cheat, I keep my leg straight when doing the reps, it just helps to have a catch behind me for when I start to struggle a bit.

    I am not going to take a week week I am jumping right into stage 3.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for the reassurance - I've had to miss a couple of days due to work commitments so trying workout B tomorrow and a bit nervous as it looks tough (and I'm still struggling to understand the differences between all the lunges/single leg squats despite explanations here!).

    About the AMRAPs - I thought this was only after Stage 1 - is this after every stage as it's not clear in the book?
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Im almost done with STage 2. I couldnt be happier. All the leg stuff was a pain in the *kitten* (literally and figuratively). I move on to Stage 2 most likely this weekend if I do my last workout by Friday :)
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Oh and I just figured out I was only doing just front squats with the crossed arm grip (my dad showed me it since I was confused). Whoops.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    Okay, that Hanna Flexion thing...NOT feeling it. I did the one where my legs are at "table top" position on the side and flexed up with head and hips to try to meet my knee. I am NOT feeling it. Any one else?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You have to like clench all your muscles and tense them up. Not just lift the leg up and down. Sort of like how when you do the cobra you tense everything.
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    I finished Stage 2 yesterday. I posted a blog with my results:

    I didn't love Stage 2. I am hoping Stage 3 is better - which from what I hear a lot of people say they like it better. I am not taking any break off because I took my time during Stage 2. So see you ladies on the Stage 3 thread!

    Good luck everyone!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Great job!!! I'll see you soon over at Stage 3. I should be starting it on May 1. I'm also not going to take a break, because I had too long of a break between stage 1 and 2.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Okay, that Hanna Flexion thing...NOT feeling it. I did the one where my legs are at "table top" position on the side and flexed up with head and hips to try to meet my knee. I am NOT feeling it. Any one else?

    i am with you on "not feeling" the hanna flexion. I do "side flexion" on the same apparatus as the back flexion.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I did it! Yay. I love that Stage 2 is short and sweet because I did not like workout B. HA! Heads up, I did not do FSPP...I clearly did not read directions because the whole effing stage I just did Front Squats with the Arms Crossed. Still challenging but not as challenging as if I would have added the PP I suppose. Ah. Well. Anywho, here are my stats:
    FS: 40lbs
    Step Ups: 20lbs no change
    Dumbell One Point Row: 20lbs no change
    Static Lunge: 15lbs
    Planks: Started out doing 1@60 and 1@45, ended doing both @60
    Cable Woodchop: 25lbs no change

    WGDL from Box: 55lbs
    > 70lbs
    BSS: 10lbs
    Underhand Lat Pulldown: 55lbs
    Reverse Lunge from Box: 10lbs
    > 15lbs
    Prone Cuban: 10lbs no change
    Prone Cobra: Went from 1@ 60 and 1@ 40 to both @60

    I did like this stage because it was challenging but so glad for it to be done.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I did my first stage B workout last night - very tough! There's not much for chest in this programme is there? Just a few push ups which I am rubbish at! Looking forward to bench presses in stage 3. And whoever designed that strange prone press thingie doesn't have a chest as that was distinctly uncomfortable! I'm on count down to stage 3!
    (Edit - the distinction between the various lunges and single leg squats became clear when I did them! Ouch!)
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 556 Member
    Well done, Babe! I didn't like stage 3. Let me know what you think.
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Did my first Stage 2 session this morning. Wowza! It is definitely a few steps up from Stage 1, I was sweating buckets! I kind of love the A workout, definitely being pushed!

    I could really use some fellow Nrol4W friends in my home feed as I only have one person on there now who is lifting, not much fun being the lone lifter...everyone else thinks it's kind of crazy! Anyways, would love for some people to add me if you are looking for new friends.
  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    Finishing Stage 2 tomorrow! I wish that I had improved more on my pushups - still trying to bang out 2 sets of 10 at a 30degree angle. Been adding wall pushups since I can complete the sets. I just hope I'm doing everything right and not falling behind. Still getting frantic at the end of my 60second plank and not sure how 90secs is going to work out in the next stage, eek! Do these ever get easier?

    I am glad that I improved my balance on the 1-point DB row. And interval training has been fun on the elliptical, I like that I can either do it after the workout or on a different day as a quickie :)